
A Forbidden Game [The Gamer Fanfic]

Yukio lived a great life, having a great caring family, good friends, intelligent, and even had great looks. Unfortunately, good things always have to come to an end at some point. Fortunately, it seems his rather short life isn't over just yet as he finds himself waking up in a strange place with some kind of strange system with him. Not just any system though, but the system of The Gamer! He is about to shake all the worlds to their very core!

AegisStigma · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Hostess Of Fertility





"P-Please wait a moment while we count these up."

Yukio just gave a simple nod in response as he leaned against the front desk of the guild, his hood and mask still covering his appearance as he crossed his arms over his chest. He had just gotten back to the guild and was now handing in the magic stones he collected.

The girl that he had just handed the stones into was different from the one he had met previously, this one appearing to be an elf with brown hair. She had introduced herself to him as Eina, and had told him that she had heard about him from Misha.

When he had given her the magic stones, he had noticed how she seemed to be shocked by the sheer quantity that he had given. He understood why as the amount that he gave her was probably much more compared to what new adventurers are usually capable of giving, along with the quality of them.

He was literally also SCOLDED by this elf girl since she could tell he had gone down to around floor ten, which he did, due to the type of magic stone he had given her. It seemed that since he was a new adventurer, she scolded him for 'overestimating' himself... So, she told him to refrain from going down too deep.

Yeah, nah. He'll do whatever wants.

He isn't suicidal, so of course, he'll make sure not to overestimate himself and go to the floors he can't deal with. Though, floor ten really wasn't too hard, so he was quite certain that he could go down a few more floors without any trouble. Plus, he was only getting stronger and stronger.

Aside from that though, as the elf girl had gone off to the back with those magic stones, he decided to check out the two items he had gotten from completing that quest of his. So, he muttered 'Menu' silently as the screen popped up.

He could interact with the screen with just his mind, though it felt a bit more troublesome as it required a bit of concentration, so he preferred using his hands to interact with it. However, considering where he was right now, using his mind was the better option to avoid getting too many looks.

So, he looked at the items he had just gotten.



● Roulette Item Wheel: A single-use roulette wheel that grants the user with one random item. Can range from something useless to absolutely overpowered『Amount: 1』

● Random Skill Book: A single-use book that transforms into a random skill book that the user can learn, and the book has a random level of proficiency『Amount: 1』


Reading the information, he nodded to himself mentally as they could definitely prove to be interesting draws. Depending on the kind of item he gets from the wheel, it could really help him out on getting stronger, or maybe help him out in another regard.

With the book, depending on the skill that the book transforms into, it could prove to be very beneficial. He doubted that the skills he could get were like superpowers or anything, considering there was a roulette wheel for powers already, which was where he got his Sky Dragon Slayer Magic.

His assumption was that the skills would probably be everyday skills like cooking or something. Though, he was confused if these skills were considered abilities as he didn't see a tab on the menu screen that specifically stated 'skills'. His magic was placed into the abilities tab though. Perhaps skills would just be an invisible thing or whatever.

Well, he'll find out soon enough.

Eina still hadn't gotten back yet, so he might as well draw the two items now. So, to start off with, he decided to reveal the book first as he focused on the item. When he did, a rather large book with a brown blank cover appeared in his right hand, having golden corners.

He noticed how a few people noticed the book suddenly appear out of nowhere and looked at him with surprise, though he ignored them. This world was full of things like magic, so he doubted it would cause a massive ruckus if he suddenly made items appear and disappear.

'How do I do this...?' Yukio raised one eyebrow as he turned the book around at different angles. After searching its body for a second, he took that the small golden orb at the center of the book cover was pressable, so he obviously decided to press it.

When he did, the book gave off a soft glow for a second before the cover suddenly changed in coloration. It took a quick second before the book's cover turned to a light blue color, the golden parts staying the same as words appeared at the center of the cover.


『Skill Book - Leaf Whistling (Master)』

● An ancient Hawaiian practice of blowing into a leaf, resulting in vibrations of different pitches. If one is skilled enough in its practice, a simple musical piece played through this practice can calm the hearts of ferocious beasts


'That's... interesting.' Yukio rose an eyebrow slightly under his hood as he read over the description. The skill he had gotten was a rather abnormal one, though he definitely could see that it could have its uses depending on the situation. He honestly expected to get something normal like cooking or whatever, not leaf whistling...

