
A Fictitious Reality (Reality Series #1)

Anthony Carson, a frustrated fiction writer, will stop at nothing for his agent's approval. But when he stumbles upon a cat who morphs into a stunning man, his passion reignites, fueling a cascade of plot ideas. Adopting the magical feline for inspiration, Anthony's life spirals into chaos as his story takes on a life of its own, blending action, romance, and unexpected twists. Can Anthony navigate this newfound reality, or will his heart meow louder than his deadlines?

SilverPriestess_ · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Thirtieth Meow - Spider Lily

Anthony's lips etched with a sweet smile as he made his way towards Aegir who was lying with his stomach on the living room's floor - drawing and coloring. In his hand, he was holding a plate full of sliced apples from the kitchen. He couldn't help but to stop for a while and observe Aegir's beaming face filled with enjoyment while using his new set of coloring materials - now oil pastels; leveling up from the crayons he was using before.

"I wouldn't complain if I see this sunshine everyday, " Anthony muttered to himself; smirking. He suddenly has the urge to pull him closer to his chest and enjoy his warmth by embracing him fully.

He shook his head. "This is bad, uh? " The moment he let his feelings flow without questions - it felt liberating and also overwhelming. He never thought he's capable of feeling and acting this way.

He always has this thought of keeping Aegir in his arms but he knows he needs to limit himself to not startle Aegir. This wasn't the first time he got attracted to someone but this one is different - he always thought that those romance novels are exaggerating about having butterflies on your stomach because of a single person but he was proved wrong.

A familiar fluttering bloomed on Anthony's stomach when his gaze fell on Aegir. Aegir caught Anthony's orbs intently looking at him - he widely smiled and called him, "Why are you standing there, master? Come here! I am done with some of my designs for your book! " Aegir's excitement was evident in his voice as he took two of his artworks and raised them upward for Anthony to see. Aegir's happiness -filled eyes shone like a rare forest-green emerald flaunting its magnificence.

Anthony's heart skipped a beat. If only he could just shamelessly say that... Although his drawings were pretty,  the artist - him was even more breathtaking and Aegir's beauty is an art piece that he'll worship and value because it transcends even time itself.

He waved back and smiled. "Yes, I'll be there. " His voice was trembling. Aegir grinned and replied, "Okay! " Getting his attention back on what he's doing.

He remembered calling Aegir weird the first time he saw his demi-human form by the cafè before but he must be blind... He's damn cute.

Anthony ran a hand through his hair; boyishly pushing the strands back in a clean sweep as he's trying to fight another smile on his face.

Before his mind will wander again like a love-sick fool he was; he felt a soft rumble against his feet, followed by another. Looking down, he saw his two cats, their gentle meows urging attention.

"Are you getting jealous now, uh? "A smile tugged at his lips as he crouched down, ready for a petting session. The two cats meowed a little louder; almost sounding like they're complaining.

Tibby, the more adventurous of the two, took a different approach, launching himself onto Anthony's head in a flurry of fur. Tibby yawned, his cute canines showing.

"Alright! Let's go with your mommy now, shall we? " He joked, amidst laughter, Anthony scooped up his other purring companion, carrying Tabby in an embrace.

He walked towards Aegir, he placed the plate full of sliced apples on the table. Tibby took a playful leap off Anthony's head. With a soft thump, he landed towards Aegir. He was momentarily surprised by the sudden intrusion but he eventually smiled. Tibby rubbed his head mischievously on Aegir's outstretched arm; purring contentedly.

Aegir slowly reached out his other hand to scratch the cat behind his ears. His head tilted in Anthony's direction. There was no hint of irritation in his voice but impatience. "C'mon now, master! We must finish this now so you can now post this in your social media! " He urged him, pointing the laptop on the table by raising his head and puckering his lips on the table's direction.

A hearty chuckle erupted on Anthony's throat. He quietly took a piece of the apple from the plate; crouching his knees so that he could reach Aegir's position - he leaned forward; gently cupping Aegir's chin, with a faint gasp and orbs widening in shock - Anthony's touch sent a jolt through Aegir's whole system. A blush crept on Aegir's cherub cheeks as Anthony placed the apple slice in between his housemate's lips; their faces tantalizingly close.

Aegir's mind was screaming. Anthony's face was inches away from him and he could clearly see Anthony's slightly hooded golden orbs staring at his lips as if it had the same taste as the slice of apple he gave to him. Aegir couldn't understand according to the book Vin sent - it meant something but his master won't do it, right?

'Why would he even do it? ' He refused to acknowledge the reason his mind was pushing him to accept.  Aegir knows he likes his master - maybe he's just misunderstanding his intention?

