
A Foolish Hero an existence I never wanted

Every Novel has a Hero on it. They are exaggerated existence that protects the weak and destroyed evil. But in a world that Hero is a common job where anyone can be a hero then has it meaning already seize to exist? A world where most of the villain are nothing but heroes in disguise. A world where evil means no harm and justice is but a tool for the corrupt and wicked. Does a true hero still exist among them? I hate heroes they are just hypocrite beings! A tool A puppet of the rich and powerful individuals. Others wanted to be save by them but I loath them as they only stage their saving act and the play was a disaster they premeditated. Yet why I am here being enrolled in an Hero Academy where they trained future villains in disguise? Why am I saving this corrupted hypocrites? I will never be a hero I rather destroy the world than to be one! (Ding...) [[ Detected foreign soul establish connection]] [[ Heroic Villainous System activated]] [[ Level 1 Superpower Modification awaken]] [[ Time Space Superpower Sealed]] [[ Save and Destroy the world - LE++ Mission Activated]] WPC#98 Superpowers (This is the 3rd time that I joined WPC I hope that I improve just a little bit in writing)

BakaNoBaka · Urban
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Chapter 1 Modification is not a Superpower

[[Breaking News]]

The Hero All Savior did it again saving two train from colliding...

Their where no accidents as long as All Savior is their to save the day...

"Ha ha ha No need to Fear All Savior Is Here!" All Savior gave a dashing smile while doing a victory pose.

The little child Saferu was watching his favorite cartoons when a news suddenly interrupted it.

"Why do they show this where's my cartoon!?" He said as he started to approach the TV and try to modify it so that news will no longer interrupt his cartoon time. As a 6 yrs old child little Saferu has a very curios personality pair up with his superpower called modification he often experiments on things that he wanted to play especially things that can be found at home. His parents often scolded him but to a little child the message just pass through his ears.

"Mom said that I should not touch things with electricity on it" and so Little Saferu unplug the TV from the electric outlet. Some time pass by "Done! this well do the trick" Saferu plug the TV back and turn it on. What appeared was various cartoon channel all over the world. "Success!" Little Saferu was over joyed of what he just did feeling proud about it. He never realize the consequence of modifying their TV. Why did no one stop him? He was often left at home when there is no school.

His parents are busy of their own work. Her mother runs a small time company as a Zero while his father was an A class Hero with healing superpowers. Little Saferu was an odd ball among the child at his age. His parents often wonder why their child was abnormal and love to assemble and disassemble things. He even self proclaimed that his superpowers was modification.

It's holiday and after little Saferu watch a lot of cartoons he got tired and went into his room to sleep. Some time later a huge loud angry voice awaken him.

"SAFERU WHAT DID YOU DO TO THE TV!!!" The angry voice of his father can be heard all over the place. It was loud enough to alarmed the neighborhood.

"Papa I just want to watch cartoons!" little Saferu acted cute with his small teary eyes feeling dejected as if he was wronged.

"Did I not mention your not allow to modify anything without an adults permission?..." His father scolding words echoed all over but was stunned by his son's reply

"But Papa we are at home you only mention that outside? besides Papa I only change the channel the TV was not modified at all!" little Saferu's father was speechless as he often returns home from work he has a hobby to turn the TV on and watch the daily news but what he saw was a channel of never ending cartoons he tried every channel only to find cartoons with different languages. He realize that the TV was somehow change and the culprit was obviously his child.

"Turn this TV back to normal at once! and one more rule are added you can't modify anything at this house!" Still as an Adult he has a pride to up hold and must not surrender to his child reasoning.

"Ok papa give me some time" The little Saferu repeated what he did earlier unplug the TV for safety first. His father watch his 6 yrs old SON disassemble a TV. He had known a lot of people with Superpowers because of his line of work but he always think that his son was amazing to be able to reconstruct a TV is something that a 6 yrs old child can never do. "My son is a Genius" Little Saferu's father can't help but feel proud to himself.

"You two it's time to eat wash your hands come now the food is still hot!" A gentle voice from the kitchen made saferu stop of what he was doing.

"Papa it's time to eat!" Saferu happily run towards the kitchen living his gloomy father as his father look back at the TV who's parts was spread all over the place. "What about my news!" He gravely follow his child towards the kitchen.

"Saferu dear tomorrow is the school yearly Superpower Assessment are you ready?.."Saferu's mother gently ask her son.

"Mama my superpowers Modification is the best!" Saferu heart felt reply made his parents a little bit ashamed as they both know that Modification in not a superpower.

"Ok but no matter what the result remember we will always love you okay.." Saferu's mother knows that tomorrow her son well face the cruel reality.

"Don't worry to much besides your also a Zero haven't you had a peaceful life up to now" Saferu's father reassured his wife that everything will be alright.

