
A Flawless Legacy (Waifu Catalog SI)

A person from gets Waifu Catalog System and uses it to reincarnate himself in the Naruto world. Now a newly orphaned Ren Uchiha comes over to live with Fugaku and his family. Wait!? Itachi is a girl? Mito Uzumaki, Ringo Ameyuri and other beautiful women are still alive? The other villages realised how awesome I am and want to go to war with Konoha? Watch as our SI shocks everyone with his abilities and goes on to become the strongest in the world while getting himself a few waifus on the side. For advanced chapters: https://www.p@treon.com/ankit1

Fortunate_Soul · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Chapter 39- Invasion of Land of Earth

Shisui Uchiha POV

"One last lap. Come on! Only a hundred more meters and then you can rest! Keep going. Go! Go! Go!" urged Ren's Shadow Clone from behind her, as she disregarded the pain in her legs and the struggle to breathe, sprinting towards the finish line at full throttle.

After crossing the finish line, she collapsed, her legs giving out beneath her. Ren swiftly caught her before she could faceplant, then dispelled the effects of the Restraint Seal enveloping her body, causing her to suddenly feel as light as a feather.

"Well done, Shisui. You've shattered another record. This time by 0.13 seconds. Congratulations," Ren remarked, gently carrying her to a nearby mattress and laying her down beside Mei, who was receiving an Iryojutsu massage from a clone after her own intense training session.

Ren let her catch her breath and relax before he covered her entire body with a soothing green chakra, initiating his unique massage technique.

She sensed his chakra permeating her body swiftly, its touch becoming a gentle massage that worked through every muscle, loosening tension and promoting healing.

No, not healing, but accelerating the recovery of her muscles and tendons, ensuring that instead of the usual few days it would take to recover from such intense training, she would be fully recuperated within an hour, primed and prepared for further training.

She had been warned that intense training of this nature often resulted in side effects and premature aging. However, Ren assured her that his newly developed Yang Release Iryojutsu didn't have any such problems. And she believed Ren more than the elders who warned her against this sort of training.

Her confidence in Ren stemmed from the significant progress she had witnessed in herself since beginning her training under him. Ren assured her that at this rate of improvement, she would be capable of challenging S-class opponents within a year.

The prospect of becoming an S-class Kunoichi at the age of Eleven thrilled her, yet the daunting regimen of training required to attain such a title also filled her with trepidation.

But she knew that the results would definitely be worth it, so she pushed herself through the training without any complaints.

The warm and comforting sensation of the Iryojutsu massage, and the exhaustion from the daily training eventually lulled her to sleep. And she woke up to Ren snapping his fingers before her face.

Rising from the mattress, she noticed that Mei had resumed her training, skillfully traversing the lake on her hands while balancing a heavy log upon her legs.

By the sage, Ren certainly devised the most unconventional training methods. However, she had long ceased to question his approaches, recognising their superior effectiveness compared to the conventional training she had undergone before encountering him.

"So… what's the next training set?" She asked the Shadow Clone.

"Nothing. Take a break, boss wants to meet you in the library."

"Oh, okay." She said, surprised by this as Ren never cut her training short like this. If he did, it must be due to some important reason.

She quickly went back into the house and then went over to the recently constructed library that was still only a third filled with scrolls and books.

She spotted Ren seated by a window, engrossed in what appeared to be an ancient scroll. "Ren." She said as she went to stand beside him.

"Sit." He said, gesturing toward a nearby chair as he stowed the scroll away in his Inventory.

"The Clone said you want to see me?" She asked, suddenly feeling a bit nervous due to Ren's somber expression. Ren usually wasn't so serious. If he was, it signified that something significant was imminent.

"I did." Ren said with a nod before he flicked his finger, enveloping their surroundings in a Fuinjutsu barrier. "Don't worry. This is just a precaution against prying eyes and ears. Now tell me, what do know about the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan?"

