
A Fool's Change of Heart

DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything besides the name of the protagonist. Persona belongs to whoever created it. Also, the No One 17 and Under Admitted is because of the excessive swearing, dark themes and not for the possible (but unlikely) lemons. Shin Yuuta, who unknowingly had caused world devastation in another timeline, had been sent to the sea of souls to cleanse the influence a malevolent entity, composed from humanity's evil thoughts, had over him. Wielding the gifts he had received from his body's previous host and a certain mask-wearing being, it is up for our protagonist to make sure history doesn't repeat itself. P.S: The pic I used for cover isn't mine either.

RealSam11 · Video Games
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124 Chs

The volleyball rally

Just before Shin went to bed, Ryuji sent him a message.

Ryuji: That thingy on your phone was some red eyeball icon, right?

Shin: Yeah.

Ryuji: We ended up in Kamoshida's castle when we used this nav app, right?

Ryuji: I found on my phone too...

Ryuji: I don't even remember installing it!

Shin: I see.

Ryuji: I know it's dangerous to use something without knowing what it is...

Ryuji: But with it, we can go to that weird place, right?

Shin: It does seem like it.

Ryuji: Basically, it's gonna depend on how we use it.

Ryuji: But first we gotta find evidence for the beatings.

Ryuji: I'm counting on you, all right? Don't go ditching school on me.

Shin put his phone away and lied on the bed.

'As soon as I get a smaller-sized Persona, I should start training to summon it in the real world. Arsene is too tall for this attic.'

Soon enough, the comfy bed made the teen fall asleep. The moment hit head met the soft pillow, he woke up in the Velvet Room.

"Welcome to the Velvet Room. I thought about resuming our previous conversation tonight. That is why I have summoned you. What are your thoughts? Are you becoming accustomed to this place?"

"Yeah, even the chains look homely now..." said Shin.

"Ah, glad to hear it. It seems you have nerves of steel." said Igor, completely disregarding the obvious use of sarcasm before.

The more shocking part was that the twin wardens didn't react to it. Usually, by then, Caroline would've snapped her baton on the cell's door.

"Your rehabilitation determines if ruin can be stopped. Yet, such a feat cannot be done by you alone. But today, you entered a partnership with someone who awakened the same power, haven't you?"

"I did."

"Involving yourself with others is an important foundation for your recovery. You've done well. With that said, I am not advising the formation of superficial relationships. It must not be of frivolity, but a ring of those who would, by morals or faith, lend you their strength. In other words, they are bonds with those who have been robbed of their places to belong. The expansion of said ring will, in return, help you mature as well."

"Personas are the strength of heart... The stronger the bonds that surround you, the more power your Personas will gain." said Justine.

"There are countless people in the city who have talents that a weakling like you doesn't. You better rack that noggin of yours and get them on your side. We'll change that into power." said Caroline.

"Indeed. You should be prepared to use even myself, or your ambitions will not come to fruition." said Igor.

He chuckled a bit.

"We have a deal then."

Once again, a weird feeling washed over Shin. It was somewhat similar to what he assumed was his bond with Ryuji growing.

"Well, you will understand it in due time... Continue devoting yourself to your rehabilitation."

"Now this conversation's over! Get lost, Inmate!" said Caroline.


In Shujin Academy's gym hall, a volleyball match was ongoing. Kamoshida, who was sitting on the sidelines, with his right arm in a cast, was supposed to play too. Unfortunately, his arm was broken.

A little further away from the game, the culprit for Kamoshida's injury was sitting on the floor, leaning on the wall behind him. Next to Shin was Ryuji, who was busy looking to his right.

"Still sticks out... Hasn't changed a bit." muttered Ryuji.

"What are you looking at?" asked Shin.

"It's nothing."

Shin saw Ann sitting on a chair, hands fiddling with her phone. Shin's face adorned a teasing smirk as he looked back to Ryuji.

"Hoo~! You have a thing for Takamaki, Ryuji? Who'd have thought you're into blondes, although considering your dyed hair...."

"The hell are you on about!? And how did you know I dyed my hair?" asked Ryuji with a small blush on his face.

"I can see your black eyebrows, man..." deadpanned Shin.


An awkward silence descended over the two.

"So you noticed Kamoshida's cast?" asked Shin.

"Of course I did! Everybody was in shock!"

"I wonder what happened."

"Same. I really wish he'd have this kind of accidents more often though..."

"Hey, this seems like a good moment to go for the guys we saw yesterday. You still remember their faces?" asked Shin.

"You bet! All the members of the team should be here today. Let's go!" said Ryuji.

The teens exited the gym hall and went back in the school building.

