
A Fox's Child

I'm not sure about R18 but I'm just putting it out there just in case Also updates will be slow (Sorry in advance ) I'm dealing with exams every 2-3 months so it's tough. I won't abandon any of my stories and even if I decide to drop it ill give a notice ------------ The cover dosen't belong to me it belongs to the artist

Life_sa_Beach · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

1. Kyuubi no Yoko Shurai

In a hospital room, a young man in his early thirties could be seen lying on the bed, but he was not alone he was surrounded by a bunch of children and a few nurses. The atmosphere in the room was anything but jovial, all of them had sad expressions on their faces and the children had tears in their eyes. Seeing this the man had a sad smile on his face, he didn't think they would be this sad. He took a deep breath and reached out his hand to ruffle the head of the child nearest to him and spoke in a cheerful tone

" Stop crying, ok, If you cry too much you will look like a tabby cat"

The little girl in question puffed out her cheeks in anger which he ended up finding adorable.

" I'm just going to sleep for a while and when I wake up I'll be as good as new " he knew he was lying to them, but he didn't want to let the children be sad so this was the only way, he looked towards the nurses with a wry smile and they understood.

" Come on kids say good night to Rin-san he needs to sleep"

one by one the kids bid him goodnight which would be a farewell of sorts.

finally, the cute little girl was the only one left, Rin had a sad smile on his face, because it seems she didn't believe him.

" Chika-chan it's going to be fine," he said to her in the most gentle way he can as not to aggravate the little girl, he knew Chika would be troublesome as she was too smart for her age.

" Rin-nii you are not going to leave me right," the girl asked him while crying.

He felt his heart ache when he saw her cry, he didn't know what to say, he can't say some half-assed excuse like he told the other kids because it won't work, he can only try to comfort her.

" Chika-chan, nii-san won't ever leave you, he will always be with you, although he can't be beside you he will always watch over you, so don't be sad, ok"

" Mmm, ok " she replied while hugging him.

"Chika-chan, nii-san has to rest ok, so you should go back to your room," he told her while patting her head.

" I want to sleep together with Rin-nii "

Hearing that he could only look toward the nurse which she responded with a wry smile.

In the end he sighed and agreed to her little request as this is the only thing he can do

" Fine"

"Ok" she responded cheerfully unlike her sad self a few moments ago, seeing that he was happy, at least she isn't crying now.

She snuggled up to him and put her head on his chest while hugging and he held her close and looked at her cute face which he would most likely be seeing for the last time. He kissed her on the forehead and closed his eyes going into an eternal slumber.

After he closed his eyes , a few minutes later the little girl opened her eyes and lifted her head and looked towards him with tears in her eyes and said to him with a sad smile

"Rin-nii Sayonara"


Today was a bad day for Kushina Uzumaki, The Village's higher up wanted to seal the Kyuubi inside her baby boy. She was of course against it as she did not want her baby to carry such a burden, she didn't want him to end up like her grandmother and her. The burden of being a Jinchuriki is too much for a child.

But Minato as the wimp he was agreed with the higher up's decision because his so called sensei asked him to do so. She really hated that man, he was damn pervert and he didn't even have the decency to spare his students wife from his lecherous paws. Good thing she never went to a public bathhouse in fear of the pervert, to her husband his words were like law. In times like this, she wonders how this pervert ended up in the same team as her nee-san. When Tsunade left the village she lost all of her support and the only support she had was Minato, if not for that fact she would have left him already.

She isn't a fool she knows what happened when she was a child, remembering it now it was really suspicious how a measly genin from Kumo even infiltrated Konoha and how no one noticed it except for Minato. She knew it was all a conspiracy, the hero saves the heroine trope never gets old, Finding it out she really was disappointed in Konoha and her feelings for Minato dropped a little but still, he was her husband and she had to accept it.

But now she really regretted marrying the man, he was just like a dog of the higher up's. She even tried asking for help from her cousin but she had already left the village and God knows where she is . She had mixed opinions on the third hokage, most of the things he did were for the village and most of the extreme decisions were one he was forced into it due to his old teammates, the man was too soft sometimes if it was her she would have already gotten rid of those malignant tumors.

She knew very well who was the main person behind the decision to seal the Kyuubi inside her baby, Shimura Danzo that one-eyed bastard.

The village needed some control over her and her child, as they were the last remaining line of Royal Uzumaki. Luckily she had the support of her cousin and being the Hokage's wife they can't do anything. That is one of the reasons why she didn't break it up with Minato.

But her cousins support will only do so much, although she has considerable influence there is only so much she can do. If only Minato wasn't such a wimp, he was like a brainwashed idiot whenever he heard the words ' For the village '.

Kushina was already fed up with the man and this event was the final nail in the coffin, any remaining feelings she had for him if any died. She couldn't do anything about it and she could only relent, facing the pressure from the higher-ups. She thought about unleashing the Kyuubi on them, but a lot of innocent civilians would die as a result of it which would leave a bad taste in her mouth, so she discarded the idea.

It was supposed to be a smooth task, she would transfer the Kyuubi into her baby and seal it and it should have been done. She being a Royal Uzumaki guarantees that her baby has a strong vitality, making it so that he would be able to Survive sealing the Kyuubi into him without trouble.

