
A Fate To Hate

Ellen is an orphan in her late teens, with the desperation to make some money for college she works as a maid in the home of a Business mogul Dave Marcellus. Things went south when she got more than she was expecting.

Akinwunmi_Mariam · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Chapter two

Dave Marcellus, the CEO of one the most successful companies in the country.

He is also the Alpha of the strongest pack in the country.

The pack members respect and love him a lot.

He became the Alpha of the pack when he was eighteen years and a CEO a couple of years later.

Dave walks into his bedroom while fiddling with his tie.

He felt suffocated by the fabric and did not waste time pulling it off.

He inhaled deeply after closing the door behind him.

His room smells different again today.

It smells of wildflowers and strangely enough, he doesn't like flowers but this smell was addicting.

He wondered who put the fragrance in his room.

A loud shrill of a ringing phone drew his attention.

Picking up the phone.

"Hello," he said after seeing who was on the phone.

"Are you home now?" Summer's seductive voice distracted him.

"Yes, I am".

" Okay I'm coming," she said and ended the call.

Dave smiled to himself, he had the previous night with another woman named Jessica or something he can't recall.

Summer is his girlfriend and she doesn't seem to mind that he loves to spend time with several women.

He doesn't intend to stop even if she is against it.

She knew if she complained he would leave her for another willing one.

The list is long since he has money to offer them and some don't even want money. Just a night.

No feelings attached.

A soft knock on the door and a head peeped inside.

"Can I come in?" Victoria asked looking away from her half-dressed brother.

Dave had just come out of the shower and assumed Summer was here when he heard the knock but was surprised when he heard his sister's voice.

"Come in" he gestured inside while buttoning his shirt.

It was quite unusual of her to come inside his room but he wasn't complaining.

He doesn't joke with her.

Her happiness is his priority.

"What's up?" Dave said as he sat on his bed across from her.

She sat on the couch.

"I want to attend the carnival tonight but Dad won't let me. Can you ask him to let me go?" She asked, making a pitiful face.


That was all Dave said.

She knows how to get him to do things for her and he is willing to spoil her.


"I don't want her there, she would be exposed to all sorts of danger" his father's angry voice sounded from the phone.

Dave lives alone about a mile from his parent's house.

His sister visits him once in a while just like today.

His father's anger was confusing to Dave.

He felt it was unreasonable.

"Do you intend to keep her locked up because you don't want her to get hurt?"

"She won't be going alone, I would have someone escort her. No one will dare hurt her" Dave assured his father.

This is his pack, no one will dare harm his sister under his nose.

He understands his concern, that Carnival always attracts different kinds of beings and even the kind of being his family despises the most.


He would ask Ralph to accompany her there, he is sure he would protect her with all his life.

His father gave up the argument after realizing he wasn't going to win.

"Alpha you summoned me," Ralph said.

Ralph was among the most trusted and strong wolves Dave knew.

His tall and strong build is a match with his never smiling face.

He rarely smiles and has a scar on his left brow. It was from an injury he sustained during a war they fought together years ago.

"I want you to escort my sister to the carnival happening tonight, close to the south border. I don't need to tell you what to do" Dave gave the simple instruction, trusting his sister was in safe hands.

"I understand Alpha," Ralph said before leaving.

"Drive faster" Victoria yelled slightly at Ralph.

"I won't, the Alpha entrusted you to me for the night. Please make things easier for both of us by not distracting me" Ralph warned sternly.

Victoria was like a little sister to him but she disrespected him a lot and he always chose to overlook it. He won't mind setting her straight if she crosses the line tonight.

"Dave asked you to escort me, he did not give me to you and I would say whatever I want to"

Victoria's stubborn side was out tonight.

She was unhappy when she realized she wasn't attending the carnival alone and decided to make things hard for whoever was escorting her.

Why is she still being treated like a baby? She is nineteen for goodness sake.

This was the first time Victoria has been around such a noisy environment.

She was rarely allowed to go out.

The faces she sees every day are always the same.

Pack members.

She was glad she was finally meeting new faces.

She went around and saw a lot of activities.

She also watched a magician put on his show, it was astounding.

She felt glued to the performance.

The downside of it was the tall block of wood in human form that was trailing behind her all night.

"How much is this?" Victoria asked a little girl about four years old that was holding a basket that contained little colorful boxes.

"One dollar," the girl replied, glancing nervously at Ralph's unsmiling face.

"Thank you," the girl said after Victoria purchased one of the boxes that were supposed to contain mystery.

Opening it a strange sensation overcame her and she sneezed suddenly.

Sitting at the bottom of the box was a ring.

Observing the ring, she wears it on her pinkie finger.

She returns home hours later with Ralph while still sneezing non-stop.

"I think you caught a cold. Take some medication and stay warm" Ralph said to her after getting home.

Victoria left without a word.

So rude!

Ralph sighed.