"I'm sure we'll find someone who'll spill about Kamoshida's physical abuse. Just you wait, asshole." said Ryuji, half-whispering the last part.

"Where are we searching first?"

"The first guy that popped up was a guy from Class D, so let's start from there. That's your class. Hopefully you can get him to talk. People have been avoiding me more than usual lately, so..."

"I get it. Don't worry." said Shin.

The two teens travelled to Shin's class, which was on the second floor, near the emergency exit. Inside was a heavily bandaged boy standing near the blackboard. Shin made a beeline to him.

"W-What? Are you skipping out on the volleyball rally? I guess I should expect that from you, transfer."

Shin frowned at that.

"This is the guy that was at the Palace." whispered Ryuji.

"You too, Sakamoto? What do you guys want...?" said the student helplessly.

"How did you get so injured?" asked Shin.

"It's from practice! What does that have to do with anything?"

"Awfully defensive, aren't you?"

"I... Uhh..."

"So the rumours about Kamoshida abusing his team are true?" said Shin stepping closer to the other teen.

The student started sweating hard.

"I see, it seems I was spot on. Let's go Ryuji. We won't get anything else from this guy."

Outside the classroom, Ryuji decided they should split up to get to more students. The blond went to search the Practice building while Shin would search the Classroom building. The black-haired boy went for his next target, a third-year from Class C. He went down a level since third-year classrooms are on the first floor.

Shin just happened to pass by Ann and Shiho talking, so he stopped a little further away from them to listen in on their conversation.

"Everyone's saying bad stuff about that transfer student in your class, Ann..."

"I know. I hate rumours already, but they're only getting more and more complex as time goes on."

"I wonder if he's all right... I hope he's not letting it get to him too much."


"That's just like you, Shiho. Always worrying about other people before yourself. Kinda like when you were there for me..."

Shin moved away since he was looking suspicious if he stood there for so long. On the way to classroom 3-C, he encountered another volleyball team member who was badly injured.

"Man, cleaning up after the rally is going to be such a goddamn pain..."

The teen finally noticed Shin standing in front of him.

"Eh? Whaddya want? You got something to say?" he asked.

"You on the volleyball team?" asked Shin.

"Yeah, why?"

"I've seen a lot of the volleyball team members having some serious injuries. What's happening there?"

"It's a... strict practice..."

"Hey, I know who this guy is. He's that transfer student who's been hanging out with Sakamoto..." said another student standing near the injured one.

"Oh, I get it. You're trying to snoop on Mr Kamoshida, right? Look, our team performs on a national level. Of course our practices are gonna be tough. Mr Kamoshida's just dedicated to training us. Don't believe everything Sakamoto says."

"You sure? Those injuries do look pretty rough..."

"Y-Yeah I am!"

"Hey, we should stop talking to him. What if he loses it and starts attacking us? I heard he even carries a knife around..."

"Yeah, just let me pull out my knife out of my nonexistent pockets." Shin muttered.

After the two other students left, Shin received a message from Ryuji.

Ryuji: How's it going?

Shin: He didn't say anything.

Ryuji: Him too...? Man, everyone's too freaked out about Kamoshida.

Ryuji: But I still got a lead. A first-year, new member.

Ryuji: He just joined, so he might not be all wrapped up in Kamoshida's web of bullshit yet.

Ryuji: Pretty sure he's in class 1-B.

Ryuji: The first-year classrooms are on the third floor.

Shin quickly found the student Ryuji was talking about and went to strike a conversation. Said teen was staring intensely at a notice board until he heard Shin talk.

"Huh? Y-Yeah... I'm on the volleyball team. What do you want?"

"What's your practice consisting of? I saw a lot of the volleyball team members injured gravely."

"Wh-What? It's just... a tough practice. Though the special coaching he gave Mishima was probably too far..."

He seemed to just realize what he said.

"O-Oh, uh... I seriously don't know anything! Sorry!"

"And where can I find this Mishima?"

"Please talk with someone else. Just stop talking to me..."

Right at that moment, a teacher's voice was heard through the school's broadcast devices announcing that the volleyball rally is over and the students should get ready to go home. Ryuji had just messaged Shin to meet in the courtyard to share their info.

While Shin was looking between the many snacks in one of the vending machines outside, waiting for Ryuji, Ann approached him.

"Can I talk to you for a sec...?" she asked.

"What is it?"

"I'll be quick."

She paused to recollect her thoughts and said.

"Did something happen between you and Shiho? I've seen her stare at you sometimes. There's that weird rumour about you too."

"What do you want with him?" asked Ryuji.

Ryuji had just arrived.

"Right back at you. You're not even in our class." said Ann.

