
[ Chapter 3 ]

Lucian drives his way home which fortunately wasn't too far away, with a car that was. About half an hour later he parks in an underground cark park, his underground car park. Here we learn Lucian is extremely well off, while he did live by himself the house was bigger then a family for 15, the house was a modern black mansion that was definitely well designed, it stood out at night with all the lights on. He entered through the front as he did every night, closing the door and locking it he sighed, the interior also had a black and white team to it, the same as the outside, grey and black being the main colours while white being the complementary one. He would have maids out in the house during his work hours but when he did come home he expected to find the house empty and so he did. Taking his blazer off he threw it on the nearest couch, and walked to the kitchen to grab himself a glass of ice water. Gulping it down in a couple of seconds he slowly makes his way to his room. His room was definitely the master bedroom, he had a balcony accompanying the room as well as a bathroom connected to it, his bed was a king bed even though only he was sleeping on it, a tv on the wall and a clock on top of it, the walls were a light grey and every other colour complimented that. He took his closes off and grabbed shorts that were to short for his comfort but since no one would be seeing him sleep it didn't really matter. He threw himself into bed after going to the bathroom and brushing his teeth, almost immediately passing out.

while working the detective contacts an investigator, he is not long in the service but ray has already worked with him when the boy started, more by accident. he calls him so that the investigator is awake but hangs up because he does not want to talk and writes that the younger should come in two hours with a car, after all ray realizes that he will not stay awake as long as he wants alone. the investigator wants to become a detective himself, he is only used by others but the boy doesn't notice it. ray doesnct find useful informations to luci, but he finds a few criminals who have something to do with this gentleman, this helps him a little. after the two hours it rings at his door, this frightens raymond and he quickly dresses. thanks to the work he has forgotten the time and comes after 20 minutes with a man's bag downstairs. there he sees a smaller brown haired man, he is in his early 20's. without saying anything ray passes him and gets into the car as a passenger. as they both sit in the car ray explains his situation, he knows exactly that his co-worker has much less power than him so he sees no problem in involving him in the case. the detective names the place where he is quite sure to meet the mafia boss. he wanted to be there too early rather than miss something. while they both wait for something to happen, ray falls asleep in the seat. the younger one now watches for something to happen in the area. they are far enough away that it doesn't seem suspicious and you could hardly tell that someone is watching from a car but the person's in the car can see much

Soon came 5 in the morning and Lucian alarms rang, completely ignoring it he went back to sleep, being a heavy sleep he had hundred of alarms on every day. A couple of minutes later it rang again, he ignored it, finally the third time he groaned and threw a pillow at the phone before turning around, it rang again. "For fucks sake do you learn to shut up." He throws his other pillow at it and it continues ringing, his head felt like it was going to burst but slowly he sat up feeling disoriented, blinking a few times, he let the pillow he was unconsciously holding go, he grabbed his phone and walked over to his bathroom, putting his phone on the counter he got into the shower to relax himself. Getting out 10 minutes later he threw on some clothes and left his room, he arrived to his living room and kitchen that were connected, grabbing a pain killer and some water he sat on the counter and got on his phone to check his notifications, he checked if the man he had met yesterday had texted him, putting down his phone he finally got ready, grabbing his car keys, phone and everything else he needed. He made a foolish mistake to use the car he used last night, Ray knowing the licence plate, he had countless of other ones in the car park but he couldn't care less which one he chosse.

at the place where both are waiting, people appear from time to time, but after a while people come who seem to be waiting. at that moment ray is woken up and he growls annoyed, he is now even more tired than before. "noah...if this is a wrong alarm you'll lose your pride" he grumbles and looks at the shapes he barely recognizes because his eyes are still heavy and through the light you can hardly see anything anyway. first he looks around at the cars and grumbles tiredly to himself. when he doesn't see a car he knew the black-haired man leans against the window and waits to see if something new is coming. noah, the younger one, laughs a little nervously "i'm just doing what was told me ro do..." raymond ignores this and looks at his cell phone, finally he saves lucian's number, in the half asleep state he imagines again how luci looked, while he hears in his head the deep voice and how it says his name, directly he shakes his head and stares out the window, a little confused by himself and surprised that this has happened. he believes that this is just from sleep deprivation

