
Foolish Challenge

If anyone knew that she had absorbed sixty demon crystals in a few hours, it could easily cause a commotion. Lilith hadn't expected to absorb this quickly; she initially thought she could absorb five to six a day, not sixty, and even then, Lilith felt she could absorb more.

It felt as if she were a bottomless pit where there appeared to be no limit to how much she could absorb.

By now, she knew that her Eldritch Energy had jumped by several folds in the last few hours; however, she also felt a bit drunk by the sudden increase in EP. She felt tired, and decided to stop since she felt sweaty and sticky all over and wanted to take a shower.

As she walked to the shower room, she glanced at her status screen, which displayed an increase in her EP stat.

[User: Lilith]

[Race: Demon]

[Level: 10]

[820/1000 EXP]

[HP: 200/200]

[EP: 405/405]

[Strength: 39]

[Agility: 36]

[Stamina: 33]

'300 EP increase... It's a bit disappointing, as I expected to absorb more from the 60 demon crystals. 5 EP increase per crystal? It may appear small, but it's fourfold the amount I had before.' She smiled. 'It's small; however, the small growth will slowly build up over time.'

Lilith reached the shower room, took off her sweaty nightgown, and went straight into the shower.


In one part of the city of Narc, Lilith was taking a shower, and in another part, there existed a luxurious mansion surrounded by nature. Around the entirety of the mansion, guards stood armed with high-tiered divine weapons and armor—they appeared to be apart of a group that one should never mess with unless one desired death.

It was said to be impossible to infiltrate the property without being detected; however, even though it seemed impossible to the populous after countless attempts, many have tried and failed only to be dragged to their early deaths. One could only enter through the main entrance, and accomplishing that would prove to be difficult.

For one to enter, they must arrange a meeting with the mansion's owner beforehand after all. But arranging a meeting with him wasn't easy; only those who'd caught his eye or those who thought would clear his boredom would be arranged—he'd never agree to a meeting with a low-life or anyone who'd beg or complain.

To him, they were considered nuisances! Not only to him, but to the world! He'd kill such a person without even batting an eye.

He had to keep his ruthless reputation for those who dared go against him after all, as Kesean, the sole leader of the Durham Gang.

At the moment, a luxurious limousine was driving towards the Kesean's mansion, carrying a young, handsome man. Although he was seated inside a car that held several luxuries and there was a picturesque scene of nature outside, he was angry.

The limousine reached the mansion's entrance and slowly came to a stop just before the divine steel gate, where several guards stood inside and outside.

A guard, seeing them come to a stop, walked up to the limousine as a frown couldn't help but form across his face. They were curious to see who their visitors were and what their purpose was for coming here.

"State your purpose for your arrival!"

"We've come for a meeting with Sir Kesean."

"A meeting, you say? With whom has she arranged a meeting with our boss? I was never informed of there being a meeting today." His frown grew as he glared at Gael.

"Young master, Damon Blaze."

"Damon Blaze, huh? That brat dares to come here even after what he did? He truly is courting his own death by coming here of all places." The guard sadistically smirked. "Since he came here begging for death, I don't mind assisting him in ending his life; however, I'll need to confirm with the boss before I can allow you in."

The guard returned and quickly notified Kesean of Damon's arrival. After confirming that they could enter, the guard let them in, and they stopped before the mansion.

A group of guards were already waiting for them to welcome and escort them to Kesean's chambers.

Gael stepped out of the limousine and opened the door for Damon.

"Gael, stay here. I'll be returning shortly." Damon spoke calmly.

"Yes, young master."

"Heh." A guard grinned upon hearing Damon's bold claims—his arrogance appeared to know no bounds. He ruthlessly killed their leader's son and didn't even leave a single speck of his body behind, and he even went as far as to return... Is he overconfident in his skills, thinking he could outmatch the boss's wrath? Or was he scared shitless and decided to beg for forgiveness?

Or could it be that he came here to die? Did he think that just by coming here, he would be given a less painful death?

'I can't wait to see your reaction... This'll be fun.'

Damon easily read the look on the guard's face, but he ignored it. He didn't feel the need to lower himself to the level of beating up a measly guard over the guard's foolishness. Instead, he'd rather wait until later and show him how foolish he was.

"Sir, Damon. Please follow us. We'll lead you to the master's chambers." A middle-aged butler said once Damon stepped out of the limousine.

Damon only nodded in response and followed as they escorted him to the Kesean's chambers. As he was led through the mansion, there were no words spoken between one another, leaving the mansion in silence.

It didn't take long before they arrived outside his chambers, and a servant knocked on the door.

"Sir Damon is here, boss!"

"Let him enter!" A male, cold voice was heard from inside.

The servant opened the door.

Inside, a young shirtless man was seated on a black loveseat, surrounded by several beautiful women in revealing outfits—they massaged his robust arms and shoulders constantly.

"Damon... you surely are bold for you to come here after ruthlessly murdering my son. Kesean glared begrudgingly at Damon with killing intent. "Have you come here to serve your head to me on a platter? Or are you here to beg me for forgiveness? Which one?"

"Neither… I'm not here to die, nor will I ever beg for forgiveness."

"Since you aren't here to die, nor are you here to beg for forgiveness, then, tell me what you are here for? There shouldn't be anything else to be here for. Do you think I'll allow you to leave here alive for what you've done? And for wasting my time? I could kill you here right now! But why won't I? Why shouldn't I just kill you and avenge my son?"

Damon smirked, "I've come here to challenge you for the leader's position since you seem to be incompetent at it."

"What?" Kesean and all those inside the room grew surprised—the gang only had a few rules, and it was said to be a gang where strength reigned supreme. If one had enough strength, one could rule over everything!

In fact, if anyone desired to be Durham's leader, it was an achievable task. One wouldn't need a deep background in criminology, nor would they need to assassinate or kill the leader.

All that was needed was strength.

For one to become the leader, they would need to challenge and defeat the current leader at the time in a one-on-one battle! If one desired, they could kill the former leader after defeating them without repercussions. Instead, the gang's loyalty would no longer be towards the former leader, changing to those who've defeated the leader.

However, they were surprised by the fact that Damon, who should've been frightened by their leader's wrath, came here as if he didn't fear anything in the world. Not only that, he even asked to challenge Kesean. Has he gone crazy from fear? Did he have the strength to back up his words?

No, impossible. There's no way this measly brat could have the strength to rival the boss; it must be his arrogance blinding him from reality and making him believe he could rival the boss! Naturally, they looked down on Damon, as everyone who'd challenged Kesean before was the same... Arrogant—they believed they were stronger and superior to him, only to lose their lives at his hands.

"Since you desire an early death this much, I have no reason to refuse assisting you; I accept!" Kesean grinned manically.

Naturally, he looked down on him and thought himself to be fortunate. Damon had voluntarily placed the reaper's scythe around his neck, and all he had to do was finish it and end his life—an easy task where he wouldn't need to put much effort into it.

If Damon remained held up in his mansion, it'd be more difficult to achieve his revenge, but he didn't do that—his idiocy astounded Kesean, but he wasn't complaining.

'Soon… You'll understand what the difference between heaven and earth is. You'll die a painful death of misery, and I hope you learn to regret your negligence in hell."

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