
Your from the future?

This is a fan fiction for assassination classroom btw!

No one POV

   It around mid day and class 3-e was at the main campus gym for the school assembly. Just as the main campus finished laughing at class 3-e Also known as "the misfits of the school" *CRASH* a small round looking space ship  crashes through the schools ceiling. Everyone gasped at the sight, korosensei then quickly takes off his disguise and covers his students from the ruble.

"W-HAT THE HELL IS THAT THING" some main campus kids yell moving towards the back of the gym

"well I'm a teacher for that matter" korosensei says  with green stripes on his face.

So much for the 10 billion all the students think face palming.

Smoke then appears around the object and a large shadow appears behind the space ships door. Karasuma takes out his gun keeping it at his side. Tightening his grip thinking something big is about to come out...  the oval shaped ship hatch opens and a huge shadow is showed behind the door, but instead of a huge monster....a little black dog comes out barking and running toward karasuma.

"Huh?" Everyone says sweat dropping  on there faces. The little dog comes running up to Karasuma circling around his legs. As Karasuma picks up the little dog and notices it has a tag, on the tag it said

"Kaitlyn karasuma" before he even realized it was his own last name they hear.


from the inside of the ship. Followed by

"I THOUGHT U WERE WATCHING HER!!!" then two kids a girl and a boy, the boy average height and the girl very short maybe in primary school, come running out of the space ship. The girl who has blonde hair and crimson eyes. And the boy who had black hair and blue eyes.

They were both also wearing all black. Before the two kids even  saw there dead parents. The  little dog katilyn ran back over to the 2 kids who we're supposedly there owners. "Ah there u are u little cutie wootie!" The girl says in a baby voice, while the boy rolls his eyes and takes in his surroundings, noticing he's made a huge mistake. "Shit.." he says smacking his head with his hand

"uggh Chiara  what time did u put in...." the boy asks the girl who is looking for something on her utility belt.

"uh I think I put in some time around the afternoon..." She says and pulls out a blue vial

"WHAT!  OKUDA SAN SPECIFICALLY SAID TO MAKE SURE IT WAS IN THE EVENING!!! UGGHHH I should have never let u put in the time" the boy says smacking the girl in the forehead "WELL SORRY I WAS EXCITED OK!!!" She says.

"Who are you two!" Karasuma yells but is cut off as the girl throws the vial on the ground which then creates a light blinding everyone. then a huge bubble begins to enclose the gym. Everyone soon started to panic, people started screaming and someone even tried to run out of the gym but was unsuccessful.

Outside nothing was moving... as if time had stopped.... Nagisa thought, a worried look on his face.

"EVERYONE CALM DOWN!" The girl shrieks in a megaphone. The gym goes silent staring at the 2 unknown guests.

"Identify your selfs!" Karasuma says in a deeper tone. Tightening his grip on his gun at his side.

"We're not here to hurt anyone!" The boy says waving his arms back and forth.

"As if!" Professor bitch retorts taking out her gun. But Karasuma takes it out of her hands.

"Don't go pointing your gun at kids." He says.

"I'm protecting my students!"

"But we will hurt anyone who interferes." The little blonde haired girl says taking out a sword and pointing it at Professor bitch. The boy facepalms rolling his eyes and taking the sword from the little girl.

"HEY!" She squeaks.

"We're NOT hurting anyone just let us explain why we're here." The boy says walking up the stage. He gives the girl a signal and she nods putting on a serious face.

"Me and my brother have been sent by the ministry of defense from the future to save the world from ending." The girl say polishing her sword.

*blink blink*


Everyone screams in surprise.

"Wait save the world from ending?!?!" Komasa sensei squeaks.

"And If you two are both agents why are you here?" Karasuma asks looking at the child. The girl looks at him blush sighing loudly.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you all my actual name for uh personal reasons.... but sooner or later you will figure out who we really are. for now just call me Chiara. And over there is my twin brother Takasu." The girl points to the boy who is on the stage setting up... a projector? The boy looks up from what he was doing and speaks into the microphone.

"Now let's get to the point..." the boy says into the microphone with a stern face.

"The ministry of defense has sent us here 18 years back to save the world from the octo 10... the octo 10 are ten people who got infected and turned into octopus, those 10 octopus, unlike korosensei were bad people before they turned into octopus. They ended up using there powers to kill people... including our parents... Your father mr Karasuma, has told me much about you and ms Irina..."