Well, he didn't really complain as it could prove useful in the future. Such as being if he finds himself unwanting to fight something, he can just play some music and hopefully calm whatever attacks him down. Though he would also probably just play for the heck of it, might as well. He then tapped onto the golden sphere once again as the book gave off a faint glow, which he was soon greeted with a prompt.


『Skill Book - Leaf Whistling (Master)』

『Requirement: 40 Intellect』

● An ancient Hawaiian practice of blowing into a leaf, resulting in vibrations of different pitches. If one is skilled enough in its practice, a simple musical piece played through this practice can calm the hearts of ferocious beasts


Would you like to learn the skill? 『Yes』『No』


'Interesting, so learning skills require a certain level of intelligence... Makes sense.' Yukio nodded to himself as he read that small prompt. Higher difficulty skills to learn would require more intelligence, and lower-end skills less. This must be what the system meant when he looked at what the different stat categories meant.

Including the fact that this particular skill seemed to be a 'master' level, then that probably also affected how much intelligence he needed to learn the skill. Perhaps if the skill had a level of 'novice' or something, it would probably require fewer points into the intellect category.

Anyway, he selected the『Yes』option as the book soon vanished from his hand, and he could feel the sudden rush of information invade his mind. It wasn't nearly as painful as when the knowledge of how to use his magic occurred, so he didn't really react too much due to it.

Just like that, he had masterful skills in leaf whistling. Yay?

Anyway, moving on from that, it was time to spin that item wheel. He was mostly interested in this one as he was curious to find out just what kind of items he could get from the spin, maybe something normal or something magical in nature. He didn't know.

Only one way to find out.




『You have received Race Modulator』


『Race Modulator』

● A special item that alters the user's race/species. This item can only be used once, and the user will become the race in which this modulator specifies. The race that this item changes the user into is selected at random.

● Item is currently unusable as no race has been selected. The race will be chosen at random after an unknown amount of time. Do keep in mind that the race may alter the user's appearance depending on what has been chosen.


Yukio narrowed his eyes slightly at this, the item could either be something beneficial or something hurtful. From what he read, the species that this item could turn him into was randomly chosen. So, depending on what the race turns out to be, will also determine whether or not he would even use it.

Because if it turns out to choose something like a spider, then no freaking thanks. He was not hoping to grow eight freaking legs or a bunch of eyes. That was not going to freaking happen. This wasn't a spiderman situation either as the item stated that his appearance may alter.

Anyway, it seemed that the item was in the middle of deciding which race it will take on as it did mention about it being chosen after an unknown amount of time. Until that time comes, he'll leave the item be in his inventory until it finishes, hopefully notifying him when it does.

Why the heck the thing needed time to decide was beyond him, maybe it was actually God who was making the decision himself. If that was the case, he could only hope that the guy would be generous and give him a good race. Though, he was a bit hesitant in throwing away his humanity.

"Thank you for waiting, I apologise that it took so long...!" The voice of Eina snapped Yukio out of any of his thoughts as he turned his head to look over his shoulder. He saw Eina walking back out with a rather large brown pouch in her hands. "We counted up all of your magic stones and the total added up to 38,500 V-Valis..."

Yukio nodded his head as he heard this, a decent haul. He noticed how Eina had a rather shocked looked on her face as well, probably since adventurers that start off usually wouldn't even dream of being able to make so much so quickly. Probably only making a max of five thousand at the start.

The elf watched with a confused look as Yukio poured out all of the coins onto the counter, to which she then saw him swipe his hand over the top of them. Not long after, the coins all seemingly disappeared. He had truthfully just placed them into his inventory.

He was pretty disappointed since he couldn't convert the money into currency in his status, unlike how he could do the other way around. Since he couldn't convert the Valis into system currency, he'd have to keep it in his inventory and take it out whenever he needed it.

"By the way, Eina."

"Y-Yes...?" Eina shook her head to recompose herself as she heard Yukio calling out her name. After seeing that little stunt with making the coins disappear, she felt herself stunned for a bit. "Is there something you need, Yukio?"

"I was just wondering if there is a good place to rest around here?"

