
A few angry words

A few angry words from Neji lead to a great many changes: "Hiashi-sama," Naruto bowed once more. "I ask you to make a bargain with me." To be with the girl he loves he makes a bet. The stakes? Only his future and his dream

Jack_Frost_3962 · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 17

Sasuke opened his eyes to find himself in an unfamiliar room.

"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura was suddenly hugging him. "You're finally awake!"

He didn't like being touched, and he especially didn't like being mauled. "Sakura let go of me." His words were chilly.

She immediately did as he asked and stood back. The cold look in his eyes hurt her. I only wanted him to know I was glad he was all right.

He looked about and quickly recognized where he was. "Why am I in the hospital?"

"Something happened to your curse seal and you passed out. Ino and I got you here as fast as we could."

He gave her an odd look. "The two of you didn't take advantage of me while I was unconscious did you?"


He shook his head. "Never mind."

"I can't believe you would even think that!"



They were going over the roof tops headed towards the hospital. Ino suddenly signaled for a stop. They carefully put Sasuke down on a roof.

"What are you doing?" Sakura demanded. "We have to get Sasuke-kun to the hospital!"

"Relax forehead, his pulse and heartbeat are both strong. He's just unconscious." Ino suddenly had a wicked grin. "Do you want to kiss him?"

Sakura immediately turned red. Inside her Inner Sakura gave an immediate reply. Hell yes! "What's the matter with you Ino pig? You can't kiss him like that, it would be wrong."

"But forehead, you know what he's like. He might never kiss anyone! Or it might be twenty years, after he's killed Itachi and is ready to rebuild his clan."

No way am I waiting twenty years to kiss that boy! Let me at him! Inner Sakura began making smooching sounds. "I'm sure he'll kiss me when he's ready."

Ino frowned. "And just what makes you think he'll end up kissing you forehead girl?"

Sakura crossed her arms and tried to sound smug. "Who else would he kiss?"

"How about someone who is actually pretty and doesn't have a monstrous forehead? Like, oh I don't know, me?"

Sakura barked a laugh. "Like that will ever happen! Now come on, let's get him to the hospital."

Shrugging Ino slung one arm over her shoulders while Sakura got the other. They were soon headed towards the hospital again.

Meanwhile Inner Sakura was shouting. No! No! No! Just knock Ino out and then we can ravish Sasuke!


"I should have listened," she mumbled to herself.

"What was that?" Sasuke asked.

"Nothing! Nothing at all."

"You're acting weirder than usual Sakura." He tossed aside his blankets and jumped out of bed. He was wearing a hospital gown but he could see his clothes had been neatly folded and placed on a chair. "I'm getting dressed and getting out of here."

"I don't think you're supposed to do that until a doctor releases you." Sakura said.

"I'm fine, and besides I'm not taking up a room when there are real wounded people here." He picked up his dark blue shirt, and was about to take off the hospital gown when he saw Sakura still standing there. "Do you mind?"

"Oh, right, well since you're feeling better I suppose I'll go. By the way, Kakashi-sensei stopped by earlier. All the Genin teams are being ordered to meet at the tower at noon."

He nodded. "I'll be there."

"All right. I guess I'll go let Naruto know."


When Naruto finally let go of her and they both stood up, they both began to feel embarrassed. Hinata only now realized just how little Naruto was wearing and her face immediately turned red. What Naruto suddenly realized was what a mess his apartment was. There were clothes and empty ramen cups everywhere, dirty dishes were stacked in the sink, and the bathroom… he really didn't want to think about the bathroom. He normally never even noticed the condition of his apartment. But having Hinata here changed all that.

Grinning he rubbed the back of his head nervously. "Ah, sorry about the mess, I wasn't expecting anyone."

Blushing she looked down and began to press her index fingers together. "Oh it's all right Naruto-kun."

"Hinata-chan, could you maybe wait outside and give me just five minutes to get dressed and clean up a little?"

"If I came at a bad time Naruto-kun I can just…"

"No," he quickly reached out and took hold of her hands. "I am very, very, happy that you came Hinata-chan. I want you to stay, but I just need five minutes. Please?"

Her face was as red as a tomato. He wanted her to stay. She couldn't get any words out so she nodded her head and stepped outside.

As soon as the door was shut he ran through some hand signs and created twenty clones. "You guys know what to do!" He bolted for the bathroom and a speedy shower.

