
A Fool's Change of Heart

DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything besides the name of the protagonist. Persona belongs to whoever created it. Also, the No One 17 and Under Admitted is because of the excessive swearing, dark themes and not for the possible (but unlikely) lemons. Shin Yuuta, who unknowingly had caused world devastation in another timeline, had been sent to the sea of souls to cleanse the influence a malevolent entity, composed from humanity's evil thoughts, had over him. Wielding the gifts he had received from his body's previous host and a certain mask-wearing being, it is up for our protagonist to make sure history doesn't repeat itself. P.S: The pic I used for cover isn't mine either.

RealSam11 · Video Games
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124 Chs

Guess we're back

Waking up to the all-familiar ceiling of the cell in the Velvet Room, Shin groggily sat up on his bed.

"...About time you've come to. On your feet inmate!" said Caroline.

"Our master wishes to speak with you. It's for your own sake that you take his words to heart." said Justine.

"First off, let us celebrate our reunion. Oh...? You've awakened to your powers. And special ones at that. Your rehabilitation can finally begin." said Igor.

"You will be training the power of Persona, which you have awakened to. Personas are, in other words, a "mask". An armour of the heart when confronting worldly matters."

"By the by... Have you come to appreciate the Metaverse Navigator? Using it will allow you to come and go between reality and Palaces."

"So you're the one who added it in my phone." said Shin, unsurprised.

"Indeed. I bestowed it to you as a means to train you as a thief."

"The Metaverse Navigator is a gift from our master! You better take care in using it, Inmate!" said Caroline.

"Devote yourself to your training so that you may become a fine thief." said Justine.

"It must be disheartening to make use of the Metaverse Navigator alone. Should there be others who would prove to be beneficial to you, I will grant it to them as well. This is all for you to grow as a most excellent thief..."

"Hmph, it's time. Go back and enjoy whatever rest you might have..."


Next morning, while waiting for the subway to arrive.

"Look, isn't that her?"

"You mean the one with the red ribbon? Uh, I guess so?"

Shin had turned to look for the one they were talking about. And boy, was he shocked.

'That's Kasumi Yoshizawa! Crap! This is the Royal version!'

"She's so thin... It's not fair, I've got my hair in a ponytail too..."

"Okay, and what's that got to do with being thin?"

Soon, the subway arrived and Shin got in.

In the subway, Shin could see Kasumi get off her seat to offer it to an old lady, only for a man in a suit to quickly sit down there.

"Oh wow, what speed!" said Kasumi.

"I mean- Excuse me, that seat was for this lady..."

The man barely lifted his head to look towards her and fell asleep.


"Want me to "wake him up"?" asked Shin.

"It's all right. I can understand his position as well. I'm sorry I couldn't be of any help."

"Don't you worry about that, dearie." replied the old woman.

"Please allow me to carry your luggage, at least."

"Thank you. Isn't it heavy though?"

"Not at all! I train plenty."

After exiting the subway, Kasumi walked after Shin.

"Pardon me... Thank you so much for earlier." said Kasumi, bowing a little.

'This girl is adorable.'

"It was nothing."

"By the way, you're a second-year at Shujin Academy, correct? I'm a first-year there myself. Thanking you totally slipped my mind back on the train, and I didn't want to be rude to my senior. Please excuse me." she said, bowing again.


"I'm the social studies teacher, Mr. Ushimaru. I'll be teaching you the rules of society this year."

The teacher took a moment to look around the class with a disdainful glare.

"Hmph, you all look like you've been spoiled growing up. Before we learn society's rules, maybe I should start with the rules of being a decent human being." he said, before looking at Shin.

"Hey, new kid." Shin stood upright, as is polite to do when the teacher speaks with you.

"The Greek philosopher Plato divided the human soul into three parts. A soul is composed of appetite, spirit and what else?"


"Correct. So you knew that, huh? Plato's teacher, Socrates, said that evil is born from ignorance. People who've been babied, taught that evil is due to individuality, can only become society's scum."

Shocked murmurs ran through the class.

"He's smart too?"

"Didn't look like the type to study..."

