
A Fallen World

In a world where bonds and relationships hold immeasurable significance, the act of both giving and receiving love is a vital component of existence. But in a constantly evolving world, where supernatural abilities reign supreme, can one continue to exude benevolence? The world is brimming with extraordinary individuals, each possessing unique powers and abilities that set them apart from the rest. In such a world, can one still be the protagonist of their own story, or will one live long enough to see themself turn into the villain? As the line between good and evil becomes increasingly blurred, it is up to each individual to determine their own fate. Will they emerge as the beacon of hope for all those around them, or will they fall from grace, becoming the very villain they once swore to destroy? The answers lie within, and the journey to discover them is fraught with peril. To fight a battle where nobody knows what is right or wrong anymore.

Killa4Red · Fantasy
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13 Chs

My beautiful ending

In the tense silence that enveloped us, an unexpected sound emanated from Haruto's wrist, causing it to vibrate softly.

"Attention, all units," a voice echoed.


Haruto responded with a scoff, irritation evident on his face. "It seems my time here has come to an end, but this won't be the last encounter we share."

Yuki and I exchanged glances, contemplating whether to let him go.

In the end, we chose to do just that.

"We know," I said as I carefully sheathed my dagger and returned it to my pocket.

Haruto vanished into the room's shadows.

Haruto's abrupt departure remained a mystery at the time. However, it turned out to be a stroke of luck, granting us the precious time needed to bring Lucien back to HQ for medical help.

Despite the heavy losses we had suffered on our side, we had managed to advance deep into Nyxar territory from the east, bringing us dangerously close to their capital and the potential for a decisive victory. 

Just one more...


That's all it would take.

But, naturally, the Nyxar army wouldn't make it that simple.

They scattered resistance throughout the land, laying cunning traps, and with Lucien injured, we've just lost a valuable asset on the battlefield.

Now, everything rests upon the shoulders of Yuki and me, the captains maintaining the eastern border.

News arrived from headquarters, revealing the date of the final breach.

On that sunny afternoon at the border, there was an eerie stillness in the air, with only a few soldiers passing the time by playing cards.

Then, a transmission crackled through the radio.

"Attention, all units. Tomorrow morning, the forces from both the north and the east will launch a simultaneous attack on their kingdom."

"For more details, consult your squad's captain."

With those words, the announcement concluded. Some soldiers wore expressions of joy, a few exhibited fear, while others simply yearned for it all to be over.

As for me, my desire extended beyond the battlefield. Defeating Nyxar might offer a glimpse into other kingdoms and the wider world; it was my hope.

The following morning, Yuki, our remaining squad, and I gathered at one of the camps we'd set up near the border the day before.

"This is our final battle. We must win. After this, you can all return home and savor the taste of victory. Losing is not an option," I declared to the squad, striving to boost their morale, if only slightly.

Yuki sat in the background, sharpening his sword. He had always been a mysterious figure, but I did not meddle that much with him. After all, my father had taught me something important in the past or in the old world if you wanna call it so-

"If they bring victory, let them be. If they are a nuisance, don't kill them, but use them."

Indeed, it's something to contemplate, whether you're at the pinnacle of power or at the lowest of lows.

Nevertheless, we commenced our march towards the their city.

As we pressed forward, I couldn't help but notice an abnormal number of graves... no, calling them graves would be a vast understatement.

They could best be described as mountains, comprised of stones and sticks, erected as memorials. The sheer scale of death represented here seemed inconceivable, considering the world-altering catastrophe had occurred not long ago.

Soon, the city came into view.

"We take our positions," Yuki ordered, signaling with his right hand to halt us.

"Now, we wait," he continued, placing the radio on a nearby stone in anticipation of further orders.

After a few minutes, an intercepted transmission crackled to life.

"Come in, come in. All soldiers are now in position."

"Wait for the signal and commence the final invasion."

"May God be on our side."

The intercom concluded with a resounding electrical buzz, followed by a deafening roar akin to a lightning strike.

The thunderous sound reverberated through the forests via the radio.

"I suppose that's our cue," I said, unsheathing my sword.

We initiated the invasion with unwavering morale, honor, and strength. 

As we advanced toward the heart of their second biggest city, the sky above us turned an ominous shade of gray, as if the heavens themselves were bracing for the impending clash. The air was thick with tension, and the scent of battle hung heavy.

Yuki led our team with an air of quiet determination. He moved with grace and precision, his every step calculated and deliberate. I followed closely behind.

