
A Fallen World

In a world where bonds and relationships hold immeasurable significance, the act of both giving and receiving love is a vital component of existence. But in a constantly evolving world, where supernatural abilities reign supreme, can one continue to exude benevolence? The world is brimming with extraordinary individuals, each possessing unique powers and abilities that set them apart from the rest. In such a world, can one still be the protagonist of their own story, or will one live long enough to see themself turn into the villain? As the line between good and evil becomes increasingly blurred, it is up to each individual to determine their own fate. Will they emerge as the beacon of hope for all those around them, or will they fall from grace, becoming the very villain they once swore to destroy? The answers lie within, and the journey to discover them is fraught with peril. To fight a battle where nobody knows what is right or wrong anymore.

Killa4Red · Fantasy
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13 Chs


My mind has always been a labyrinth of memories, a maze of fleeting glimpses of places that seem familiar yet foreign. These visions play out day after day, a haunting repetition of a dream-like reality that I cannot escape. Something unnerving about it all is an eerie sense of nostalgia that pulls at my heartstrings.

I have never been to these places, yet they seem to hold a strange significance. And then there's her - the girl who appears in these visions every time, standing on the edge of an endless ocean, gazing out at the setting sun. She speaks to me, with a voice that echoes in my mind long after the vision has faded: "You will get it back".

At first, her words made no sense to me, but the more I saw her, the more I felt connected to her, and the more I felt the weight of her words. It was as if I had left something behind, something important that I should never forget.

The inexplicable sensation of feeling connected to someone is a riddle that taunts and teases the mind, leading down winding paths of thought that seem to culminate in dead ends. It's a question that I have asked myself time and time again, but to which I have never found a satisfactory answer.

But maybe there is hope. Perhaps the girl who appears to me in my visions, with her enigmatic words and haunting presence, could hold the key to unraveling this. Maybe she can help me make sense of this strange and elusive feeling, this elusive connection.

6 days later-

Once again, I found myself lost in the labyrinth of my dreams. But this time, the girl was nowhere to be found, and neither was the majestic sunset that always accompanied her. Instead, I found myself in a confusing world, where nothing made sense, and everything seemed shrouded in darkness and uncertainty.

As I stumbled through this strange and foreboding landscape, the girl's words continued to haunt me, echoing in my mind like a distant refrain. What did I lose, and why was she so certain that I would get it back? These questions burned in my mind like a fever, driving me onward through the dark and twisting paths of my subconscious.

And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the dream came to an end. I awoke to find myself back in the real world, but the questions lingered, stubbornly refusing to fade away. What was the girl trying to tell me, and why did I feel such a powerful connection to her?

I knew that I needed to find answers.

With a feeling of urgency driving me forward, I began to investigate every aspect of my dreams. I scoured through photos, and sketchbooks, of my childhood, trying to piece together any clues that I could find. I even consulted with a few experts in the field of dream analysis, hoping that they could shed some light on the meaning behind my visions.

Despite my best efforts, the answers remained elusive. It was as if the more I searched, the further away the truth seemed to be.

As days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, I began to feel hopeless.

Was I chasing after something that was never meant to be found?

Would I ever be able to unlock the secrets of my dreams and find the answers that I so desperately sought?

It was then that fate intervened, in the most unexpected way.

As I was walking through a busy city street one day, lost in thought, I heard a voice calling out my name.

I turned to see a woman, with a kind smile on her face, beckoning me over. Something about her seemed familiar, but I couldn't quite place it.

"Excuse me, do I know you?" I asked as I stood still.

The woman's smile broadened, and she shook her head. "No, we've never met before. However, I am here to deliver something to you."

"Deliver me something?" I repeated, feeling puzzled.

"Yes, something of the most importance," She said while still smiling.

A surge of unease shot through me.

How did the lady know about my name?

The woman reached into her pocket and pulled out something.

It was a black envelope with a red rose as its stamp.

"I think this will pique your interest," the lady said while holding it in front of me in a gesture best described as welcoming.

"Is this for me?" I asked, barely being able to make sense of the situation.

"Well, of course, but be careful. Not everything you wish for is gonna have a happy ending."

Though her words carried a weighty significance - they felt more like a warning than a mere piece of advice. Nonetheless, without a second thought, I eagerly took the envelope she offered.

I didn't know who she was or what the letter was even about but I still somehow had a feeling that this was my chance, my opportunity to maybe finally understand the mystery behind my dreams and uncover the truth behind my bond with the girl.

Filled with a profound sense of purpose, I lifted both my hands towards the nightly sky, clutching the letter tightly in my grasp. A broad grin spread across my face.

The woman nodded and instructed me to open it when I returned home, then vanished into the crowd of people.

