
Chapter 36


Taking seven rounds against the fire and making seven vows I will be bound to you for seven births and I wish my seventh birth to be last birth. I love you so much hubby. From A Forced Love-Marriage (To Beast).


Nalini POV

Today was our marriage and Jamarion was getting ready in my room. On my demand we kept the marriage very simple and shower, we called two families and my close friends to attend the wedding. For our security he called his loyal men to India. In the morning before Haldi rasam I talked to Vandran and she blessed me for a beautiful beginning. The wedding will be performed at my home.

I held the Varmala (a garland made of flowers. In Indian wedding garland is an important symbolic of the popular marriage ceremony. Following regional traditions, the Varmala might be made of rose flowers or other ceremonial stuff decorating it.) My hands twinged with sweat I was nervous incredibly so. As this marriage was a promise a memory, once given never forgotten. I will be confident as can be I said to my heart whose heart rate as erratic. Still I was nervous don't know why. I was having mixed feeling a feeling only a bride can understand. The tables were set, the aisle was perfected. My home entrance, doors, wall, floor, roof were decorated with colors, balloons, flowers, lights and other decorating products.

Remember Nal that this is only one day out of the all days you will spend with your in different ways and will be bound again for eternity. or not, but it will be mine forever and no days can be replaced by this day. This marriage was special than others as it was reunion of a single soul split in two bodies. He might be devil or imperfect person for others but for me he was totally perfect. For every bride wedding day is an event she will never want to forget and I wished the same. From saying vows to tying ourselves together I will cherish this moment forever and it will remain close to my heart till my death.

It was common for me to be nervous . After all, this is one of the most important days of my life and I will be the center of attention for the entirety of the day. I was feeling shy and a bit uneasy as all the eyes will be on me. This Marriage was a piece of puzzle which I will add with him in the hollow piece of mine and his life. It was the most important tiny piece that when joined will shape my whole life.

In India wedding celebrations include a number of pre-wedding functions. Yesterday we had Sangeet party and bridal Mehendi functions. We combined the Sangeet ceremony with the Mehndi (henna) function as a means to save time. The bridal Mehendi function was usually attended by the women and it was held during the late afternoon. I choose a bride and groom pattern for my mehndi and all other women choose Arabic designs except Mumma she liked her mehendi simple and less complicated. Interestingly, the application of Mehndi is associated with several things. For instance, the darker the color of the bride's Mehndi, it is said that the more her partner will love her. I ask the girl who was applying mehendi on my hand to hide Jamrion's name in the design until he won't find his name the wedding night will not commence. Mumma, Aunt Gayatri, Ananya, Jhanvi, Ruhi, Aditya, Abhimanyu, Jamarion, Uncle Vikram and Dad danced on popular film songs along with traditional wedding songs. The Sangeet night was made up of food, drinks and dance masti.

The haldi (turmeric) ceremony was held in the morning. It is a pre-wedding ritual in which a paste of haldi is applied to bride and the groom's body before their wedding. This ceremony was held on the morning of the wedding day. Mumma made a paste of haldi (turmeric) using sandalwood powder and milk and rose water. This paste was applied on the me and Jamarion's face, neck, hands and feet, by Mumma, Aunt Gayatri, Ananya and Jhanvi. The ceremony was accompanied by traditional songs and my whole family danced even Anaya made Jamarion and Krishna danced. It is said that whoever gets touched by this paste will soon find a good-looking partner. So, I applied a little amount of haldi on Krishna's and Ananya's cheek. Mumma and Aunt Gayatri while applying the paste blessed me and him for a happy married life. It also brings out the glow and purifies body Haldi holds such an important place in Indian traditions because it also purifies and cleanses the body. Most people believe that the reason for applying haldi is to ward off evil spirits from affecting the bride and the groom. This is why, we both were not allowed to leave home after the haldi ceremony, until our wedding. Mumma tied a sacred red thread on mine and Jamarion's wrist for protection against evil eye. The yellow color of turmeric is considered very auspicious in the Indian traditions. The auspiciousness of this ingredient and its color ushers in a life of prosperity for the couple, who are starting off their new life together. That's why during this ceremony we all wore yellow Indian outfits.

