
A fateful encounter in the future

A story to two fated people who lost each other when they are young and finally meet each other and fall in love.

BTSArmypro · Fantasy
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A fateful encounter in the future

A long long time ago in the kingdom of Starla lived a prince who was hated by all his seven brothers including his own father the emperor because of his weak ability in martial arts.

The poor prince was bullied every day by his siblings and none would listen to the pain he was facing.

So one day he decided to escape from the palace. But the task was easier said than done. At midnight, he climbed up to the roof of his mansion trying to jump off it and land on the other side of the mansion which would lead to a dense forest.

But he was afraid to jump, he knew that with his current skill he was bound to get injured or probably die if he jumped from there.

Suddenly heard his maid calling for him "Your highness!! your highness !! where have you gone?". listening to his maid's voice the prince immediately jumped off the roof to the other side.

BOOM !!!.

the prince couldn't land properly and got hurt. Suddenly he heard the guards nearby, in fear the prince immediately rushed into the dense forest forgetting all the stuff he had packed.

He walked for miles in the dark forest with no food or even water to drink, he heard strange sounds coming from the bushes behind him, he felt things creeping all over him but had no idea what it was due to the darkness. The prince was terrified by the forest but still had a long desire to live, he ran in every direction he could see, telling himself that he was almost out of the forest. Suddenly a dense fog appeared, he wasn't able to see anything but still walked forward. Soon the fog started to clear up and his vision began to become clearer.

Right after the fog cleared completely, he saw a completely unfamiliar place that had way more advanced buildings and people than those he saw in the kingdom. The prince witnessed things he had never witnessed before, he saw the people were wearing strange clothes, there were huge buildings and had people stuck inside the rectangle-shaped boxes holding strange stuff.

The prince then decided to explore this place.

He then sees a dog and asks him " My dear friend, do you know where this place is, if you help me you will be rewarded fairly by the emperor of Starla". Hearing his words even the dog was confused and walked away. The prince felt miserable and nobody was cooperating with him, even his stomach. The starving lost prince then gets a scent of food, he follows the scent like a dog and finds himself in a place with many people and on the gates it said" restaurant", he then ran towards the gates,

BOOM !!!

he bangs into an invisible door he tried to move through it but it did not move, he then got an idea,

he commanded it " Open the door, I am the prince of Starla" and then the door opened.

The prince was surely proud of himself, once he entered he suddenly noticed someone very familiar had passed by the door, he then forgot about his hunger and followed that person. While he was following suddenly, that person turned back and punched the prince and asked him why he was stalking her.

The confused prince suddenly went into shock after realizing that the girl looked exactly like his best friend and his first love Amiliya, who died during his childhood in a terrible accident.

He then immediately hugged her, but this didn't make things any better for him, he got punched once again.

Then he said " Amiliya, don't you remember me, it is me the kid you used to play with when you were a child" this left her confused after thinking she realized he was actually resembling her best friend who she had a crush on when she was small but went missing during her childhood, she then took him to her house and asked about how he lived all these years.

After listening to the story the prince said, she realized the kingdom he described was very similar to the kingdom she read in her history books.

Then she realized he is not the same person from her childhood but discovers that he is the 500 years old version of her best friend. In disappointment, she says " you are not from this world, you are the past version of him, and I am not the Amilya you were talking about. I am the one from the future".

Her words made the prince confused, he said "what do you mean Amiliya?".

Amiliya explained to him the situation which left the prince deeply shocked. But he decided to accept it because he didn't want to lose her as he did before ever again. The prince spent time with Amiliya and learned all about the new world he had discovered. slowly they got even closer and began to gain feelings for each other. But both of them were clueless about each other's feelings. But at the end of the week, when the clock struck twelve, the prince's hand began to fade.

This made Amiliya scared, she didn't want to lose him anymore, and so did the prince. But he knew that the day would come when he would have to part ways with her. She cried all night requesting him not to go, The behavior of Amiliya hurt the prince's heart, seeing his friend in such heartache he realized that she had feelings for him as well, but this didn't make him happy but even more worried so he decided to keep his feelings hidden from her forever so that she doesn't get hurt more by his absence.

The next day when Amiliya woke up the prince was missing, Amiliya fell down to the ground in agony and cried " PRINCE HOW CAN YOU LEAVE ME WITHOUT EVEN TELLING ME GOODBYE !!!" suddenly the prince had appeared. She immediately went to hug him and asked him how he came back. While wiping her tears the prince said " Amiliya, I won't go anywhere I promise.".Both of them knew that promise could never be kept but still promised each other.

Amiliya then took out a locket from her neck and gave it to the prince and told him "take good care of it". After wearing the locket the prince opened it and he saw a picture of both of them, right after seeing the picture he burst into tears he wasn't able to control his emotions anymore and hugged her so tight as if it was the last day of his life and then he told her "I love you Amilya"

A suddenly dense fog appeared again, both of them were not able to see each other. Soon the dense fog disappeared and the prince was missing from the room which left Amiliya devastated, but she decided to move on because she knew he wouldn't leave her forever, he will surely find a way to come back to her once again.

On the other hand, the prince was back in his world, when he woke up he found himself on the rooftop of his mansion. The same moment which happened at the beginning was repeating but the only thing that was different is that the forest was no longer present, in disappointment the prince just goes back to his room.

A few years later the prince becomes the emperor of Starla by defeating all his brothers with his exemplary strategies to improve the country's economy which he learned during his stay in the future. He brought great development and became one of the greatest kings in the history of the world. On the other side, Amiliya becomes the world's most demanding architectural designer and also a very important public figure.

Even though years had passed Amiliya still missed the prince, she then built up the courage and visited the museum to see him. She then notices a special exhibition, where she sees a portrait of the king and also notices the locket in his neck. At the same time, a person next to her said

" It seems even you are attracted by that locket. This is the king's most treasured possession, it is said that he didn't even remove it at his times of death and insisted that it would be buried with him" the locket must have been really special to him and do you know what his last words were, he said Amiliya let's meet in the future again". Do you know who this Amiliya is? I searched for her through all the historical books but couldn't find anything about her."

Amiliya looked at him with shock and fell into tears because he looked just like the prince, with one glance she was able to tell that he was him. The person was confused about why she was crying and then she said while smiling at him "Yes, I know her really well".

In her mind, while looking at him she said "Prince, you really kept your promise."....