
Chapter 20

I'm grateful to all my lovely awesome readers who are supporting me at every step. Enjoy Jamarion POV and do tell me how was it.💝💝


Love her soul truly she will love you back million times. A Forced Love-Marriage (To Beast) By Nidhi.


Jamarion POV

I left the meeting in rush my thoughts were revolving around my angel. Walking in the corridor I heard soft music, something in my mind told me go and check that hall. I know someone has thrown a party there and if I'll go everyone will be frightened. But this feeling was getting hard to control so I barge in the hall and what I saw sends a rage in my vein. That coward was hitting my angel. I punched him hard I was going to kill him but my angel stopped me. That mother fucker Van was after my girl he thinks she was some random girl whom he can fuck and leave I'll kill him if I ever saw him near my angel. I was furious that I can kill 100 people in blink of eyes.

I turned around listening her soft voice. My emotionless stare made her breathing unsteady and she was frightened. She might have thought that I'll harm her as she believes what people say about me. Little girl don't know that she is my soul mate and I could not harm her better I'll rip my heart out. To soothe her I look straight in her innocent eyes to assure her that I won't harm her. She reads my eyes as if my eyes hold some puzzle and she solved it. Her breathing was now normal she sighed. Her mental state gives me satisfaction that she is normal now and I can leave. I know if I'll stay there for a minute I'll take her to me instantly but again my misfortune I have to wait till coming lunar eclipse. Taking last glance at her I left.

Once on road I decided to meet Braden to state my anger. He ditched me now time to teach him a lesson, I'm going to make his deadliest dream comes true. I dialed Krishna's number and ask him to meet me in dungeon. I was going to my black dungeon to meet that bastard Braden. Reaching the dungeon I spotted Braden he was chained and was hanged upside down he looks pale and messy with all those beatings, starving and blood loss.

"Krishna you have done a great job." I patted his shoulder he knows how to torcher my enemies.

"Missed me bastard" When he looked at me he dared not to move a muscle he shivered a bit. I poked my fingers in his injury at chest he groans in pain.

"Tell me your boss name"


"I don't like repeating Your.boss.name" My voice resounds in the dungeon. I grab a fist full of his hairs and punched him hard.

"Please cough sir cough leave me" that low piece coughed more blood while speaking.

I pulled out my gun from pocket and pointed right at his forehead. I placed my finger on trigger and tilted my head to side.

"You will meet your dead father soon"

"If I'll tell you my boss name he will kill my wife" he said lowering his gaze.

Out of blue her obsidian orbs comes to my sight. I closed my lids and pictured her. The way her melon soft lips speak, the way her eyes were glued to floor their innocence melts the ice which covered on my heart. I was entranced by her beauty. I know my soul was connected to her and I can't live without her. But she was afraid of my dangerous aura I think she knows about me who am I. I will marry her on this lunar eclipse and will keep her to me forever, she will always be in front of my eyes. The storm inside me comes to a stop when I see her.

"Let him go Krishna" They both were looking with wide eyes at me.

"I said LET.HIM.GO" I replied with greeted teeth. He unchained him and makes him stand on his feet.

"Go or else I changed my mind" I barked on him. Without wasting a nano seconds he left the dungeon with limping steps.

I closed my eyes and chanted her name Nalini.....I felt a soft warm touch in my heart it made my heart to beat fast. She has the power to break the ice which covers my heart and soul. She was having a great impact on me. I have never learnt to love anybody but I was having a soft side for her. This crazy heart of mine chants her name every moment. I won't let her go far from me for even a minute. "We will be one on this lunar eclipse."

Nalini POV

I adjust myself on my grey yoga mat and started doing meditation.

I focused on my breathing, breathe in....... breathe out....... Inhale positivity........exhale negativity. After half an hour I stand up adjusting my top I looked out of window the canvas holds neon shades of pink and orange the sun was shining in a sea of liquid gold a group of birds were moving towards town chirping in Corus a gift of fresh breeze was wrapped in a bouquet of brisk winds. A beautiful day I mumbled to myself.

