
A Fool's Change of Heart

DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything besides the name of the protagonist. Persona belongs to whoever created it. Also, the No One 17 and Under Admitted is because of the excessive swearing, dark themes and not for the possible (but unlikely) lemons. Shin Yuuta, who unknowingly had caused world devastation in another timeline, had been sent to the sea of souls to cleanse the influence a malevolent entity, composed from humanity's evil thoughts, had over him. Wielding the gifts he had received from his body's previous host and a certain mask-wearing being, it is up for our protagonist to make sure history doesn't repeat itself. P.S: The pic I used for cover isn't mine either.

RealSam11 · Video Games
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124 Chs

Another Persona awakened

Ryuji stared at the students for some time, before the trio left.

They had seen multiple ways the students were abused on their way. Some were on a giant treadmill and weren't allowed to stop nor slow down, otherwise they'd be impaled on spikes. Others were being hung upside down and barraged with balls shot from cannons.

"Alright, I got them all. Let's go!" said Ryuji.

Just when they got outside of the training hall, a soldier's voice could be heard.

"The watch post near the training hall has ceased reporting. Chances of intruders are extremely high! All personnel, increase security measures!"

"Tch, we've stayed here too long... Come on, let's get out of here!" said Morgana.

Unfortunately, the trio couldn't get too far as they were intercepted in the main hall. It was none other than Shadow Kamoshida himself.

"You knaves again? To think you'd make the same mistake again. You're hopeless!" he said, annoyed.

"The school ain't your castle! I've memorized their faces real good. You're going down!" said Ryuji.

Kamoshida shook his head in disdain and said.

"It seems it's true when they say "barking dogs seldom bite". How far the star runner of the track team has fallen."

"The hell are you getting at!?" shouted Ryuji.

"I speak of the "Track Traitor" who acted in violence, ending his teammates' dreams. Oh, I can only imagine the pain of the others who were dragged under with your... selfish act."


"Violence?" asked Shin.

Kamoshida looked somewhat astonished when he heard that question.

"What a surprise. So you're accompanying him without knowing anything at all? He betrayed his teammates and crushed their hopes, yet he still carries on as carefree as ever."

"That's not true!" shouted Ryuji.

"You've come along with this fool and are now going to end up dead. How unlucky of you."

He stopped and turned to face a large soldier in golden armour.

"Go. Kill them all. Don't sully my castle with garbage."

With that said, he left while flapping his cape.

The trio was immediately surrounded. While Shin and Morgana could hold their own with Arsene and Zorro, Ryuji was defenceless.

'Should happen any time soon.' thought Shin.

And soon it did happen. Ryuji being held by some of the soldiers while Kamoshida came near him to trash talk him.

"I bet you simply came here on a whim and ended up like this. Isn't that right?" asked the exhibitionist king.

"No..." muttered Ryuji.

"What a worthless piece of trash, getting emotional so quickly... How dare you raise your hand at me. Though it was only temporary, have you forgotten my kindness in supervising track practice?"

"It wasn't no practice! It was just physical abuse! You just didn't like our team!"

"It was nothing but an eyesore! The only one who needs to achieve results is me! That coach who got fired was hopeless too... Had he not opposed me with a sound argument, I would've settled it with only breaking his star's leg."

Ryuji was shell-shocked at that.


"Do you need me to deal with your other leg too? The school will call it self-defence anyway!"

Ryuji seemed frustrated.

"Dammit... Am I gonna lose again...? Not only can I not run anymore... The track team is gone too cause of this asshole...!"

"So that's why..." muttered Morgana.

Kamoshida turned to look at the fighting Shin and Morgana.

"They may struggle as they want now, but once you're dealt with, they're next."

'Struggle my ass! I could've finished these weaklings a long time ago.' thought Shin.

While Kamoshida was trying to do an evil laugh and failing, Ryuji was despairing on the ground.

"Stand up for yourself, Ryuji!" shouted Shin.

The blond seemed stunned at his words.

"... You're right. Everything that was important to me was taken by him... I'll never get them back...!"

Ryuji slowly stood up.

"All you think about is using people... You're the real scumbag, Kamoshida!"

The teen went closer to Kamoshida.

"What are you doing? Silence him!" shouted said scumbag.

Ryuji pointed his finder at Kamoshida and said.

"Stop looking down on me with that stupid smile on your face!" he shouted.

Suddenly, Ryuji gripped his head in pain and fell on his knees.

'You made me wait quite a while.' a voice only Ryuji could hear said.

The teen was shaking from the intense pain.

'You seek power, correct? Then let us form a pact. Since your name has been disgraced already, why not hoist the flag and wreak havoc...?'

