
A fatal experiment of obsession

We are all slaves to something, and for Jake it's no different. always in the center of tragedy and despair, Jake follows the orders of a woman, who only wants to see the world burn. As a slave of obsession he walks a road full of death, and not just others, but his own. How many times must he die, before she is satisfied?

emil_suadicani · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Dangerous attraction

It had been years since Jake had a proper night's sleep, and he awoke with a big yawn while stretching his arms. The last thing he remembered was the weird head looking at him and the pain in his stomach, remembering the pain made Jake worried and he looked down in relief to see nothing wrong.

All the dark red was gone and he couldn't feel any pain at all, it made him surprisingly happy and he started to laugh from relief. It was only then that Jake realized he wasn't inside a tent, nor did it sound like he was anywhere near the construction site since everywhere around was completely silent.

He was inside a room with wooden walls and laying on top of an actual bed with a big soft blanket on top, it felt almost uncomfortably comfortable for Jake who been so used to sleeping on the ground all his life.

"good morning Jake, did you sleep well?"

The voice gave Jake such a fright he jumped out of the bed, his heart beating like crazy and cold sweat washing over him. Then he saw the person sitting next to a table near the bed, it was the same person he had seen before passing out. A woman in a white lab coat and still wearing the gloves, but she no longer had the mask or goggles on.

Even for a slave like Jake something felt off about this woman, her face had scars and burn marks going from her head and down her neck. She looked like she had been a pretty girl before all the scars, with the sort of confidence that grabbed people's attention.

To Jake, the scars and wounds didn't matter, he thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She smiled at him and laughed softly at his starring, she wasn't bothered by it and instead found his reaction quite amusing.

"I can understand if you're a little confused, just tell me one thing" she stood up from the chair and walked slowly towards Jake.

"who is the most beautiful woman you have ever seen?"

Blood rushed to Jakes head and he started to feel lightheaded as the woman came closer and closer. Each step made his heart beat faster and he felt like it was about to shoot out of his chest as she stopped, inches from his face.

"y.. you are" he stammered out, so loud it almost sounded like he was yelling. His face red, from the embarrassing outburst. Jake had met other women before, and he usually wasn't as nervous in front of them. He wanted to embrace and kiss her more than anything in this world, but he couldn't move, he kept standing completely still while the unknown woman smiled satisfyingly at him.

"good, do what I say, and I will reward you. Do you know how to read? Nod if you do"

Jake started nodding like his life depended on it, he did know how to read. Jake loved to learn, and he was very social, he always sought out fellow slaves who had seemed scholarly and convinced them to teach him. It was all part of his plan for when he finally became a free man.

"well isn't that good to hear, the paper on the table will give you the information you need after I leave"

She moved her head next to his, her mouth was so close to his ear that he could feel her breath as she whispered into it. It almost made his knees buckle, and the hairs on his neck stood on end every time she said a new word.

"you want to see me again, don't you" she asked, dragging out her words in long breaths.

He felt dizzy, and desperate to please her. Only nodding aggressively, like he was trying to woo her with his nodding.

"I'm glad, then kill the girl, and don't mess it up again"

Jake just watched flabbergasted as she turned around, her long blond hair hit his face, and she walked out of the room. It was only when he heard the door slam behind her, that he began to move, a feeling of shock and confusion filled his head.

He had so many questions, what girl? Who was the woman he couldn't seem to say no to? And why was she so important to him, when he only just met her moments ago? His head hurt as he sat down on the chair next to the table and grabbed the only thing that could give him answers, the piece of paper she had left him, and started to read.

"welcome to your new chance at life Jake, again… I have taken the liberty of removing a couple of bad habits from you mind, as well as given some need to comply. Do you remember your life as a slave? Good, you failed in that assignment, and I want you to remember that you let me down.

You're not a slave anymore, but a teacher. A person of knowledge and wisdom, and do not panic as I already gave you the knowledge you need when I adjusted you.

Not only are you a teacher, but a royal teacher even. In one week, you are expected at the castle, so spend this time to get accustomed to your new you.

Her name is Priscilla, a princess of Myran and next in line for the throne. If you do your job as a teacher well, she will come to you I am sure, as the girl loves to learn.

Don't fail me this time Jake, make sure this one dies, before you do…"