
Chapter 27

A writer is made from readers and you guys are awesome readers. Thank you guys for this lovely support I'm getting from World Wide. A simple sweet response on my story encourages me to write more interesting things. Once again I want to thank all my readers even the silent readers may God bless you with happiest life. Have a great night my loves Do share and comment. Till then Enjoy and yes I love all with all my heart. 💝💝


Your love should be so pure that it should engrave your name in heart of your beloved. A Forced Love-Marriage (To Beast) By Nidhi.


Nalini POV

He stands beside Rick and places hand on his shoulder and turned him towards him.

"Son what happened here I heard noises of breaking glass" Mr. Night's P.A. speaks looking carefully at the pieces of cutlery lying on the floor.

Wait a bloody minute what he said SON Oh my holy God! This means he's Ricks father. I do not understand what this happening. The feel of slight relief vanished in a moment. God was stabbing me more than twice today.

"Y.... you are Rick's f.... father" I spoke bit tardily and slightly confused as I was clueless about the whole situation.

"Yes, I'm Marco Diaz Jamarion's P.A. and Riccardo's father" He said with a smirk plastered on his face.

I rested my hand on chest and calmed my heart beat. Taking deepest breathe of my life I spoke controlling my hiccups.

"I do not understand what's happening nor I want to understand.....hiccups.... please.....hiccups... tell me about which....hiccups... deal you were talking in the room" My voice was cracking with each words.

Rick's loud laugh echoed in large room. After recovering him from event of euphoria. He speaks or may I say he showed his true self to me.

"Oh poor girl let me tell you the whole truth. I had a deal with Vanassche that if he gives me 50% shares and future deals of Night Co., then in return I will give you to him." He said without emotion and chin high in triumph.

I stumbled back a little and cornered me against the lavender wall right now I want earth to open and swallow me whole. A faint oomph escaped my parted lips. Nal composed yourself be strong, you have to escape asap.

"What? How you both do know about Mr. Night and Vanassche fight?" I said in a low tone while resting my hand around my pale neck.

"You remember your idiot brother's Abhimanyu marriage anniversary party, he also invited Night Co. that coquina (Rascal in French) was having an important meeting, so he asked me to attend it. The fight they had made everything crystal clear that they were after you. Then my son took advantage of the situation and you fall in our trap. Till date Jamarion don't has any weakness but now we caught you and we will use you for our burning rage. He should feel the same pain to live without the one he loved." Marco said acidly, his eyes gleamed with hatred that shines like new polished door. His words acts like salt on my wound. All colors of my face drained.

"What revenge?" I mumbled out shakily. He grabbed my arm and forced me look straight at him.

"He killed my brother. The wedding proposal was a part of our plan, once you start trusting me I'll bring you home and drug you and hands you to Vanassche in return of deals and shares. But you got married and blown off our plan. But this time ball is in our court and see you came here by yourself." Rick barked and his tone sends chill to my spine.

He used me I thought he was my friend, till date he was wearing a mask of gentlemen. Rage boiled inside me like a rasping monster. This was it I walked towards him and roughly grabbed his collar.

"You bloody coward spineless creature, you are not a human being you are a smitten. I will love to die but will never be a part of your deal." I said bitterly clearly annoyed by his words. I spit on his face. He rips my hands off and I was lying on the floor, everything happened so fast that I did not get time to handle myself. A burning sting was felled on left cheek. Drawing his right foot back, he slammed three kicks on my stomach. I curled up in ball blood leaked from corner of my lips. I didn't protested, right now I was numb there was no feeling left in me I was wishing God that I'll be die by his beating.

"Son calm down, if you ruin her face we will lose the deal." Marcos said with flat face.

He gave me deadly glare before turning back he slammed the poor door. I tried my best to calm my panting's. My eyes beginning to water I tried to shout but only soft whispers were coming out.

I came to New York to build my bright future, to live my dreams. Why God you joked with my life? I never did bad to anyone. His words were echoing in my ears. I was caught between the devil and the deep sea. I felt warm liquid on my cheek I raised my hand to wipe the tears, my top hem got entangled to my hand oh no not my hand my bracelet. Looking at the bracelet that night memories bought smile on my face a simple thought had blood rushing to my cheeks. I wasn't supposed to fall for him. My foolish heart was chanting his name continuously it was going mad for his touch. My mother always said that I was too naive I always judge people by how sweetly they spoke or appear I never thought that it was a mask to hide their real identity. Every beautiful face has their deepest dark side. Now I understood the real meaning of the phrase "Never Judge a Book by Its Cover". He deceived me he played with my feelings. Now I understand why people named him beast, he has a soul of steel he played with my feelings. I thought I will find my missing parts in him but I was wrong. Nobody can ever love a damaged girl. Still my foolish heart beats for him. The word LOVE was not written in my destiny, only PAIN was engraved in my destiny pages. Then I cried my heart out.

I woke up with a force, my face was wet along with my hairs. I stood up stumbling on my feet. Rick had an empty bucket in his hand. He threw water on my face, he hates me up to this extent.

"You low life slut what magical powers you have used to get that connard (Mother f***ker) in between your legs." He rubbed his index fingers on his chin as if he was thinking some more foul words to insult me.

"You never open your legs for me... why? Because of my status. You were whoring around on all rich men of New York, this was your plan to get rich in a snap of finger." He despise me with his words I can easily sense the venom in his voice.

