
A Game Of Inches

So many times she had been asked the meaning of the words, or the name of the person whose initals were on the stone. She extended her finger and traced the intials C and T very slowly, a smile coming to her face. “Hey Court, hold him tight, keep him warm until I get there.”, she whispered. Alexis turned slowly and began to walk away. This was always the hardest part, it was like saying goodbye all over again. As she walked away a sudden breeze blew over her back, a chill ran up her spine. She turned and looked back at the tomb, the evening sun was shining off of the granite. “You always have to get the last word in, don’t you baby ?”, she whispered softly.

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
133 Chs


Courtney grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room, which had become very noticeably quiet. We were out of the front door in a flash, walking down the street. Courtney apologized to her Dad, she told me he got carried away when it came to football. She said for the last few weeks he had been wrapped up in planning the large celebration next Saturday night that would celebrate our big win. We went down to the local diner and grabbed a bite to eat, then went to the late show at the movie theater. We got back to her house just a little after midnight, there were still several cars in the driveway. We went in and entered the family room to see her Dad, Mom and two other guys seated on the sofa talking. I sat down on the end of the large sectional, Courtney went to the kitchen to get us a glass of iced tea.

"Brian, any news on where you might be headed next fall ?", Courtney's mother asked.

"No mam, not yet. But I have narrowed it down to a few schools, I am waiting on offers.", I replied.

Courtney rejoined us and we sat down and more or less followed along with the adults. It was getting late so I decided to say my goodbyes and head home. It was about one thirty in the morning when I arrived home, all the lights were out. I very quietly opened the kitchen door and went in, closing the door behind me. I pulled off my shoes to not make any noise and woke Ashley up. As I walked down the hall towards my room, I could see Ashley's door was slightly ajar but the light was out. As I entered my room, I heard a very faint sound come from Ashley's room. I stopped and stood still, the house was extremely quiet. I sat down on the bed and began to take my shoes off when once again I heard a very faint noise. Once again, I sat still and listened, only this time I heard it several more times. I quietly got up and walked out in the hall towards Ashley's room pausing at the door. I looked in the slight crack in the door and frame, I could see Ashley lying in the bed flat on her back. As I looked closer I noticed she was wearing a tee shirt and panties, her right hand was inside of her panties. She was moving her hand back and forth across her pussy, she was oblivious to everything except the feeling her fingers were giving her. I knew I shouldn't be watching but I couldn't help myself. I eased myself over and leaned against the door frame, my eyes fixed on Ashley's movements. I sensed from her body movements she was getting close to an orgasm, something I really wanted to see. I shifted my weight against the door to get a slightly better view. When I did, the wood frame cracked sharply with the change in pressure. I quickly stepped away from the door and hurried down the hallway to my room. I closed the door quietly behind me and moved to my bed. I had no sooner sat down when I heard a knock on the door.

"Brian, you home ?", Ashley said softly.

"Yes mam, you can come in.", I replied.

The door opened and Ashley stepped in, she had put her on her robe to cover herself. Her face was still flushed, her hair disheveled. I kept my head down, taking off my shoes.

"Did you just get in ?", she inquired.

"Yes mam, just a second ago, why ?", I replied.

"I thought I heard something in the hallway." she said, her eyes staring intently into mine.

"That was probably me opening my door.", I responded, but from her demeanor, I could tell she was not buying it.

"Well... Ok, goodnight.", she said, slowly closing the door.

As I laid in bed that night I felt both guilty and excited at the same time. I felt bad about watching Ashley and invading her private moments alone. But another part of me was so aroused at what I had witnessed. I went back and forth in my mind until finally I drifted off to sleep. The following morning I woke up at about seven thirty, and I could smell breakfast cooking. I got up and headed for the kitchen, Ashley was standing at the stove.

"Hey.", she said.

"Good morning.", I replied.

I could instantly feel a chill in the air, now I was certain Ashley suspected I had watched her last night. I really feel terrible now. Ashley had always been wonderful to me, I felt awful about embarrassing her. I thought for a while, should I bring it up or just see what happens ? I decided to just keep quiet for the time being. We pretty much ate in silence, which was extremely rare for us. I helped her clean the kitchen then went to my room to get dressed for the day.

The rest of the weekend went pretty much the same, a total awkward feeling between Ashley and I.

By early the following week, I had narrowed down my choices to three schools, Texas, Alabama and Louisiana. They were all three in the process of setting up visits for me. The phone was ringing off the hook, three different recruiters and head coaches all keeping a constant eye and ear to my movements. I had started to heal up from my injuries but I was still staying away from the gym. I had decided to take four weeks off to make sure I had completely healed and was well rested before resuming any serious weight program. Everyone in the town was excited all week about the huge celebration that was planned for this Saturday night just outside of town. We would receive our State Championship Jackets and Rings, everyone would be there.