"Um... not much, really," she admitted, caught off guard by the sudden shift in topic. "I know our ancestor, Madara Uchiha, is rumored to have possessed Mangekyo Sharingan eyes that never dimmed, so I assume that's what you're referring to as the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. But beyond that, nothing."

And if Madara Uchiha was the only person who had the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan eyes, then it made sense that so few people knew about it, considering the taboo surrounding the name "Madara Uchiha" within the clan. However, Ren seemed to care little about such things.

"Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan is the next stage of the standard Mangekyo Sharingan. And the precursor to Rinnegan, which is the last stage of the Sharingan eyes." He said, and she blinked, wondering if she'd heard right and wasn't hallucinating this entire conversation.

"You're saying that the Mangekyo Sharingan has two more evolutions?" She asked, finding it difficult to grasp such a concept.

"As far as my knowledge extends, yes. However, even I am uncertain about the 'true' origin of Chakra in our universe. It's entirely possible that there are further stages of evolution beyond what I currently know and understand." Ren replied.

"That's… a lot to take in." She said, slumping back on her chair. "Though, what did you mean by the 'True' Origin of Chakra?"

"I'll tell you when we're stronger. For now, let me tell you about how an Uchiha can evolve his eyes to Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and beyond. Listen closely, for I'll not repeat myself."

She nodded eagerly, and in the ensuing minutes, Ren explained the entire process by which Sharingan eyes undergo their evolution.

"So… Madara Uchiha took his brother's eyes in order to evolve his own eyes?" She asked, feeling horrified that someone could do such a thing to his own brother.

"No, Madara's brother willingly bestowed his eyes upon him in his final moments. Though I can see why you would think otherwise with how Madara's reputation has been distorted and tainted over the generations."

"But… wasn't Madara an evil guy? I mean, he did try to destroy Konoha, and would've succeeded as well if not for the First Hokage."

"Perhaps. But I didn't bring you here to discuss morality of a dead man. Tell me, is there anything else you want to ask about?"

"Yeah. Why do we need Lord Hashirama's cells to awaken the Rinnegan. I mean, I get it that he was very powerful. But what does that have to do with us?"

"That's because the Uchiha and Senju clans share a common ancestor. And that ancestor was none other than the Sage of Six Paths." Ren revealed, startling her once again.

"Wait a minute. The Sage of Six Paths was real?"

"Yes, and we're his descendants. That's why, by combining the pinnacle of the Sharingan with the apex of Senju power, you unlock the eyes of the Sage himself: the Rinnegan," Ren explained, then utilised Genjutsu to project an image of an man with purple eyes and a pitch black pupils adorned with concentric black rings around them.


"I see." She murmerred, her entire understanding of the world turned on its head. Then she realised something. "Why tell me all this? I mean, I don't have any siblings or parents, making it impossible for me to ever evolve my eyes into the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan."

"Because I cannot say with absolute certainty that you only need the Mangekyo Sharingan eyes of a close relative to evolve your eyes. What if the eyes of a distant relative will do the same? What if-"

"-giving your eyes would help me evolve mine." She finished for him, realising the true reason he'd called for her.

"Yes. Because if this works, I could assist not only you but also Fugaku-san. And any other Mangekyo Sharingan wielder in the clan. Plus Itachi, if she ever awakens her own Mangekyo Sharingan eyes."

"I see. So what do you want me to do?" She asked, now feeling far more eager than before.

Ren chuckled at her newfound enthusiasm. "I want you to complete the training regimen I've devised for you."

And just like that, all her enthusiasm bled away. "But… that would take an entire year." She said with a pout.

"That it would." Ren said, amusement shining through his eyes. "But as it stands, your chakra is heavily imbalanced toward Yin. No doubt a result of you unlocking Mangekyo Sharingan at such a young age. Unlocking your Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan would only further exacerbate this imbalance and might cause you some trouble in the future. So I want you to work on your physique and increase your Yang chakra before we move on to the next stage."

"Aww man. And I became so excited as well." She said, feeling highly disappointed.

Ren chuckled softly. "Well, take this as motivation for your training. The faster you can complete it, the faster we get to see if your eyes can evolve to the next stage."