It should have gone all good, they were in a secret place where the sealing ceremony was commencing, it was led by Minato because the guy was a genius at seals, *cough* not as good as her tho.

The ANBU had surrounded the perimeter to make sure nothing happened they were fully prepared and they were determined to finish it with no accidents but fate had other plans.

During the transferring process where the seal was most vulnerable, a masked intruder attacked them, causing the Kyuubi to be released and it instantly went on a rampage.

Kushina could only lie there on the ground helplessly as the fox rampaged.

She was injured due to The Kyuubi forcefully breaking out of its seal which left her in a state of exhaustion, but she couldn't pass out now she needed to protect her baby.

She saw Minato trying to contain the Kyuubi so it wouldn't rampage around the village, Minato could have done it if not for the fact that he was being attacked by a masked man at the same time.

She watched as Minato fought against the masked man while trying to stop the Kyuubi rampage.

She saw that suddenly Minato kicked the masked man and turned towards the Kyuubi.

She also moved her gaze towards the Kyuubi and she saw a huge amount of chakra gathering near the Kyuubi's maw.

She knew very well what that was, it was a Bijudama. Suddenly her eyes met the Kyuubis-slitted ones and her eyes went wide when a concentration of huge chakra started gathering near one of its tails.

The Kyuubi was preparing for another blast, but what was horrifying was it was aimed at her and her baby who lying on the altar a few meters away.

Although the scale of the Bijudama was smaller than the first one, it didn't make her heart calm, she may be able to survive it without much injury but her baby cannot.

She had to do something, Kushina tried pushing her sluggish body towards the altar but to no avail. All of this was happening in a split second, for her she felt like time was moving slowly. She watched as the Kyuubi aimed the first Bijudama at the Hokage Rock which was a symbol of Konoha's prestige. And the second Bijudama to her horror was aimed at her.

No, she wasn't worried about herself but her child. If he gets caught up in the blast she can't do anything. Time seemed to stop for Kushina, she watched as the Kyuubi prepared to launch the Two Bijudama and she could also see Minato looking at her with a sad but determined gaze.

She understood at that moment what Minato's choice was and tears poured out of her eyes. She watched as the blast was coming closer and closer, she could only close her eyes and grit her teeth due to her helplessness, She screamed her son's name.

" Naruto! "


She was thrown away due to the force of the blast, it was very painful but she had no time to think about the pain, she tried getting up from the rubble to go help her baby, but she was suddenly pulled out of the rubble and carried in a pair of arms.

She looked up to see who it was and she saw Minato's sad face " Minato, Naruto I have to go help him! come on " Kushina yelled frantically while trying to move but what she heard next made her body turn cold.

" I'm sorry Kushina....B-but Naruto....he's gone "

Kushina felt her whole world crumble as she heard the news, she felt hatred growing inside her, if she was able to move she would have already plunged a Kunai into his heart.

" It's all your fault, You could have saved him, Why... why didn't you save him " She yelled at him while crying and her voice broke down.

" Kushina... I can't let Konoha be harmed, we are shinobi, and we should always place the interest of the village above ours. I'm as heartbroken as you are, but I have to place the village above all else " Minato said in a calm but authoritative way.

When Kushina heard it, she wanted to rip him apart but she was too weak to do anything. And the next thing he said made her want to beat of the shit out of the guy.

" Kushina, I know you are exhausted but we need to reseal the Kyuubi and there isn't anyone else who is more suitable than you, so please bear with it for the good of the village "

He didn't wait for her confirmation and went towards the medical ninja so they could heal her.

He reached the Konoha hospital and a medic ninja quickly came over and administered mystic palm Jutsu on Kushina healing her burns and cuts while also relieving her fatigue.

Kushina could feel that her body was better than before and most of the exhaustion was gone.

" Kushina let's go, it's time. We can't let the Kyuubi rampage around anymore "

Kushina really wanted to spit on his face and tell him to fuck off. But she couldn't do that because she knew her opinion didn't matter anymore. She really wanted to kill him but she knew she didn't have the strength for it.

But she wouldn't take this lying down, she will get her revenge no matter how long she has to wait.

Minato didn't wait for Kushina to respond and held her in his arms while rushing towards the Kyuubi to stop its rampage and prevent further losses.


{ A.N : It's AU world ok, so some changes. I don't believe Kushina isn't smart enough to uncover the truth about her abduction when she was a child, and how only Minato came to save her. She was a fricking Jinchuriki and she is always monitored by the ANBU. It was all a plot by Konoha's higher-ups to make Kushina like Minato so they can make her loyal to Konoha. So in this fanfic, Kushina figured it out and is only staying with Minato due to convenience. Minato is fiercely loyal to Konoha so what would happen if he had to choose the life of his newborn son over the village, his child who he was more than willing to seal the Kyuubi into a few moments ago. This is an Au so no complaints. Yeah as you can guess I don't like Minato cuz the dude is dumb enough to not take precautions against Danzo, and he didn't deserve Kushina because their so-called love was just convenient manipulation by Konoha higher-ups so they can have leverage over the nine tails and the last remaining Royal Uzumaki.}