
A Game of Gods

At the 29th competition of the multi-realm tournament, Shu, a 16-year-old beastman who has reached the last day of his life is asked to participate by the god of his realm. Shu, with the promise that he could wish for anything if he wins the tournament, accepts the god's offer and travels to a different world where he needs to display outstanding achievements and beat many foes to win the game of the gods.

Geek_Newz · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Utter Failure

They stood in front of the large gates.

After seeing an old merchant lose the cabbages he planned to sell, they were the next in line to enter the city.

As far as they were concerned, it seemed weird that a city was built only three years after the last time they were there. Of course, Mary already knew there was a city there. Though, even she had no clue who owned it.

Mary looked at Alexander's hand. He placed it behind his back and created a tattoo on it.

He put his hand forward and showed the tattoo to the guards. Mary looked at his face and noticed something. Feelings of loathing and hatred were burning in his eyes.

"Stop. We don't need to lie to them."

Mary went forward and said.

They were all shocked.


Alexander asked as she passed him.

"We are followers of the demon god! We were sent here by our god to speak with the city lord."

"Can you prove it?"

The guards both pointed their weapons at the group.

Mary put her hand forward and showed her watch.

"Hey, bastard! Can you be useful for once?"

Mary said, her eyes glimmering with excitement.

Everything started shaking

"You dare refer to me as a bastard in front of others?!"

The demon god's voice was heard loudly only by the people standing at the gate.

The two guards bowed down in respect.

"Little Shu, remove your mask."

The demon god ordered.

Shu removed his mask, and the two guards were shaken.

"City lord, sir! We are sorry for disrespecting you!"

The two of them said at the same time.

Shu was looking around in confusion, trying to find someone who knew what was going on, but even when he looked at her, even Mary was confused at the revelation.

Their group was let inside, and they walked silently to the castle.

Seeing how shocked Shu was, Mary held his hand to comfort him.

Many of the people around them whispered in surprise.

They entered the castle.

Guards opened a door at the side of the main hall. They walked down the hallway to a pair of large doors.

After the doors were opened, they saw a bunch of their friends and allies.

"Mary, we need to talk."

Danny said and lifted her in the air.


He took her to a side room.

"So, what was that show you pulled at the gate?"

Danny asked with an irritated expression.

"I don't have time for this. I told you we have to get here as fast as possible."

Mary said.

"And what was the thing about Shu being the city lord?!"

Mary asked angrily.

"I was annoyed by your choice and knew this would be the fastest way to bring you here."

Danny answered.

"So what do we do now?"

Mary asked.

"You tell me. You destroyed my plans and expect me to know the future?"

Danny said.

"Is there a way to get more allies?"

Mary asked.

"Do you want to ask the citizens whether they want to serve as the city's military?"

Danny suggested.

"It will help, but their numbers are way bigger than the city's population."

Mary said.

"Little Hella!" Danny said while teleporting Mrs. Hella to the room.

"What is it, sir?"

Mrs. Hella asked.

"Take Little Dam and go to Birnin Mutuwa and the human god's city. Ask the people there if any of them are willing to lend us their help."

Danny said and then teleported Mrs. Hella away.

"I don't want to be a pessimist, but I don't think we would win, even with their help. He has many people that became very strong after the limiter broke."

Mary said.

"This is the best we can do."

Danny said and teleported them both back.

During the next three days, they trained and gathered many people and amassed a number the size of ten thousand people who were ready to sacrifice their lives for the demon god's army.


They walked outside the city and into the large military camp that was staying there to accompany the weather god.

"So you've finally come."

Antony said. A cunning smile stretched from ear to ear on his face.

"What is it you want, Antony?"

Danny asked. Going straight to the point, his expression showed how serious he was.

"Fine, if you don't even wanna pretend it's a peace talk, then we won't" Antony smiled and shouted, "Charge!"

In mere seconds. Thousands of soldiers, more skilled than average, surrounded them.

Among these soldiers were Angels, Demons of many kinds, Humans, Beastmen, Vampires, and many other races.

"Mary, didn't you say there shouldn't be many of them at first?"

Danny asked.

"It wasn't like this last time. He must have heard of the army we built."

Mary answered quickly as the fighting started.


After a long and excruciating fight, just like last time, Danny died, and everything shook.

She could have done anything to try and prevent destruction, but she failed. She missed something!

'{What is this? I'm back... again...}'

Chaos The First looked at the area around him.

His senses expanded over the vast battlefield until they reached her.


Mary froze in fear, her eyes shaking and sweat dripping down her face.


Shu shouted as he punched someone who was about to hit her.

"Shu, I can't. I failed again."

Mary said. She couldn't look him in the eyes. She felt so embarrassed and ashamed.

"Damn it!"

Shu shouted out of nowhere.

Mary lifted her head and looked him in the eyes. They were glowing brightly, and his expression was full of way more shame than she could ever feel.

"Every time! Every time I need to see you like this! Seeing that I failed my vow!"

Shu shouted angrily.

He turned his head away and looked in a certain direction.

She followed the direction of his eyes and saw who he was looking at. Antony.

She looked in Antony's direction, and before she noticed him, Shu vanished in an orange blur with two yellow dots.

He punched Antony in the face.

Antony was blown thirty meters away from the strength of Shu's punch.

Chaos The First teleported in front of Mary.

"{How do you have Tempus's power?}"

"I am sort of his succesor."

Mary said.

Shu ran toward them, but Chaos The First shot a look at him, and Shu vanished.


Alexander shouted and created everything he thought could hurt Chaos the first.

Chaos The First looked in Alexander's direction, and his attacks became chaotic. They attacked everywhere and morphed into unbeatable catastrophes. Those catastrophes slew Alexander in seconds, and Mary couldn't believe what she saw. They were all dying one by one.

"{I want to rest. Come back. Prevent me!}"

Chaos The First said.

Mary could feel his power wheeling from inside her. She blinked, and when she opened her eyes, she saw her body blown up on the floor, full of blood and disgusting.

"You lost again. Do you still want to retry?"

It was Tempus who asked that.


Mary answered.

"Okay, when do you want...?"

Tempus asked.

"The moment when we entered the city."

Mary answered.

She fell through the floor, and the green walls became pure darkness.

All she could feel was shame because she knew she wasn't planning on winning next time.

I finally had that fight!

I hope you like it.

Please tell me what you think about it...

I'm bored, and I was asked to create a poem for class, so I thought I'll put it here:

Title: The livelong day.

On a downcast day.

A man stood in a graveyard.

He looked at two graves,

one was hers and one was his.

He made all the right choices,

But the man in the grave was sad.

He amassed great wealth,

But the man in the grave was still sad.

He studied and worked and slept. And never took a break,

Not when she needed it and not when he did,

And now he is fading, She has faded already.

He was not, is not, ready.

He made the best life he could.

But he hasn't lived it.

Geek_Newzcreators' thoughts