The next day different reporters had gather in a small school located somewhere on S city.

Superpower Assessment are often good source of daily news as its a popular way to promote and advertise. Who knows in the future one of this children well became an S rank Hero just like All Savior the number 1 S rank hero of the world.

"Everyone we are proud to introduce this new product that created by S.O.U.L academy! This new gadget that looks like a bracelet can trace the Superpower energy and can also tell what superpowers you have! Not only that this S.O.U.L bracelet can be use as your own personal identification and record you superpowers growth and in the future it can be use as an admittance ticket to enroll at S.O.U.L academy!,," the school principal was talking at a wide stage while promoting the new product his holding at his hand.

"Now little children please line up! Teachers please support and accompany your own students!.."

"Teacher Fate I am sooo excited!.." Little Saferu excitedly line up with his classmates he failed to notice the gloomy face of his teacher. (Sigh this child I hope he won't be defeated by this such cheerful child what well happen after this) Teacher Fate helplessly though inside her head she know that while the Superpower assessment is a common thing to occur it also made a bias approach towards people with no superpowers. Just like proclaiming to everyone that one was born useless and would bare the mark of ZERO for as long as he lives. The cruel truth of the current society where superpowers run supreme and people without them are often look down.

"Hummpp Saferu stop showing off your just a useless Zero!.." another child who are famous for his flame superpower can't help but insult and ridicule Saferu as he was a little bit jealous since the teacher's attention was not at him. The child pick up the S.O.U.L bracelet and wore it the next instant an electronic voice can be heard as it started to examine the wearer.

[[ Superpower - Fire | Level A | Potential A]]

"Look at that I got A++ Grade Look at that!.."The child was proudly shouting the results he achieve.

The child also did not forget to remind Saferu to wear his own bracelet as he was looking forward to embarrass him. "Saferu it's your turn!,, wear it now!.."

"Just you wait! My superpower is the best!.." Saferu being look down by his classmate also grab a bracelet and hurried wear it but the result shock him.

[[Superpower - Zero | Level Zero | Potential Zero ]]

Even the people surrounded them was surprise to see a triple Zero score. It's very rare for a person to be born without superpowers. The loud laughter has broken the silence all over the place.

" ha ha ha see that useless just a zero! useless zero! " The child who got A++ started to laugh and insult Saferu's score and the other children also follow their laughter can be heard all over the place. Even the adults was helpless on this situation as they no that this zero child well have a hard time from now on.

"Stop that you immature kids! what's wrong being zero! Our ancestor started to be zero! shame on you!" A beautiful voice can be heard as a little girl condemn and reprimand the children around him.

"Why do you care I am A++ what's you results how dare you interrupted our fun!.." the child with A++ assessment was angry as some one scolded him but when he found the girl he was stunned and froze as he saw the little girls score.

"Just a Frog on a bottom up a well... look at this!.." The girl angrily said as she show her own superpower.

[[ Superpower - Ice | Level S | Potential S ]]

Superpower with an element of Ice is consider S because the world is covered by water superpowers like this are almost invincible. Even All Savior had a hard time fighting a villain with Ice power.

Another scream suddenly broke the fight of the two child.

"I'm not ZERO I have superpowers called Modification!.." It was Saferu who still believe that he was not a zero and that his superpower was consider the strongest.

"Child Modification is not a superpower, You need to have a special superpower energy which the S.O.U.L bracelet can detect to obtain a superpower.." Teacher Fate made sure that her voice was kind enough for a stubborn child to accept.

"No I'm not a zero!"

"No I'm not a zero!"

Saferu runs away as he left the other children started laughing again as some of them started to gossip among them. Saferu returns home and went directly at his room. He was not crying instead a new found resolve appeared and awaken something inside him.

"I'm not a zero! I well show everyone that my superpower is the strongest"

Then something snap inside his head..

"I'm Finally Free! Damn you goddess I well start my revenge now!"

The little Saferu collapse as an intense pain suddenly appeared that knock him out.

Meanwhile inside Saferu's Soul "To think that 6 yrs already pass by that annoying goddess see how I well spank your butt!.."


[[Dear Saferu Congratulation For Waking Up]]

[[ Detected foreign soul establishing connection]]

[[ Determining the System to Install]]

[[ Loading...]]

[[ Loading...]]

[[ Loading...]]

[[ Heroic Villainous System activated]]

[[ Level 1 Superpower Modification awakened]]

[[ Superpower Time Sealed]]

[[ Superpower Space Sealed]]

[[ Quest Activated ]]

[[ Save and Destroy the world | Difficulty Level Legendary | Time Limit None ]]

"Hey Goddess what kind of bullshit is this!..."

Saferu's soul scream with all his might towards the heaven...