After the class was over, Shin saw Kamoshida in the hallways. He went to talk with Ann.

"Hey there, Takamaki. You looking for a ride home? Things have been looking pretty dangerous lately with all those accidents."

"Sorry, I have a photoshoot today. It's for the special summer issue, so I can't afford to miss it..." said Ann, glumly.

"Hey now, being a model's fine and dandy, but don't work your pretty little self to the bone. You mentioned you weren't feeling well, right? Something about appendicitis?"

"Yes, I keep planning to go to the hospital, but I've been too busy... Sorry to worry you."

"You must be lonely too. I feel bad for keeping your best friend at practice so often."


"That's why I asked you out in the first place. Oh, and... be careful around that transfer student. He's got a criminal record, after all. If something were to happen to you..." said the tall bastard.

"...Thank you. Please excuse me." said Ann, and she left.

"Tch..." said Kamoshida, when Ann wasn't within earshot and he left too.

Just past the school gate, Shin encountered a wild Ryuji.


"You waiting to ambush me again?" deadpanned Shin.

"Pshh, no...?"

"Anyway, I wanted to talk to you about the castle from yesterday. I can't act like nothing happened. It's all connected to that bastard Kamoshida!"


"You're the only person I can rely on for this. You in?"

"Sure, what next?"

"Ooh... Looks like I managed to talk some sense into you. I think we should just try to retrace our steps from yesterday. Lemme know if you notice any weird building on the way."

Two failed retracing attempts later...

"For real...? I thought we finally got it... Whatcha doing there on your phone?"

"Remember how when we got out of that place yesterday some voice called out? And it came from my phone."

"Ahh, that "returned to the real world" stuff. Lemme see your phone for a bit."

Ryuji fiddled with Shin's phone for some time.

"So, uhh... What's this eyeball-looking thingy?" asked Ryuji.

"Cute logo, ain't it?"

"That's not how I'd describe it... What a weird app... Oh wait, this is it! I knew it! It IS a navigation app. It even has your search history! Let's try using it!"

"Go ahead."


"Kamoshida... Shujin Academy... Pervert... Castle..."

"Beginning navigation..."

The sky darkened quickly.

"Huh!? What the hell?"

On the phone's screen, the logo of the app appeared: a red eye with a star-shaped pupil.

The teens could see Shujin Academy turn into a grand castle.

Shin's clothes turned into his black costume from last time.

"Yeargh! Those clothes...! That happened last time too, huh!? What's with that outfit!?" asked Ryuji.

"What, you jelly?" Shin smirked.

"I-I ain't jealous!"

"You don't sound very convincing..."

"What's goin' on here anyway? This makes no effin' sense at all..."

A round head peeked at them from a nearby pillar.

"Hey! Stop making a commotion!" said Morgana.

"Ah... You?"

"The Shadows started acting up, so I came here wondering what it could be... To think you guys would come back to the place you barely escaped from..."

"What is this place? Is it the school?" asked Ryuji.

"That's right."

"But it's a castle!"

"This castle IS the school. But only to this castle's ruler."

"You mean Kamoshida?"

"Yeah. It's how his distorted heart sees the school."

"... Kamoshida... Distorted... Urgh! Explain this in a way that makes sense!" shouted Ryuji.

"I shouldn't have expected a moron to understand..." muttered Morgana.

"What did you say!?"

At that moment, a painful scream permeated the air.

"What the hell was that?" asked Ryuji.

"It must be the slaves captive here."

"For real...?"

Once again, a yell was heard.

"Oh shit, it's for real! We saw other guys held captive here yesterday... I'm pretty sure they're from our school."

"Most likely on Kamoshida's orders. It's nothing out of the ordinary; this is a daily occurrence. What's more. you two escaped yesterday. He must have lost his temper quite a bit."

"... That son of a bitch!" said Ryuji.


"This is bullshit! You hear me Kamoshida!?"


"Doing that isn't going to open it, you know... Still, it seems you have your reasons."

"Hey, Morgana... Do you know where those voices are coming from...?"

