
A Game Of Inches

So many times she had been asked the meaning of the words, or the name of the person whose initals were on the stone. She extended her finger and traced the intials C and T very slowly, a smile coming to her face. “Hey Court, hold him tight, keep him warm until I get there.”, she whispered. Alexis turned slowly and began to walk away. This was always the hardest part, it was like saying goodbye all over again. As she walked away a sudden breeze blew over her back, a chill ran up her spine. She turned and looked back at the tomb, the evening sun was shining off of the granite. “You always have to get the last word in, don’t you baby ?”, she whispered softly.

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasy
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133 Chs


We breezed into the playoffs undefeated, drawing a bye in the first round, which gave us an extra week of practice to get ready. We would play the winner of St. Christopher High School and Riverbend High. That Friday night, Riverbend defeated St. Christopher 32-27 in a close game. We would play Riverbend the following Friday night. The week seemed to drag by, the entire school was anticipating the big game. We practiced light most of the week, none of the coaches wanted any unnecessary injuries at this point of the season. We arrived at the stadium about three o'clock Friday afternoon to begin preparation for the game that night. By six o'clock I was fully taped up and ready to go, I was pacing the locker room. The clock didn't seem to move fast enough, everyone was on edge. About fifteen minutes before we were to take the field, one of our trainers came in telling my Dad the rain was coming down in buckets. This was not something he wanted to hear. We were a team with a lot of speed, a wet field would negate some of that quickness. Riverbend on the other hand was a power team, slow but big, built to grind it out. By the time we exited the tunnel, the damage had been done. There were pools of water everywhere, the rain was still coming down.

We won the toss and elected to receive the ball. The thinking was one or two scores might be enough to win this. If we could get ahead quickly before the field got too damaged, we should have the edge. As if scripted our offense took the opening possession and drove sixty five yards for a touchdown, we converted the extra point and led 7-0. The rest of the first half was very physical, the weather conditions were horrible. Both teams had trouble handling the ball much less sustaining any type of scoring drives. With less than three minutes to go before halftime Riverbend fumbled the ball on their own thirteen yard line, which they recovered. Four plays later we scored again and led 14-0 at halftime.

The second half was miserable, the field had deteriorated to a large mud pit. Neither team could do anything, the game ended as it was at halftime , 14-0.

The following Monday at school was a definite high, everyone was still buzzing about the first playoff victory in our high school's short history. In between all of the practices, watching game film and the daily grind, I noticed that my Dad had been spending a lot of time on the phone and in meetings. I wondered what was going on but kept quiet knowing my Dad had always made the right decisions when it came to my welfare. The following week we would play one of the state's longtime powerhouse teams, Baker High School. They had won seven state championships and were always considered one of the best teams in the region. We prepared hard for the game as always, we thought we were ready.

Four quarters later our hopes and dreams for the year were lost in the faded green scoreboard at the south end of the field. We had lost 21-10 in a hard fought contest, Baker scoring their last touchdown with three minutes left in the game. We had our opportunities, we just did not cash in on them. Our locker room was as solemn as a funeral parlor after the game, everyone collecting their gear. We rode back on the bus in silence, no one said a word. That night at home my Dad walked in my room and sat down on the bed next to me.

"Hey, I wanted to wait until the season was over to tell you what I have decided. I have accepted a defensive coordinator's position at A&M next season.", he said.

"You're quitting here?", I asked dumbfounded.

"I have to Brian. It's a great opportunity, they don't come along every day. I have to take the job. It means more money, more exposure, perhaps even lead to a head coaching job one day.", he explained.

"I understand Dad.", I replied, "Are we going to have to move ?"

"Not this year Brian. I want you to finish out next season here. I will commute whenever I can next year. After you graduate, Ashley and I will find a home up there, you will go off to college.", he answered.

He went on to tell me that our defensive coordinator, Mike Middleton, would become head coach for next season. That was good news to me, Coach Mike was my coordinator and position coach. We got along great, he was a phenomenal coach. He told me they would make the announcement at school on Monday morning at an assembly. He asked me to keep quiet until then, I assured him I would. I stayed home the rest of the weekend resting up from a long season.

We had just arrived in our homeroom on Monday morning when I heard the Vice Principal Ms. Carter on the school intercom system asking all students to report to the gym for an assembly. Everyone filed down the halls heading to the gym. Courtney ran up from behind me, grabbing my shoulder.

"Hey, what's going on ?", she asked.

"Bad news I'm afraid. Come on.", I said, grabbing her hand.

Our school was pretty informal as far as rules and regulations. We were small town America, as long as you followed the rules, everything ran smooth. I sat in the center of the gym where most of the juniors sat, seating was informal although understood. The seniors had their section and so on and so forth. Courtney sat down next to me, her hand in mine between us. The building filled quickly, the faculty and teachers up on the elevated stage. Ms. Carter stepped up to the podium and asked for quiet, which she immediately received.

"Ladies and gentleman, please settle down, " she demanded.

"First of all I want to congratulate Coach Stevens and the football team for a wonderful season. We are all proud of your efforts, as well, you should be proud of yourselves. We all realize the effort and sacrifice you put in this year.", she continued.

"With that said, we have some sad news for our beloved school. But I think Coach Stevens should be the one to tell you. Coach, would you please come up here.", she ended.

My Dad slowly stood up and walked to the podium. I could see the weight of his decision was taking a huge toll on him. The sadness was evident in his face. Courtney leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"What's going on Brian ?"

I just squeezed her hard and turned back to see my Dad lean into the microphone nervously.

"Thank you Ms. Carter, good morning everyone. I, too, want to thank the entire school for the effort and dedication you showed to our team this year. I cannot convey to you how proud of these young men I am. In football as in life, hard work and dedication pay off. That is what makes my decision so difficult but nonetheless necessary. I am resigning as head coach effective immediately, this will be my last year here.", he stated.

Immediately there were some loud comments of denial, everyone was talking at once. Courtney was staring at me with a blank look on her face. I just shook my head slowly at her.

"I have accepted a coaching position at A&M next season, it's a dream come true for me. While I am heartbroken to be leaving you, I have to follow my dream. But I am proud to let everyone know that this team will be in good hands next year. The school board has already approved Coach Mike Middleton as my successor, although there was never any doubt, he was the right man for the job.", he continued.

There were a few claps, a few cheers but the crowd was still pretty much stunned. By now I could feel hundreds of eyes on me, I knew what everyone was thinking. I looked over at Courtney, I saw her tearing up, her head down. Once again, I squeezed her hand tightly.

"Although I will be residing up north near A&M, my son Brian Stevens has decided to return here for his senior year rather than move with me at this time.", he ended.