Ryuji was sweating a great deal.

'The "other you" who exists within desires it thus... I am thou, thou art I... There's no turning back... The skull of rebellion is your flag henceforth!'

A black skull mask suddenly appeared on his face. Ryuji shakily stood up to face Kamoshida.

"Kill him already!" he shouted.

The blond gripped the mask on his face and ripped it off. Blood gushed out and covered the upper half of his face. In a flash of flames, a large Persona appeared behind Ryuji.

"Another one?" asked Kamoshida, shocked.

"Right on... Wassup, Persona... This effin' rocks! Now that I got this power, it's time for payback... Yo, I'm ready... Bring it!" he said, full of confidence.

"Grrr! Don't mock me, you brat!" said the golden soldier, turning into a horse-riding red-armoured knight.

"Blast him away, Captain Kidd!" shouted Ryuji.

Shin and Morgana didn't even have to do much, since Ryuji took down the enemy by himself.

"How about that, Kamoshida!?" he said, panting from exhaustion.

"Whoa... So Ryuji had the potential too..." muttered Morgana in amazement.

"Even if you apologize now... I ain't forgiving you...!"

"I told you that this is my castle. It seems you still don't understand."

At that moment, a bikini-clad Ann appeared and went to the right side of Kamoshida.

"Wha- Takamaki!?" asked Ryuji, confused.

"Oh...! What a meaw-velous and beautiful girl...!" said Morgana.

"What's going on...!?"

"That's not the real Takamaki." said Shin.

"Yeah. She's the same as the slaves, a being made from Kamoshida's cognition of her!"

"Are you jealous? Well, I'm not surprised. Women aren't drawn to problematic punks like you. Clean them up this instant!"

"We're outnumbered. Let's scram before we get surrounded!" said Morgana.

"We're not gonna do anything and just run!?" asked Ryuji.

"You'll need rest Ryuji. This is a tactical retreat." said Shin.

"Thank god you've got a level head."

"Ngh... Fine. We'll expose what you really are, no matter what! You better be ready for us...!"

"Hahaha! Just when I was beginning to get bored of torturing the ones here! Come at me whenever you want, if you don't care about your life! Haaaahahahaha!"

"Ignore him. Let's go!"

The trio exited the castle through the gates.

"Anyways, I don't remember changing into this!" said Ryuji, pointing at his costume.

The blond was wearing a black jacket with elbow pads and what appeared to be a metal vertebral column attached to its back, pants with knee pads and a double-sided holster belt with ammo on each side, a red ascot, combat boots, a pair of yellow gloves with metal knuckle protectors.

"It looks good on you." said Shin.

"Thanks, I guess... But I'm completely lost, man...!"

"I told you before! When a Persona-user opposes a Palace's ruler and becomes a threat to them, this happens. It's to prevent you from being affected by distortions." said Morgana.

Ryuji placed his hand on his mask.

"So, is this... a skull?"

"Your appearance reflects your inner self. It's the rebel that slumbers within... Not that you'll get it."


"Then stop asking questions and accept what you see for what it is."

"Easy for you to say..." grumbled Ryuji.

Ryuji gasped in shock as he remembered something.

"Wait, we're in deep shit! We might've gotten away here, but we're still screwed with Kamoshida at the real school..."

"That's quite sharp of you! ...For being an idiot."


"Relax. The Kamoshida in reality can't possibly know about what happens here. A Shadow is the true self that is suppressed. A side of one's personality they don't want to see."

"...So we're okay?"

"Did the Kamoshida in reality remember the first time you got in his Palace?"

Ryuji was stunned.

"There you have it."

"All right! Now that we know that, all we gotta do is-" started Ryuji.

"Wait, I guided you as promised. It's your turn to cooperate with me."


"Don't you remember? I originally came here for an investigation. I need to erase the distortion from my body and regain my real form. That's why we must delve deep within Mementos and-"

"Whoa, hold up. What're you going on and on about? We never said anything about helping you out."

"Huh? Don't tell me... Are you not going to repay the hospitality I showed you?" said Morgana, dismayed.

"Especially you!" he said pointing at Shin. "You're going to up and leave, even though you're already part of my master plan!?"

"What plan?" asked Shin.

"Is it because I'm not human...? Because I'm like a cat...? Is that why you're making a fool of me!?"

"We're busy! Thanks for everything, cat. You've got guts, being a cat and all! See you around!" said Ryuji as he left.

"Hey! What the hell!? Ugh, seriously! Why're you wrapping this up like everything's all hunky-dory!? Oh hell no! Get back here! Grr... GRAAGGGHHH!