The clones meanwhile broke out the cleaning supplies and got busy picking things up and cleaning. The garbage was already overflowing and the clones soon had two more bags stuffed. The laundry hamper was also hidden beneath a small mountain of clothes. The bed got made, the dishes got washed and put away, he even had his little vacuum cleaner start early on its annual cleaning run. As soon as he exited the bathroom three brave clones went in to do what they could. The full garbage bags went out the bedroom window and straight down to a waiting dumpster. Clones dusted and quickly had the air filled with dust. One clone ran about with an air freshener desperately trying to cover up the overpowering odor of sweat and ramen.

By the time the original had a clean (well relatively clean) orange jumpsuit on the apartment actually looked livable. Except for the bathroom, the brave clones had done what they could, but there were limits. He shut the door and prayed Hinata didn't have to use it. After the promised five minutes he opened the apartment door and welcomed an amused looking Hinata back inside.


He gave her a twenty second tour of his apartment. He wanted to make something for them to eat but had to confess that all he had was tea and instant ramen. Hinata then surprised him.

"Give me one second." She told him. Before he could argue she went out the door. Just a few seconds later she came back in holding a cake under a little plastic cover.

He had a huge smile on his face. "Hinata-chan, you brought cake!"

She set the cake down on his little table, and then surprised him again by shaking her head. "It's not from me Naruto-kun."

He looked at her blankly. "Who's it from then?"

Giggling she headed towards the door again. "Come on and see for yourself."

Stepping outside his apartment he was surprised to find a small pile of items on either side of his door. There were flowers and cards, dozens of them. There were a couple more cakes and a few paper plates with cookies under plastic wrap.

"Hinata-chan, what is all this?"

She had a huge smile. "These are gifts Naruto-kun, gifts from the people of Konoha. They're thanking you for what you did yesterday."

Naruto looked at all the flowers, cards, and baked goods. "These are for me?" he said in a small voice. He literally had trouble believing it. Part of him wanted to start dancing and shouting. But a bigger part was nervous, he half expected some sort of trick. When he was little he'd learned the hard way why you should never take candy from strangers.

Fortunately his healing ability seemed to make him immune to poison.

"Is something wrong Naruto-kun?" She'd been expecting a much bigger reaction. Instead he was just standing there looking at all the gifts.

"Oh, nothing, I'm just sort of amazed I guess. I'm not used to gifts."

"Well you deserve them Naruto-kun." She said happily. "We should bring them inside."

He nodded weakly. "Right."


While he made some tea Hinata got out some newly cleaned plates and a kitchen knife. She quickly had the cake sliced up and a large piece sitting on each plate. Naruto was a little nervous about eating food that had been left outside his door. Once the tea was ready he brought the cake up to his nose and actually sniffed it. He had a strong sense of smell, though it was nowhere near an Inuzuka's.

"Well, I think it's all right." He said as he sat down and grabbed a fork.

"Well of course it is Naruto-kun." Hinata smiled playfully. "Do you think someone would poison it?" Since she began eating she obviously had no doubts.

Naruto knew better than to think everyone who lived in the village was so benign. But he didn't share his doubts; there was no reason to upset her. He took a bite. "Mmmm, lemon cake, it's pretty good. I prefer chocolate, but this is really good."

As they ate she looked over to him. "Naruto-kun, when was the last time you had a home cooked meal?"

"Oh I eat at home all the time Hinata-chan."

"So you know how to cook?"

He shook his head. "Not really, but I can boil water and put things in the microwave."

She didn't like the sound of that. "Well when was the last time you had an actual meal?"

He thought about it. "Well, hmmm, I guess never. I mean I've had Iruka and the old man treat me to some good meals, but those are always out.

"So you have never had a home cooked meal?"

He thought about it some more. "Well I guess when I was still living in the orphanage you could count those meals."

She shook her head. "Naruto-kun, the next time we are together I am making you a nice dinner."

"Hinata-chan," Naruto said in surprise. "You don't need to go to the trouble."

"It's no trouble Naruto-kun; it would make me very happy to cook for you."


As they slowly relaxed and ate they talked about the events of the past 24 hours. Naruto got to tell her how amazing she had been in defeating Temari. He told her about all the various fights and evacuations he and his clones had taken part in. (He was careful to leave out some of the gorier details.) Though he was still not the most observant guy in the world when it came to women, he did pick up on the look of hero worship in her eyes. It was a bit embarrassing to him, but kind of nice.