Those cursed comics were lying that it truly meant that way,  it should be or else Aegir was getting crazy.

He munched the apple as fast as he could; Anthony was still observing him - he saw his master's adam's apple bobbing up and down. The apple was sweet and juicy but Aegir felt thirsty.

Aegir gulped down the piece of apple and tenderly pushed Anthony's chest away from him but he didn't bulge - he even leaned forward until their nose touched each other.

'What's happening?!' Aegir doesn't know what to think anymore.  He saw this before - he is not ignorant! He read the first volume of what Vin sent him and all of the same scenarios concerning this all lead to the two protagonist's lips meeting each other in a fiery dance.

Aegir was internally panicking. He doesn't know what to do in this situation but he... doesn't despise it for some reason. His heart was loudly hammering on his chest. Is his master getting back at him for kissing his cheek during the mission? This must be it,  right?

His voice was quivering, "W-What are you doing, master? " he managed to ask him.

Anthony playfully smiled and for Aegir the expression he's making right now is downright scandalous. He never saw this kind of look on his master before and it's making his whole face heat up.

Anthony's voice sounded like the cool breeze on a fine afternoon weather; capable of sending shivers down one's spine but the way it felt pleasant doesn't make anyone hate it, "Nothing much... '' Anthony, still lingering on Aegir's flushed cheeks, reached out with a thumb. With a tender swipe using his finger, he brushed away a stray bit of the apple clinging to Aegir's lips, "...just special attention. " The gentle spark made Aegir's heart pound a frantic rhythm against his chest.

The next words that came from Anthony's mouth sent a fluttering wave inside Aegir's stomach, "Don't you want it? " There's a hint of teasing laced on Anthony's voice but this was far from the usual antics he usually does.

It felt dangerously bold and it made him question what's running inside Anthony's mind to make him act like this.

Aegir hated it that he was the only one getting cornered - he felt a little daring - he held Anthony's cheek and stared eye to eye. "Can I give you one too? '' For Anthony it felt like an attack - his eyes widened as his heartbeat the same symphony with Aegir's. He was too stunned to speak because he never thought Aegir would reply with the same intensity he wanted him to feel.

Anthony's eyes darted on Aegir's lips once more - fighting the urge not to do something that his intrusive thoughts was telling him.

For him, Aegir's plump lips looked more appetizing than the apples he sliced.  And it's tempting him to take a bite.

Their distance was getting too close when they heard the sound of the doorbell. They immediately pushed each other as if they got burned.

At that moment,  Anthony felt like he was up to commit murder.


"Why are you all here? " Anthony's questioning tone darted over to the four people who were sitting on the lounge and two other cushioned seat; facing him and Aegir who were on the sofa.

There's a mixture of irritation and dismay on Anthony's face that made Vin and Saint send suspicious glances at the two of them.

Vin and Saint, who were sitting in the lounge together, both had their brows arched upon witnessing Anthony's arm draped around Aegir's shoulder. Aegir's face was flushed but he seemed to like it.

The way Anthony sounded it made them feel that they were interrupting something. Did an angel finally slapped the clueless bastard and now he's already seeing the light?

Vin fakely smiled and fired a sarcastic retort, "Wow, you clearly wanted us here, don't you? " Saint second the motion with an exaggerated gasp, "We feel so welcomed! Geez, thanks, man! " Saint placed his hand over his chest like he had felt flattered by Anthony's reaction.

Anthony was about to reply to them with the same amount of sarcasm when Aegir pinched his leg; like an obedient dog his voice faltered and his mouth closing.

Vin and Saint's laughter boomed in the room - Anthony was glaring at them but he couldn't say anything because Aegir had already sent him warning glances.

Aegir glanced at Saint; with his eyebrows raised, he interrogated him. "I understand them, " referring to the other three, "...being here but why did you decide to tag along? " Saint hearing it wiggled his brows with a smirk plastered on his lips.

"You guys will be needing me, y'know? " Saint sounded so proud. Vin sighed and pointed at his companion. "He insisted on tagging along, we couldn't do anything or else this human would cry. " Saint's expression soured which made Anthony chuckled teasingly.

"I never thought you're a crybaby, Finn you chinky fish! " Anthony playfully remarked. No one could really tell that Saint was his idol before.

Saint frowned, face determined to shoot back at Anthony. "Well, I never thought you'd also be this tamed, Issiah! " He fired back, sending meaningful glances towards Anthony and Aegir. Anthony's face turned a little red while Aegir was clueless on why Saint called his master... tamed.