The boy says looking at his clueless parents.

"when you and ms Irina were on a mission with my parents to kill the strongest octopus.... the octopus ended up killing all of you...so Your father and the scientists, have sent us here to save both of you... and save the world from the octo 10."

The boy says a stern look on his face.

The class gasps processing what he had just said.

"K-Karasuma Sensei and professor bitch got killed! By who?!!" Kurahashi yells worriedly.

"That will be explained later on.." Takasu says reply's hesitantly.

Irina and Karasuma were suprised at the sudden news keeping serious looks on there faces.

Takasu then proceeds to take out a flat glowing circle from his utility belt that turns out to be a hologram. He presses the top, and a screen pops up in the air showing 28 young adults and 1 old man.

"DAD?!" Karasuma says stunned at the old man on the screen.

"Omi! Haha you look so young! I see you've met these 2 trouble makers!" Karasuma's father says, the 2 kids begin to laugh.

Ah little does omi know these 2 trouble makers are his... his father thinks.

"Ah so you guys have finally made it"

A red headed man says on the screen.

"Hey hold on a Sec..." kimura says squinting his eyes at the screen.

"IS THAT KARMA?!!" 3-E yells with whited out eyes.

"Haha we all look so young! Let's just say we're all the older versions of all of you." A blue headed man in around his late 20's says.

"Wait THATS NAGISA!" Nakumara says pointing at the two.

"Woah Nagisa you got a hair cut!"

Fuwa says.

"You also didn't grow very much..." Nakumara teases.

Young Nagisa sweat drops at his older self.

"Anyways mr Karasuma." Older Nagisa says rubbing his neck.

"Takasu and Chiara have a vial filled with a serum that can kill the octopus in one hit, since you work for the government we need you to take these to the scientists and duplicate them, so when korosensei's death comes and the virus spreads, we will be ready." adult Nagisa says

"we will be going now we'll call back in a couple hours. be safe you two!" A purple haired girl says.

The call ends and takasu puts the hologram away. Chiara comes out from the space ship handing mr Karasuma a case. She opens the case and inside is a purple serum in a small dart.

"Ok mr Karasuma, Protect this with your life... if this thing breaks the world is bound to end."

Chiara says looking Karasuma dead in the eye. He nods and slides the case under his chair.

"Ok so I beleive your from the future and all, but what's with this bubble thing." Komara sensei asks.

"This bubble will not be going away for another 3 days, as you can see time has stopped outside, so for the time being me and my sister have created 49 I guess you can call them 'episodes' explaining what's gonna happen in the future." Takasu says.

"Wait so were gonna be trapped in the gym for 3 days?!" A main campus student asks.

"Yeah uh my sister put in the wrong time... and we were supposed to be at the old mountain campus with e-class only... but  instead I guess she put in the time of the assembly. you guys will all just get memory wipes from these three days."

"WHAT wait you can't mess with our memories!" A main campus girl screams, but is ignored.

"Anyways any other questions?" Chiara asks.

"Ok I understand your from the future and all... but why would government send a 10 year old and a junior high schooler....I understand your siblings but your like only 10" Maehara asks.


"YOUR 15?!?!" Everyone yells stunned.


"AND ALSO THE GOVERNMENT SENT US BECAUSE WERE AGENT GET IT RIGHHTTTT!!" Chiara screams flailing around her fists. Her brother was holding her back because she was about to tear Maehara apart.

Huh it makes more sense now... if there agents there parents must be agents...that means they work in my department... Karasuma thinks.

"Now if one more person calls me a child I will hurt you!" The girl says holding up a fist at everyone in the gym.

"Wait hold on a second. Who are your parents?" Karasuma asks, a questioned look on his face.

The girl and boy look at mr Karasuma and smirk.

"Oh mr Karasuma... so clueless right now! You will find out sooner or later I promise!" Takasu says with a smug look on his face making Karasuma suspicious.

"Now might I ask why you ask such a question?" Takasu asks. His hands on his hips.

"I was just curious thought I might've seen you two from somewhere..."

Karasuma says with a suspicious look on his face.

Huh wonder when they're gonna figure out we're there kids...

Takasu thinks smirking looking at Professor bitch and mr Karasuma.