She told him about her own less grueling experience. She didn't think it compared in any way to what he had done, but Naruto wanted to hear about it. So she had told him about helping people to reach the shelters and then guarding one of the entrances with Shino. She told him of her relief at hearing that Kiba and his group had all made it back. She also told him that Sasuke had gone to the hospital after passing out, but was all right.

"He passed out?" Naruto chuckled with glee. Oh the teme's never living that one down!

He was going to get more details when there was a knock at the door.

"Wow, two visitors in one day. I must be getting popular." As he got up from the table he noticed the time was 11:35. Had it already been an hour? It felt more like ten minutes, time with Hinata just seemed to fly by. He opened the door to see his pink haired teammate standing there. "Oh hey Sakura-chan, what are you doing here?" She had never been to his home before.

"Hey Naruto, I came over to let you know we have a meeting at tower at twelve. We should…" She suddenly cut off as she saw Hinata come up to the door. "Hinata?" She looked at the two of them. "Were you two on a date?"

"Not really," Naruto informed her. "Hinata came over because she was worried about me and we've just been hanging out." Naruto turned to smile at his girlfriend and Sakura could see Hinata blush slightly. But unlike times past she didn't seem so shy anymore.

"That's right," Hinata confirmed. "I was worried about Naruto-kun so I came over to make sure he was all right."

"Isn't she great?" Naruto said proudly.

Sakura nodded. "I'm glad you appreciate the fact that she cares about you."

He looked at her in surprise. "Of course I do Sakura-chan. Only a total heartless teme wouldn't appreciate a girl being worried about him."

"Heh," she laughed weakly. "Right, come on let's go. Hinata the meeting is for all the Genin squads so you may as well come along too."


As they left the apartment Naruto took Hinata's hand gently into his. They walked the whole way there hand in hand. Along the way Naruto noticed something. People would look at him and… and… smile. At first he thought they were smiling at Hinata. But before long it became pretty clear that they were smiling at him. Oh the smiles didn't come from everyone. Plenty of people, especially the older ones, still sent him dark looks. But for the first time that he could remember, he got more positive looks from people than he did harsh ones.

And as he walked along with his girlfriend and his teammate, he slowly began to smile back at people.


Sakura walked a little bit behind, as tended to be her habit. She noticed the improved reaction Naruto was getting, and was glad. Even if Naruto could be loud, annoying, and dumb, she was the first to admit he was a good person. But while she noticed the way strangers were looking at him, what she noticed most was the way he and Hinata were behaving. They were just walking along hand in hand without a care in the world. They didn't seem to be talking much, but they didn't seem to really need to. They were just happy to be together and comfortable around one another.

They really look like a couple. Sakura thought. It suddenly struck her that they'd been together for a full month now. That was long enough to be considered an, 'official' couple.

Looking at them she felt an ache in her chest. It occurred to her that Hinata had exactly what she had always wanted. Hinata had a devoted boyfriend who really appreciated her and was happy to spend time together. And it was obvious just from looking at her that Hinata was completely happy with her boyfriend.

It's not fair. Sakura wailed inside. Why can't I have that with Sasuke? She was surprised when her thoughts provoked an answer. Simple, because Sasuke isn't Naruto. Inner Sakura informed her. She nodded to herself. Well of course he wasn't, Sasuke was way better than Naruto… right? And for maybe for the very first time she suddenly found herself wondering why exactly was Sasuke better. She had never wondered about that before. She had just always accepted it as a fact. She had liked him ever since the first time she'd ever seen him.

Way back when we were just starting at the academy. Her inner self reminded her. Yes, that's right. She could still remember seeing him back then. He had been so cute, with just the warmest most adorable smile. Yes, that was back when he still smiled. We haven't seen that smile in a very long time. That was very true. Sasuke had stopped smiling and become withdrawn and brooding, he had become 'cool.' All the girls equated his constant silence to being, 'deep.' It was just proof that he was better than all the other loud childish boys. That's what we thought, but what if we were wrong? What if it was just proof that he didn't want to talk to anyone?

She didn't like the direction that thought was taking. Hey! Don't think bad things about Sasuke-kun! Why not? Inner Sakura asked. Has Sasuke become a kami where we can't event think anything negative about him? Just whose side are you on? I'm on the side that wants to stop feeling lonely and miserable all the time. I'm on the side that wants to stop feeling pathetic and worthless every time Sasuke ignores us. She flinched a little at her own thoughts. They were true, she wasn't happy. But she had always assumed she wasn't happy because she didn't have Sasuke. She was certain that once she finally won him over she would be deliriously happy. But… but what if she wasn't? What if the problem wasn't being without Sasuke? What if the whole problem was trying to be with Sasuke to begin with?

