
A game of Vengeance

"Kill me, just kill me. Finish me. I am precious to him, and he will be hurt when I die. Just kill me!" he begged, unable to bear seeing his loved ones suffer. It felt like his heart was bleeding with pain. Taehyung laughed maniacally while Jimin stood still, staring at the manaic before him. No, not a maniac —a monster. "Just this, and you want to run? No, no,not that easily. Remember you can't die."

Anna_Bliss_4469 · Music & Bands
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15 Chs


Taehyung took  unconscious Jimin to his room. He wasted no time in calling Jin, his voice curt and commanding.

With a grimace of impatience, he splashed water on Jimin's face, but there was no response—Jimin remained limp and unresponsive.

Within moments, Jimin's body erupted in feverish convulsions, his form writhing. Without hesitation, Taehyung carried him through a concealed door, descending into another basement—his secret medical facility. The cold, clinical atmosphere did little to mask the intensity of the situation.

A nurse, always on standby for such emergencies, hurried towards them. Taehyung gently laid Jimin on the bed, his eyes fixed on the nurse who recoiled slightly at the sight of Jimin's bloodied state. Suppressing her fear, she swiftly took charge, monitoring Jimin's vital signs with practiced precision.

His fever raged unchecked, each convulsion a stark reminder of his fragile mortality.

As the medical team sprung into action,

Jin burst into the room with a mixture of concern and determination etched on his face. "What's the situation?" he demanded, taking in the scene with a single glance.

"He's burning up, doctor," the nurse responded, adjusting the IV drip urgently. "Fever's spiking, and his breathing is labored."

Jin nodded sharply.

"Cooling blanket, now. And administer a sedative to bring down the fever," he ordered crisply, his voice a calming anchor in the storm.

With methodical precision, the medical team worked to stabilize Jimin. Yet, as Jimin lay unconscious, trapped in a fever-induced torment.

Under the cacophony of machines, Jimin's chest rose and fell with unstable breaths.

Taehyung watched silently from a corner of the room. His gaze, usually inscrutable, betrayed a flicker of concern—an emotion he rarely allowed himself to acknowledge.After what felt like an eternity, Jimin's fever finally broke, and his condition stabilized. Jin approached Taehyung with a measured tone.

"He's out of immediate danger, but we need to keep a close watch," he explained, placing a reassuring hand on Taehyung's shoulder.

Taehyung nodded thoughtfully, his eyes never leaving Jimin's pale face.

"When will he wake up?" he asked, surprising Jin with his genuine concern.

"He should regain consciousness by tomorrow morning," Jin replied, noting the shift in Taehyung's demeanor

"What happened?" Jin inquired gently, sensing Taehyung's reluctance to discuss the events leading to Jimin's current state.

"I don't want to talk about that, Hyung," Taehyung replied curtly, a hint of tension underlying his words.

"Alright, I'll return to check on him in an hour," Jin said, respecting Taehyung's boundaries.

"Keep a close eye on him, and inform me immediately if anything changes."he ordered the nurse

As Jin departed, Taehyung settled into a chair beside Jimin's bed. The nurse diligently cleaned Jimin's face and hands with damp clothe, wiping away the traces of blood. Even in his unconscious state, Jimin emitted a pained sob that pierced Taehyung's heart.

"Why..." Taehyung murmured softly, his voice barely audible in the quiet room. He struggled to reconcile his feelings—this was what he wanted, wasn't it? To see Jimin suffer. Yet, the sight of Jimin in pain invoked an unexpected ache within him, a conflict he couldn't dismiss.

He stared at Jimin, his mind racing with conflicting emotions and unsettling thoughts. Deep down, beneath the layers of his hardened facade, Taehyung grappled with an unsettling truth—he couldn't entirely suppress the guilt and remorse that tugged at his conscience.

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