The place suddenly turned noisy due to their bantering. Soon, Vin and Aegir followed. Aegir brings this close to throw the pillow on Vin's face as he's clutching it tightly on his lap. Saint was dancing; mocking Anthony that he couldn't do anything to get back at him. Anthony took one of the magazines placed on the glass table and hurled it in Saint's direction - hitting him on the chest. Saint was just laughing at Anthony's actions.

With all of the commotion they're causing; Two people that were not as loud as them were just watching them. One of them, Alucard, the fenrir, was trying his best not to tie all of them together and tape all their mouths. He was shutting his eyes; lips in a tight line. They behave like they're little pups. They have some important things to discuss but here they are fooling around.

With them around, Alucard felt like he just gained problematic children even though he was unmarried. He sighed while mumbling words, "Crazy kids. " One of these days, he's sure he'll get wrinkles even though he's a fenrir.

Artemisia, who was playing with one of the cats living together with Anthony and Aegir, laughed softly at her familiar's reaction. He was always that serious type and he might complain but he's a good guy. She cleared her throat to get everyone's attention. "Settle down now, everyone. " Everyone's attention turned to her; she smiled while still petting the purring cat on her lap.

Although it won't show on her face; Artemisia was nervous. Vin told her about what happened during Anthony and Aegir's last mission and how Trace, Anthony and Aimee's uncle was the one they're pit against.

Artemisia hoped that Anthony wouldn't treat her differently after she told him about the nymphs, his mother, and Trace.

She chewed on her lip as anxiety crept over her.  She rehearsed what she was about to say before but now it scattered like alarmed birds in her mind.  Her throat was tightening,  making each breath a small,  soundless panic.  As beads of perspiration dropped like rain showers on her forehead;  she looked at the anticipating face of Anthony - eagerly awaiting what she'll say. 

She opened her mouth to speak,  but the words refused to come - tangled in a knot of apprehension.  Alucard who saw his mistress' troubled expression looked at her in worry.  His hand tightened its grip on the chair's armrest - stopping himself to do the talking himself to ease her burdens. 

Their eyes met,  Artemisia shook her head to prevent him from doing what he's thinking. He harshly averted his gaze from her,  biting his lips to the frustration that he couldn't do anything.

Artemisia sighed,  bracing herself to speak the truth.  "There's something that had occured after your last mission,  " she started;  getting the full attention of Anthony and Aegir in the room.

Aegir's eyes widened in realization.  "That's right,  we couldn't remember what happened after it.  " Anthony nodded at what Aegir had said.  "Did Trace escape? " Anthony asked; his face was serious.  His arm draped around Aegir's shoulder was now placed on his own thigh - his hand balled into a fist.

Trace nearly killed them and he doesn't remember what had transpired... Did they beat him or did he escape?

Artemisia's expression makes him nervous.  There's something written on her eyes that concerns him and Anthony was familiar with it - there's news that he won't like or it's something he couldn't deal with.

Artemisia swallowed her saliva to wet her dry throat before continuing,  "Trace... now changed his side to ours.  " Silence filled the air for a while until Aegir's gasp was heard followed by Anthony's strings of protests.

Disbelief painted on Anthony's face,  he stood up from his seat because of what he had heard.  "There's no way! You must be joking! " he sputtered.

This must be a lie! He knew how hostile Trace was to them.  That bastard nearly ended their lives!

Anthony's jaw clenched. "He must be tricking us! You can't believe him!" His anger was palpable; some of his violet colored aura was leaking on his back.

He just couldn't accept it! That guy hurt them and... Aegir! And just because he now changed sides - he'll get it all easy?

Artemisia's worry deepened at the hysteria in his voice. She wasn't sure how he'd handle the next part but he needed to hear the truth, especially since he was the only one who could summon Trace.

Sensing Anthony's agitation, Aegir reached out and grasped his hand, desperately. "Master, calm yourself. Let her explain." Aegir's eyes were pleading and Anthony didn't want to see him sad.  Anthony also noticed how their two cats ran away from the living room as if they got scared of something.

Vin,  Saint,  and Alucard were also just gaping at him until he noticed why they're acting this way - his aura was overflowing! And he himself didn't expect that it was possible.

Anthony squeezed his eyes shut, took a deep breath, and forced himself to relax. He looked at Artemisia, his voice tight. "What's happening?" His aura was still there but this time it was calmer than before.

But whatever it is - even if Trace joined them - he needs to pay for everything he has done to them and to his other victims.

Artemisia's revelation was something he hadn't anticipated, it made him feel a mixture of relief and another feeling he couldn't name.  "Trace is dead, Anthony. Your power ended him... but on his own terms." Artemisia's tone almost sounded like a whisper.  She doesn't believe it either the moment Vin informed her about it.

