
A Game Of Inches

So many times she had been asked the meaning of the words, or the name of the person whose initals were on the stone. She extended her finger and traced the intials C and T very slowly, a smile coming to her face. “Hey Court, hold him tight, keep him warm until I get there.”, she whispered. Alexis turned slowly and began to walk away. This was always the hardest part, it was like saying goodbye all over again. As she walked away a sudden breeze blew over her back, a chill ran up her spine. She turned and looked back at the tomb, the evening sun was shining off of the granite. “You always have to get the last word in, don’t you baby ?”, she whispered softly.

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasy
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133 Chs


It was past midnight, there was very little left open in this small town at this time of night. Other than the local diner, pretty much everything else was closed.

"Well no, but you can come in if you want. My Mom, Dad and Sister are out of town tonight. They won't be back until late tomorrow.", she said, looking nervous.

"Oh wow Court, I don't know if that's a good idea. They might get really pissed if they find out.", I warned.

"They won't know unless we tell them.", she said, grabbing my hand, leading me inside.

As I stepped past her into the front foyer, I looked over my shoulder, I guess out of caution. I knew Courtney's Dad would not be happy with us being alone in his house. We had a good relationship, I did not want to mess that up. I followed her into the family room, she veered off into the kitchen. She returned a few minutes later with two glasses of iced tea.

"You want to watch TV ?", she asked.

"I don't care, whatever you want to do is fine with me.", I muttered.

We were watching TV for about twenty minutes when it dawned on me I had better call Ashley and tell her where I was. Even though my Dad was out of town, I knew he expected me to mind Ashley, giving her my complete respect. I dialed her cell phone number, she answered on the third ring.

"Hi, did I wake you up ?", I asked.

"No, I am watching a movie on TV. Where are you at this time of night ?", she shot back.

"I am at Courtney's watching TV. I just wanted to let you know I was ok.", I responded.

"Brian, are her parents there ?", she asked, with authority in her voice.

Now Ashley knew me quite well by now, there was no doubt about how my Father had raised me. I knew the repercussions of a lie, I had paid them several times as a teenager. My Dad trusted me completely, only because I had earned that trust. He knew no matter how bad I had screwed up, I would admit to it. Ashley knew that as well.

"No, they are out of town till tomorrow.", I answered quickly.

"Brian, do you really think that it's a good idea you two are alone in their house ?"she fired back at me. "I won't tell you what to do, you're a man now, just remember one bad decision can affect your entire life."

I told Ashley I would be home shortly, not to worry. She seemed relieved, although I am sure she still had concerns. I hung up and sat back on the sofa again with Courtney.

"Ms. Thompson is upset that you're here ?", she asked.

"A little bit maybe. She just thinks it's not a good idea.", I answered.

She leaned over and softly kissed me on the lips, her hand on the back of my neck. She immediately parted her lips and pushed her tongue between my lips. I reached out for her, pulling her close to me. I could tell from the way she responded to my kiss she was really excited again. She leaned back on the sofa, pulling me over her. I ran my hand up the inside of her jean covered thigh stopping when I reached her zipper. She broke our kiss and whispered softly into my ear, her hot breath warming my face.

"I really need to cum badly. Please make me cum.", she whispered hoarsely.

I reached up and unbuttoned her jeans, pulling the zipper down slowly as I kissed her once again. This time she was passionate, more relaxed, the urgency seemed gone. I pushed my hand inside of her panties, my finger finding her slick pussy. She gently moaned as my finger entered her vagina, her hips moving forward against my hand.

I could feel her lips on my neck, gently kissing and licking my skin. I pushed her jeans down her hips exposing her black laced panties. Courtney was beautiful, her body flawless, her legs long and smooth. I reached under the waistband of her panties again, my fingers quickly finding her drenched vagina. I began to gently rub her clit back and forth, feeling it swelling under my touch. With my other hand, I reached up and pushed her panties down her legs exposing her lips, a soft patch of red hair neatly trimmed framing her pink opening. She turned slightly and laid flat on her back on the sofa, her legs spread exposing herself to me. Her right hand moved over her pussy, her fingers finding her clit, flicking across it rapidly. I guess I must have read her mind, I'm not sure, but I leaned down my mouth covering her pussy. I extended my tongue and placed it against the bottom of her slit and took one very long and slow lick upwards, pausing on her clit for just a second.

