
A game of Vengeance

"Kill me, just kill me. Finish me. I am precious to him, and he will be hurt when I die. Just kill me!" he begged, unable to bear seeing his loved ones suffer. It felt like his heart was bleeding with pain. Taehyung laughed maniacally while Jimin stood still, staring at the manaic before him. No, not a maniac —a monster. "Just this, and you want to run? No, no,not that easily. Remember you can't die."

Anna_Bliss_4469 · Music & Bands
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15 Chs

Chapter 1

"I'll miss you so much," Anna said, hugging Jimin tightly.

"Especially your guitar," she added.

Jimin laughed. "Then keep it."

She pouted. "A guitar is nothing without its player. Shall I keep you too?"Jimin chuckled.

"Right now, this guitar player has to go. If you miss me so much, you can come visit anytime."

"That's for sure. I'll come to meet you soon," she said, hugging him again.

After the announcement for his flight, Jimin said sadly "Okay, I have to go now."

"Okay, take care and let me know when you get there," she instructed.

"Okay, miss. You take care too. Goodbye," he said and left.

On the plane, Jimin was continuously tapping his fingers on armrests. He was felling anxious. He was returning home after a long time, to a place filled with both beautiful and horrible memories. His father, the person he loved most, was waiting for him, along with his stepmother, whom he preferred to avoid. Despite his avoidance, his father had insisted him to return and help with the family business. As the only child, he couldn't ignore his father. It wasn't hatred he felt for his stepmother, but he couldn't bear to see someone else in his mother's place

.The flight landed, and Jimin looked for someone who came to pick him up. He saw a man holding a name card with his name on it. Approaching the man, the man greeted him.

"I haven't seen you before," Jimin asked

"I am new here. Mr. Park asked me to pick you up," the man replied.

"Hmmm," Jimin nodded.He had been away for a long time, only visiting home two or three times over the years, so he didn't know all the new employees. Every other time, his father picked him up personally. Today, however, his father sent a driver, likely due to being busy. Lost in thought, Jimin was brought back to reality by the driver's voice.

"Sir. Sir," the driver called, perhaps for a while.

"Hmmm?" Jimin looked at him.

"Please have something to drink," the driver said, pointing to the drinks.

"No, thanks," Jimin said, looking out the window.

"Please, sir, you had a long flight. Please take something, or sir will get mad at me," he pleaded.

Feeling thirsty, Jimin drank some water.


Jimin woke up with a sharp pain in his head. Sitting up and holding his head, he realized he was in a strange room. Why was he here? What happened? He remembered drinking the water but nothing after that. He felt someone staring at him and looked around. In a dark corner, someone was sitting. He tried to see who it was but was unable to see anything becasue of darkness.As the figure approached, it stepped into the light, revealing a man standing before him.

"Finally, you are awake. You made me wait a long time," the man said sounding bored.

"Who are you? Why am I here?" Jimin asked, confused.

The man laughed at his innocence. "I knew the Park's were dumb, but you, young Park, are the dumbest."

"How did I get here?" Mark asked again.

"My men brought you here," the man said, switching on the light.He filled a glass of water and handed it to Mark.

"Drink it. You must be thirsty."

Jimin hesitated, fearing the water might be drugged.

"Don't worry. There's nothing in it," the man smirked.

Jimin drank the water.

"Who are you? Why did you kidnap me?" he asked.

"I am Taehyung. As for your second question, I didn't kidnap you. Look around. Do you think a kidnapper would give you such a comfortable room?"Jimin looked around. It was a nice room. "Then why am I here?" he asked."You'll know when the right time comes," Taehyung said.

Jimin looked at Taehyung. The person in front of him was handsome and not much older than him. He was confused about why this person took him and why he was being treated this way. It felt like he was in a maze.

"Rest well. An interesting show awaits you," Taehyung  said, amused, and left the room, leaving Jimin behind, confused.

After Taehyung left, Jimin tried to open the door, but it was locked. Suddenly, the door opened, and Taehyung returned."I told you to rest. Don't waste your energy here because you'll never be able to open it without my permission." Taehyung said, approaching Jimin and bending over him.

Jimin could feel Taehyung's breath on his face as he whispered, "Behave well, or you'll regret it," sending shivers down Jimin's spine.

Taehyung stepped back, looking at Jimin,  who stood in a daze. "Understand?" he asked.Without realizing it, Jimin nodded.

"Nice. Now rest like a good boy," Taehyung said, patting his cheek and leaving the room, leaving Mark standing like a statue.

What does he actually want?