Getting into the car he put his seat belt on and closed the door, yawning still exhausted, he grabbed the sparkling water from the cup holder and downed a good portion of it before opening the glove box, in there lay a couple of things, paper work, chewing gum that Lucian took one of and a gun, closing the glove box up he started the car and drove out the car park. Driving onto the street he decided he would get some coffee near a coffee shop before he would head to the actual location, parking in the closest area he got out and slid his hair back, walking into the coffee shop he was fortunate enough that it wasn't very busy, ordering a cappuccino he waited for his order collecting it and exiting the coffee shop, he took a glimpse around the area, there weren't many cars but there were a few, some parked some driving, the place wasn't empty but it also wasn't busy. Getting onto his car he closed the door and drove off, taking sips of his coffee as he drove his way to the location, it was quite far away, being very illegal they had to make sure the police weren't close to it. As he waits for the traffic light to turn green his mind wonders to the male he met yesterday, getting lost in thought, the way he grinned and how he acted it was all very.. The car behind him honked and he quickly took off realising he had been stood still for a long time, furrowing his eyebrows he shook his head and tried to get his mind off of Ray.

ray thinks a bit and observes how drug dealers do their business, it's not something he's interested in. even though he's a detective, he doesn't care about these things. it's not his job to turn everyone to the police who's doing something illegal, he has to get interested in a case or a person first so he can take care of them. Noah, on the other hand, actively sees something like this for the first time and looks worriedly at raymond, who pays no attention to him. because the detective is so calm, the investigator is less worried. remembering yesterday, ray pulls out his cell phone and looks at it. he quickly looks for a way to text lucian, which he does right away. "Good morning, how big is the hang over? " this is the first message that lands in the chat. with this he wants to check if the message arrives and if he gets an answer. out of the corner of his eye he looks at the cars and then at the drivers that pass by, in case the white haired guy should drive another car

Driving through the suburban neighborhood the street slowly gets less and less busy, eventually he enters a highway, speeding up since there were only a few cars in sight. His phone buzzes as he stops at a traffic light, sighing he picks it up and unconsciously a small smile appears on his face, it was Ray. He immediately unlocked his phone and read the message, over and over again. His head was fine now, the pain killers he took died it down but all the while he replied with. "Big enough to skip work, unfortunately don't have a choice" he pressed send and realised that the traffic light turned green. That very moment he drove into a more suburban area he passed Ray, he didn't know how could he have but it was sure one hell of a coincidence. He was almost there, by the looks of it it looked like he was going to be a couple of minutes early even, first time that happened in a while. He wasn't in the sour mood he usually was. Maybe he would even spare his victims.

with a grin he looks at the message, it amuses him to read this. a little lost in thought he looks at the street, when he saw this familiar car, he needs a few seconds to realize this "that's him!" he quickly calls the license plate. the driver looks up irritated and looks at this quite expensive car "we cant lose sight of it! when he's about to be out of sight, you follow him" the detective lives up directly, it's such a good feeling to have been right, already a bit proud of himself he looks at the chat again. his grin looks evil about it. Noah, who really has no choice, follows the instructions exactly, his hands are shaking now, he's afraid of being caught, but he's also afraid of breaking raymond's rules. they keep up their decorum and make sure they get a parking space so they're not too close to the sight, but can still see everything.

After what felt like hours, for him at least he arrives at the sight, getting out from the car a guy almost bigger then him immediately walks up to him, they could be seen exchanging a few words, Lucian laughed while the man sighed in defeat as they made their way over to the warehouse, it being so early that not even a bird in the sky flew past them. "Are they in there?" Lucian asked as he put his hands in his pockets, the driveway gate opened and revealed almost everything in sight. "We still going with the plan boss?" One of the guys whispered, Lucian glared at him and he took it as a yes, walking up to the man sitting down with a brief case open full of money and another one closed, Lucian grabbed the two brief cases his man was holding. "Took you long enough." The man said as he sat down. "Let's be honest with eachother are we really here to negotiate." Lucian spoke, their conversation went on for a good few minutes, a good couple of men stood around both of them, some on his side and some not. "That simply isn't fair, the half million just won't do." The man said getting frustrated now, Lucian grinned before giving his men the signal going for the guy, like any good fight his men stood in between, Lucian standing up he realised he forgot his gun in the car, things like thing were going to get him killed some day, he went for the main guy, taking out a dagger. "The half million isn't quite good, huh?" He mocked as he ran for him, the man took out a gun.

as requested they stop far enough away from the place where lucian now got out. focused on the siluettes of the people he can only see from the physique that it is his target. as the gentlemen talks, ray makes his window down and tries to get at least something, but since they are at a distance you can only recognize voices but no clear words. he looks briefly at the clock, as the gentlemen go into a building the detective asks that another window is opened,noah does this. "what if we attract attention with this and get shot?" the brown-haired man feels very uncomfortable here. "then it's like this, there are two of us, if one of us gets shot, the other one can shoot back, or don't you have your gun with you?" ray answers this with his calm voice. noah has a gun with him, of course, but he has never really used it. raymond listens to the very early morning and waits for something else to happen.