"Nal my love, are you ready" Mumma asked kissing my forehead breaking my chains of thoughts. She adorned my light cream outfit personally this color has become my favorite color after black and maroon. This wedding outfit was selected by my love.

"You look beautiful" Aunt Gayatri said and Mumma put a black kajal dot behind my left ear so that I won't catch any evil eyes. Holding Mumma's hand while Aunt Gayatri, Ananya, Jhanvi at my side I walked towards mandap (a temporary platform set up for weddings and religious ceremonies). My Dad was talking to Jamarion when I reached there all of them stopped at their tracks and looked at me love filled in their eyes.

"My doll you grew so fast, just now you had learned to walk" He said in brittle voice that I ran towards him and hugged him."No matter what Dad you will be always my king and my first love. I love you" I said rubbing my nose on his shirt. Someone tapped on my shoulder and I turn to see Mumma was guiding me towards the mandap.

"You look marvelous Nal" Abhi said with shocked reaction. Krishna's eyes were locked on Anaya as if he has never seen such a beauty ever and she was blushing I can see from my peripheral vision.

"You are real I doubt sometime. I believe you are an angel fallen by mistake on Earth" He whispered with his seductive voice I feel shyer now. His marron eyes with melting golden color scanned me from head to toes with only one word filled in his vision love. He was looking handsome as always. He was wearing expensive navy-blue suit showing his bulging muscles, a light stubble was shrouding his strong razor cut jaw and smooth chin. My pulse were unstable and I was barely breathing he looks in breathtaking. His slight gelled hairs left him looking reasonably presentable an eye peeling piece.

"Complete the Varmala ceremony love birds" Uncle Vikram said with slight smirk on his face. I feel redness on my cheeks. How embarrassing.

"Di (sister) you look like angel in this lehenga set" Ruhi aunt Gayatri's daughter said while adoring my outfit. I kissed her cheek she was my younger sister who loves me more than anyone.

After Varmala ceremony the Pandit started the wedding ritual by chanting Mantras and lit the fire in Havan kund (Havan Kund is the center place in a Havan in which the fire is put on and all the offerings are made). The ceremony started with first ritual Kanyadaan - the giving away of daughter by the father.

Second ritual Panigrahana - a ritual in presence of fire, where Jamarion takes my hand as a sign of our union. Panigrahana is the 'holding the hand' ritual as a symbol of their impending marital union, and the groom announcing his acceptance of responsibility to four deities: Bhaga signifying wealth, Aryama signifying milky way, Savita signifying new beginning, and Purandhi signifying wisdom. Jamarion was facing west, while I was sitting in front of him with my face to the east along with Mummy and Dad, he holds my hand while the following while the Pandit was chanting Vedic mantra. Then he tied Mangal sutra and filled my center partition with bethoral sindoor (vermillion). Mangal sutra is a black and gold beaded necklace with a gold or diamond pendant. It is believed that Mangal sutra defines that the girl is now married.

Third ritual Saptapadi - is the most important ritual. It is called the seven-step ritual, where each step corresponds to a vow groom makes to bride, and a vow the bride makes to groom. The vows are pronounced in Sanskrit in long form. The Saptapadi was performed near a fire and after each of the seven oaths to each other, we perform the ritual of agnipradakshinam - walk around the fire, where the end of my duppatta and his long scarf was tied together. The groom usually leads the bride in the walk. The fire is a form of yajna - a ritual where fire is the divine witness (to the marriage).After Saptapadi, the Pandit announced we are husband and wife for coming seven births.

After all marriage ceremony we touched our parents' feet and Aunt Gayatri Uncle Vikram's feet for blessing. It was time to bid goodbye to India and my family. Leaving my family my sweet home was so hard as I will be officially leaving them forever, all the memories of my childhood balled up in my heart. Dad teaching me to run bicycle, Mumma teaching me gardening, me and Ananya fight over TV. A tear rolled down my cheek I wiped it as I knew I have grown up and life have to move on. This the place where my childhood spent where I learned many things. I want to submerged this pain deep so that my parents wont felt heartbroken it was not easy for them to bid goodbye to me. I hugged Mumma and then Dad and Later Ananya.