"A good place to rest? Well... I guess the Hostess Of Fertility would be the place." Eina suggested as Yukio blinked. Eina noticed his confused expression and further explained. "It's a famous pub along the Western Main Street, the food is great there. Since it's becoming nighttime, a lot of adventurers tend to go there at around this time."

"I see, thank you. I'll go take a look there then." Yukio gave a small bow as he turned around and began walking out of the guild. He was pretty sure he had gone past that place before already, he did see a sign that read 'Hostess Of Fertility' at one point, unless he was mistaken.

He may not require to drink or eat, due to having the perk of Gamer's Body. But, that doesn't mean he can't enjoy eating. After all, just because he doesn't need food anymore to live, that didn't mean his taste buds were removed. He would still like to taste the food at least.

He had also already booked a room from one of the ins he had come across while traveling to the dungeon after having signed up, so his living place was sorted out already. The place he had booked was pretty nice too, with decent furniture, clean, and more.


'I guess this is the place...?'

Yukio was now standing in front of a rather large wooden building, appearing to be a two-story. It was also nighttime as the lights inside could be seen shining through the front open door, along with him being able to hear the loud voices of a number of people.

If he was honest, it kind of annoyed him. He was someone who didn't mind having a conversation, but there was always a limit. If the conversation becomes too loud, then it would annoy him. Probably the same for many people. He didn't really like loud places.

Aside from that though, he just gave a small shrug of his shoulders as he began walking forwards towards the entrance. Looking in as he was walking, he could see a number of people sitting down at wooden tables, eating and drinking like a massive part was happening. Most of them looked drunk due to the alcohol they were probably drinking.

"Welcome to the Hostess Of Fertility." A rather stoic voice called out to him as he stopped at the entrance. Yukio turned his gaze towards the voice to see that the one that addressed him was a blonde elf-girl, one that held a stoic expression constantly. "How may we help you today?"

"Greetings. I would just like a simple meal today." Yukio voiced calmly as he looked at her. "Do you perhaps have a spot that may be a bit secluded from the rest? Or as far away as possible from all the other tables? I don't like crowded spaces..."

"The only spot that would satisfy that is the table off near the corner. Would you like to sit there?" The girl asked as she gestured towards the table near the end of the room, one that was a bit far off compared to the other ones. Yukio nodded his head. "Follow me."

As Yukio followed the girl, he noticed that a number of people were looking in their direction. Yukio frowned underneath his mask as he could see that those gazes were directed towards the elf-girl, and the eyes held lustful elements. It was very disturbing...

"Do you get these looks all the time?"

"Unfortunately so..." Despite the rather dull tone that the elf spoke in, he could hear the signs of irritation laced in it. Yukio was honestly impressed that this girl was keeping such a stoic look under all these gazes. The only reason he wasn't really reacting much was thanks to his Gamer's Mind. "I have gotten used to it by now."

"I see. My condolences." Yukio gave a small dry chuckle as the girl looked at him for a second before nodding as she continued leading him to the table. Yukio raised an eyebrow at the small action, though he soon noticed a small popup.

『Reputation With Ryuu Lion Increased By 8』

'That's new...' Yukio thought to himself in surprise as he saw the popup. Maybe he just missed any of these particular popups due to situations, though he did notice it now at least. Curious, he decided to use his Observe perk to check her status.


『Ryuu Lion』

Falna Level: 4

System Level: 38

『Strength: 58』『Agility: 74』『Vitality: 52』『Magic: 66』

Health: 520/520 [▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅] Mana: 1320/1320 [▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅]

『Reputation: 8/100』『Affection: 0/100』


'Damn, she's strong...' Yukio was pretty surprised by the information he was given. It seemed that this girl was more than meets the eye, and he was pretty certain she could kick his ass. Those stats were far higher than his, though maybe if he played his cards right, he might have a chance at beating her.

He had this strange feeling that this girl wasn't normal when he first saw her, and that was because of the way she carried herself. While he was by far no expert when it came to combat, he only knew basic stuff, he could tell that the girl was seemingly always on guard despite how calm she looked.

The same could be said for the rest of the other waitresses that he could see walking around the place, they all carried themselves in a similar way. Despite some having rather interesting quirks, he could see that they were ready to fight if anything happened. This was a house of powerhouses in disguise.

