
Chapter One:

It was a cold, wet day and the rain was beating down on the windows. Nya was looking out into the rain analysing the quickest and easiest path for her to get to her destination in the quickest amount of time whilst also remaining dry. She pulled her thin and fraying cloak up over her shoulders and made a run for it being careful so as not to drop the groceries.

She slips in through the back door where her mother shakes her head before grabbing the groceries out of her daughters hand. Nya looks down and mutters an apology under her breath before standing by the open fire. "For god sakes, Nya move, I'm already behind because you took so long to bring the food from the market" says Odette, Nya's Mum. "How do you expect me to have this meal prepped and ready before the Duke's feast tonight if you keep getting in my way?". Nya mumbles under her breath "his son is just coming home, he is arrogant and rude, I don't see what the fuss is all about". Odette looks over at her daughter with pleading eyes. "Please Nya. You don't have to like it, you just have to put up with it. Now please take the kettle I boiled so you have a warm bath and go and get ready so that you can make it on time to help with the service"

Once Nya gets up stairs to there room she settles the kettle down by the bath and sits on the edge of the bed that she shares with her mother. She very rarely lets her mind wander but she did in this moment. She never wanted her or her mothers life to be like this. The Great War of the Worlds caused so much heartache and pain for so many. Families were torn apart by death. Nya lost her father, who was called to serve at the battlefront. Without her Dad to run the farm, her mother had no choice but to take whatever job was available and with limited skills other than cooking she accepted a job at the local Duke's castle as head cook, that included free board and meals paid for. As Nya looked around the room that had a bed, a bath and a set of drawers she missed the farm cottage they shared where she used to sleep up in the attic. Other than losing her father though for Nya losing the ability to study was even more devastating. Nya wanted more than anything to become a healer. She wanted to help others never have to feel the pain that she had been through in her short 18 years. With there current living arrangements and no money for tuition it looked like being a healer would remain a dream.

"Purrrrr". Nya is bought back to reality when her kitten wakes and starts nudging her hand for a pat. "Sorry Jasper, I have to get ready for work" as she gently rubs the top of his head. Jasper was the runt in the litter yet extraordinarily beautiful being jet black in colour except for a small tear drop shaped white patch just under his right eye. His eyes are a bright vivid green and look like emeralds. The stablehands said that noone wanted him so he would most likely be left to die. Nya instantly took him in and he became her closest friend fast.

Nya strips off and washes herself with the now luke warm water. She shivers with cold and hurries as fast as she can. She gets out and dries off wrangling her bright red hair into a bun. She gets dressed in her royal outfit with the Duke's crest on the sleeve of the white shirt and slipped into her black skirt. She quickly ties up her shoes laces and pushes a stray hair behind her ear. Before she leaves the room she stares into her deep blue eyes in the mirror and takes a deep breath wishing everything would be different and for once if life could go her way.