It was enough for me to hear his painful curses my hand automatically flew towards cheek. I was shocked to hear those words from him. He thinks that low of me. He grinds his teeth together and take a deep breathe his veins were clearly visible, I think he used every fiber of his body to not beat me again.

"You have 15 minutes to get ready. Tame your hairs and be presentable." He said and disappers.

I went to balcony to find a way to escape shit! I was at first floor if I jump I'll break my bones I immediately erased this absurd idea then I tip toed towards the main door carefully without making any noise I opened the door with slow pace and peep outside there were five men's guarding their home. I inwardly screamed at my helplessness. My energy was all gone after Rick has beaten me. So I gave up with a bitter truth that I'll be a sex slave to Vanssche for full life. I walked towards the bathroom I checked my face in mirror Oh gosh! I looked hideous. I pulled my hairs in ponytail and washed my face with water to get rid of blood clot. "Time to surrender myself to an inhuman creature" I mumbled to myself.

Once I reached the living area I spotted Van he was talking to Marcos when he heard my footsteps he turned towards me and eyed me fully I can see lust clear in his dirty eyes. He gave me a look you-think-you-could-escape-me-that-easily. God if I have super powers for a minute I will rip his eye balls and killed him in minutes. I rolled my eyes in frustration. He faked coughed I again looked at him, reading the looks on his face my all confidence faltered.

"It was nice dealing with you Mr. Diaz" Van said while looking at some stacks of paper. He signed them and handed him a bunch of files. A smirk can be easily seen on both father and son face. Then he turned towards me and chuckled at my condition. He grabs my hand roughly.

"Don't touch me you son of bitch" I almost yell at him and jerk my hand away.

"Obey me slut... get used to this touch, I will tear you in two today, your hole will bleed whole night. I have paid a high amount for you" He whispered in my ear, right now I want to puke at his words but I controlled myself. He dragged me outside and forcefully throws me on passenger seat. The engine comes to the life and he drives me towards my worst future.

Misty hazes of thoughts were covering my already dead mind. I was preparing myself for the worst, he will claim he will rape me and I being coward could not fight back. I was stuck in a situation where my poor response was no use. I console myself with a bitter thought that today I will close the door of my happiness, open the door of sorrow and pain. I wasn't afraid of my past but was surely afraid of the future waiting for me tonight. I can't run away from the reality. My thoughts were sinking in deeper and deeper in infinite darkness.


The car comes to an abrupt stop, I glanced outside the window we were on the bridge. Van pushed me out of car. I saw more than 50 black cars were blocking our way. The bridge was crowded with giant men's, they all were standing in queue maintaining equal distance as if they were trained military soldiers. All the men were standing on two lines leaving a space in middle to walk for a celebrity. Everyone was dressed up officially in all black clothes as if it was sort of a uniform they wore no emotion, standing straight holding gun. The weather changed in seconds, a loud roaring wind started moving in circular motion, the clouds began to gather in sky, the beautiful blue sky was changing into gravel grey. Tiny transparent beads were scattered on bridge. I was blinking to adjust my eyes, suddenly all of them salutes to the man no not man it was "The dark fallen angel from hell" walked with unreadable expression on his face. He was looking astonishing no scratch that I'll correct myself he was looking incredibly hotttttttt.

Hotter than molten lava, hotter than anything in entire universe. If I'll rate him he was #1in hotness #1in Greek Gods list #1in Features even #1in Beauty. Yes in beauty also yaar he was beautiful don't blame me.

He was dressed in very fine tailored suit with grey shirt underneath, the three buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned revealing his Greek like physique, and his hairs were perfectly combed and gelled to set it. My mouth was opening and closing at its own. I was busy drooling him then I noticed something. Holy Crap! He was holding the same gun and to my surprise the gun was pointed towards me. His eyes were cold and a darker and dangerous shade of red with solid golden dot at center. The color which clearly show he was murderously furious.

"Ego te cogitavi mecum adgressus terga relinquam vos." (you thought I will leave you for back stabbing me) Jamarion spoke in weirdly calm tone that I was going to pass out any minute. My jaw dropped in silent scream of horror. I didn't get his words but it was obvious he was mad at me for betraying him but at least he should have given me time to explain why I did so. I can feel sweat drenched on my skin the throbbing of my heart can be felled by the person who was 10 km away from me. I thought I forgot how to breathe I was so scared. The adrenaline grew so fast that my stomach churns into painful cramps. My legs were frozen into the place I jammed my fist in my mouth to avoid my scream. Death is worse than fear I realized today. Then I remember my father's word don't be afraid of death be afraid of life because it's a painful truth, if you ever face death just close eyes and welcome it, the pain will last only for seconds then you will be free from all this cruel world.

Shit! He pulled the trigger, so many unanswered questions running inside my skull. Will I get a proper funeral or he will feed me to hungry wild dogs. Will my parents ever know about my death? What he will do to Jan and Abhi? I loved you Mom and Dad, sorry for not listening to you. Sorry for stealing Ice creams at night and putting all blame to Annaya. Sorry to all of you if I have ever hurt you. Grandma I'm coming, I hope I will go to heaven if I have ever done any good deeds. I closed my eyes but this time forever.

Keep loving and cherishing my book love you all. May God bless you all.

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