"We just happened to get to know each other."

"What're you planning on doing to Mr Kamoshida.?" the girl asked.


The blond boy was shocked, although his expression quickly turned into one of anger.

"I see. I getcha. You're all buddy-buddy with Kamoshida after all."

"This has nothing to do with you, Sakamoto!"

"If only you knew what he's up to..." said Shin.

"What's that supposed to mean...?"

"You wouldn't get it." said Ryuji, shaking his head.

"Anyway, people are already talking about you two. I don't know what you're trying to pull, but no one's gonna help you. I'm warning you, just in case. That's all." she said and left.

Ryuji kicked a pebble in frustration.

"Why does she have to be so aggressive all the time...?"

"She seemed annoyed."

"Been like that since middle school. Anyways, that's not what we're here to talk about. I've had no luck. What about you?"

"There's this guy, Mishima. I heard that Kamoshida gave him a "special" coaching." said Shin.

"True. I always see the guy covered in bruises. Let's go talk to him before he leaves then."

The two went back to Shin's class, but Mishima was nowhere to be seen. They barely managed to catch him when he was about to exit the school.

"Hey, got a second?"

"Sakamoto? And you, too...!?" said the blue-haired boy

"C'mon, we just wanna chat."

"Ryuji, you're making us sound suspicious."

"Shuddup. Anyway, I heard Kamoshida's been "coaching" you, huh? You sure it's not just physical abuse?"

Mishima took a step back.

"Certainly not!"

Ryuji shook his head.

"What're you talking all polite for? Anyways... what's with all those bruises you have?"

"They're from practice...!" said Mishima, defensively.

"Is he forcing you to keep quiet?" asked Ryuji.



At that moment, Kamoshida himself appeared.

"What's going on here? Mishima, isn't it time for practice?" he said.

"I-I'm not feeling well today..."

"What? Maybe you're better off quitting then. You're never gonna improve that crappy form unless you show up to practice."

Ryuji went near Kamoshida and said.

"Didn't you hear? He ain't feeling well."

Kamoshida was unfazed by him.

"Well, Mishima? Are you coming to practice or not?"

"...I'll go."

Kamoshida looked down on Ryuji.

"As for you, any more trouble and you'll be gone from this school for sure."

Ryuji cursed him under his breath. Kamoshida looked like he wanted to say something to Shin too, but a bored glare made him recoil in fear, gripping his cast reflexively.

"Let's go, Mishima."

Kamoshida went on ahead.

"That asshole... He's gonna pay for this...!"

"There's no point. Proving that he's physically abusing us is... meaningless. Everybody knows... The principal, our parents... They all know, and they all keep quiet about it."

"This has gotta be a joke..."

"Don't be a pain. You don't understand what I'm going through. Shouldn't you of all people know that nothing's going to help...?"

Mishima said that and left in a hurry, worried that Kamoshida would punish him for being late. Not that he could do much since he had only one arm he could use now.

"Dammit..." cursed Ryuji.

"What now?"

"I'll... try to persuade the other guys once again. It's all I can do..."

The rest of the day went smoothly. Shin got back to the cafe, ate dinner, did his set of exercises and played some game on his phone. He even chatted a bit with Ryuji before going to sleep.

It felt almost weird that he didn't go to the Velvet Room that night.


This chapter's additional info is on... The Magician Arcana!

In tarot readings, the Magician Arcana is commonly associated with action, initiative, self-confidence, immaturity, manipulation, and power (more specifically, the power to harness one's talents). Personas of the Magician Arcana are commonly Personas excelling towards Magic, particularly towards Fire-based spells. As the name suggests, mythological figures associated with the Magician Arcana are often associated with magic themselves, though some are fire deities rather than magicians.

Characters of the Magician Arcana are, as of Persona 3, typically the first male friend (and Social Link) of the protagonist, and are typically perverted male characters, with the only exception to this being Yuka Ayase, the female Magician character from Megami Ibunroku Persona. Furthermore, they also serve as the best friend, right-hand man and/or second-in-command to the protagonist.

A common trait shared between members of Magician Arcana is their strong vision and aspiration for the future, and fulfilling their inner potential. This helps them show a strong sense of confidence, but this only serves as an attempt to shield themselves from a serious inferiority complex (or an identity crisis in Morgana's case).

An ongoing theme that is related to all Magician Arcana Social Links is the tragedy that befalls the social link character related to their romantic interest. (press F to pay your respects to poor Lil Morgana)

Yes, Morgana has the Magician Arcana, weirdly enough he specializes in Wind and Healing skills.

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Someone please join! There's only 3 guys in there... It's kinda sad...

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