
A friend for life

Friend (noun) a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations Best Friend noun a person's closest friend True friend A true friend is a friend when is convenient and when it is not. They standby you consistently both when you are present and when you are not. They're Authentic and Honest with You. True friends aren't phony with you. They show you who they really are. A Friend for Life A person that is willing to stay no matter how flawed you are, might get angry or emotional at times but is still willing to stay even if you block them out, even if you don't have any treasures in life. A friend for life are people that can make you happy and be happy with you. And would be there not just on your brightest days but also on your darkest. What it takes to achieve one? Who knows? Maybe you already have one... a true friend... ... A friend for life.

FairyCrest · Teen
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

No Hesitation

Third Person's Point of View

Sonia sighed looking at the almost empty room from where she sat. Her blonde hair covering partly of her green eyes as she move.

"Everyone preferred staying out during lunch if makes the classroom so spacious." Yara stated approaching the Sonia fixing her by removing some stands of hair on that was covering her face. "Where do you think are they spending their lunch time on?"

The girl shrugged, and quietly as possible she responds to Yara. "They're not my problem anymore."

Yara smiled shaking her head as a small chuckle escape her lips. "I was expecting you'd say that."

After quite a while Yara came to know Sonia 's personality better. Finding out that the girl is not very keen on motivation and gets easily bored along with it is her personality of easily loosing interest once the thing would be repeated for quite some time.

The two of them fix their seat and tables in a circular triad in silence, the silence continuing until Cole arrived

pulling someone with her.

"Hey guys!" She greeted cheerfully. In a short period of time Cole also opened up to Sonia and Yara, her playful and kids personality constantly showing. "Look who I snatched buying food from the canteen?!" Gleefully, she pulled out Dianne that was right behind her. The

brunette shyly waved at them holding the chicken she brought from the school canteen.

"Hey..." She shyly greeted scratching the back of her brown wavy hair.

"Oh, hey Dianne!!" Sonia happily greeted back, her tired and unmotivated mood now overthrown by glee. She then turned to Cole, smirking slightly at the key coloured haired girl. "I didn't know you also kidnap people."

"Oh this one?" Cole grinned putting her hands on each of Dianne's shoulders. "I actually saved her." She added, the word proud written all over her face.

"Heh..." Sonia smirked again, this time hey eyes turning darker by the second. "Save her Heh.... From what exactly?"

Cole paid no mind at smug look on Sonia 's face as she stood proudly pointing a thumb to her direction like any usual anime character that states the word proud. "From loneliness."

Dianne that was listening to the girl's argument stop in her tracks. Her gray orbs widening in shock.

"She was all alone afterall so I thought it'd be best if she tag along with us." Cole said scratching the back of her head sheepishly grinning.

"I know that, but that doesn't mean you should just grab her out of nowhere. You might 've scared her or something." Sonia scold the girl that was still sheepishly grinning at the tired looking blonde.

Dianne eyed the two that continue to bicker forgetting the fact that their lunch time is only limited for an hour only. A smile spreading on her face as she approached the two holding each of them by the shoulder.

"So, it's all about inviting me for lunch huh..." She grinned. She was actually a little touched that Cole approach her because her previous lunch mates which was her classmates during junior high school days were nowhere to be found leaving her alone for lunch during the past few days. The two of them look at her, blushing slightly slowly nodding their head which cause a chuckle to erupt from her mouth. "Then I'll be with you from now on."

Cole smiled brightly as Sonia sighed. Relief washing over Sonia's face, she was actually quite glad that Dianne came in to join them afterall, she was about to invite the girl too. Cole just beat her to it.

Coughing from behind them stopped the the in their trance as they realized that Yara was still there watching the three of them.

"Oh..." Sonia trailed off awkwardly shifting her gaze from Dianne to Yara, the gaze lasted for a second more before she abruptly spoke. "Yara, this is Dianne. Dianne, met Yara." She stated with a smile as she introduce the two to each other to which Yara immediately cope with and approached the girl with a smile.

"Hi." Yara greeted.

Dianne looked at Yara for a mere second her gaze travelling to Cole that soon went to Sonia. Her gray eyes scanned Yara again as realization hit her like a truck. A smirk spreading all over her face.