Meanwhile, back in the real world, in the backstreets near Shujin Academy, Shin and Ryuji just got out of the Metaverse. The navigation app's voice rang out, signalling the boys of their successful escape.

"...Thank god. We're back." said Ryuji.

"I dragged you around a lot, huh? ...Sorry, man. Ugh, I'm dead tired... How you holding up?" he asked.

"Meh, I'm fine." said Shin.

"What kind of energy reserves you have dude!?"

"You're this tired because you used your Persona for the first time. I remember I was tired when I used Arsene too."

"Huh, really? You looked fine then. But damn, if what we saw was for real, this is gonna get good. I totally remember the faces of the guys Kamoshida was treating like slaves. Once we make them confess up to any physical abuse, Kamoshida will be done. So, wanna help me look for these guys or any witnesses?"

"Count me in."

"Now that's what I'm talking about!"

Ryuji turned around and spoke in a slightly lower tone.

"Hey, so... If you're thinking of laying low cause you got a record, I don't think that'll help... Everyone already knows. They got you pegged as a criminal."

"Oh, really? How did that happen?"

"Kamoshida opened his damn mouth!"

"How unexpected..."

"No one else besides a teacher could've leaked it that fast! It doesn't matter if it's a student or a club; that asshole just wrecks things he doesn't agree with. Just like he did with me...!"

"Not like that changes what we're going to do anyway."

"Yeah. I'm counting on you! Don't worry; I'm hyped about this too!"

'How odd! I can feel Ryuji's trust in me. Perhaps this is how Confidants work...'

"Hey, you hungry? I haven't eaten anything since lunch and it'd be weird splitting off now, so why don't we grab a bite somewhere? I know a place with good food." asked Ryuji.

"What kind of food?"

"Meat, man. Just follow me. I mean, I totally gotta hear about your past!


"WHAT!?" shouted Ryuji, attracting the attention of a few other customers.

"The hell, man! How much shittier can that asshole get!?"

'You have no clue.'

"I'm still eating."

"Oh. My bad."

He took a few noodles from the bowl and put them in his mouth.

"So... you left your hometown, and... you're living here now, huh?"

"Mmhm." Shin hummed in response.

"We might be more alike than I originally thought." said Ryuji.

"What did you do?" asked Shin.

"Well, I don't have a record like you. I mean, that's not the point. I guess it's how we're treated like a pain in the ass by the people around us, like we don't belong. I did something stupid at school before, too."

He paused to finish his meal.

"The place you're living now is in... Yongen, right? It's rush hour on subways, so you better find something to kill some time."

"Don't worry. I have some plans." said Shin

"Anyways, I got your back like you got mine from tomorrow on. As long as we do something about Kamoshida, I'm sure we'll both feel better about being at school."

"Most likely."

"Oh yeah, tell me your number. Chat ID too." he said, whipping out his phone.

After exchanging numbers, Ryuji once again adopted a serious face.

"Just you wait, Kamoshida... We're gonna start right away tomorrow. First, let's hit up those guys that were kept as slaves. The volleyball rally's tomorrow, huh? Shit's recommended by Kamoshida. Makes me wanna gag. But, thanks to that, we got no classes in the afternoon, and we can walk around unnoticed. Well, I guess we can work out the details tomorrow."

Meanwhile, Ann and a black-haired girl were also having a discussion. The black-haired girl sighed and said.

"I-I haven't been sleeping well lately... Whenever I close my eyes, I keep thinking about too many things..."

"Shiho..." Ann muttered.

"Nationals are coming up soon, so I keep thinking... Should someone like me really be on the starting lineup...?" said the now-named Shiho.

"Don't worry. Just be confident in yourself! Your skills have been recognized! It's all because you work harder than anyone else!" said Ann.


"Yeah... Volleyball's all I have, after all..."

"More importantly, was that injury OK? It looked really swollen." asked Ann.

"No, it's nothing. It's normal... Especially since a meet's coming up..."

At that moment, a blue-haired boy came near the girls.

"Sorry to interrupt, Suzui. Um... Mr Kamoshida told me to get you."

"Huh? What does he want?" Shiho said, appalled.

"He didn't say..."


"Ann, I..."


"It'll be fine! I bet it's a meeting about the starting lineup or something." said Ann.

"...Yeah. Well, I better go..."

"Yup. Good luck!"

After the blue-haired boy and Shiho left, Ann muttered.

"Hang in there, Shiho...!"


Back at the cafe, Sojiro was waiting for Shin to return.

"...There you are. Why are you so late?" he asked.

"It was rush hour in the subways." 'And I also had to stop a rapist.'