"You want me to take you to them? Well, I guess I could guide you there, but only if he comes too." said Morgana, pointing at Shin, who was leisurely sitting with his hands in his pockets.

"Let's go, then."

"All right, let's do this. Follow me!"

The three reentered the castle through the ventilation shaft. They travelled back to the dungeons, only this time, a soldier was standing guard in one way, so they managed to ambush it. Shin jumped on its back and ripped the mask off its face. The Shadow had barely managed to change shapes before Arsene shred it to pieces.

"Remember, always try to ambush the enemy. It would catch them off guard."


They went past the horrendous statue and over the bridge, near the cells. Weirdly, there was no one there.

"Dammit, they were here before! Where'd they go!?" asked Ryuji.

"Quiet down." Morgana reprimanded him.

"Oh yeah, there were more of them further in too...!"

Ryuji ran off ahead.

"They might've been already transferred." said Morgana.

All of a sudden, Ryuji came back coughing and wheezing.

"I can hear footsteps coming! Lots of them!"

"It would be a problem if they discovered us now..."

Morgana looked around until he pointed at a door.

"Let's head to that room. We should be able to hide in there until they leave."

In the room were a few wooden crates, a big wooden table and wooden benches.

"There's a lack of distortion here, meaning that the ruler's control over this area is rather weak."

Right at that moment, Shin and Ryuji's perception of the room overlapped with a classroom for a moment.

"Is this a classroom...?" muttered Ryuji.

"Now do you understand? This place is another reality that the user's heart projects."

"This is Kamoshida's reality...? Shit makes no sense at all!"

"One could say it's a world in which one's distorted desires have materialized. I call such a place a "Palace". This is happening because he thinks the school is his own castle."

"So, it became like this just because he thought about it? Hahaha..."

Ryuji stomped his foot on the ground in rage.

"That son of a bitch!"

"You must really hate this Kamoshida guy."

"Hate doesn't even begin to cover how I feel."

'Said every edgelord ever.'

"Everything is that asshole's fault!"

"I don't know what happened between the two of you, but don't let your emotions get the better of you. His lackeys are everywhere inside."

"Anyway, you're curious about your outfit, aren't you?" asked Morgana.

"Yeah, I'm curious as hell about it too."

"That's also because of this world. Anything distorts according to how a ruler pleases within their Palace. A school can turn into a castle like this, after all. In order to prevent such distortions, one must hold a powerful will of rebellion."

"Your appearance is a manifestation of that. It's the image of rebellion you hold within."

'Even though this doesn't really apply to me since this is Joker's...'

"Urgh! I'm so fed up with this! I'm more curious about you than his clothes. What are you anyway?" asked Ryuji.

"I'm a human- an honest-to-god human!"

"No, you're obviously more like a cat!"

"This is, well... This is because I lost my true form... I think..."

"You think...?"

"But I do know how to regain my true form. That's why I snuck in here in the first place. Although I did end up captured... Besides, Kamoshida tortured me too. That's why I'm gonna make him pay!"

"What is this, a comic book? This is seriously crazy..." muttered Ryuji.

"If we're gonna keep going, we should hurry along. I'll be counting on your skills too, rookie."

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna force it all on you. I thought it might help, so..." he said, pulling out a gun from his back pocket.

"I brought this just in case! It's a model gun though, so it only makes sounds!"

"That's a toy!"

"But it looks totally real, so it'll at least fake 'em out. Oh, I brought some medicine too. You know what they say: "Providing is pre... something." Huh? Huh?"

"So you were planning this from the start... Well fine. If you're ready to go, we'll resume our infiltration."

"Let me check the outside first." said Shin.

A group of soldiers were talking a little further down the hall. Luckily for them, they didn't notice Shin exiting the safe room. The teen quickly hid behind some of the crates near the door to eavesdrop.

"...And what of the slaves?" asked one of the Shadows.

"They're all in the training hall. I'd assume they're screaming in pain already." replied another.

"Very well. By the way, I heard we might have intruders around. Be on your guard."

And with that said, the group went on their way.

"You can come out now."

Ryuji and Morgana entered the hallway moments later.

"Those soldiers said that all the slaves are in the training hall right now."

