
A Fated Mistake

“ I was not fondling your Beta,” I reply rolling my eyes at him. “For such a mighty powerful Alpha, you didn’t even notice that your Beta purposely tripped me.” “Did you just roll your eyes at me?” Damien growled while leering at me, ignoring my comment about Alex tripping me on purpose. Something about the aggression he was showing started to build a fire in my core. I bit my lip, before looking up at him. “And if I did?” I asked egging him on. As soon as I said the words I knew I had made a mistake. Damien lunged at me, grabbing me around the waist dragging me to the couch, laying his firm body against mine. “ I could smell your arousal the minute you set eyes on me. And now you’re tempting me by biting that lip and rolling your eyes.” Damien growled, in my ear. ********************************************************************** Damien is the Alpha of the Blue Moon pack. He’s 23 and still hasn’t found a mate yet, the pack members are starting to whisper, wondering if the Valencia men have been cursed by the moon goddess; first his father loses his mate to another, and now Damien is without a mate. If he doesn’t find his fated mate soon Damien will have to take a chosen mate to squash the rumors. Guinevere is the daughter of a traitor and his been ostracized by the Blue Moon pack her entire life. On her 18th birthday Guinevere goes to the pack house to request her freedom, but what she finds there isn’t what she expected. Alpha Damien is her mate. Could the Moon Goddess really be this cruel and fate the Alpha with the pack Outcast?

MC_Perry · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 5


"It looks like your mate will be fine Alpha. You'll just want to make sure you stay near her the next days. The mate bond will help her heal." Doctor Natalie informed me.

"Doctor, do you know why she collapsed?" I asked.

"It seems that when Guinevere rejected you her wolf did not accept her rejection. Guinevere is suffering from an internal battle between herself and her wolf. Luckily the mate bond hadn't been completed when a rejection was issued. If the bond had been completed Guinevere would not have survived the rejection."

"Speaking of the mate bond, is there a way to break it? As you know Guinevere is the daughter of the pack traitor. I can't have her as my Luna."

"Alpha, mate bonds are created by our moon goddess. They shouldn't be taken lightly. I've never heard of two mates breaking their bond completely and living after they've completed any part of the bond. My advice as a medical provider is to get used to the idea of Guinevere being your mate and Luna. Since Guinevere is doing fine now she can leave once she wakes. I have other patients to take care of. Good day Alpha." Doctor Natalie turned and left the room leaving me alone with my thoughts and my mate.

I chose to ignore the doctor. There had to be a way around this damn bond. Guinevere and I both deserved happiness and our happiness did not include each other in it.

'Alex, draft a letter to all the scholars in the North America packs. See if anyone has heard of a way to break the mate bond besides rejecting your mate' After finishing my mind-link I went to sit beside Guinevere's bed.

She was so gorgeous. I ran my finger along her jaw line enjoying the sparks that ran up my fingertips.

"If this life were different I wouldn't mind having you as my mate. You are passionate, fierce, and beautiful, all perfect qualities of a Luna." I brought her hand to my mouth and kissed it. "Please wake up soon beautiful. I want to see that fire in your eyes again. Even if you hate me. Had I known I'd find my mate this morning Stephanie would never have been in my bed, I only allowed her back in my room because I was worried about what she would do or say if I let her stay in the lobby with us. I will find a way to break this bond so you can live your happily ever after. I promise."

My phone ringtone started to go off, I picked it up and Stephanie's name showed up on caller ID. Shit. I forgot I had told her to wait in my room.

"Hey Steph, what's up?"

"Im waiting in your room handsome. I'm naked in on your bed. I was thinking we could try anal tonight. It's something new and I know you've been wanting to try it."

"I can't tonight Steph. Alex and I are patrolling the borders at night the rest of this week. We've received word from a neighboring pack that there have been a lot of rogue attacks."

"But Damien" whined Stephanie.

Goddess she was insufferable. I'm not sure what I ever found attractive about her.

