
A Fallen World

In a world where bonds and relationships hold immeasurable significance, the act of both giving and receiving love is a vital component of existence. But in a constantly evolving world, where supernatural abilities reign supreme, can one continue to exude benevolence? The world is brimming with extraordinary individuals, each possessing unique powers and abilities that set them apart from the rest. In such a world, can one still be the protagonist of their own story, or will one live long enough to see themself turn into the villain? As the line between good and evil becomes increasingly blurred, it is up to each individual to determine their own fate. Will they emerge as the beacon of hope for all those around them, or will they fall from grace, becoming the very villain they once swore to destroy? The answers lie within, and the journey to discover them is fraught with peril. To fight a battle where nobody knows what is right or wrong anymore.

Killa4Red · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


As my eyes slowly opened, I found myself surrounded by a blinding light. It was so bright that I could hardly see anything. But as my eyes adjusted to the illumination, the room came into focus, revealing that I was in an unfamiliar place. I seemed to have passed out and woken up in a strange room.

I tilted my head a little to the right and saw Lucien sitting in a chair next to me, engrossed in a book.

He noticed me staring and let out a sigh of relief, putting his book down on a small table.

"Thank goodness you woke up," he exclaimed, looking at me with concern. "You've been asleep for an entire week, I got really worried."

Confused, I asked him where I was and how I had ended up like this.

"I carried you to the hospital," he replied, "although they don't have much in the way of medicine or equipment and I'm not exactly sure how you passed out, it just happened," he continued with a concerned expression.

I then inquired about what had happened after I passed out.

Lucien told me that after I had fainted, he brought me here and then continued on helping the same group of people from before.

He later explained that like fate had intertwined he came across a group of people who were also helping those in need.

So like a moth to the flame, they allied together.

"What about Haruto?" I pressed on.

Haruto? I didn't see him at all, It seemed like he had run off somewhere, so his whereabouts are currently unknown.

Lucien carried on to tell me that they had fought against some lunatics who wanted to create chaos or show off their abilities. After a couple of tough battles, they were able to bring peace and order back to the town.

But he and the others were quick to realize that without someone taking charge. The town would descend into hell. So, they took it upon themselves to lead and guide the people, and that was where we are now, overseeing the town and ensuring its safety.

And with that, Lucien ended the recap.

"So, let me get this straight," I said, looking at Lucien with a serious expression. "You're telling me that you're in a group that's currently ruling the entire town?"

"Yeah, crazy" He replied with a hint of pride in his voice. "Although it was a bit difficult to gain the trust and support of the people in the beginning."

"But since the town isn't too big, it was easy to manage, if you had the right mindset," he said, pointing to his head."

"So you're the ruler then?" I asked, trying to clarify.

"No, it's not me this time," Lucien replied with a shake of his head. "They said I was too young and inexperienced, and most of the others were as well. But we managed to find a wise and interesting guy to take on that role. He'll keep us entertained for sure."

"Quite fascinating isn't it?" Lucien resumed with a grin, clearly enjoying the excitement of it all.

"So you came all the way here just to show off," I teased with a playful smile.

"Perhaps," Lucien jokes, but then his expression turned serious. "However, I have come to offer you a genuine invitation. We happen to have an open position in our group, and I thought you would be a perfect fit."

"Our group currently consists of only five members, and with you, we would be six," he continued.

My interest was piqued, and I asked, "What kind of position is it if there are already five people?"

"It's a rather unique role," Lucien replied. "We need someone who can handle both physical and intellectual challenges, someone who can think on their feet and adapt to any situation. And I believe that person is you."

"But why can't you take on the role? You have both the physique and the mind for it," I questioned.

"That's because I already have a role as the bodyguard of the ruler and maintaining order in the town. On the other hand, your role is to explore the outside," he explained promptly.

"And I think you already gained that kind of experience when you did your missions," He pointed out.

"Then what's the third role?" I wondered.

"It involves dealing with any nuisances or rebels who try to backstab us, and as you may already know, each role is divided into pairs," Lucien informed me.

"But, do we not possess sufficient manpower?" I inquired, my voice tinged with concern.

"Have no fear, for we have already laid out plans to amass additional individuals in the days to come, particularly those who exhibit extraordinary potential... such as yourself," he assured me, his words carrying a soothing melody.

As I weighed the offer in my mind, the potential benefits were undeniable. It was a chance to climb the ranks quickly and establish myself as a prominent figure in the town. However, I couldn't ignore the fact that everything was happening so fast. If I wasn't careful, I could easily lose control of the situation and put myself in danger. It was a difficult decision to make, but if I succeeded, I would be one step closer to my dream of becoming stronger. After all, information was the most valuable resource in this newfound world, and this opportunity would certainly provide me with plenty of it.

I made my decision.

"How do I sign up?" I asked, with determination.

Lucien's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Just come with me and meet the rest of the group. We'll fill you in on everything you need to know."

I followed Lucien out of the hospital and through the winding streets of the town until we arrived at a small, nondescript building. He pushed open the door, and we were embraced by the presence of three other people as we entered.

"This is the new recruit, Makino Katsu," Lucien announced, gesturing towards me. "They're joining us at our meeting."

"Whoa, Lucien, you're really taking charge here, making decisions like you're the king of the castle," the man exclaimed as he stood up from his seat and approached us.

He stopped a few meters away and locked eyes with me, making me feel like he was staring right into my soul, then he started to stare in Lucien's direction.

After what seemed like a hell of a staring contest, he finally spoke.

"Alright, if it's you, Lucien, who vouches for him, then he's your responsibility. Do what you want," he grumbled before retreating back to his seat.


"Don't worry about Takeo. his short-tempted but strong, you can rely on him," Lucien whispered to me.

As I looked closer toward the round table, I realized that I already knew one of them- it was Elyna.

But the second to last group member was a tall, slender woman with short hair who stepped forward and greeted us warmly. "Welcome to the team, Katsu," she said, extending her hand. "I'm Hana."

I shook her hand, grateful that at least one person seemed friendly in this group.

"Let's get started," Lucien said, taking charge of the meeting."

But I interrupted before he could continue, "Where is the last member?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot to say. He is currently on a solo mission" Lucien confirmed.

"I nodded."

Lucien continued.

"Today, the six of us will be taking on three different missions. First, we'll be serving as bodyguards for the ruler during his public speech tonight. Elyna and I will take care of that. Next, we have to get more information on the rebel group that's been causing trouble lately- Hana that's your mission and the last mission is, the exploration of the forest, which is outside of town. Takeo and Katsu, that's yours to handle."


"That's all for today. Work hard and don't mess up," Lucien finished.

And with that, our meeting came to an end.

The different groups started to gear up, packing their weapons and supplies. Takeo handed me a backpack, instructing me on what to bring and what to leave behind.

Initially, he came across as aloof and distant, but in retrospect, I think he was simply expressing his genuine care and worry for the town and its future.

I felt a sense of belonging as I slipped into the role of a team member, putting my trust in these strangers for the time being and hoping that they would do the same for me, was my only way through this hell.

Takeo and I stepped out into the bright sunshine, and I inhaled deeply, feeling ready to embark on our journey toward the forest.