
Part 1

The story is starting at a place whose name is Mashobhra, on that day in midsummer night, a beautiful girl was born whose name is Advita.

A few years later Advita turned 6 years old. She was studying in a nursery school. She met a boy for the first time at her school one day.

Both were very cute and lovely and the boy name was Rishi. They were both looking like a soft flower blossomed by the waves of the wind.

One day all the children were taken for a picnic by their school. The weather was very nice that day, winter season was starting and when all the children reached their destination place. It started raining a little over there. Sleet was formed there. The moment was so breathtaking. Advita was very happy and was very happy to see the weather.

Advita was enjoying the moment by standing under a tree. There was rain-wetted grass growing all around Advita and where she was standing, which looked very beautiful.

There she was enjoying standing under the tree and watching everything, that place was very beautiful. Some children were getting off the bus, some were playing with water after getting excited. There was a small cottage,it looked very nice, there were small trees around it. After that advita also went inside the cottage with those children and after sometime it started heavy raining.

After that all the kids started eating maggie and especially advita was just enjoying everything. Every little thing was feeling unique and enjoying and you know how good it is to eat hot maggie in winter and advita had no friends that time, she only had one friend and that is Rishi.

When the rain started falling little by little, then advita and rishi came out of the cottage with their wet shoes digged in the sand. They were laughing seeing both of them and slowly they both sat down under a tree. Both of them just started talking childish things and laughed a lot. That moment was very memorable for advita.Days passed and their friendship deepened with time.

One day advita went to school and came to know that rishi has changed his school. She got a little sad but after a year she also got transferred to the same school where rishi was studying. There advita saw rishi for the first time and both had a cute adorable smile. Rishi also saw advita and gave a smile to her.

After that a few days passed, both of them became very good friends actually they became best friends. But one day came which was not a good day for both of them, on that day their friendship broke up. The reason was that that day in the month of August in their break time advita was told by her friends that " Rishi loves you". So advita got a a little angry because advita was so young that she was not knowing anything about love and advita has always considered rishi a very good friend and nothing more than that. So, from that day both rishi and advita never spoke to each other.

After 5 years, a day came when the first drop of the first rain fell on the earth in that year, then it touched the smell of the soil till inside advita. It touches her soul, something was changing inside advita's slowly. Earlier, Advita did not know about love and all, but now she was feeling something inside her while erasing her anger and hatred. As if her life was changing. There was a time when advita was very happy, everything was going very good in her life but she lacked one thing in her life and that is peace. And there is a time when she started to feel at ease, she was knowing what love is.

One night, Advita came out to her balcony and sat down near the flower shrubs that were in her balcony in a line, however it was looking so beautiful and it was raining. Advita moved her hand slowly and felt the raindrops in her hands. Advita was feeling a drop of rain by closing her eyes and only when she closed her eyes a boy's face suddenly appeared like a flashback in her mind for the first time. Then advita felt a little bit like something like its giving peace to her soul ,herself or making her happy in a way no body can, for her that day as if she was in a beautiful dream she was feeling. From that day a new feeling came in her which changes her and her life forever. As if someone had touched her soul closer than her heart. And a few days went by like this and one day she was in her school, she had a match going on her school field, a basketball match where all the boys were playing in the field. It was the month of July when advita was sitting in the ground with her group of friends and was enjoying the match by cheering up the boys. They were having so much fun that day the girls and also the boys of course. A sudden moment came, a boy walked close to her, advita ,then at the same time lift up her eyes towards him and when she looked up, the same boy was standing in front of her. This is the same boy advita had seen that day in her mind while enjoying rain in her balcony. And that boy was none other than Rishi her childhood friend who now are nothing more than classmates or strangers but when they see each other in school they always behave like strangers but the heart knows. After 5 years that day she felt a cold wind as if it had gone by touching her. There was a strange feeling inside advita when advita saw him. She doesn't know all of a sudden what happened with her but on that day she realized that she has fallen in love with rishi. The feeling was so new to her,she couldn't understand what it was. But it was something as if there was a connection with him. Everyday she used to see Rishi at school but never spoke to him. Neither he does. From that day till today her feeling increased every day. Advita's love was getting deeper everyday. Every single day passed but advita's love was changing into eternity. Her love had changed on some level that as it was like " the soft rays of the sun falling on the green mountains". As the moon is seen in the winter season and the way it feels when you see the winter moon. The rain was seen falling at a distant distance , it was becoming like a deserted feeling in empty roads in a foggy night. Like those sunsets which reflects in oceans and with his waves. Like the snow is falling with cherry blossoms. like the golden sun with cold breeze passing from your body by touching your soul. Advita's love was becoming like the fresh air of the morning. It was becoming divine day by day. For advita love means peace, her desire is his happiness. Advita had always felt him especially then when she used to be sad or lonely but she never let anyone mention the feelings that was inside her. There is a hope ever till today that if rishi meets her at some point of life, then just she wanted her friendship with rishi by any means or anyhow. Advita misses her friendship with him. Now, Advita had grown up at now ,she is graduating at a college in shimla and now advita was thinking to send a letter to rishi. And advita went to the post office with a letter and posted her letter there. By thinking that she posted that letter for rishi, may be he would talk to her someday after receiving that letter.

______________________________________ Heyy Rishi,

I don't know what to say at first just want to say you that I have something for you in my heart, I don't know if it's love or some type of connection between you and me or something else But I just know that I feel peace, love and ecstasy always when I think about you I suddenly feel you, my dreams and the nature makes me feel you and I really don't know what it is but I always feel happy about this feeling and the memories with you.

If you also don't want to feel, It's automatically makes me feel that way and what I am saying now it's what I really mean and It's a fact.

Take Care ♡

From Advita.


to be continued....