
A Fox's survival system in a cultivation world

A fox intent on breaking the minds of the old cultivators and giving massive headaches to sect leaders (though she fails at the former, she always succeeds at the latter). All the while, she messes around with a system of her own making. ------------------------------------------------------------- Warnings: Gore: As a forewarning, there will be some depiction of what happens when someone receives serious injuries, so if you consider that to be too much, consider yourself forewarned. ---------------------------------------------------------- Volume 1 complete: First edit up to Chapter 31 Volume 2 ongoing

Vulthurtoor · Fantasy
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93 Chs

Ch-5-First Quest Complete (First Edit)

Once the tech tree opened, I looked at the bottom to find that after I unlocked primitive tools, some new options appeared above, with one in a direct line-up and two branching off to either side.

The one that went straight up was labeled wooden workbench, the one on the right was labeled wooden building set, and the one on the left was labeled straw/thatch building set.

Using the two tech points I had just gotten, I acquired the workbench and wooden building set.

This time, the knowledge that flooded my head caused my vision to dim and almost pass out, as all the knowledge of how to build with wood for my old world was stuffed into my brain. The amount of knowledge from the wooden building set was so vast that the knowledge of the wooden workbench and the tools needed for it slipped in almost unnoticed. 

After things had gotten under control, I opened the crafting window selected the wooden foundation, and set the amount to four. All the resources for it were pulled from the scraps that I looted from the shipwreck.

While that was happening, I pulled the felled young trees from earlier into the meadow near the construction site itself.

That work finished at the same time as the foundations were finished crafting, but instead of being put on the ground near me, instead, their outline appeared in my vision. The outline went wherever I mentally directed it.

Using this, I directed all four to appear connected to each other next to the river and then confirmed their placement.

What happened next was amazing to watch as wooden poles appeared out of nowhere and lodged themselves into the ground. Then, cross beams and planks for the floor and side walls connected with the poles and each other. This resulted in a complete foundation for a small building that I was in awe of, even if it broke one of the major rules and left wood directly touching the ground.

It was around this time that the world started to grow darker, signaling that the day was drawing to a close.

Using the last of my wood, I set the system to craft four extended wall sections, one of which contained a door. Then with the last light of the day, I went back to the woods to get more wood.

I would not use the trees around my meadow as they are there for aesthetic purposes, however, the trees farther away could be thinned out but not clear-cut to allow for the forest to recover over time.

While I was cutting, the crafting of the walls finished so I used some of my freshly cut wood to create one roof piece as I did not have enough for two yet. The crafting of the first roof piece finished as night started to fall and I had enough materials to make the second.

Running back to my meadow, I noticed my enhanced agility from my past life and felt a strange joy from running around this exterior part of the forest.

Reaching my meadow, I ended my run and then mentally placed the walls and roof of my slightly less temporary new home.

The scene of the system constructing the house was so mesmerizing that I did not even notice the sun setting, as the light of the moon provided enough for my trait to allow me to see by.

When the construction finished, the sound of victorious trumpets filled my ears, and a banner filled with flowing golden light unfurled with a golden-colored screen in the middle.

[Congratulations [Quest: Mainline 1: Homesteading] Completed! Due to completing it before the expected time frame, the reward has been upgraded.]

[Rewards received: The rest of the system has been unlocked!]

When I entered my new house, I started looking for a place to hang my hammock, only to realize that the walls had been built without the hammock in mind, thus leaving no place to hang one.

When trying to figure out how to hang my hammock or find some other way to sleep. I remember that I have some stuff in my inventory that might help.

After opening it, I started looking through all the stuff that might be helpful to me. While searching, I found a wood-burning stove that I thought would come in handy during the looting and now I ended up placing it in the new house.

While still searching through my inventory, I went outside to find some sticks and kindling to start a fire for the stove.

After finding all the kindling and firewood that I needed for now and returning home, I found that I would have to use the bundled-up sections of the sails to fashion a makeshift bed in the corner.

Lighting the fire, I begin placing and orienting the sail sections into a bed to sleep on and then sitting down on them. Before attempting to go to sleep, I open my inventory once more, but this time with the intent to sift through the stuff I looted from the crew's skeletons.

The first thing that I checked was the strange blue marbles I kept getting. When I focused on them in the inventory, their name, information, and what I could do with them appeared.

[Cultivation core (unaspected): Body Refining: Bone Tempering (2nd level)]

[Qi Amount: 532 sparks]

[Would like to convert this core to XP (Y/N): or absorb the Qi within (Unavailable due to host not having a cultivation technique)]

After reading the information, I became a bit more cautious about using the little marbles as I now know are cultivation cores. The reason for this is all the stories from my old world that talk of what will happen if I use the cultivation base or special techniques linked to more unsavory cultivators. Upon sensing my worries, the system pulls up a new window.

[Would you like to purify all cultivation cores looted from this point forward? (Y/N)]

[Warning: This will result in a loss of Qi within the core!]

I immediately select yes because, as the saying goes, "It is better to be safe than sorry!" After this, the core on the page flashes brightly before dying down, and the information changes.

[Cultivation core (unaspected): Body Refining: Bone Tempering (2nd level)]

[Qi Amount: 310 sparks (purified)]

[Would like to convert this core to XP (Y/N): or absorb the Qi within (Unavailable due to host not having a cultivation technique)]

I don't have a cultivation technique or need the increase in realm at the moment, so I opt for turning it into experience points for my next level.

[Cultivation Core Converted to XP]

[You have leveled up]

[You have received the level-up rewards of +1 skill point and +3 tech points]

"Well, that was unexpected-!" Startled for a second by the sound of my own voice I realize that I have not said anything since I came to this world. This also leads to the Realization that I have been acting strangely since I came here.

Feeling a shiver start crawling up my spine from my now puffed-out tail, which I also just now realize I have not been paying any attention to as of late, I divert all my attention to the tech screen in an attempt to distract myself. 

At the bottom of the tech screen, just above the workbench and connected to the wooden building set, is a picture of a bedroll. This picture is labeled Portable Bedding. Next to this option and directly above the workbench is one called stone kitchenware and set. Then, off to the side of this is one connected to the workbench and straw/thatch labeled primitive bedding.

Deciding that food comes first, I picked the stone kitchenware and set. Considering the problem I had before looking at the core, I grabbed the portable bedding since the primitive bedding option was locked. With only the choice between primitive melee weapons and the straw/thatch building set, I chose the latter.

Closing the window and feeling the flood of information streaming into my head I came to the conclusion that this was far less than what I felt when I chose the wooden building set.

After the information stopped flowing, I opened the crafting window to see if there was anything I wanted to attempt to build the next day. That was when I saw that one of the bed roll blueprints was buildable.

Selecting to build it I fell down on my bottom as the sail section that was underneath me disappeared. Looking back at the crafting recipe, I saw that it took the cloth to make the bedroll, and the system counted the sail sections I salvaged as cloth.

Ten minutes later, an already-prepared bedroll appeared in front of me.

While I was waiting I was looking through the stuff I got of the skeletons again. This time, I was looking at the scrolls and books.

Most of the scrolls were medical prescriptions while the books were different techniques with the occasional journal.

Looking at the medical prescriptions, I kept trying to make an educated guess about what they were given for until I felt that I was right, not noticing the pilling notifications in the corner of my vision.

Eventually, I felt too tired to continue. However, before going to bed, I opened my skill tab and, following my previous thought process, placed it in medical. When all the knowledge impacted my brain, I immediately fell unconscious.