
A Fool's Change of Heart

DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything besides the name of the protagonist. Persona belongs to whoever created it. Also, the No One 17 and Under Admitted is because of the excessive swearing, dark themes and not for the possible (but unlikely) lemons. Shin Yuuta, who unknowingly had caused world devastation in another timeline, had been sent to the sea of souls to cleanse the influence a malevolent entity, composed from humanity's evil thoughts, had over him. Wielding the gifts he had received from his body's previous host and a certain mask-wearing being, it is up for our protagonist to make sure history doesn't repeat itself. P.S: The pic I used for cover isn't mine either.

RealSam11 · Video Games
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124 Chs

Well, shit

Shin was walking home. Instead of his usual calm demeanor, his face sported a deep frown. As if sensing his distress, everyone else just parted ways before him. It would've been an odd sight to anyone watching the streets from above, but the sideline observers couldn't notice anything weird.

'That guy... What's he doing here?'

It wasn't just the youth's identity that pissed him off. Rather, it was the unpredictable factor that his appearance brought into fray.

'Did he drag his entire series here with him? If so, then that's going to be a pain.'

The teen quickly took out his phone and checked to see if TYPE-MOON existed in the first place. As he expected, no result came up.

'It'd be weird if there was a story about him out there, after all.'

Following that train of thought, the teen wished he had a basic undeerstanding of Fate series' prana.

He could feel a headache budding, both literally and metaphorically.


Shin headed towards Takemi's clinic as he needed something to take his mind off the load of troubles he just bought onto himself.

The doctor had texted him earlier and asked him to come by, as she improved the medicine and it needed testing.

When Shin was about to head inside the examination room, a sudden knock distracted the two of them.

"Is this the Takemi Medical Clinic of Internal Medicine? I'm glad it's still open!" said a relieved voice from the outside.

The urgency in the man's voice alerted Tae, as she stood up and went to open the door.

A middle-aged man wearing glasses came in, along with a little girl who was holding her throat in pain.

"Aren't you under the care of another hospital? Why come here?" asked the woman.

"I've heard rumours of this place. I'd like for you to examine her. She was diagnosed with bronchitis, but the medicine she was given has been working at all. She has a fever that's not going away and she's losing weight because she's not hungry..." said the man, whose sight was set on the little girl, concern flooding his eyes.

"A young girl losing weight is certainly not good. You should go to a bigger hospital. I can't provide a thorough examination here." commented Tae.

"We've been to a big hospital! An university hospital in East Shinjuku! But all they tell us is that it's persistent bronchitis!" said the man.

"An university hospital in East Shinjuku...?" muttered the woman, though the man could still hear her.

'So that's where that fucker is!'

"The doctor there performs exams like he's on an assemble line. I think he's famous or something..."

"A famous doctor, huh... I'm just a general practitioner out here in the sticks. As you can see, I don't even have any staff."

"W-Wait! I've heard that there's a medicine that can only be acquired here! Please! I'll pay you! Just examine her!" said the man, desperately.

"H-Hold on." Tae looked startled at the man's behaviour.

At that moment, the little girl started coughing.

"Doctor... My chest really hurts..."

Shin crouched next to the girl and slowly patted her on the head, trying to ease her pain.

"Don't worry. Doctor Takemi will help."

Tae turned brusquely to look at him.


"Doctor...!" the man looked hopeful.

The woman sighed.


The woman too crouched next to the little girl so he could examine her closely.

"Is your vision blurry? How about your throat? Does it hurt? No signs of swelling, though... Hm."

Tae looked at the man.

"Are you sure you've told me everything about her symptoms and treatments you've tried so far?" she asked.

"Yes, I'm sure!"

The woman didn't say anything. Instead, she stood up and called someone. After a few moments of conversation, she put her phone back into her coat and looked at her clipboard.

"Guess the ones in stock will have to do... There's a shelf by the reception desk. Bring the contents of the second drawer into the exam room." she said to Shin.

"Understood. Anything else?"

"Bring me the beaker with the red label in the fridge, a towel, wash basin, and measuring spoon..."

Several minutes later, inside the examination room.

"Th-Thank you so much! I didn't expect her to make such a fast recovery." said the man, on the edge of tears.

"It was a very unique strain of an infectious disease. It can't be detected by conventional exams. I temporarily suppressed the symptoms. We'll make adjustments as her condition improves. Okay, that'll be one million yen for today." said Tae.

"A-A million yen!? That... You don't... take credit cards... do you? I'll go withdraw some cash right now!" said the man.

"Huh? Wait, you're actually going to pay?" asked Tae, stunned.

The man simply nodded in response.

"By the way... that famous doctor you mentioned earlier... Was it Medical Chief of Staff Oyamada?" she asked, glumly.

"Yes... are you familiar with him?" asked the man.

"...I knew it. In that case, I'll make this free of charge."

Now it was the man's turn to be stunned speechless. Before he could utter something, Shin asked.

"Is this another one of your inappropriate jokes?"

The doctor looked at his face with irritation.

"What do you mean "inappropriate"? What other way to lighten up the mood if not with a joke?" she asked.

"You almost gave the poor man a heart attack."

"And? I could've had him right back up on his feet, if that happened."

The teen had to hold in a sigh.

"So why were you so amused before? Do you take that much amusement from your own jokes?"

Tae smiled smugly.

"Doesn't it feel good? Treating his patient without his permission."

Shin thought that her cheeks looked extra pinchable that moment, so he did what he felt he needed to do.

"H-Hey! What are you doing?"

"So soft..."

The man looked confused at the closeness the two displayed.

"So, is he your... assistant? You look awfully close..." commented the man, who felt quite awkward at that moment.

"No! He's just my guinea pig!" said Tae as she struggled to take Shin's hands off her face.

"You don't need to be so harsh, my grizzled but still loveable medical senior."

"Shut up! Just go home now!"



Igor (The Fool) - Rank 2

Morgana (The Magician) - Rank 3

Sojiro Sakura (The Hierophant) - Rank 3

Ann Takamaki (The Lovers) - Rank 5

Ryuji Sakamoto (The Chariot) - Rank 5

Tae Takemi (The Death) - Rank 4

Saki Yoshiko (The Moon) - Rank 2

Shiho Suzui (The Hope) - Rank 5

You can check my discord here: https://discord.gg/kU7mAuw

P.S: You can check out Shiho's Phantom Thief outfit on my discord.

Fking Inkstone wouldn't let me upload this chapter.


RealSam11creators' thoughts