I have an idea. Inner Sakura announced. We're really smart right? Cha! Top grades in the academy! She thought proudly. Well then, why don't we treat this like a problem on an exam and use logic to figure it out. The question is: What does Haruno Sakura really want in a boyfriend? All right.

He should be kind.

Right, she agreed with herself.

He should be honest.


He should be dependable.


He should pay attention to us.


He should always be happy to see us.


He should be able to tell us how he feels and share his feelings.


He should treat us the way Naruto treats Hinata.


He should be like Naruto.


Heh, heh, heh.

Hey! No fair! You tricked me!

Whatever, you know it's the truth.


"Hey Sakura-chan, are you o.k.?"

"What?" Naruto and Hinata were both looking at her oddly.

"Are you o.k.?" Naruto repeated.

"Of course, why do you ask?"

"Because we're here and you were about to keep walking past."

"Oh, heh, I guess I was day dreaming. Let's go find Kakashi-sensei."


Kakashi, Asuma, Kurenai, their, teams and Neji and Tenten were escorted into the Hokage's office.

Naruto immediately jumped up and pointed at the man standing next to the Hokage. "Hey! What is that pedophile doing here?!"

"Pedophile?" Kakashi asked.

Jiraiya smacked his forehead with his hand. "Kid! Don't call me that!"

"Well you're the one who was wanting to touch my stomach you big perv!" Naruto yelled at him.

All eyes turned to the Sannin. "Why exactly were you wanting to touch Naruto's stomach?" Kurenai asked with some alarm. It was no secret that Jiraiya was a pervert, but until now she'd never thought his perversion ran in that direction. "You should be aware Jiraiya-sama that molesting a child is a crime in this village."

"It wasn't like that!" Jiraiya shouted. "I was removing a seal Orochimaru had put on his belly. I happen to be a super pervert NOT a pedophile." He quickly reached into a pouch and pulled out an orange clad book. "Only a true pervert could write something like this." He said proudly."

Needless to say every member of team seven immediately recognized the book.

"Nani? You write that smut?" Sakura said in disgust.

"It's adult themed literature young lady," Jiraiya said smugly.

Naruto shook his head. "Fine then I'll just call you a pervert instead."

"Kid," Jiraiya said. "I've told you before; I'm the one and only Jiraiya the legendary Toad Sage."

"Fine then," an annoyed Naruto announced. "Your name is ero-sennin!"

"Wait a second!" Sasuke called out. "You're Jiraiya? The legendary Sannin?"

With a smug smile he nodded. "I sure am, I'm glad at least some of you kids have heard of me."

Sasuke looked up at him blankly. "I don't think I've ever been so disappointed in my whole life."


Sarutobi let out an annoyed cough. "I think I should inform you of the reason I have brought you all here." He looked at the Genin and smiled. "I am here to announce promotions to the rank of Chunin."

"Promotions?" Naruto looked confused. "But the finals got interrupted; doesn't that mean no one can be promoted?"

Neji looked over to him. "You really are an idiot aren't you?"

"What did you say jerk?" Naruto turned angrily towards the cool boy.

"No more than three of four Chunin are ever promoted at each of the exams. That means there are only six to eight new Chunin for all the participating villages. We have about fifty Jonin and maybe three hundred Chunin in this village alone. Given that there's no way that all the Chunin could come from the exams alone." Neji explained smoothly, not even deigning to notice Naruto's anger or Hinata's unhappy look. He did notice when Tenten touched his arm and gave him a small frown.

"Neji is right," Kakashi said. "Even if he has his own way of informing you Naruto. The Kage of every village has the right to promote whoever he sees fit at any time."

Naruto turned to the Hokage. "But what about that whole speech you gave us about friendship between the villages and maintaining balance and all that?"

"That was all true Naruto; the exams do foster friendship among the villages and help maintain a balance. A balance of the elite of each village, which is what is on display. To be promoted through the exams is considered the highest honor and achievement. However as a practical matter the village needs a certain number of Jonin and Chunin available to handle all assignments. As needed, I promote worthy Genin to the rank of Chunin and offer qualified Chunin the opportunity to take the Jonin exam. And today it is my great pleasure to give six of you promotion."