'Sonia is quite oblivious about this.' She thought eyeing the green eyed girl that was currently preparing a fourth table for Dianne to eat. She smiled at Yara hesitantly gazing back at her.

"Hi Yara nice to meet you."

The two of them stayed there in complete silence Dianne being wary of the girl she just talked to.

"Hey!" Cole called out. "Let's eat."


Dianne's presence stayed at Sonia's circle after that day. Not just during lunch but also on other breaks and activities which Caroline didn't see as a surprise since she was expecting it from the beginning. Eyeing the four that was preparing a place in the classroom to eat their lunch. She shook her head smiling slightly.

'How odd.' She thought. 'It seems a though I got attach to them.' She glanced at them once again before leaving to go to where Terrence is at the cafeteria.


Yara looked at Sonia in silence, her eyes travelling to where the girl set her gaze on. Sonia's silence though, stop Cole and Dianne from whatever conversation they had to also land a stare on the usually loud blonde.

"Hey." Cole called out but surprised when the girl she is referring to instantly shift her gaze to Cole's amber ones she grew accustomed to Sonia's high perked senses.

"What? " The girl asked, the  uninterested tone in her voice visible unlike her usual cheerful and childish one.

"What are you looking at anyway?" Cole asked back. "You seemed to be lost in thought about it." She added, not really showing it but was a bit worried about how the girl acted.

"Oh..." She trailed off realizing how she acted like a different person all of a sudden. She then looked at the person she was  looking at earlier her eyes softening. "Just looking at her makes me feel sorry."

Dianne and Cole's eyes fell on the person she was looking at which happened to be at Erika's circle of friends. At first though, Cole's brows furrowed in confusion wondering of what Sonia meant. That was until Dianne spoke up.

"She's clearly not fitting in with the group."

They was when Cole's amber eyes fell on Rianne that was at the corner of the circle silently eating not bothering to join in with the conversation of who to backstab.

"Oh." She said in realization. "She's totally not fitting in."

"No. It's not that she's not fitting in." The three of them looked at Sonia that was drinking some chocolate drink. "She refuse to fit in."

"Which means?" Yara asked gazing back at the caramel coloured haired girl that was silently eating not half of her lunch yet.

"Which means. She's only there because she doesn't have any choice left." Dianne answered the woman's question.

"Then let's give her a choice then." Sonia stated boredom lacing all over her voice resting her right cheek on her curled first her eyes glinting of interest.

Cole and Dianne at first was confused of the girl's statement, the two of them looking at the girl with their brows knitting together. Though, Cole caught up with the situation quickly and smiled.

"Let's do it." Cole stated causing a smile to spread over Sonia's face.

Sonia eyed the girl once again, she had been doing that for quite a while. at first she paid it no mind, yet as the day goes by she can see it more clearly than the last. Discomfort, loneliness, distant. Something she used to felt before, which is why she wasn't too acknowledge the girl's problem by giving her the option she may not want but need. The only other option she has.

"Hey Rianne!" She called out catching the girl by surprise.

Rianne that was swallowed by surprise not really expecting Sonia to call her in amidst of their circle's difference clearly knowing how Erika despise the girl. Though, she was a little touch at the gesture. In response to the girl's greetings, she gave a small wave with a bright smile.

"Hey Rianne!" Cole and Dianne also called out which didn't help the girl recover from the shock that Sonia already brought to her. She smiled brightly at the two as well letting out a cheerful 'hello'.

The three look after each other before nodding, they look at the girl with a smile. "You seem lonely. Wanna eat with us?" The three of them invited at the same time.

Rianne was taken aback. Watching the three insert a fifth table on their side and Sonia tapping it with her hand in an inviting manner.

"You can sit here."

Without any doubt in her action,a squeal escaped her mouth carrying a plate of salad in her hand as she stood up and went straight to their extra table without any hesitation at all.

Her action surprised the three not really expecting that she won't hesitate at all.

Cole smiled warmly. 'I feel so honoured and happy.' She thought eyeing the caramel coloured haired girl that was already laughing with Sonia as they engage themselves in a conversation.

'Hesitant?' Rianne thought looking back at Erika's circle that didn't even noticed her disappearance. 'Why hesitate for these great people?'

Her eyes landed on Sonia and the rest of the people in the table. 'I feel warm.' She thought as she gave a genuine laugh on the jokes Cole was saying.