I shifted my gaze and checked the clock it was 7:20 I rushed to the bathroom to have shower I blow dried my hairs letting it hang loose and slipped black denims with floral printed top and a plain blue scarf knotted around my neck. I lined my upper lids with brown liner and dusted my cheeks with brown blush. I took a last glance at my reflection in mirror, honestly I look plain.

Grabbing my laptop I went down I saw Abhi and Jan both were reading newspaper on breakfast table, they looked frightened. I pause for a moment and blink at them deliberately.

"Good morning beautiful couples" I said in happy tone. They both look at me questioningly.

"What?" I knitted my brows in confusion. Abhi passed me the news paper without uttering a word.

I took the newspaper and skim the headlines. Oh shit! The headlines were Last night a man named Braden was killed brutally by J..Jamarion N..Night but they don't have any witness against him. I can feel a bubble of fear growing inside me. I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes for a while. There's a still silence between us. Nobody uttered a single word we ate in silence. I left the house without speaking any word.

The weather was beautiful the misty cold wind erupts goose bumps on my skin, the bluish sky was now changing into grey sheets of cloud it will rain definitely. I decided to walk today as I need some alone time, my thoughts were brain stuck after reading the headlines a part of me believes it and other part deny it and I like walking. To distract my thoughts I pulled out my earphones and played my favorite song "Love me like you do."

Once I reached the office round the corner of corridor I spotted Sarah having brief conversation with Cortle. He nods in confirmation. My eyes drift towards the wedding dress which was designed by me. She was handing him dress in a minute he disappeared.

"Hey Nalini" Sarah says brightly. I smile back at her.

"Your designs are selected Amanda Mam and after our fashion show you will get promotion" My face light up hearing this good news. I hugged her.

"Complete all the designs and pattern making by today"

"Yes it's almost completed don't worry" I said in helpful tone. Whole day went too fast as I was busy completing designs and coordinating with vendors.

I checked the time it was 5:30 p.m. Time to meet rick I mumbled. I left the office building in hurry as I don't want to get late, the light of the day has been replaced by dark grey group of clouds the street lamps were lit. I hailed a taxi and gave the directions to the driver.

I totter towards the café and push the door with all my strength as it was too heavy. My nostrils were hit by overwhelming smell of cappuccino so strong smell it's awake my senses. I decided my meal in mind without looking over the menu card. Focus! Glutton Girly you are here to meet Rick not to feed yourself my inner voice mocked me. Aghhhh! God please kill her.

The cafe was breathtaking the walls were covered with wooden textures wallpaper. The chocolate brown shades used throughout and are complemented by statement furniture and different colors round shape paper lanterns were hanging from ceiling. The dim light gives a feeling of peace. I saw Rick sitting at the last table I walked towards him nervously.

"H..Hi Rick" I replied shyly once I saw him.

He stands up from the chair and with open arms he hugged me I was shocked at his sudden gesture but then I drained all the negative thoughts and return the hug. I inhale his familiar Cinnamon cologne which he always wears. I feel pain in my scar. I sat on the chair adjusting my bag on the table. A waiter appears handing us the menu card.

"You order Nal" Rick says keeping the menu card on table.

Glancing over I nearly faint, when I checked the price of drinks. Well it was New York's best cafe, so I can't help it but I'll pay for my meal as I'm independent woman and can take care of my expenses. I order a cappuccino along with brownie with vanilla ice cream for both of us.

"Why are you sad?"

"Jamarion killed my cousin last night" Once those words were out of his mouth I feel like someone has stabbed me 20 times right on my heart.

Composing myself I speak up"What?" I don't want to believe my ears.

"Ten years ago he killed my younger brother and now my cousin." He shifted his gaze, his eyes brimmed with tear. It broke my heart. I was out of words don't know how to comfort him it was really shocking for me as the man who claimed me yesterday was a killer of innocent souls.