"I see." She said with a heavy sigh, slumping down on her chair. "Was there anything else?"

"As a matter of fact, yes. Yes, there was."

"Oh?" She asked, giving him a curious look.

"Do you know about the Izanagi or Izanami?" Ren asked her.

"Um… no. I think I've heard about them before but I can't recall where."

"Well, let me explain." Ren said and started detailing the nature of these techniques and their significance, particularly during a past civil war within the Uchiha clan.

"I see." She said, absorbing his words. "But… why are you telling me about these Kinjutsu?"

"Because these Kinjutsu were both created by the same man. An ancestor of ours who was able to able to unlock his Mangekyo Sharingan in his youth."


"And… I'm pretty sure that the secret abilities of his Mangekyo Sharingan eyes were none other than Izanagi and Izanami."


"Seems a bit far fetched, doesn't it? But I can think of no other explanation for how a shinobi who had never shown any inclination toward developing new Jutsu or doing any scientific research was suddenly able to create two such powerful Forbidden Techniques.Doesn't that strike you as odd?"

"A bit." She admitted.

"Yes, I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure that he never created these Techniques. He simply figured out a way to let the other Uchiha use the techniques that he was able to use with his own Mangekyo Sharingan."

"But… that would mean-"

"That our Sharingan eyes are already capable of using all the abilities that we gain upon unlocking the Mangakyo Sharingan. Whether it's Amaterasu, Kotoamatsukami, Amenokawa, Soratatsu, or even Susanoo. If my theory is right, then a normal 3-Tomoe Sharingan should be capable of using any of these abilities, albeit at a steep cost."

"Going blind." She said, remembering the after effect of using either Izanagi or Izanami.

"Indeed." Ren said, his face lighting up with excitement. "All of this is just a theory right now. But if I'm right, then a person who has unlocked the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and has gained some experience with it should theoretically be able to wield all techniques ever manifested by any Mangekyo Sharingan user"

"That… does seem rather far fetched."

"Perhaps. But that's why I wanted your help. I want to see if I'm capable of using Kotoatsumaki and needed your help to confirm it."

"But… don't you only possess the basic Mangekyo Sharingan as well?" She asked.

"Nope. Well, I did, till I recently evolved to the Eternal Mangkeyo Sharingan." Ren said casually.

"But how? I don't think you have any hidden siblings who would give you their Mangekyo Shraingan. Or did you parents leave their eyes behind for you?" She asked.

"Nah. My eyes just evolved when I became strong enough."

Her jaw dropped in disbelief at his nonchalant explanation. "That's... such bullshit. Like, how does that even work?"

"I'm just built different baby." he quipped with a grin.

She facepalmed herself. "Never mind. I'm... not even going to think about it. Just tell me what I need to do to help you and I'll do it."

"Okay. Now look into my eyes and use Kotoamatsukami to alter my memory."

She gave him a deadpanned glare. "You're my friend Ren. I'm not using my ability on you."

"Don't worry about it. Your technique won't affect me due to my secondary bloodline, which grants me immunity to negative mental effects. I just want to see how it works firsthand."

She gave him a skeptical look but relented. "Very well. But just to be sure, I'll try to change a very small and insignificant memory of yours. Tell me when you're ready."

"I'm born ready."

She glared at him. "Take this seriously Ren. I don't want to hurt you by mistake."

"Okay, okay. I'm serious now. Please go ahead."

She nodded and cast Kotoamatsukami on him.


Roshi POV

It was a dark, moonless night as he and his squad dashed through the Land of Fire.

They made sure to give a wide berth to Konoha's invading army. Making sure to keep a gap of over Fifty kilometres to avoid detection by the frequent patrols led by those Byakugan fucks.

They couldn't afford to be discovered by Konoha, especially considering the Hokage's ability to instantly teleport anywhere using his Hiraishin Jutsu. If they were detected, they would die. Simple as that.

And if they died and this mission failed, then Iwa was doomed.