From behind his desk he pulled out a familiar green flack jacket like the ones Kakashi and Guy wore. Sarutobi came out from his desk and stood in front of Naruto holding the vest out to him. "This one is yours Naruto. I hereby promote you to the rank of Chunin." Sarutobi gave him a pleased smile. "Congratulations, I am proud of you."

His hands trembled as he reached out and took the vest from the Hokage. It was real. "Thank you old man! Yahhooo!" He shouted happily and broke into the famous Naruto victory dance right there in front of them.

Hinata laughed happily as did Kiba, Shikamaru, and most of the others present. Sakura loudly cheered him on, really happy for him. Kakashi applauded. Sasuke smirked, but didn't hold Naruto's display of happiness against him. Neji found the display embarrassing and just shook his head.

Jiraiya took out his notebook and began scribbling. This would make a good scene.


The Hokage had five more vests to hand out.


"Congratulations Hinata-chan!" Naruto gave her a huge hug and started dancing all over again. He seemed almost as happy at her promotion as he'd been with his own.

"Way to go Hinata!" Kiba said happily.

"Your promotion is both well deserved and most appropriate; it provides me with deep emotional satisfaction to witness you exquisite triumph." Shino then gently patted her shoulder in a display of raw unbridled emotion.

"I am very proud of you Hinata." Kurenai said and gave her a hug of her own.

"Congratulations Lady Hinata," Neji said with a stiff and proper bow. He would have been amazed if the main branch Hyuga had not been promoted.


Hinata was not the only one on her team to be promoted.

"For heroic service on the battlefield including five confirmed kills I am pleased to promote you Kiba." Sarutobi gave him a vest.

"All right!" Kiba shouted as Akamaru barked and people congratulated him.


"Man, I can already tell this is going to be really troublesome."

"Baka!" Ino yelled at her lazy teammate. "You just got promoted you should be happy!"

Shikamaru rolled his eyes. "Yeah right, all this means is more work."

Asuma could only laugh at his favorite student's attitude. "Come on, when we get done here we're getting barbecue, my treat."

"Oh yeah!" Chouji shouted, more excited by far than the one who actually got promoted.


Neji accepted the honor with quiet dignified thanks, as was proper for a real ninja. He acknowledged Hinata's congratulations and appreciated those from Tenten. The others he accepted without comment.

Well at least I've finally gotten some recognition. Still, he couldn't help but look at Naruto and Hinata. The fact that those two weaklings had also been promoted left a little sour taste. I don't care if we are all Chunin now. I will show the world that you are both inferior to me.


When Tenten received hers Neji's praise was quiet, but sincere.

"Hey Neji, why don't we go on that date tonight? We can celebrate our promotions."

Neji nodded his agreement. "I think that would be a fine way to celebrate."

"Great! I've heard about this wonderful place called Café Miruki where the first meal for a new couple is free…"


Sasuke said nothing once the vests were all handed out. Of course he'd known he wasn't getting promoted. He was definitely good enough to be if the dobe was. The problem was he hadn't gotten the chance to show what he could do. The exams had been interrupted and then Kakashi had denied him his chance to prove what he could do in real live combat. Of the six vests given out five were battlefield promotions. If Kakashi had only trusted him it would have been six.

"So what happens now?" Sasuke asked his sensei.

Kakashi smiled beneath his mask. "We go back to training and performing missions of course."

"That's not good enough." Sasuke informed him.

Kakashi's smile slipped. He could see the anger and frustration building and was afraid that an explosion was imminent. "What do you mean Sasuke?"

"I mean exactly what I said! It's not good enough!" Sasuke shouted at him. All the talk and celebration suddenly ground to a halt and all eyes focused on him.

Kakashi looked about; this was the worst possible time and place for this. "Sasuke why don't we talk about this later?"

"No," the boy replied adamantly. "You spent a whole month training me, and for what? To dump me and take the dobe with you instead. If you had just trusted me I'd be Chunin now."

Kakashi was a very easy going soul, and he was aware of the things Sasuke had suffered. As such he had gone a very long way to try and keep the young man happy, but there were limits. There were certain lines that were not to be crossed, ever. One of those was calling out your sensei in front of others, especially the Hokage.

Kakashi suddenly snapped the book in his hand shut and put it away. Anyone who knew Kakashi knew that was a sign that he was taking things seriously. "There were reasons for my decision Sasuke, and I stand by them." His tone was no longer lighthearted, he sounded very serious.