"Hmm very well then.... lets bet mr Karasuma... If you or anyone in e-class  can guess who our parents are...I'll tell you all if you kill korosensei!" Chiara says beaming at Mr Karasuma.

"Wait you know if we end up killing him or not?!" Kayano asks in surprise.

"Ya we do." Takasu says sitting on the edge of the stage.

"Ooo sounds fun but we don't even know your real names? How will we be able to figure out who your parents are? For all we know you could be lying about some things." Fuwa asks her hand on her chin.

"Well let's just say some hints are shown in the episodes...but if you guys don't guess who our parents are before we finish the episodes we'll tell you either way." Chiara says.

"Nrfrfr sounds like fun let's do this" Korosensei squeals in delight, holding out a tentacle for Chiara to shake.

Chiara stares at the tentacle and shakes it, but then squeezes it. The tentacle explodes and everyone gasps. Ryuji then takes out his anti sensei sword and slices off some of his tentacles, his movements quick as he darts forward. Taiga does the same but Korosensei was quicker. The twins slice but miss completely they breath heavily there hands on there knees.

"Wow- *pant* Okuda Chan wasn't lying about your speed." Takasu says out of breath.

"Holy shit you guys are fast!" Sugino says helping them up.

"Thanks." Takasu says fist bumping him.

These kids... these are no regular agents... there trained assassins... Karasuma thinks in awe looking at the assassination attempt.

"So you guys know how to fight too?" Kataoka says her hands on her hips a smirk on her face.

"Yup. My dad was in the army before he joined the ministry, he trained us so we knew how to defend our selfs." Ryuji says putting his sword away.

"Wait how did those swords work on Korosensei?" Yoshiada asks in confusion.

"Oh these bad boys? Ministry designed them for us, made with the same material your knifes are made of." Chiara reply's.

"That attempt was a lot like karma's." Nagisa mentions.

"Oh ya we did the same thing as Akabane. Also mind you were also here to kill Korosensei... so you better watch your back me and my sister can do a lot when we're together..." Takasu says pointing his sword intimidatingly at korosensei making him snigger.

"I mean we need all the help we can get!" Okano says enthusiastically.

"Anything else?" Chiara asks the everyone.

"FIRST OFF WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING?!" A main campus girl asks.


"Well he's sort of the reason we're here but it will all be explained in the first episode." Takasu says.

"Let's just say your the cause of the virus... and your also the reason our parents are dead..."

"WHAT?! I would never hurt a fly!  AND I WOULD NEVER KILL KARASUMA KUN AND MS IRINA!!" Korosensei says waving his tentacles back and forth.

"Well we're here to help class 3-e kill you... any way it seems like a fun challenge considering my mother used to be an assassin." Takasu says he pulls out a anti sensei knife and Taiga pulls out a gun.

Huh a clue so soon...so his mother was an assassin...so there father must've been an assassin too... Irina thinks

"I hope your ready...korosensei..."

Takasu says pointing his knife directly at korosensei. A dark look on his face. His eyes were at an angle and his eye brows were darted down. Making him look intimidating...and then for the first time since they've met him he gives korosensei a creepy smile....

"AHHHHH!!!" Korosensei shrieks darting behind Karasuma And Irina.

This creates hysterical laughs from his students. The main campus students scowl in disgust and confusion.

"Oh korosensei you shouldn't be scared there's no way they can get a hit off of you, the only person who's has made damage on him so far is me!" Karma says proudly.

"Well actually we just took damage on korosensei so your not so special anymore akabane." Takasu says a smug look on his face.

"So we're like gonna be watching our selfs as if... it was a movie!" Fuwa asks with stars in her eyes.

"Yup me and Takasu have already watched it and might I say. You guys have quite a interesting year.

Now let's get started!" Chiara says pressing play on the projector.

Hello thx so much for reading I Know this is sort of all over the place but it will make sense soon! I promise to post every single week this is gonna be long so I hope you don't mind coming back for a new chapter each day! The next chapter will be season 1 episode 1 of assasination classroom along with a couple of problems with takasu and Chiara... those aren't even there real names.... this story's about to get intense join us on this adventure to save the world ! AND ALSO READ ON MY STORY ON WATTPAD PICTURES ARE INCLUDED IF YOU WANNA SEE WHAT THE TWINS LOOK LIKE