
Are you really willing to help?

The cashier volunteered to help . Emma was really in need of help. When she went to the police station the police didn't believe her . They thought she was making it up as a prank . No one believes her . Suddenly the cashier entered and shows the police what the security cameras infront of the grocery store shows and what the agency's security cameras show. Everyone was shocked but the police still argued that Emma was using extreme self defense and that wasn't aloud. Emma still argued that she would have done that or she would have died . The police let it off and said they will begin  the search for the mysterious stalker . Emma was really happy but still had bruises and cuts from the accident. Her parents said that she should go visit a doctor. She got her hands treated and wrapped . Emma was still worried about her friend that was still missing. Anne's parents blamed Emma for what happened to their daughter . She was missing for about a week now. Emma's followers on social media were worried about her as she never posted for so long. Emmas world was falling apart. The detective that is responsible for Emma's case told her if anything was going on she should call him.there is a stalker after her . Her friend is in danger . Her parents told her to stay home. The only person she would have told about all this and comforted her was Anne but she wasn't available anymore. The only person she could talk to is the cashier that helped her . He gave Emma his number and so they kept in touch . Emma really wanted to know him but it all was so complicated....

To be continued