"I'm sorry Steph, I know you were looking forward to tonight. Why don't you grab my card from my nightstand and go shopping with some of your friends. My treat." I knew I'd regret that later but I needed to get off the phone with her.

"Damien you're the absolute best," Stephanie squealed as she hung up the phone.

"Is your play toy happy?"Snarled Guinevere.

"Oh your awake. Good. That means we can leave. I hate doctors offices."

"What are you even doing here, I thought rejected you."

"Yeah about that. Apparently your wolf doesn't accept your rejection. The doctor said it would be best if we stayed together while you regain your full strength."

" I don't care if Sabrina doesn't accept your rejection. I DONT WANT YOU. I can take care of myself." Guinevere yelled.


"Don't call me Gwynn, we are not friends. There is nothing between us."

"Fine, then. Guinevere", I said beginning to lose what little patience I had. "The doctor said if you and I attempt to break this bond you will die. She said if I don't stay with you we could both die. I have Alex writing to all the scholars on this continent to see if there is a way to break this bond besides rejection, but while he's doing that, we need to stay together. For the safety of both of us."

"Okay fine, but how are you going to explain my constant presence to your whore?"

"Steph isn't my whore. And I won't need to explain your presence because you and I will be going out of town."

"Wait what?"

"I figured while Alex was reaching out to scholars, that we could travel to different packs and speak with their elders and see if anyone has heard of a wolf couple breaking their bond."

"Okay, fine, but it'll have to be after Saturday. My dad is helping me with my first shift on Saturday."

"Sorry doll, we have to leave tonight, before anyone else finds out we're mates. Leo and I will help you with your first shift."


Stupid human. How could Guinevere reject our mate. Yes, he slept with that blond bimbo but that was before he met us. And now she's upset because he wants to leave the pack with us and show us how to shift. How can she be so selfish. She never thinks of me. Doesn't she know that I want to meet my mate too.

'Guinevere don't ruin this chance for me, you were able to meet your mate, I want to meet mine too.' I whined, begging and pleading with her, hoping she'd allow me to meet my mate at least once.


"Sabrina wants to meet Leo. She won't forgive me if I don't allow you to help us shift. So I'll go with you. But I won't sleep with you again. That was a mistake." I glared at Damien.

Of course my mate had to be an Alpha Playboy. After we had sex I felt our bond strengthen. It scared me but Damien had been such a passionate lover that I was beginning to think maybe being mated to him wasn't so bad, that was until the blond bimbo came in and I found out that he'd had sex with her not even 12 hours earlier.

How could I've been so stupid to open my legs to him. And the sex between us had meant nothing to him. He sent the bimbo up to his room. I was so angry that I did the only thing that came to mind. I rejected my mate. If I'd known rejecting him would cause me to end up in the hospital I would've just walked out of the room instead and ignored his presence until the bond mate had hopefully faded.

" How soon do I need to pack?" I asked Damien.

"Ummm...actually you're already packed. I had one of the omegas grab some clothes for you while you were unconscious." He said nervously looking down at his feet.

"You're going to need some ball gowns to wear while we're visiting other packs and some other formal attire, I'd gone through your bag and saw there wasn't much in there."

"Thank you Damien, but I can take care of myself. I've done it for many years now."

"Uh yeah anyways we should probably get going if we want to make it to the next pack before night fall."

" Will they be expecting us,"I asked?

"The Alpha will, I told him I'd be visiting with a.... lady friend." Damien seemed to get even more nervous as he said this.

"What type of Lady Friend?" I glared at him through slitted eyes.

"If you must know, I said I was bringing a mistress. The North American kingdom does not know that I have found my mate yet. And I thought we'd like to keep that a secret between us, seeing as how we are trying to break the bond and all."

So he thought he could call me his mistress. Even though the reasoning behind it made sense, the thought infuriated me.

'That's because we shouldn't be his mistress. We should be his Luna' an annoyed Sabrina responded in the back of my mind.