Trace easily threw himself into his life like it was nothing.  Aside from his memories - what other things Trace witnessed through Anthony's power that made him give up revenge?

She wanted to ask Anthony but his pale expression tells her exactly what she's thinking - he doesn't have any idea.  His ability must be the catalyst but its effects differ to each individual it'll be struck.

Anthony tried to speak but no words came through.  His shock was a tangible thing, his eyes blinking repeatedly. "Dead? But then how...?" He doesn't understand what she means but the way she looked at him tells him that she knew the reason why things occurred.

"He's no longer with the living," Artemisia continued, pointing at him. "He serves you now. As one of your feathers. A loyal shadow warrior."

"That cannot be true... " he rasped.  It sent a harsh rejection scraping on his throat.

Artemisia's words hung heavy in the air.

Confusion deepened the furrows on Anthony's brow. Why would Trace, their enemy, choose this path? And willingly, according to Artemisia. And why did he choose to serve him? He treated him as a lab rat before and called him weak.

Why now that he wants to be with a weakling such as him? There's many questions that keep on popping in his head and he demands all of it to be answered. 

"He poured his life essence into Aegir before dying," she elucidated.

A gasp escaped Aegir's lips. The truth dawned on him – he hadn't lost one of his nine lives after all. He even stared at Vin to ask for confirmation and he nodded.  "He knew how important you are to Anthony.  He wants to make it up to you both. " Anthony released a pained laugh upon hearing it. 

Anthony wanted to scream.  His hands were shaking.  Make it up to him? Why? He doesn't like it.  It felt like he got indebted to the dead that he loathed. 

Anthony slumped back on the sofa. The sacrifice didn't make sense. The last image he had of Trace was a face devoid of remorse. What had caused this change of heart?

Maybe that bastard had his fun with him by hurting him then eventually he got tired of playing villain and decided to wear a cape at the last minute? He doesn't want to buy it!

As if reading his mind, Artemisia steeled herself. "Trace remembered his memories," she began, her voice low. "He is your mother's twin brother – your uncle." She bit her lips,  hoping for the better.  She doesn't want Anthony to blame himself for the death of his uncle.

She knows it'll be all hard for him because she's also obliged to spill the whole truth regarding his mother and Aimee's current situation.

The revelation struck Anthony like a physical blow. The weight of it pressed down on him, demanding a truth he wasn't prepared to face.

He raised his trembling hands;  he stared at it as his teeth began to clenched as if he was seeing blood smearing his skin.  His breathing hitched,  his chest beginning to become heavy due to the weight of the emotions he's feeling.

"...He's my uncle? I killed him? " A choked laugh,  ragged and humorless,  escaped his lips.  "No... you're lying,  right? " he shook his head violently.  He felt suffocated on everything he had heard - he doesn't know where to believe - it doesn't seem real.  It has to be unreal.

A memory of his mother came rushing through his mind.  His father had long been gone since he was a year old and when he reached the age of five - he was craving for a father figure.  He was jealous of his classmates.

He remembered asking her crying,  "Dad is gone... are we really alone,  mama? " His voice was cracked,  his hands wiping his tears. 

His mother sadly smiled at him, crouching down - she held his face.  "No,  we're not,  okay? " she wiped his tears for him.  "You and Aimee still have a cool uncle,  my twin brother.  " Excitement laced on young Anthony's eyes but it soon died down as his eyes tried to look around to find his uncle.

His mouth registered into a frown as he replied to his mother.  "But he's not here,  mama? " It was a harmless question from a kid but it made Tracy choke a sob.  She misses her brother and she wants to be with him too.

She patted his son's head and gently said,  "You'll be meeting your uncle Trace soon. I am sure he'll like you! " Young Anthony giggled when his mother playfully pinched his cheeks. 

The name,  Trace,  echoed on his mind.  Back when he was a kid - his name gave him hope that he had a good relative other than those boorish ones like his aunt.  He used his name to boast with his classmates that he had a cool uncle just like them and it brought him hope for years until he gave it up together with his belief in fantasy.

His eyes blurred with the sudden rush of tears in his eyes.  He released another  laugh - it echoed throughout the room,  a sound more akin to sob than mirth. His mom told him his uncle was cool but why did he... hurt him? Why did he have to die for him to...recognize him?  Did he actually notice who he was?

The atmosphere in the room began to feel heavy - they could see how Anthony's expressions changed that to a troubled one.  Vin could see in Anthony's eyes the pain that he's trying to push away and he knew too well that hiding it for too long can cause someone to break.