Yes, those were Shin's plans. He went back to Shujin Academy as fast as he could, since he was aware that Kamoshida would try to do something to Shiho. It was never outright stated, but the game hinted that the scumbag violated her, most likely to remain on volleyball team. Even though she was a very good player, she lacked the confidence.

Kamoshida had put Mishima to call Shiho in his office. The bastard revealed that he intended to remove her from the team's starting rooster due to her "poor performance". Shiho begged him to reconsider, horrified. Kamoshida had such a shit-eating grin when he heard that. Luckily for Shiho and unfortunately for the scumbag, Shin had appeared right at the moment when Kamoshida would try to grab her clothes.

Kamoshida was ready to threaten whoever decided to interrupt him, but he faltered before Shin's extremely intense gaze. Even Shiho, who wasn't the target of his glare, shuddered. Shin had taken his glasses off before entering the room, to make himself more menacing.

"So... what are you doing to that student, teach?" he asked.

Kamoshida seemed to have gathered some courage before he answered.

"How dare you barge in my office and question me!?"

Shin smirked.

"So you DO have some balls after all... Not that they did you any good, since you're in this situation because of your lust."

Kamoshida looked offended, but before he could reply, Shin spoke up again.

"Hey, girl." he said to Shiho. "You can leave. I'll have a man to man talk with Mr Rapist over here."

Shiho quickly nodded and speed-walked out of the room.

"Accusing me of rape and threatening a student!? I'll have you expelled immediately!" said Kamoshida.

Shin pulled out the model gun from his pocket and pointed it at Kamoshida's forehead.

"Did I say you are allowed to speak, scum?" he said.

Kamoshida was terrified seeing the gun. He didn't know it wasn't real.

"Listen here and listen well, because I don't like repeating myself. If you dare attempt to do that to any other student from now on, I'll blow your fucking brains out! Got it?"

Kamoshida quickly pecked his head up and down like a chicken.

"Good. Now, don't go around and tell about this to that shitty principal. If you do, I will be needed to deal with both of you."

Shin turned around to leave, but before he could exit the room, he had to dodge a punch aimed towards his head. The teen effortlessly moved a step to the left and grabbed Kamoshida's hand. He pulled Kamoshida forward by his hand and tripped him with his right foot.

Kamoshida was a bit dazed because of the fall, but before he could comprehend what was happening, Shin shoved a nearby tennis ball into his mouth.

"This is your punishment for trying to attack me. Actions have consequences, dear piece of shit."

Shin grabbed the arm with which Kamoshida tried to punch him, and kicked it near the elbow. A snapping sound was heard as Kamoshida's arm bent unnaturally. Rivers of tears streamed down the bastard's face, his screams were muffled by the tennis ball.

"This isn't even close to the pain you have caused to your victims, but it'll do for now."

Shin exited Kamoshida's office after pocketing his gun. He found Shiho standing near the room, waiting. She most likely thought that Kamoshida would call her back after he dealt with Shin. Too bad he won't be able to participate in the volleyball rally the next day with a broken arm.

"You can leave, you know. Kamoshida is unavailable at the moment." said Shin.

"W-What happened to him?" Shiho looked aghast as she said those words.

"I dealt with his tendencies for hands-on approaches on girls."

"So he's alive..." Shiho looked relieved and disappointed in equal measure.

"Of course. What do you take me for, a murderer?"

"N-no! I just... thought you might... because of the..."

"Because of the record, right?"


Shin sighed and said.

"If I really was as bad as the rumours said, I would be in juvie already, you know?"

"Huh?" the girl seemed stunned.

"The only reason I have a record is because I did the same thing I just did here."


"Thank you... and sorry..." Shiho muttered.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you." said Shin.

"I... thank you." said Shiho, slightly louder than before.

"What? Speak up!"

"I said thank you!" Shiho actually screamed that time.

"Ah, well, you're welcome. Anyways, I gotta go."

Shin didn't stay to hear the girl's reply, since he had to hurry back to the cafe. Once Sojiro, who had gotten moderately irritated when Shin chatted on his phone mid-conversation, finished his interrogation, he went home and left the teen to his devices.


This chapter's additional info is on... The Chariot Arcana!

The Chariot Arcana is a symbol of victory, conquest, self-assertion, self-confidence, control, war, and command. Personas of the Chariot Arcana are commonly Personas excelling in Physical-based attacks. They are almost invariably warrior figures or mythological war deities.

Characters who are of the Chariot Arcana are typically very driven individuals, who have a personal goal that they aim to achieve at any cost. It is not uncommon for Chariot characters to be short-tempered or aggressive. Combat-wise, they also tend to focus on physical attacks rather than magic.

In case I didn't hint it enough, Ryuji has the Chariot Arcana.

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