Konoha has grown too powerful. And now with Kumo crippled, their entire attention was fixed on Iwa. And no matter what they did, nothing could stop Konoha's advancement into the Land of Earth.

Their Daimyo had sent his own elite shinobi and samurai squad to help slow down Konoha's invasion. But those Elite squads hadn't lasted a single minute against those Uchiha monsters.

Onoki himself had ventured into the battlefield numerous times to hold the tide, until he eventually got ensnared into a counter-ambush, leaving him severely injured.

Now, it fell upon Han to lead what remained of their shinobi forces. And together with the other commanders, they'd given him a suicidal task.

The task of infiltrating deep into the heart of the Land of Fire and wreaking havoc upon as many of their economic centres as possible. It was a tactic reminiscent of Konoha's assault on the Land of Lightning, albeit on a slightly smaller scale.

Their Daimyo had talked with the Land of Fire's Daimyo and promised them that as long as they do enough damage to the lands owned by the Daimyo's opposition, the Fire Daimyo would feign outrage and demand an immediate halt to the war from Konoha.

After all, the Five Major Shinobi Villages acted as counter weights to one another. And now with Three of those villages damaged beyond repair, Iwa remained the sole beacon of hope with even the slightest chance of withstanding Konoha's might.

Once they fell, Konoha would reign supreme in the shinobi world. And the balance of power would shift, a prospect that deeply unsettled all the Daimyos.

He had always known that the Daimyos liked to puppet them around for their own gain. And that weakening them was one of the reasons that they never tried to stop the shinobi villages from going to war with one another. But seeing them plotting out in the open like this was still jarring.

'Seems like those stuck up nobles must be just as desperate as us.' He thought with some amusement.

"Han-sama, there's an outpost three kilometers south of us," one of his sensors informed him, prompting a grimace to form on his face.

This was the best sensor-nin that Iwa had after all others got killed in the war. And his Range was only about a fraction of a typical Jounin from the Hyuuga clan."

For all he knew, there might be one of those Byakugan fucks inside that outpost, and Konoha might have already discovered their presence.

'Fuck Konoha and fuck their bloodline users.' He cursed in his heart.

"We're giving this outpost a wide berth as well. Make sure to keep your chakra suppressed." He told his men as calmly as he could.

And thus, they pressed onward toward the Land of Fire, uncertain whether they had already been detected. If they had, then they were walking into a trap from which there would be no escape.

"And then Konoha would assimilate Son Goku, the Four-Tails, into their roster of Tailed Beasts, just as they did with Kiri's Three-Tails and Kumo's Two-Tails," he ruminated grimly.

Taking a Tailed Beast from another village like this just wasn't done, as this would only lead to a further escalation of the war as all other shinobi villages would realise that one of them was trying to gain too much power.

But it seems like Konoha didn't care for that kind of stuff anymore. And considering how easily they had defeated both Kiri and Kumo thus far and were now in the process of demolishing Iwa, he could understand why.

'Hey, Son Goku. I might not make it through this mission. And you'll likely end up sealed within a shinobi from Konoha. How do you feel about that?' He asked to his companion.

'I don't have any particular feelings about it.' Son Goku rumbled within his mind. 'Until now, I've been a captive of Iwa. From tomorrow, I'll be a captive of Konoha. Why should it matter to me who my jailer is? At least I have hope that Konoha's seals won't be as restrictive as Iwa's Jinchuriki seals are.'

'…fair enough. And what about me. Would you miss me?' He asked.

Son Goku boisterous laugh was all the answer he received and he shook his head in mild amusement. 'Dick.'

"Something the matter, Roshi-sama?" One of his shinobi asked, having seen him shake his head.

"No, just—"

"WATCH OUT!!" The Sensor's urgent cry was the only warning they had before thousands of paper tags erupted from the ground and detonated right in front of their faces.


Kisame POV

That was… easy. 

He let out a disappointed snort and held Shibuki, the exploding blade on his shoulder. "You know… I didn't expect them to fall for that trap so easily. I mean, that trap didn't even take me five minutes to set up.