"We all going to miss you" Ananya said hugging me.

"Every girl has to leave her home but I'm happy you are tied to someone who loves you more than himself" Mumma said kissing my forehead once again.

"I will be your little princes always and I love you all" My mom was crying I can see tears glazed in Dad's deep black eyes he gave a helpless sigh. He never looked so broken it was really hard for him to let me go. I feel my soul will be imprinted forever here on the creme walls of my home.

"After retirement, all of you will stay in New York with us, my parents are no longer in this world and now I cannot live life like orphans. I want to live under your shadows. And my house as much as mine is yours too." Jamarion said with sincerity in his marron eyes that I put my hand on my mouth or else I have burst into tears. His hoarse whisper cut the air off of sadness which was growing slowly realized how lucky I'm to have in my life, my scar tingled. My parents hugged him and with light heart we bid goodbye to everyone. During our way to home Jamarion was continuously chanting about our future with Mom and Dad he told me that he has he has named half of the property under my name. I was angry on his actions. I just want his love but he convinces me that what was his was actually mine.

Night after marriage in New York.

It was night time and our first night after our marriage I returned to the bedroom holding a glass of water, the vision which I saw stopped me in my tracks. He stood near the French window his back was facing me. He looked heavenly in the grey bathrobe against the October moon lights. He was definitely a Greek God the robe was fitting on his smooth build up body. I felt wetness between my legs I immediately walk towards him and he turned. He pauses and looks at me eyes full of mischief the golden iris was melting golden and red pupil were maroon. I was wearing the nighty which he gifted me on his birthday my body was barely covered. He kissed me the kiss was slow but my body was enjoying it. He stops kissing me and moved downwards then he kisses my Jawline, my chin my cheeks sucking every skin of my face. Goosebumps erupts on my skin.

"You are so beautiful sometimes I wonder am I'm dreaming or a Roman goddess is in front of me." I giggled at his statement he raises his eyebrows as if they were saying I mean it. He carried me hoisted me up and laid me on our comfy bed gently my body sinks into mattress completely. He slides on to the bed next to me and traces his hands all over my pale skin of belly. He sucked on the tender skin of my chest a moan escaped my parted lips. 'Jamarion' I whispered.

"Say it again" he said against my breast nibbling the nipples with his pearl white teeth.

'Jamarion' I whispered again he stops his romantic worship and looked at me.

"You're irresistible love I want to worship you again and again" He says while undoing my nighty black strap and trailed kisses on my cleavage and squeezing my left breast with his warm giant hands. I bite inside of my cheek to avoid any odd sounds from my lips. After licking and sucking gently my chest he buried his face in crook of my neck his hands roam all over my body. His hands stop at my v line and he trace circle there. I feel tingling sensation in my scar as if a soft feather was massing it. He rips my thong in a moment and softly inserted finger in my core.

"You are so wet I want to taste you, my sweet dish" He said huskily in his thick velvety voice biting my sweet spot.

"You are my drug I'm hopelessly addicted to you, tonight we are starting our new life let's make it special I will worship you all night without any conditions. From today I will be having full control on you as I leave my part in you" "Shhhh" I put my finger on his lips.

"I want you inside me Hubby and you can control me" I mumbled.

I trace butterfly kisses down his chest and abs. He placed his hands on my hips squeezing them slightly. Then he came on top of me and move towards south. He licked all my cream and whispered mhmmmm. I will make love for whole night he mumbled and I nodded. Then with a slow thrust he entered me and started moving gently. His eyes were changing color with each thrust as if the maroon sky with liquid golden eyes were saying that I'm his forever. Then we made love all night continuously as two body and one soul. The night was special night he worshipped me all savoring every second with love. And I moaned his name again and again. We savored the moment with burning passion of love.