
A Fool's Change of Heart

DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything besides the name of the protagonist. Persona belongs to whoever created it. Also, the No One 17 and Under Admitted is because of the excessive swearing, dark themes and not for the possible (but unlikely) lemons. Shin Yuuta, who unknowingly had caused world devastation in another timeline, had been sent to the sea of souls to cleanse the influence a malevolent entity, composed from humanity's evil thoughts, had over him. Wielding the gifts he had received from his body's previous host and a certain mask-wearing being, it is up for our protagonist to make sure history doesn't repeat itself. P.S: The pic I used for cover isn't mine either.

RealSam11 · Video Games
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124 Chs

Morgana's gender is a touchy subject

"Mementos, huh? I just can't wrap my head around that place. And what even was that wall we saw at the end?" said Ryuji.

The gang had exited Mementos and were standing just outside of the station.

"That wall must've been there for some reason or another. If the Mementos is the public's Palace, it might be affected by the general public's belief in us." said Morgana.

"Why do you know so much about it, Morgana?" asked Ann.

Morgana looked down at that.

"My memories are a little foggy in that regard... However, I need to know what lies in the depths of Mementos, no matter what." he said, resolutely.

"So urgent..." muttered Shiho.

"Mementos isn't just everyone's Palace. It's the source of all Palaces. Palaces with one ruler like Kamoshida's simply didn't exist at some point. So, if we can do something about the greatest cause of distortions, I'm certain my appearance will..."

"Just how old are you, Morgana? I'm pretty sure that humans becoming selfish didn't happen any time soon." said Shin.

"I don't know..."

"You just wanted someone to save you too, didn't you?" asked Shiho, her eyes trailing off to Shin as she said that.

Shin didn't miss her gaze, and was sure to remember to tease the girl later for it.

"N-No! I just needed pawns!" said Morgana, embarrased.

"So that's why you came poking your nose around with us." said Ryuji, his face having a look of realization.

"I know how it feels when you're forced to do things you otherwise wouldn't do, so I'll help you, even by being a shoulder to rely on." said Ann.

Ryuji was about to say something too, when he noticed the complicated looks the girls were giving the seemingly oblivious black-haired boy.

"Why're you two looking at Shin like that? Are you-"

However, he was interrupted before he could finish his question. Ann had elbowed the blond boy in the stomach, so all he could utter was a groan of pain. Shiho didn't seem too far behind her best friend either, as she was ready to rush Ryuji.

"By the way, Morgana... are you a boy? Or might you be a girl?" asked Ann, forcing a smile.

"Could it be a car...?" wonderedd Shiho.

"Let's find out." said Shin as he picked up the cat.

"What? Wait, what are you-?"

Morgana seemed to discern Shin's intentions as his eyes went wide as saucers and started struggling like crazy.

"C'mon, Morgana. Stop moving." said the teen, as he didn't lose the hold he had on the cat.

Said being slowly stopped putting up a fight, only to latch on Shin's hand with his mouth when he seemed to let his guard down.

Morgana seemed to be looking smugly at Shin as his mouth formed something reminiscent of a smile, but he lost his grin when he noticed Shin was unbothered by him.

"You can release my hand now, Morgana. I get it. You want your gender to remain a secret."

The cat glumly dropped down from where he was hanging on. He combed his fur with his paws, seeing as it was ruffled earlier.

"Anyway, we're done talking about that!" said Morgana, with a note of finalty.

The mood returned to being slightly serious, a change from the agitation from before.

"We now know we can perform minor changes of hearts in Mementos. If we come across any eye-catching leads, it may be worth dealing with them for a bit of combat practice."

"So far, we haven't found any useful ones. But I bet a lot more people are going to post their troubles if we become more famous by changing someone well-known. The big fish are our main targets after all." said Ryuji.

"Speaking of that, Nakanohara mentioned someone, didn't he?" asked Ann.

"Madarame, he said. Some supposedly famous artist." said Shin.

"He has an exposition now, I think." said Shiho.

"Alright, for now. Let's gather some more info on this Madarame guy. If he is what Nakanohara said he is, then we have to change his heart." said Morgana.

The other nodded their heads resolutely.

"We still need to pass through the exams, you know?"

"Aww, man..."

A little further away, a blue-haired teenager wearing a white shirt was standing alone, looking at the group.


The following day.

Shin had received a message from Saki regarding the Phansite, as they dealt with the stalker issue. The victim posted a thank you message, and the girl noticed. She asked Shin to meet up with her in the diner on Shibuya Central Street.

The teen headed that way, not forgetting to buy a special drink from the juice stand in the underground walkway. The taste was as unusual as ever.

Shin found Saki sipping on a cup of coffee. She looked as if she didn't sleep much in the last several days, judging from the bags beneath her eyes and her disorderly hair.

She gave the boy a weak nod when he sat down on the bench opposite of her, barely acknowledging him, instead opting to sip her coffee peacefully.

"So, how have been things? With your... special activities...?" she asked, after placing her empty cup down.

Shin frowned.

"Have you been sleeping well recently?" he asked.

The girl smiled.

"Are you concerned about me? I'm fine, don't worry."

"Didn't I tell you to stop acting like that?"

She sighed.

"Sorry. Old habits die hard, you know?"

"Yeah, but..."

Shin took a big sip from his drink.

"You need to stay true to yourself! If you lie to yourself, how could you be honest to others!" he said, boldly.

'Oh, I need more to drink.'

Saki was sitting there in silence, until a few moments later, she burst into laughter.

"Don't worry. It wasn't anything too bad. Just, the Phansite takes a lot of time to manage. I've been pulling all-nighters constantly." she said with a yawn.

"I see. You better weed out the haters while you're at it." said Shin.

"Understood. Your popularity is going to be at my mercy. It's like I'll be your Strategic Image Management Proxy, so to speak."

She stopped for a moment to yawn again.

"Also, about that thing you promised..." she said, awkwardly fiddling with her thumbs, trying not to look at Shin.

"I haven't forgot about it. But, perhaps we should do that when you're more rested." said Shin.


The girl relaxed, and rested her head on her arms.

A comfortable silence settled at the table, as Saki dozed off while Shin was sipping from his drink.

"I think it's about time I take my leave, Saki. Saki?"

The girl lazily opened her eyes.


Shin stood up and went to her side of the table.

"Hey, can you go home by yourself?" he asked.


'Damn, this is going to eat up my time.'

The boy took Saki by the hand and guided her out of the diner.

"I'll need you to tell me where to go, okay?"

The girl nodded in response. Occasionally, she'd pull on Shin's hand in certain directions.

Several minutes later, Shin and Saki were standing in front of one large house in one of the quiet suburbs of Tokyo. The boy let Saki's hand go and waved goodbye.

Shin took several steps away, and, when he was sure Saki was out of earshot, turned towards one of the trees on the street and said.

"You can come out now."



Igor (The Fool) - Rank 2

Morgana (The Magician) - Rank 3

Sojiro Sakura (The Hierophant) - Rank 3

Ann Takamaki (The Lovers) - Rank 4

Ryuji Sakamoto (The Chariot) - Rank 5

Tae Takemi (The Death) - Rank 3

Saki Yoshiko (The Moon) - Rank 2

Shiho Suzui (The Hope) - Rank 5

You can check my discord here: https://discord.gg/kU7mAuw

P.S: You can check out Shiho's Phantom Thief outfit on my discord.

I left an easter egg in this chapter. Good luck finding it.

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