"Like what?"

"To put it bluntly Sasuke I was afraid you would take foolish risks simply to build a reputation. And given your current behavior I can see my decision was right."

"Oh yeah? Then why did you take the dobe with you?"

"Because by the time I assigned different missions Naruto had already killed. It was obvious to me that unlike you Sasuke he understood that a battle is no place to go looking for unnecessary risks. I trusted him to follow my orders and not take foolish chances.

"But you didn't trust me?" Sasuke asked.

"That's right," Kakashi answered. If Sasuke was determined to get some blunt answers then he would. "Naruto has his share of faults, but thinking he is more important than everyone else isn't one of them. Since we've become a team Sasuke you've obsessed more and more on acquiring power for the sake of your own revenge. That is a dangerous and very poor motivation. You're like a dog with the hold of a bone who won't let go even when he sees wolves coming; you'd sooner die than give up your hold."

"I need power." Sasuke demanded.

"So that you can go out and kill Itachi?"

"Yes! I need you to help me become powerful enough to kill him. I am an avenger, that is my purpose!"

"An avenger is not a ninja." Sarutobi said quietly drawing the angry boy's attention. "We ninja kill, but we do so in order to protect and serve this village. Is killing your brother more important to you than that?"

Sasuke did not hesitate. "Yes, it's more important to me than anything else. Itachi has to die for what he did."

"Rest assured, Itachi will be dealt with, either by you or by someone else."

The thought that someone else might kill his brother filled him with fresh rage. "No! I'm the only one who can kill him!"

"That is not your decision to make Sasuke. It is the Hokage who decides who will perform which mission."

"I have a right…"

"Enough Sasuke!" A rare flash of Sarutobi's anger silenced the boy. "I know how much you have suffered and a great many accommodations have been made for you. But you will not dictate to me or your sensei what you will be taught or what mission you will be assigned. Whatever else you may be Sasuke, so long as you wear the hitai-ite you are a ninja of Konohagakure. I expect that to come before all else. I believe you have spent far too much time thinking about your rights. I suggest you give some thought to your responsibilities."

He shook his head and suddenly felt very old.

"Very well," Sarutobi announced. "I think we are done here. You newly promoted Chunin will receive your new assignments as will your former teams."

"I beg pardon, Hokage-sama." Sakura spoke up timidly. "But what do you mean former teams?"

"What he means if that the dobe and the others are going on to bigger and better things." Sasuke answered feeling wounded and more than a little bitter. "Naruto is not a part of team seven anymore."

Sakura looked worriedly to Kakashi. "Is this true sensei?" As weird as it seemed she didn't want to lose Naruto. Without her ever realizing it he had become her support, he had cheered her up through the worst of times. She didn't know how she would manage without his bright smile to lighten her day. To her sorrow Kakashi was nodding.

"It is, though it's nothing to be upset about Sakura." Kakashi answered. "As a Chunin Naruto will be expected to act as a mission leader and will also be given individual assignments. We on the other hand will continue to train and go on missions for the village. As a matter of fact we will no longer be designated team seven; from now on we will be team Kakashi." He tried to sound encouraging. "You should also know that at some point we'll receive a new member to take Naruto's spot."

"So we really are losing him." She turned to look at Naruto.

"It's o.k. Sakura-chan, I'll still be around." Naruto tried to reassure her.

"That's true Sakura," Kakashi said. "We'll still see each other; it just won't be on a regular basis any more. We may even get to work together again. Speaking of which," he looked at Naruto. "I still plan on teaching you that jutsu I mentioned. We'll need to find time when we can meet and work together."

"Really?" Naruto said excitedly. Even if he was now a Chunin that didn't mean he still didn't want Kakashi to train him. "That's great, what's this jutsu called?"

"It's called rasengan, and it's a jutsu my sensei the Fourth Hokage invented."

"Actually Kakashi," Jiraiya spoke. "Why don't let me teach it to him? After all he is going to be my new apprentice."

"Your what?' Kakashi was truly surprised.

Though not as surprised as Naruto. He immediately pointed an accusing finger at the older ninja. "I knew it! You just want an excuse to be alone with me! You are a pedophile!"

Before Jiraiya could explode the Hokage dismissed everyone.

"Except you Naruto, I want you to come take a walk with me, just you and me."

The Hokage wanted to have a very important talk with the young man.