
A Game To Love

Sandra Miller's agenda included upgrading her father's lifestyle and getting her hand on the latest virtual game—Survival. She didn't expect to fall in love with the direct opposite of her dream lover and discover that the game is hiding a deeper, darker secret. Now the earth is in danger and her body seemed to be changing inexplicably. Would starting the game be her ruin or her beginning?

FirerootS1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 1

Sandra tucked the naughty strand of hair behind her ear and knocked on the door of Silver Corporation's attached office building.

She had been to the company many times but a lead finally surfaced today when the person that attended to her directed her here.

She clenched her feet in anticipation of what's to come. Their entire livelihood depended on this pension.

Her school fees were long overdue and the house needed restocking. Many things to do but their was no money to fund the expenditure.

"Come in." A gruff voice invited her in.

Sandra took a confident breath in before crossing the threshold.

"Good afternoon si—" Sandra started but the man seated in the chair didn't give her a chance to even use a bit of his time.

"Are you Sandra Miller?" He asked.

Though the questions he threw at her diminished her aura a little, she is going to hold firm this time around.

She drew closer to his desk, "Yes. I'm Sandra Miller."

Sandra stopped when she is at an appropriate distance that made sure she had access to him and is still not overbearing at the same time.

She took a glance at his desk. On the organised desk, his name shone like a beacon.

"What's the issue?" He asked and she hastened to answer.

"Sir. I came for Andrew Miller's pension money that is still pending. I was referred here from the main office." Sandra explained.

The man's stern eyebrows furrowed, "I did not ask for any other details."

He looked through his files before dialing a number on the telephone lounging on his desk.

The man—Mr. Smith—exchanged words with the person at the other end of the line before hanging up and returning the phone to its position.

Sandra did not try observe the room or move her eyed from Mr. Smith for a second.

Mr. Smith opened a compartment hidden in his desk to take out wads of cash. He picked an envelope from the side to package it all up.

When he finished the task, he passed it to Sandra.

Sandra didn't mind if she was being impolite as she opened the envelope to check its contents.

Mr. Smith is about to go back to his job when Sandra stopped him.

"The pension money should be more than this." She closed the envelope.

Mr. Smith's eyes flashed with impatience, "This is all the company can offer. The rest might come later. If you don't need it, drop it on my desk and leave."

Sandra stood rooted to the spot. Her father was a factory worker at silver Corporation. This company deals with heavy machine and people mostly refuse to work with these equipments.

Her father, Andrew had to accept the job in other to cater to their needs even if there was a high chance of getting injured on the job.

Now after getting injured, the company gave him retirement in advance and still refused to pay the money they owed completely.

What a good company!

Tears gathered in her eyes at the thought of her father.

"You are still not leaving?" Mr. Smith asked ad he shot her a glare.

Sandra went out of the office with dejection. She looked at the sky before picking up her pace.

The sun is on its way down and she had to get their groceries before returning home to her father.

As she walked, she stared at the envelope again. Her mind ran calculations at full speed.

Sandra would rather skimp on the transport fee to the supermarket. She would take a bus home instead.

After getting her thoughts in order, she began to sprint towards the supermarket.

As she turned a block, a red sport car skidded to a stop beside her. Sandra tried to continue her sprint when a familiar voice stopped her.


A head stuck out of the window to call out to her.

She sighed, "What is it James? What do you want?"

James is one of the course mates studying Computer Science with her. He's plans to woo her irritated her but there was nothing she could do. Who asked him to be filthy rich?

"Sandra." James paused to give her a once over, "You can be my personal assistant. Then you won't have to walk when you are supposed to take a ride."

Sandra closed her eyes to put herself together and avoid smacking this rich oppressor.

"I don't want to be your personal assistant, girlfriend or any other thing you can come up with. Don't worry about me, I am doing okay." She left a reply as she resumed her sprint.

James did not try to stop her again but she could feel his gaze on her as she entered the supermarket.

"Sandra dear. Are you going to buy vegetables today?" A warm voice jolted her out of her reverie.

Sandra smiled as she replied, "Good evening Aunt Jane. I would like to buy some vegetables, the stores at home is already finished."

Sandra told Aunt Jane the required quantity she wants to buy and the beautiful middle aged woman packed it for her.

"I added some fruits to the vegetables." Aunt Jane informed Sandra, "My farm yielded its first set of produce today. Have a taste and give me your feedback."

Sandra accepted the bag, "Thank you."

After dealing with Aunt Jane, Sandra went deeper into the supermarket to procure the goods she needed before leaving for the nearest bus station.


Sandra alighted the bus with a relieved sigh. She trekked the short distance to her home.

Finding the key amidst the huge bags she carried proved to be a tedious task but she was victorious in the end.

As she stepped through the door, the sight of her father reading appeared before her eyes.

She dropped the groceries on the floor so she could bolt the door.

Andrew wheeled himself towards Sandra as a lovely smile appeared on his face.

"Welcome." He greeted, "How's the journey?"

Andrew's straight brows hinted at his sternness but the black rimmed glasses softened his aura. Now, he just looked like an intellectual.

A smile brightened Sandra's face, "It was fine Dad. Hope the house didn't bore you?"

Her father shook his head in response before he settled some bags on his legs. He wheeled himself to the kitchen to deposits them there for Sandra to arrange later.

A framed photo stopped her in her tracks when she made to follow her father into the kitchen.

The photo contained a pretty woman. Her oval face is highlighted by the shocking red hair on her head. It is her mother.

Sandra grew up with her father and no memories of her mother. Though she loved her all the same, the emptiness left by a missing parent is hard to fill.

Andrew came to stay by her side.

"Dad. Where is Mom?" Sandra ignored her trembling voice.

Andrew stared at the woman in the photo attentively, "Your mother went far away."

Sandra chuckled despite her sadness, "Dad, I'm not a kid anymore. You can't deceive me away with those words."

"One day, she said she had something to do. I did not know that would be the end. She had always been mysterious and whenever I broach on the topic of her background, she'll distract me or say nothing at all." Andrew explained with adoration and sadness seeping out of his entire being.

"Your Mom was—and still is—the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." He continued, "I don't know why she choose me, I wasn't the most handsome man around. I was not the smartest either."

Sandra hug her father from the side, "She choose you because she saw something great in you. I'm sure we both love you very much."

Andrew Nuzzled her head, "I know."

"Okay. Enough of this sappy air. What would you love to eat? We have vegetables, eggs, meat and more." Sandra questioned as she straightened up.

"I don't want to stress you, something simple will do." Andrew replied, "I think I have the perfect gift for your birthday."

Sandra's birthday is tomorrow but she didn't want to exert her father too much.

"Whatever you give is the best gift ever." Sandra commented before going to the kitchen.

"Rita. She is just like you." Andrew whispered.

Sandra turned around, "Did you say something Dad?"

Her father shook his head.

"Go ahead." He said warmly.


As Sandra cooked, she could not help the anticipation rising within her. She is going celebrate her 18th birthday tomorrow.

Though, having her mother here would make the best gift ever, she would settle for the second best.

She could not help but wonder what the second best gift will be.

Something she had forgotten to say dawned on her.

She stuck her head out of the kitchen, "Dad! I went to Silver Corporation to receive your pension but they did not give me the full payment. Why are they behaving like this?"

Sandra made a face as she spoke.

Andrew eyebrows rose, "Oh. They want to spoil their reputation. Don't worry, I'm going to take care of it."

Sandra returned to her work. She had to cook a delicious meal to act as a destressing agent.

She and Andrew had a long day.

Welcome to my book! Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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