Not like it mattered to him though. He had no reason at all to cause trouble.

Plus, seeing her status also gave him some insight into the power of this world. He wasn't the biggest one on this particular anime world, he only knew basic stuff. If a level four person like Ryuu here had these kinds of stats, then what were the higher ones like? He was pretty sure he should be able to catch up decently easily, maybe even in a max of two weeks he might be able to catch up to Ryuu.

Maybe even beyond if he really decided to try instead of casually killing.

Also considering the fact that he might get some items or something that help him level up, that could help speed up the process even more. In truth, he really didn't think this world was really all that impressive from what he knew right now and has seen. Compared to ones like Dragon Ball, he had no doubt this world paled majorly in comparison.

Aside from that though, he could see the reputation value there. It was an interesting addition to the status screen, along with that affection bar. He could already tell what the both of them probably meant, so there was no need to ponder on it at all. At least he was on positive terms with this girl.

"Please take a seat, I'll be with you shortly."

"Thank you." Ryuu gave a small nod in response as she gave him a menu before walking off, to which Yukio then opened up the book to see what there was. He was greeted by the writings the named a number of simple dishes, such as noodles, pork roasts, and more. There were also alcoholic drinks, which he won't be having.

He may be immune to such effects alcohol would have on his mind thanks to Gamer's Mind, though that didn't mean he would just start drinking alcohol. He wasn't going to even think about drinking anything alcoholic until he was eighteen, and even then, he probably won't drink.

He had accidentally experienced some due to some unfortunate circumstances, though that was probably one of the main reasons he doesn't want to drink any kind of alcohol. His concern about it now wasn't its effects on the mind, but because he still remembered how much he hated the taste.

True, maybe other alcohol's tasted better, though he was unwilling to try at the moment.

'Hm...?' Yukio narrowed his eyes slightly as he could feel some kind of gaze boring into him, and it felt unnerving. He didn't feel hostility, though it still made his spine shiver a bit. Glancing around, he took notice of one of the waitresses, a silver-haired one. 'Was it her? Hmm...'

He decided to ignore it for now since he didn't feel any hostile emotions, though he would keep his guard up just in case. Not like he doesn't do that anyway. Aside from that previous gaze he felt, he could feel those annoying looks of some adventurers that were staring at him. Probably due to his clothing...

Maybe if he decided to buy other clothes, though he really didn't want to wear clothes that dated back to medieval times, he didn't like those kinds of clothes. He was a guy from the modern world, and that's the image he wants to damn keep. Plus, the system cleans his clothes after a few seconds anyway, just like how it did with that blood.

"Are you ready to order?"

"Yeah. I'll have the noodles and a simple jug of orange juice, that's all." Ryuu took note of his order as she was writing it down on the small notepad she had in her hands. While he was pretty sure she didn't need to write it down to remember, considering his order was small, she did so anyway. "Oh, I didn't introduce myself before. My name is Kogasaka Yukio, call me Yukio."

"Mm. Ryuu Lion." The elf-girl gave a polite bow after giving him her name as well before walking back off to the kitchen area behind the front bar area. He couldn't help but chuckle at her rather dull demeanor, speaking in short bursts and in that constant dull tone.

She honestly reminded him of one of his friends back home in his old world, the friend that he made when he first started high school. The dude was just like Ryuu with how he behaved, and Yukio had to be the one that started the talk. Otherwise, the dude would never have said anything.

He couldn't help but chuckle inwardly as he recalled all those times that the guy would just stare blankly at people, making them rather uncomfortable by his gaze. The dude was actually worse than Ryuu, he didn't start the conversation EVER, and actually rarely contributed to one...

Good times.

"Here's your order." Ryuu returned after a few minutes with Yukio's order as she set it down on his table. Yukio had to admit, it did look pretty amazing. Not the best kind of plating he's ever seen, but definitely impressive. "The total will be 700 Valis, you can pay after you finish."

"Understood. Thanks, Ryuu." Yukio nodded as Ryuu then gave another bow before walking off to serve the other customers. He is still a bit put off that she was as strong as she was, despite her appearance. Though, he knew better than to underestimate someone due to their outward appearance. Anyway, he took off his mask, leaving his hood still up, as he took a bite. "This is pretty good."