"Quit your griping. The Jinchuriki is still alive." Juzo Biwa said, brandishing his own massive blade and surveying the cloud of debris ahead with a wary gaze.

"And how do you know that smarty pants?" Fuji Kaguya, the former clan head of Kaguya clan asked.

"Have you ever fought a Jinchuriki before?" Juzo Biwa asked. "Those bastards are hard to put down."

He was about to voice his own doubts when a red creature leapt out from within the cloud of debris. He only had enough time to raise his sword defensively before that creature slammed into him like a freight train and sent him flying.


After crashing through multiple trees, he eventually came to a stop and saw the Four tails Jinchurki in his Red Cloak form engaged in battle with both Juzo Biwa and Fuji Kaguya without an ounce of self preservation.

A bloodthirsty smile formed on his face as he poured his chakra within his blade, having it produce more and more Explosive Tags for the upcoming fight.

It seemed like he was going to enjoy himself after all.


Fugaku Uchiha POV

If there was one thing he'd learned over the past few weeks of invading the Land of Earth, it was that fighting Earth Release users in a Rocky terrain was worse than fighting Water Release users on a beach.

He finished the last of these Iwa fucks, doing a double tap to make sure he was truly dead, and then surveyed the rest of the battlefield.

His fellow Uchiha clan members had also concluded their battles. Each one of them appeared exhausted after so many continuous days of fighting but , their enthusiasm for the numerous victories and the pride in their newfound strength remained unmistakable.

It was the reason why they had been given the position at the very front of the vanguard of their invading forces. The fighting was hard, but thanks to his clansmen, they were making great progress.

That didn't mean that this would last forever. Onoki was no one's fool and started to come up with plans after plans to deal with his clansmen. Already, the causalities were adding up, with three members of his clan dying in the last week. Though, each one of them got revived immediately after by sacrificing one of Ren's eyes.

He had to raise the price of a secondary batch of eyes to Twenty million Ryo, just to make sure that his clan members won't become overly reliant on Ren's eyes.

There was also the fact that his clansmen were getting to the point of critical exhaustion from the relentless string of battles. Not only physical exhaustion but mental one as well. Taking lives weighed heavily on the psyche, even for a veteran killer. And they had been doing a lot of it ever since this war started.

Furthermore, he was unsettled by the way other shinobi eyed the Uchiha clan of late—envy evident in their gazes, for all the glory his clan was earning. They failed to grasp that without the Uchiha's contributions, the casualty toll would be significantly higher. Moreover, there was an underlying fear of their formidable power.

Perhaps they could even arrange a rotation with other Uchiha clan members stationed in Konoha. While it was unlikely that Ren would join them, as he was tasked with protecting Konoha, Ringo and Mei might be amenable to the idea of joining the front lines.

"We're done here. Collect the bodies, and then we'll return to the camp." He ordered and sent a younger Uchiha as a runner to announce yet another victory for Konoha's invading force.

An hour later, he found himself in front of a large tent that was reserved for the Hokage. His forces already sent to the medical tents to be examined for any wounds or injuries.

It was unlikely that anything would come off it, but people had become more vigilant about Iwa using poison ever since Minato revealed his poisoning. People with bloodlines were being extra cautious, as they should be.

He went inside and saw Minato conversing with Orochimaru about something with a somber look on his face. He honestly couldn't remember seeing his friend smile even once ever since that day. And that worried him.

For once in his life, he found himself wishing Shikaku was here. That clever guy would likelt know the best course of action for Minato's well being.

He waited until both Orochimaru and Minato were done talking before he stepped forward.

"Fugaku." Minato acknowledged with a nod, though the smile that would've once graced his features upon seeing him never appeared.

"Hokage-sama" He said with a respectful bow, keeping up a respectful appearance in front of other people. "The Asamori Valley has been cleared. The Sarutobi clan is now working to secure it and it should be ready for occupation by tomorrow."

"Well done Fugaku. The bodies?"

