
A Fate To Hate

Ellen is an orphan in her late teens, with the desperation to make some money for college she works as a maid in the home of a Business mogul Dave Marcellus. Things went south when she got more than she was expecting.

Akinwunmi_Mariam · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs



Dave greeted when he entered the dimly lit room.

His father simply stare at him without saying anything he seems to be lost in thought.

Dave realized he might not be informed about the invasion going on around the pack or that wasn't his reason for coming here.

"Sit down son".

His father said further confirming Dave's assumption.

"What is it?, you look worried". Dave asked.

"I'm truly worried". His father replied letting out a deep sigh.

"I have been like this after finding out about Victoria, I was angry you kept it away from me but I'm sad and afraid now after thinking well about it". He continues.

"Why are you sad and afraid?" Dave asked hastingly, since he succeeded his father and became the Alpha. They rarely sit down like this to have civil conversation and this is the first time in years.

"I'm afraid that history might repeat itself and sad that my daughter has to bear that weight" he replied.

"I do not understand what you are talking about, what history would repeat itself?.

And what do you mean by Victoria will bear the weight?!" Dave asked.

His voice has become tight with fear.

Anger flash in his eyes at what he just heard, he wouldn't in a million years think something might happen to his baby sister.

"Where is she?"

"She is with Elena" he replied.

Dave close his eyes, while trying to his composition and don't act of character right now, and Ellen is still waiting for him in the living room.

Dave came out to see Ellen lying down with her head on the arm rest of the couch, she looks to be deeply asleep.

He had thought he could take her with him to Aunt Elena's place, he had wanted them to meet but maybe some other time.

"Who is she?" His father asked beside him surprised.

The sound they made jolted Ellen awake, she sits up immediately.

"She is my mate" Dave said simply shocking his father.

"Your what?".

"Did I wake you?" Dave ignored his father's question, and focused on Ellen instead.

Ellen shook her in response.

"Let's go" Dave said leading her out of the house.

Ellen looks back at the older man who kept staring at her like he had just seen a ghost.

"Who was that man?" Ellen asked as she walked beside not mindind that he was holding her hand.

"My father?" Dave replied nonchallantly.

"Really?, But he looks too young to be your father" Ellen said the first thing that came to her mind.

She believes Dave to be in his mid to late twenties even though she wasn't sure and the she just met looks like he could be in his early thirties.

"I know but he is my father".

"He adopted you?" Ellen asked.

"No, stop asking about him. You will know all about him later". He said stopping the conversation from going any further.

Ellen followed him confused while they entered a strange looking house.

The door was open, the room they entered smells of herbs and animals.

She looks around mesmerized by the strange objects around.

"Greetings to you Alpha". A woman's voice drew Ellen's attention as she looked from behind Dave at the owner of the house.

Hearing the woman addressed Dave did not pass Ellen unnoticed.

"I heard Victoria is with you".

"Yes Alpha, why don't you sit while I get both of you some tea" she said momentarily glancing at Ellen.

"Don't worry about the tea" Dave said pulling Ellen to sit beside him.

"Who is she?" Ellen whispered after the woman as disappeared into a room.

"My aunt". Dave replied chuckling at her curiosity.

Ellen felt weird.

"Why am I meeting your family members tonight?" She asked, frowning.

"It is only a coincidence but you are right" Dave replied.

"Here is your tea".

The woman appeared a few minutes later bearing a tray that contained steaming cups that supposedly contained tea.

Neither of them touch their tea, Ellen stares deeply at her cup of tea lost in thought.

She is reminded of her granny and the tea she likes preparing for her.

"What are you thinking about?". Dave asked, driving Ellen out of her thoughts.

"I want to go home," Ellen replied with a smile.

"Once we are done here, I will drive you home" Dave assured.

"I have some things I want to say to you, Alpha, in private." Elena said, averting her gaze to Ellen.

The woman's attitude keeps rubbing off on Ellen and she really wishes the woman will stop looking at her like she was holding some grudge against her.


"I will be back in a minute" Dave said to Ellen before he followed Elena out the house.

Once they were out of the house Ellen stood up from where she was seated and decided to look around the room.

The strange objects were really interesting. She finds it strange that there are people who can live in a house like this.

A soft groan coming from somewhere close by drew her attention away from the painting of a black cat she was previously intrigued in.

Listening again, the groan sounded a little louder this time. Following the sound, Ellen pushes a slightly open door further open to allow herself inside.

Inside the room was a bed and she instantly knew the groan was coming from there.

With heart beating fast with the fear of being caught she approached the bed, on the piece of furniture was lying a girl. Who looks a little younger than her.

She was sweating profusely, her eyes were red and teary.

Her skin was looking white like that of a ghost.

"Water, please water" the girl begged in a soft voice.

Ellen stared down at her, she rushed out the room to get some water.

She gently helped her sit up against the bed rest to help her drink the water.

Ellen gently removed the wet hair that was matted to her forehead and face.

Immediately her hand touched her face, an image flashed across her eyes.

A woman tied to a bed.

In a poorly lit room.

What was that?

Ellen frowns in confusion while strangely looking at the girl who has now fallen back to sleep, in her arms.

"What are you doing?".