
A fighters journey

A fighters journey is about a young boy who through mma discovers who he really is to give him self a identity and a purpose

Bludder · Action
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4 Chs

I want him one way or another

After the fights with Mark and Ryan, Jake looked at Hanuel and then turned to address the rest of the group. "See, I told you guys. Hanuel is the strongest fighter among us all. He may come off as introverted and lacking social skills, but that's exactly why he picked up MMA in the seventh grade. He started with Taekwondo, but he wanted to become an even better fighter, so he switched to MMA. Trust me, he's always had natural talent."

Emily nodded, impressed by Hanuel's performance. "I never realized just how skilled he is. It's amazing how someone so reserved can possess such incredible fighting abilities."

Mark, still catching his breath after his defeat, chimed in, "Yeah, Hanuel's definitely on another level. I underestimated him, that's for sure. His grappling skills are insane. I couldn't do anything once he got me on the ground."

As Hanuel made his way back to Jake, a small smile played on his lips. He appreciated Jake's unwavering support and the recognition from his friends. "Thanks, guys. I've been working hard to improve my skills. It means a lot to have your confidence in me."

Jake patted Hanuel on the back, proud of his friend's accomplishments. "You deserve it, man. Keep pushing yourself,you'll definitely become a ufc champion if you go to America."

Hanuel's eyes sparkled with determination. "That's the dream, Jake. I won't stop until I reach that level. And with your support and the support of our group, I know I can do it."

The group exchanged encouraging nods, knowing that Hanuel's journey was just beginning. Together, they vowed to continue pushing each other to new heights, united by their passion for martial arts and the unshakeable bond they shared.

it would cut to a person inside the place, watching the fight from a distance. The guy watching is an experienced boxer, a prospect to go professional. Unlike the freshmen there, he is a senior with more years of fighting under his belt. He has been passionate about fighting for as long as he can remember. The reason he is observing the fight is because he is a member of a gang called Yami, which focuses on recruiting the most skilled fighters. His name is Jin Lee.

Jin steps outside patiently waiting for Jake to make his way home. His intention is to confront Jake because he is the closest person to Hanuel,Jin is unsure of his chances against Hanuel directly. He glances back at the bar where the group is finishing up their meal and drinks. As Jake starts walking away, Jin follows closely behind, ensuring they are far enough for others not to interfere.

Once they reach a suitable distance, Jin places his hands on Jake's shoulder and asks, "What's the name of that kid who was fighting? I'm a member of Yami, and I want to recruit him for our gang." Jake turns back to respond, "Hanuel wouldn't be interested in joining a gang. It's not his kind of thing, sorry." Jin's grip tightens, becoming more aggressive as he retorts, "I'll make him join one way or another. Just tell me his name so I don't have to waste any more time with you."

Jake, wanting to protect Hanuel, swats Jin's hands away and launches a front kick towards him. To his surprise, Jin effortlessly nullifies the kick with a shoulder roll, showcasing his adaptability to counter different fighting styles. Jake brings his foot back down and attempts a side kick, but Jin quickly clinches him and restricts his movement. Jin swiftly lands a quick jab to Jake's face, which connects, but Jake rolls with the punch and remains relatively unharmed. Understanding the art of rolling with punches, Jake spins his body and delivers a spinning back kick, catching Jin off guard and causing his head to jerk back slightly. As a follow-up, Jake throws a punch, which Jin manages to evade Jin's facial expression changed being surprised.

Jake smirks and remarks, "I see you're surprised that I threw a punch. If you think Taekwondo is all about kicks, you clearly don't understand the two styles: WTF and ITF. The latter allows me to incorporate both punches and kicks." Jin grows frustrated and responds, "Don't get cocky just because you surprised me. This has only been an introduction so far."

Jin rushes forward, throwing a barrage of straight punches at Jake who struggles to keep up with the speed and pressure. In an attempt to counter, Jake executes an axe kick, but Jin easily dodges it and fires back with a heavy overhand punch. It connects on Jake's nose, causing blood to trickle down. Jake quickly wipes it off and uses the wall bouncing himself into the air to throw a kick. Jin manages to block the kick but the force behind it sends him staggering back.

As Jin regains his balance he grabs Jake's leg mid-air and throws a heavy right hook that lands clean on Jake's jaw rocking him. despite being stunned Jake gets back on his feet and launches a jumping front kick which Jin easily evades. Jin then throws a barrage of punches each one landing cleanly on Jake, culminating in a massive uppercut that leaves Jake instinctively retreating.

A smile forms on Jin's face as he taunts, "All that cockiness, and you still struggle-" Before he can finish his sentence, Jake retaliates with a powerful straight punch that lands squarely on Jin, infuriating him. Jin throws a punch in response, but Jake counters with a well-timed kick. The two exchange blows, with Jin gaining the upper hand as Jake falls to the ground, bloodied and bruised.

Despite his injuries, Jake rises to his feet and throws a spinning kick followed by a cross. Jin parries the kick and counters, landing his punch while taking the hit from Jake. Jake realizes he is struggling to keep up with Jin's relentless pressure.Recognizing that he needs to use everything in his arsenal to have a chance at winning, Jake decides to unleash the strongest move in Taekwondo. Utilizing the wall once again, he sets up a 360 kick, focusing on accuracy. Against all odds, the kick lands on Jin, but Jin retaliates with a haymaker. Both fighters connect with each other simultaneously, but the damage takes its toll on Jake, causing him to be knocked out cold and crash to the floor.

Though Jin is the victor, he is not unscathed. The impact of the exchange causes Jin to crash into a wall, injuring his back. He slowly regains his footing, his steps unsteady, as he approaches the fallen Jake. Determined to bring Jake back to the other members of Yami, Jin grabs him tightly, unwavering in his resolve to convince Hanuel to join their ranks, no matter the cost.

At first i wanted this fight to showcase jakes power but i thought to my self about the way i introduced jin i want him to be a really strong character like a wall for hanuel

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