
Chapter Three

Nya wakes on Friday morning feeling excited about her meeting with Sebastien later that night. She just has to get through a day of tedious chores. Today is the day they announce the staff's new placements with Elijah being home the staff would be shifted to cater for him. Nya crossed her fingers and hoped she would stay on the wait staff shift but she didn't like her chances. She was the new girl and would it was likely her first preference would not be chosen.

They staff meet in the dining hall and one by one each of the team's is called out. When Elijah's staff is called Lyle looks at Nya and says her name. Her heart sinks. Once he finishes the meeting Lyle pulls her aside "I want you to know I had you down to continue with the kitchen and dinner services but his highness specifically requested you be part of his team". Nya' s mind begins to race wondering if her encounter from the other night is the reason, was she too blunt and this is her punishment. Lyle continues, "I can't change your placement but I will try and rotate you off as quick as possible. For now try your best and good luck." Nya thanks Lyle and then races upstairs for the meeting with Elijah.

She walks into Elijah's quarters with seconds to spare before Elijah walks in the room to great his help. "Welcome everyone, I would like to start with saying I will make your job as easy as possible. I won't ask for much but I do ask what you do is carried out to the best of your ability." Elijah looks up and down the staff standing in front of him until he catches eyes with Nya. Nya immediately bows her head but she can feel him staring at her. "I have given Lyle the schedules and your individual responsibilities. please don't hesitate to approach me with requests. I would like my staff to be as comfortable as possible." The line of staff bow as Elijah leaves the room. Nya let's out a massive sigh of relief that is over and cannot believe her luck could have gotten any worse. at least she had her meeting with Seb to look forward to that night.

Nya' s roster on Elijah's staff was not due to start until Sunday so to pass the time she helped her mother out in the kitchen. "You never know, you shouldn't judge a book by its cover Nya, he could end up being a completely different person" Odette says while washing up after dinner. "Mum I don't care be treated us like we didn't exist when we were in the country. No-one no matter there status should treat anyone less than the a human and that's the way I felt." Nya replies sharply. Odette thinks for a moment before replying "Sweetie, because of the life you have had and the tough cards we have been dealt you think the whole world is against you when that is the furtherest thing from the truth. Don't put up your defences too soon or you will miss out on so much". Nya slams the tea towel down and without saying a word storms upstairs.

Jasper jumps as Nya enters the room with such force. "Sorry buddy" Nya says before pulling the kitten onto her lap. "I wish people would understand". Jasper rubs his head on her hand as if he was agreeing with her. Nya looks at the time and realises she needs to get ready to go meet Seb. She throws on some dark clothes and a dark cloak so she isn't too obvious walking across the grounds. She then leaves a note for her mother and heads towards the stables.

Nya approaches the stables and at not much louder than a whisper so as not to wake the stablehands calls "Seb where are you?", slowly a tall shadow walks towards her and then her best friend is standing in front of her with his massive dorky grin and face full of freckles. He wraps his arms around her in a massive bear hug and she has completely forgotten her fight with her Mum earlier. Sebastien was her calm and kept her grounded. He helped her sort through her thoughts and nothing was off topic. "So Seb as much as I have missed you why are we meeting in the middle of the night at the furtherest point from the castle." Nya asks. "I thought you might like a bit of a late night adventure" Seb replies as he points towards two horses saddled and ready for a ride. Nya squeals with delight and gives Sebastien another massive hug. "Yes, yes, yes! Hang on how did you manage to get the stablehands to let you borrow two of the palaces horses?" Nya asks curiously. Sebastien replies "you have your secrets and I have mine, it's on a need to know basis and you don't need to know. Are you going to just stand there asking questions or are we going for a ride?" Nya grins and shakes her head before jumping in the saddle and starting to head out into the cold night air.