The streets of Nyxar's second-largest city were eerily deserted. It seemed that the Nyxar forces had withdrawn to their last stronghold, leaving behind an eerie silence broken only by the distant echoes of our own footsteps. The city, once a thriving hub of activity, now stood as a ghostly testament to the ravages of war.

As we pressed on, we encountered sporadic resistance from Nyxar soldiers who had stayed behind to defend their city while the civilians fled. Each skirmish was fierce, but we fought with a ferocity born of desperation. Victory was the only option; there was no turning back now.

News came from the north that they too, started advancing into enemy territory

The battle raged on for what felt like an eternity. As both sides (North and East) pushed deeper, inching closer to the enemy's capital, our ultimate goal. The Nyxar forces fought with a tenacity that matched our own, and the streets ran red with the blood of both sides.

Yet, no sign of Haruto anywhere.

Amid the chaos, I caught glimpses of Yuki, his sword flashing like a silver streak of lightning. He moved with fluidity and precision. It was clear that he was a master of his craft, a true asset to have.

But still, we did lose a lot of men on our team until there were only two-

Yuki and I were the only ones remaining.

Finally, at last, me and Yuki reached the city's stronghold—a massive, foreboding fortress that loomed before us like an impenetrable fortress. The castle was probably the biggest in the kingdom- the king's castle it was called even though it wasn't located in the capital.

The final battle on our side was at hand.

And of course, it wouldn't be a final battle without the man himself, Haruto, standing between the colossal doors that marked the entrance to the king's castle.

"It seems like Lucien is out of commission this time around," Haruto jestingly remarked, feigning ignorance.

"You usually never shut up, but today that's going to end," I retorted, pointing my sword firmly at Haruto.

"You piece of shit, don't you ever downplay me like that again," Haruto responded, clearly agitated.

Without warning, Yuki initiated the battle by lunging forward with electrifying speed, immediately closing the distance to Haruto.

However, Haruto cleanly intercepted him, deftly evading Yuki's attack. "If you want to win, you've got to be faster than that."

"Don't worry about it," Yuki reassured him. His speed increased even further, his form radiating with a bright yellow light as he dashed at Haruto once more, landing a blow on his left shoulder.

"That wasn't so har-" Yuki began to say, only to quickly realize that he hadn't actually struck Haruto.

"Didn't I tell you already? You've got to be way faster if you want to win," Haruto taunted, casually stretching his left shoulder as if nothing had happened.

I placed my hand on Yuki's back, trying to calm his frustration. "Don't overthink it. He's toying with you. You hit him, but he's transformed his body into something else, maybe a shadow."

Lucien, looking somewhat confused, started to piece things together. "So, you're telling me he can control shadows, and he can manipulate his own body and the surrounding area?"

"Something like that," I confirmed, though I added a note of caution. "But keep in mind, we should take everything with a pinch of salt in a battle against Haruto."

"I know, I know," Yuki remarked, frustration evident in his voice. He readied his stance once more and blitzed toward Haruto even faster, but once again, Haruto managed to phase through his attack with uncanny agility.

"This is so damn annoying!" Yuki screamed in exasperation, clearly baffled by Haruto's ability to evade him effortlessly.

I called Yuki over again, offering a solution. "Listen, use your lightning power to create light and eliminate all the shadows in this place. That should limit his powers."

A sly grin crossed Yuki's face. "Sure, I can do that." He dashed with blinding speed, and at the last moment, he pulled back his attack, unleashing a brilliant flash of light that engulfed the entire area. It was blinding for all of us.

Anticipating this, I covered my eyes with a cloth to at least partially shield them from the intense glare.

As always, the climax fell to me.

Timing it perfectly, I spun around and swiftly moved behind Haruto, plunging my sword through his heart.

At first, everything was washed in white, but soon the crimson tide of blood began to dominate my vision, flowing from none other than Haruto's heart.

"Bleeding out, I see. I like your style," Yuki complimented.

"I don't usually do this when Lucien is around because he despises gore and bloody deaths, but this time, he's not here," I said, smirking.

Haruto collapsed to the ground, his life's essence spilling in all directions.

As I sheathed my sword, a soldier suddenly burst into the scene.

"The king of Nyxar has escaped on horseback from the West. The North successfully took over the capital. This war has been won."

Yuki laughed, "What a way to conclude things. Firstly this, and now their king. It's good that Haruto died before hearing the news."

"Let's get out of here and celebrate our victory," he continued.

I chuckled at his response, "Yeah it sounds like a great idea."

As we prepared to depart, I glanced back at Haruto's lifeless body, sprawled on the ground in a pool of his own blood, a perfect ending for a bitch like him. 

I couldn't help but smile.