Vin took a deep breath.  Saying this won't make Anthony feel better but knowing this will make him feel that at the end of Trace's life - he thought of him.  "Before he died... he said he wanted to apologize to you for all that he had done and his way of repentance is helping you even if it means prolonging getting his peace in the afterlife.  " Vin's voice was low like a calming lullaby,  his lips etched with a faint smile.

Anthony's tears flowed like rain,  the words he heard left a stung on his heart. Sadness,  anger,  and disbelief burst into it altogether that the only action he could do was to weep what it couldn't tell.  His sobbing almost sounded like a silent scream - making the people around him clutch their own chests as well as they were getting affected by the show of misery.

Anthony felt Aegir's arms around him - he embraced Aegir fully;  whimpering like a little kid on his chest. 

Aegir's hand came to rest on Anthony's head;  a silent comfort to aid his despair.  The sobs that came from Anthony were raw and primal.  It was the first time Aegir saw his master cried like this and his pain caused his heart to ache.

"I'm just here... " Aegir whispered,  holding him close.  He carded his fingers gently through Anthony's hair,  a slow,  steady rhythm that mirrored the beat of his own heart.  "You're not alone,  okay? " Anthony's grip around him tightened almost like he was getting desperate to clung on to Aegir. 

Aegir could only offer him his presence just like what he always did with him.  Anthony was thankful that he had Aegir.  He doesn't know what will happen if he got to hear this alone - right now,  he felt like he was a piece of glass starting to crack and if he'll know this years ago - he'll shatter into pieces with no chance of being patched up.

Anthony tilted his head to stare at Artemisia.  Despite the pain he's feeling and the continuous dripping of his tears - one sole question bugged his mind and heart.  He wanted to know why his uncle became like that? What caused him to be evil? His mother always told him that her brother is cool and kind.

And if he could summon him... he wanted to ask him.

"How do I summon him? I want to know why he became like that...please..." Anthony's voice was hoarse but his eyes were also pleading to be answered as it settled to Artemisia. 

Artemisia didn't answer,  her hands gripped tightly on the fabric of her skirt. But Anthony could see it in her face - there's a lot of unspoken stories in there.  There's also the same amount of grief mirroring his own and just by staring at her - Anthony's heart felt the tip of a blade was readying itself to stab his heart again.  He could tell it that it'll hurt him more but not knowing it is something he couldn't bear.

A desperate plea clung to his ragged breath.  "Please...please...if there's anything you still want to say... I want to know.  It hurts... " He placed his hand on his heart.  "...It fucking hurts but I'll take it so please... tell me, " his voice almost sounded like a whisper - a silent prayer that he wanted to be granted.  A lone tear escaped his eyes again until another one dripped.

Artemisia fought back a sob that wanted to break free from her mouth.  The way Anthony looked now made her remember how she saw him before.  It pains her heart to see him like this but it is also painful to tell him the truth.  It's the truth that she was dreading on revealing - something that will deepen the chasm of grief that's already carved in his heart.

"Anthony,  " she began,  her voice was in a rasp, "your uncle Trace,  he wasn't consumed by anger before but it was the nymph elders that pushed him to the path that he chose before his death.  " She paused, drawing her breath to brace herself for the next words she'll say.

Artemisia continued,  her voice heavy due to the weight of the past.  "It was when they refused to help your mother, leading it to her..." Artemisia closed her eyes,  forcing herself to say the last word,  "...death. "

Couple of gasps could be heard in the room - as if sympathizing to what Anthony will feel.  Aegir,  who's still holding Anthony in his arms - tightened his grasp around him.  The repressed tears he's trying to contain made its way out of his eyes. 

"Anthony... " Aegir whispered - staring at Anthony's blank face. It took a couple of seconds before a reaction was seen on Anthony's face.

The revelation hung in the air - it was thick and suffocating - resembling a shroud wrapped around Anthony's heart.  Artemisia's words echoed like a broken record in his mind.  His heart wasn't also spared;  each syllable hit him with a devastating blow. 

His mother... the woman who loved him very much - the person who was always there to support him and when she left him together with his sister - Anthony felt like a part of him died.  He thought that she was just missing... but no way... there's no way that she's gone... dead.

The grief in his heart was overwhelming  - it morphed into a scream of despair.  Tears,  hot,  and anger streamed down his face.  Anthony clenched his fist as he whimpered - consumed into a sea of sorrows.

"Mom... " his voice cracked - repeating her name countless times as his tears never stopped falling.

He couldn't hear the sound of voices calling his name - it was blurred and hazy and only the sound of his anguish remained.


This should be longer but I want to give way to Anthony's grief scene first.