Soon it was Friday afternoon, we were out for the weekend. Courtney and I had planned an evening out tonight. I got to her house about seven o'clock, and she was ready to go. One of her friends was having a party at her house; a few dozen people would be there. We arrived about eight o'clock, it looked like a bigger than expected crowd. One of Courtney's best friends, Jasmin, was hosting the party. She was one of the head cheerleaders for our school, as well as a very talented basketball player on the girl's varsity. She was a very light skinned black girl, her complexion made her appear to be more Latin than African American. She was about 5'11, one hundred twenty five pounds with a very fit, athletic body. She had a beautiful face, with long straight jet black hair.

She greeted us at the door and invited us in. Most everyone at the party went to school with us or had recently graduated. I am really not big on these types of events. It always seems someone drinks too much, the wrong thing is said, then people want to fight. I guess we had been there for about an hour when I noticed Courtney mixing a drink at the table. I had never seen Courtney drink alcohol before so I was surprised to say the least. When she finally made her way back to where I was sitting, I confronted her.

"Since when do you drink ?", I asked.

"Oh God Brian, it's one drink. Chill out.", she replied exasperated.

I didn't say anything more, but I noticed her back at the liquor table several more times that night. By the time we left, I could tell she was not her normal self. I was really quite put off, I didn't want her parents getting upset with me, thinking I had anything to do with it. She could tell on the way home, I was not too happy. By the time we arrived at her house, it was close to two in the morning. All the lights were out in the house, so I pulled into the driveway alongside the large house. Almost as soon as I turned the key to the off position in the ignition, Courtney slid over in her seat. She reached over and pulled me close to her, her mouth pressing to mine. I could still taste the alcohol on her lips and tongue, very bitter and sharp. Her hand immediately reached down and began to squeeze my cock through my jeans. I could tell the alcohol had just about wiped away any inhibitions she may have had, Courtney was never this aggressive.

She reached down and quickly unzipped my pants, pulling out my hardening cock. She didn't hesitate for a second, she lowered her head in my lap and sucked my cock deep into her mouth. She had never done anything even remotely close to this before, I was somewhat stunned. In a matter of seconds, her lips and tongue had my cock rock hard and throbbing. She continued to bob her head up and down on my cock, her lips sucking me relentlessly. I knew I was just about to cum, I was not going to be able to hold back.

"Court, baby..... I'm gonna cum.", I whispered.

"Nooooooooooooo,"she cried, releasing my cock from her mouth.

She got up and looked me square in the eyes as her hand continued to stroke my cock slowly. He reached her other hand down between her legs and began to rub herself through her jeans. She leaned in close, gave me a quick kiss, her tongue licking my lips as she pulled away.

"I want you to fuck me, Brian. Right now.", she whimpered.

"Court, I can't. I don't have anything with me, we can't take that chance.", I warned her.

"It's ok Brian, you can pull out of me before you cum.", she urged.

My Dad had warned me about this exact thing a few years before. In fact this is what he and my mother had done years ago, she came up pregnant anyway.

"I can't Court, no way. I will get a condom next time, ok ?", I asked.

"God dammit Brian, you're more like a Dad than a boyfriend. I want to fuck now, come on.", she said.

"Sorry Court, I can't. I have too much riding on my future to make a mistake now.", I answered softly.

"Your future ? So I am not part of your future ? Thanks a lot, Brian.", she snapped sharply.

"Court, that's not what I mean. We can't do this right now, no way.", I shot back.

"Fine, be an asshole Brian.", she spat at me, flinging open the truck door, and jumping out.

She ran up the steps quickly and unlocked the door. Before I could get out, she went in, slamming the door behind her. I stood there for a few minutes, thinking she would come back out and at least say goodnight, but she never did. I walked back to my truck, pulled out of the drive and went home. I grabbed a Coke out of the refrigerator and went and sat down in the family room. I was just sitting there in the dark, when I heard Ashley behind me.

"What's wrong Brian.", she asked.

"Nothing.", I replied quickly.

"Brian, what's wrong ?", she asked.

"Courtney and I had a fight, no big deal.", I responded.

"You want to talk about it ?", she asked, "I can give you a female's point of view."

"No, thank you.... I am going to bed.", I answered.

I had a hard time falling asleep that night, I really had never seen this side of Courtney before. Perhaps it was the alcohol that was talking, I had never seen her drink that much, that had to be it.