I chose to ignore her. "And what business would we have with meeting neighboring packs?" I asked intrigued on what our reasoning would be.

" I do actually need to visit the packs of North America on pack business. I need to make new alliances. And it's important that I start with our neighboring pack 'The Lunar Pack' since they'll be our closest allies if we're under attack. "

I was taken by surprise when he actually answered that we would be out doing pack business together.

'Like a Alpha and Luna should be' hummed Sabrina. She was getting difficult to ignore.

I sighed. "So when do we leave?"

"Now actually. Alex has cleared the hospital hallways so we can escape out back where I have a car waiting for us."

"Are you use to sneaking around, and hiding mysterious women from your people, Alpha." I coyly tease him.

He tensed in front of me. I could see his eyes glowing with desire. I tried to ignore it, but I felt the heat between my thighs. Stupid body, stupid mate bond. Damien closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened them again, his eyes were back to the same stunning blue.

"Just hurry along." He muttered as he grabbed my arm and pulled me out the door. "This secrecy is a much for your benefit as it is for mine."

We quickly hurried out of the back doors of the hospital. Parked right outside was a sleek black SUV with limousine tinted windows. You couldn't see in at all. I was surprised when I saw Damien walk up to the driver seat and open the door. He flipped down the visor and grabbed the keys that had been left there. He put the keys in the ignition and rolled down the windows on the passenger side.

"What are you waiting for?" He called out to me.

"Sorry," I shook my head, "I just assumed there'd be a driver."

Was he really that ashamed of me, that not even a driver could see him with me. I tried to ignore my own thoughts, telling myself that I really didn't care what he thought, but it still stung.

"Since we will be going from pack to pack in the course of the next month, I figured it would be easier to drive ourselves. Unless you think you won't be able to keep your hands off me if we're all alone." He waggled his eyebrows at me.

My breath hitched at his remark. "Sorry I'm not your blond bimbo. I most certainly can keep my hands off a dog like you."

His eyes flashed gold again at me. His wolf once again trying to escape.

"It seems that Leo is eager to meet me." I chuckle.

"No," he said, "Leo would love to bend you over and spank you, punishing you for calling us a dog."

My core quenches at the thought of him spanking me. I looked quickly around and saw that we were on an empty road, and rolled down my windows, hoping to let some air in before my arousal from Damien's words reached his nose, and also in hopes that the cool air would calm me and my horny wolf down.

Sabrina was panting and drooling in the back of my mind, displaying dirty images of me naked sprawled over Damien's lap and his hand smacking our bare ass. 'Sabrina, can you calm the fuck down,' I hiss at her, 'Your dirty images aren't helping me right at this moment.'

'It's not my fault we crave the touch of our mate' Sabrina whined.

I rolled my eyes.

"You sure like to do that a lot." Damien stated calling me back to the present moment.

"Do what?" I asked.

"Roll your eyes. Don't you remember that that's what got us here in the first place."

Visions of him throwing me on the couch and fucking me until I screamed his name floated into my mind. I blushed a deep red.

My arousal was strong in the air. Damien's eyes went completely golden when the scent hit him.

"You keep that up and I'll need to pull the car over right now and fuck you again, right here in the car" He growled.

"It's not my fault, that you had to bring up that moment and that my wolf is a horn-dog," I pouted embarrassed, squeezing my legs tighter in hopes to keep the scent from wafting into the air. Damien flung his hand out and grabbed my thigh squeezing it.

"Stop," he groaned. "You're making it worse."

We were at a stop light and he took his other hand off the steering wheel and pushed the button that rolled down all the windows. His hand never once leaving my thigh. The light turned green and he continued driving starring straight ahead, after several minutes had passed he finally took a deep breath.

"Mmm much better." He said looking at me. His eyes once again back to their normal blue. I looked at him and I knew we had a long month ahead of us, trying to fight this bond and our desires.