"I think that's just a little further ahead. Let's go!"

On their way, they encountered a few soldiers, but Arsene and Zorro quickly dispatched them.

Unfortunately, one time they met two guards who were standing back to back on a corridor, so they couldn't ambush them.

The good part was that Morgana came with the idea to use the toy gun Ryuji brought to attack the enemies. Although the gun would normally only make sounds, because they were in a cognitive world, it could shoot real bullets. As long as their opponents see the gun as real, it becomes such. Even though Morgana's slingshot is anything but realistic, it was just as strong as the gun.

After much travelling, they had finally arrived at the entrance to the training hall, but the title...

"Kamoshida's... Training Hall... of Love...? What kind of bullshit is this!?" asked Ryuji.

On the inside, they could hear pained screams echoing throughout the halls.

"This voice... Where's it coming from...?"

The further they went in, the louder the screams got, until they reached a large barred opening in the wall. There, they could see a gym in which several soldiers were hitting with sticks a bunch of teenagers in gym clothes.

"Dammit! This is bullshit!" screamed Ryuji.

"How many times do I have to tell you to keep your voice down?" asked Morgana.

Ryuji shook his head a bit.

"But this is beyond messed up! How do I open this...?"

At that moment, one of the teens approached the trio.

"Stop it...! Leave us alone... It's useless..." said the boy.


"If we stay obedient, we won't get executed like you guys!" said another teen.

"You're telling me you wanna stay in a place like this!?" Ryuji was shaking with anger as he spoke.

"Wait a minute... Were you planning on taking these guys out of here?" asked Morgana, somewhat surprised.

"We can't just leave them here!"

"How stupid can you be...?"


"These are only humans in Kamoshida's cognition. They aren't real humans that have entered from reality. They're different from you two." said Morgana.

"Cognition...?" muttered Ryuji.

"It means there's no point in saving them! They're different from the real ones in the real world. You could say that these are extremely similar-looking dolls."

"The hell!? Why does it have to be so complicated!?"

Ryuji crossed his arms.

"So the school's a castle, and the students are slaves... It's so on point that it makes me laugh. This really is the inside of that asshole's head...!"

"Still, this is horrible. It must mean he treats them as slaves in the real world too."

"In the real world too...? Wait, I know these guys! They're members of the volleyball team, the one that Kamoshida's coaching for!"

"They must be physically abused every day... There's no way they'd be so beat up normally."

"Don't tell me... They're going through similar shit in reality!?"

"Most likely. I mean, this proves that Kamoshida thinks of them as slaves."

"So it might be for real... I heard that Kamoshida is using physical punishment. They're just rumours, but... If they're true, wouldn't this be something to report to the police...? I'll use these guys as evidence. If it all goes well, we can take down that asshole Kamoshida...!"

Ryuji took out his phone and tried to take a photo of the volleyball team members, but the camera didn't work.

"We can use the navigation app, but the camera's a no go!?" he asked, shocked.

"A navigation app?" inquired Morgana.

"That's what we use to come here. What about yours?" he asked Shin.


"Whatever you do is fine, but we're gonna get caught if we stand around like this. We need to head back!"

"Wait a sec... There's no other way... I'll just memorize their faces before going home!"


This chapter's additional info is on... The Fool Arcana!

The Fool represents innocence, divine inspiration, madness, freedom, spontaneity, inexperience, chaos and creativity. This Arcana is originally the only one that doesn't have a number, thus it is considered as the Arcana number 0 or number 22.

As such, the silent protagonists from the recent adaptions often start out with the Fool Arcana, in reference of their personality being shaped via players' actions and decisions. At the end of Persona 3 and Persona 4, the protagonists are given a Persona of the Judgement or The World Arcana, probably as a reference to the Journey of the Fool in the Tarot, which is also explained in detail by a character in Persona 3.

The Fool Arcana tends to be the "jack of all trades," since its Personas can inherit all skills without preference for any type. Mythological figures of the Fool Arcana are often heroes, fools or the protagonists of their own mythological stories. (if this doesn't scream 'protagonist' then I don't know what does.)

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