"Here." He said, tossing a scroll that Ren had gifted him. A scroll capable of storing hundreds of bodies inside it. A huge accomplishment, as before this, as previously, a storage scroll capable of holding a single corpse was deemed a masterwork.

Had anyone else created this scroll, he would've considered it a miracle. But this was Ren, so he just took it in stride.

"Thanks for your hard work Fugaku." Minato said before handing over the scroll to Orochimaru who accepted it with a huge smile before quickly leaving the tent.

What that man did with those bodies, he didn't know. Nor did he had any desire to know. He was content to keep this facet of Konoha out of sight and out of mind.

"The merits and rewards will be given to the Uchiha clan as usual. You may distribute them to your clansmen however you wish." Minato said with a tired sigh and he nodded.

"Thank you. But there was something else I needed to talk to you about." He said and went to take a seat beside Minato.

"Go ahead." Minato said.

"Before we get to that, I wanted to ask you how you're feeling." He said and raised up a hand before Minato could reply. "And don't say that you're fine. Any idiot could see that you're a mess, Minato. But keeping all this bottled inside you is not going to help anyone."

Minato was silent for a moment before he sighed and slumped down on the chair. "Well… what do you want me to say Fugaku? Yes, I'm a mess and I know that. But how could I not be, after what happened."

He put a hand on Minato's shoulder. "Minato. You should go home and spend some time with Kushina. Give the command of this army to Hiruzen-san or the Snake-sannin. The longer you wait to talk to her, the worse it'll be."

"And what would I even say to her. That the person she loved with can no longer have children with her. Or satisfy her in the way that a man should?" Minato asked, and the despair in his face was painful to watch.

"If that is what you wish to tell her, then yes." He said firmly. "But you cannot run from this Minato."

"Easy for you to say. It wasn't you who got poisoned! And it's not like you don't already have two children to dote upon." Minato snapped and then grimaced, squeezing his eyes shut. "Sorry, that was unbecoming of me."

He squeezed his friend's shoulder in support. "I can have Mikoto tell Kushina about this if you want."

"No." Minato said quickly. "I'll tell her myself. I just… need more time."

He let out a sigh and nodded. "I also wanted to talk with you about my clansmen. They have been in high intensity combat one after another over the past few weeks. If this keeps up, then they'll start slipping. I would rather have them reassigned before such a thing happens."

"And it would give the other clans and commanders a chance at winning their own glory." Minato remarked with a touch of sarcasm, shaking his head in disbelief. "It seems the Uchiha's string of victories has made them lose sight of the fact that we're still in the midst of war."

"Give them a chance at the vanguard and we'll see if they can maintain that attitude." He said.

Minato nodded. "Very well. I'll reassign you back to the main camp where your clansmen will be tasked with patrol duties. You clan's absence would slow down our advance but I can understand the necessity of it."

He nodded. "Thank you. Now, how about you stop working for now and have a drink with me."

"I'm the Commander, Fugaku. I cannot-"

He squeezed Minato's shoulder. Hard. "That wasn't a request. You're coming with me. Put someone else in charge for the rest of the day. The army can do without you for a day."

"I still-"

"No." He said and dragged Minato outside with him, fully intent on getting his friend drunk and get his mind away from this recent tragedy.


AN: Ren's helping Shisui become that vaunted S-class Kunoichi, with no ulterior motives whatsover.

The whole part about Izanagi and Izanami is a bit of an AU on my part. But in this fanfic, once MC (or anyone for that matter) masters his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, he'll be able to use the Managekyo Sharingan techniques of other people that he has studied.

Though it'll take him far more chakra to use the techniques of other people.

Iwa launchs a secret mission, and falls right into a trap set by Akatsuki. Why Iwa and Akatsuki aren't working together will be explained later. But it's basically because Onoki is too injured to make decisions right now, and the other leaders of Iwa just don't trust a group made up of S-class missing nins.

We also see Minato being depressed, Orochimaru being his usual creepy self, and Fugaku being the friend of the year.

That's it for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

8 advanced chapters in Patreon.

Have a nice day.