Shots were fired and many at that, luckily Lucian managed to dodge them and with the man being pretty bad at shooting he eventually ran out of bullets. "Finally." He striked for the man managing to slice his shoulder, as he demanded a gun from his men that we're fighting too he got one aiming it at him, he managed to punch him in the stomach making him fall to the ground, the man standing up and dropping the gun but running at Luci, he bit his tongue and pushed the man away as hard as he could. Lucian groaned as the man stepped back hitting the wall, grabbing his shoulder he put the dagger to his throat and sighed. "How I wish I could kill you right now." Grabbing his hair and throwing him into the floor the man put his hands up as Lucian was about to grab a gun from the floor he felt something cold press onto his head, a gun. He snarled and slowly put his hands up, kneeling. The man looked at his boss for instructions. "What are you waiting for? Kill him."

the detective counts the shots that are fired. how he would love to see what is happening but he just waits for someone to come out. he is very interested in who is wounded. as time goes by he sees more and more thanks to the time that passed by. without asking he searches gor something in the car a bit, noah sighs softly and leans in "i have such a bad feeling...we should leave" the voice is shaky and the whole body tense. ray rolls his eyes just slightly and brings the gun forward, he checks it and puts it down within reach. "why do you want to be a detective if that alone scares you? i really expected more from you. at least don't ruin this job with your incompetence. like this you can't change your future" these words are like knives that makes noah silence, this side of the detective only proves that he has little empathy and little emotional thinking. he is aware of the effect the words have but doesn't really care.

Lucian had fast reflexes, he grew up in a home where mafia was all he knew and his faster forced him to train, which if he said it didn't pay off it would have been a lie, knowing the man was distracted listening to his leader he had less then a split second to react, he ducted his head grabbed the gun and pointed it at him, unfortunately for him the man reacted back and grabbed the knife on the floor managing to do more then graze his shoulder, Lucian froze and fell down coughing, the man grabbed the gun and aimed it at him but before Lucian could react someone from behind him finished the man off, he suddenly realised everything had died down, trying to regather his composure he gripped his hair and put pressure on his wound, as the man he had been talking to earlier helped him up, he gave a smile as his men cuffed the boss of the other group and killed off all the other men. "I won't tell you anything I swear." He yelled as they slowly made their way out the warehouse. "Hey wait, Dominic do you have a hair tie?" He asked as he looked up at the man taller then him, Lucian was injured but he was way more then used to it, he had a first aid kit in the car. Dominic was his assistant that was always scolding him, handing him a hair tie because Lucian always forgot one he tied his hair up so it wouldnt come in his way and started to walk. As he did though he couldnt help but feel someone was watching him, his gut instinct was always right. "Hey, wait." He stopped his assistant as the others went on. "What now?" He glared at him as Lucian took a few steps around. "Never mind sorry." He nugded Dominics shoulder and pointed to something. "Shit you think thats?" Dominic runs a hand through his hair. "There's nothing else it could be."

ray yawns lazily, he has a lot of trust in luci which is why there is no doubt that the little larger man will get out alive. as the area becomes quiet again, the black-haired man pays close attention to everything. as a few people come out of the house, a small grin forms on raymond's face again. "i knew he'd survive" he closes his eyes briefly with satisfaction to rest, when he opens them again he looks around. slowly he closes the windows and whispers "noah, we should get going soon, it's best if we turn around when they're at their car and we use this moment to drive away. this action has helped me" he is still unclear if they have been discovered. luci fascinates him in a certain way, he doesn't even know him well or what he is capable of, but the man's charisma alone arouses the black-haired man's interest. "i think we've been spotted" noah speaks as he watches the men who are luci and dominic. even if he's right they can't run away now, so the two men in the car keep watching. but raymond is more interested in what the mafia boss's plan is, this interests him more than the fact that they are at a disadvantage.