"Oh my Goddddddddddddddddddddddd......…..," she moaned.

I opened my lips gently and began to suck her clit, my tongue flicking across as I pulled it into my mouth. From the movement of her hips under me, there was no doubt she was enjoying the feeling. I reached up and eased one finger inside of her as I continued to suck on her clit. Her pussy fluid became somewhat thicker, a distinct sweet taste was evident as it flowed from her. I could tell from past experience with her she was extremely close to reaching an orgasm. I reached up with two fingers and opened her lips up exposing her swollen clit. I began to rapidly flick my tongue back and forth over her as quickly as I could. It took less than a minute before she grabbed my head and held on tight.

"Oh shit.....Oh God ,that's so fucking good......", she wailed.

Her hips thrashed under my mouth, fluid pouring from her, covering my face. I held her tight, as I pushed my tongue deep inside of her, tasting her thick cum for the first time. I felt her body starting to relax, her orgasm subsiding as I continued to softly lick her throbbing clit. I could still feel thick fluid oozing from between her lips. Her fingers were gently running through my short black hair gently, lovingly. Almost as quickly as her body relaxed from her orgasm, she once again began to move her hips in response to my tongue. Her breathing became shallow once again, her muscles tensing, then relaxing. A few seconds later she had her second orgasm, her body rigid as she shook under my tongue. I eased my tongue deep inside of her, once again tasting her cum as she continued to tremble beneath me.

Finally she opened her eyes, her face flushed, her eyes had almost a sleepy look to them.

"Brian, that was incredible. I have never cum that hard in my life.", she whispered, "Thank you so much."

I leaned back over her and pressed my lips to hers, my tongue pushing into her mouth. Her tongue met mine as she tasted her own cum from my mouth. She moved from under me, sitting up on the sofa. She reached down and pulled her laced panties back up her long legs, her thumbs adjusting her waistband.

She sat back against the sofa, she looked exhausted, yet radiant.

"You ok, Court ?", I asked.

"Oh yea, I'm very ok.", she answered.

"Good. Look I am gonna go before Ashley gets too out of sorts with me.", I told her.

"Noooooooooo. Not yet.", she whined.

"Yea, I better Court. It's almost one thirty, I know she is watching the clock.", I said , getting up.

"But , you didn't ... uh … you know.", she said softly.

"It's ok, really. I will, next time ok ?", I answered.

She jumped up and wrapped her arms around me squeezing me tight. I kissed the top of her head, her hair soft with a slight smell of honey. I kissed her softly for a minute, then left her curled up on the sofa. I drove straight home, it was almost two in the morning when I got there. I went in the kitchen door and saw that all the lights were out. As I walked softly down the hall, I heard Ashley call out from her room.

"You home Brian ?", she asked.

"Yes, mam.", I answered, as I went into my bedroom.

I was sitting on the bed taking off my shoes when Ashley walked in. She was in her robe, her hair was hanging in her eyes. Even right out of bed, Ashley was just drop dead gorgeous.

"I do hope you know I will not lie to your Father for you. If he asks, I have to tell him you came in very late tonight.", she stated.

"Yes mam, I understand.", I replied.

"Brian, I hope you didn't do anything stupid tonight. You possibly have a great career ahead of you, the last thing you need is getting Courtney pregnant.", she warned.

"I understand. Just so you know, Courtney and I haven't had sex. Well not like that anyway. I know better.", I responded.

It was strange to see the look Ashley gave me when I made this statement. It was almost comical for a lack of a better word. It was like she was trying to think of the right words to say. I decided to help her out.

"I mean, we have fooled around a little, but at no time was that ever an issue and it won't be.", I stated.

"Ohhhh … Ok.", she answered, looking somewhat relieved.

She turned and left my room, closing the door behind me. It was rather amusing to see a woman of Ashley's demeanor being thrown by sexual conversations of a teenager.