"Hey I know it's heart breaking but there is no point dwelling on past it's gone, please think about yourself your future" Rick takes my hand and weaves his fingers between mine. I feel a slight flush came to my cheeks.

"I love you Nal marry me"

My job nearly dropped I stare at him in utter belief. There's a silence between us. He passes a hand through his hairs and stares directly in my eyes.

"Please I will love you to death" The waiter appears with our orders and retreats us.

"I...I need some time" I said with shaky voice.

After facing my bitter past I don't want to fall for someone that easily because if I love him again with the same depth and if he doesn't love me back then the wound will be deep as the depth of my love. At this point in my life my priority was building my career. And I want to be with someone who will take care of me and accept me the way I'm. Someone who can take care of my soul understands me fully respect my decisions. As a person Rick was a nice guy but I don't want to judge a book by its cover I need time to know him because marriage is a big deal. Wedding is not a game of dolls.

"Ok......Nal but at every point of life I want you. I had fallen in love with you when I saw you first. I have never believed in love at first sight till date but after seeing you I agreed to it." I feel a tickling feeling budding inside my stomach, my palms were sweaty I was turning into deep shade of magenta.

"P.. please" I almost whispered. I kept making myself fool by stuttering continuously. I looked up at him with nervous eyes his bright green forest eyes were clouded with sadness. He was intimidating but not as much as Mr. Night. Now what should I do.

"Can we be friends first" I blurted out. He nodded in response with plastic smile.

Then we chatted on different topics like our likes and dislikes, favorite place to visit and much more. I took a sip of my cappuccino and enjoyed the taste of dark coffee.

I was walking on a silent and empty familiar street I was almost near to my house. Due to light rain the weather had cooled down I was rubbing my palms trying to preserve the warmth. I spotted Mr. N.. Night walking towards main entrance of my house with shopping bag in hand and his eyes were glued on phone, my breath almost hitched in my neck. He was dressed in an immaculate jacket with a blue shirt and black denims. Another man might be his body guard was behind. Men like him don't need a bodyguard perhaps he has enemies that might be a reason. But why he was here, did he come to kill me...... no.

I jump to conclusions very easily control Nal he will not eat you he helped you that day. But he is a killer my sinner self mocked. Seriously I don't want to believe that he killed someone.

I don't have courage to go against him so almost with a sheepish smile I walk towards him with jittery steps. Though people said that his aura was dark and trembling but I feel secured near him. Sometimes I feel that I'm a retarded kid now you guys will ask why the point is nearly whole world is afraid of him and me being stupid girl instead of scaring him I feel secured with him. I nearly tripped on my feet he forward his hand to hold me by my Waist suddenly he flinched away he looked at me for a while I tried not to cringe. To my relief he was normal means not angry I can see that in his eyes they were deeper shade of red as if the melted lava was now calm down I can see a huge train of emotions rising in them. Well I wasn't dying for his attention though he was hot as hell but I was hopelessly flirty.

We stood there awkwardly for minutes but the unspoken silence was speaking quite things Here at this moment I want to trust my instincts not what I heard from people but my feelings crushed next minute when he spoke up.

"This is your wedding dress love, I hope you like it" He said in deep seductive velvety voice. Man his accent was way better than mine I can easily heard he has faint British accent in his words.

I don't want to believe my ears as if the ground slipped beneath my feet. I was completely clueless how to react I was looking at him like a fish with ogling eyes. He raised a brow as he saw my frightened expression.

"Take this love and we are getting married next week." He gently handed me the bag with shaky hands I took it.

He was looking at me like he can read my mind which was now blank as if he could see right through me. After listening his words I wasn't able to make any sentence so without thinking I spat those six words......

"I... I can't Ma... Marry an enchanting beast." oh crapppp!

I immediately regretted at my words without looking back I ran away from there. Fumbling door keys in my messy bag, with shaky hands I get out my door keys. Inserting the keys I swiftly opened the door and ascended stairs with erratic heart rate.

Keep loving and cherishing my book love you all. May God bless you.