As I returned home, my mind was abuzz with anticipation. The letter burned a hole in my pocket, and I couldn't wait to tear it open and read it

Finally. With shaking hands, I pulled out the envelope and carefully opened it.

Inside it, was just an ordinary white letter.

As I glanced over the letter, my heart sank. The letter was cryptic, filled with symbols that seemed impossible to decipher.

I couldn't help but sigh, "From all the things in the world, it just had to be this."


For the next few days, I pored over the letter, trying to make sense of its enigmatic words. I researched every reference, scoured every clue, and followed every lead, but nothing seemed to make sense.

As if the letter itself was a maze, designed to confound and confuse me at every turn.

As I held the letter with my sore hands, I couldn't help but feel desperate. Had this letter been nothing more than a cruel hoax, a tantalizing tease that would lead me no closer to the truth but further from it?

But then, as if in response to my doubts, something extraordinary happened. The symbols on the letter began to shimmer and glow, each symbol suffused with a radiant golden light that seemed to pulse with its own life. It was as if some powerful magic had been unleashed, transforming the symbols on the letter into something otherworldly and divine.

As my eyes drew closer to the letter, my heart racing with anticipation, I could feel the power of something magical coursing through my veins. As I held the letter in my hands, it filled me with a sense of wonder and awe.

It was like nothing I had ever experienced before, a rush of energy and excitement that threatened to overwhelm me.

And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the magic faded away as if it was never there. But in this short moment that had been revealed to me in those brief, shining seconds. Something was made very clear: There was something truly extraordinary about the girl in my dreams.

With renewed determination, I clutched the letter tightly in my hand, resolved to know more.

This letter went far beyond the mundane world of everyday life.

And I wanted to know all about it.


As I placed the letter on the table, a nagging suspicion began to take root in my mind. Perhaps this letter was not imbued with some mystical or otherworldly power in the beginning, but rather someone just now had tampered with it.

"So, someone was listening in?" I mused to myself.

However, my ruminations were suddenly interrupted by the letter's startling transformation.

"Again?" I said, while in a state of confusion.

But this time, the entire letter turned jet black before my very eyes.

Despite my initial shock, I couldn't help but be intrigued by this turn of events.

My curiosity got the better of me, and I reached out to touch the letter again.

As my fingers were about to make contact.

The letter expanded in size and overtook me with a weird black goo.

Everything around me was plunged into a void of utter darkness - no sound or light could penetrate this inky abyss.

For the first time in what seemed like an eternity, true fear had clawed its way into my heart. I had not felt such terror in a long time.

"It appears you have finally arrived," a voice spoke out from the darkness. I knew that voice all too well - it sounded like it belonged to the girl.

My heart thudded, and my hand trembled as I grasped my chest firmly as if some invincible force was pressing against me.

"Where am I?"

"You are in the space between worlds, a place where the rules of reality do not apply," the girl replied, her voice echoing through the void.

I felt a chill run down my spine as I realized the gravity of the situation. I had stumbled into something far beyond my comprehension, something that I might not be able to escape from.

But as overwhelmed as I was, I knew that I couldn't turn back now.

"Why have you brought me here?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

"You seek answers, do you not?" the girl said.

"Answers about me, about the letter, about everything that has been happening to you,"

I replied with a nod, though in truth, I had no idea where she was.

"Then you must be willing to face the truth,"

All of a sudden the tone gets even more serious.

I hesitated for a moment but then nodded again. "Yes, I'm willing to face the truth."

As I told her, the black goo and darkness got lifted, the veil between worlds was peeled back, and I found myself standing in a place that defied all logic and explanation. The air hummed with electric energy across my skin, and a soft, purple glow bathed everything in an otherworldly light. It was as if I had stepped into a dream or a vision.

And then, there she was. The girl of my dreams, the one who had haunted my thoughts and desires for as long as I could remember.

She stood before me, as beautiful and ethereal as ever. With long hair that flowed like a river of colors and eyes that looked to hold entire galaxies within them.

For a moment, I forgot where I was, lost in the sight of her. But then, a pang of fear crept up inside me.

Is this all a trick- or a hallucination even?

"Who are you?" I wondered, clearly distressed by the situation.

"Look beneath you," She said, extending her hand and pointing her index finger downwards.

I followed her gesture, peering down at the ground, I was met with confusion as the surface began to shift and warp as if it was alive. The colors swirled and crashed into one another, a maelstrom of vibrant hues that left me dizzy and disoriented.

But then, the chaos began to take shape, forming intricate patterns and shapes that gradually coalesced into a world.

I gasped, barely able to comprehend what was happening before my very eyes.

It was a world like no other, and yet it was unmistakably my planet Earth. The continents, oceans, and even the cities were all there, but there was something different about it all - something was off.

"What is... all of this?" I asked, trying to get some answers.

"As you can probably assume, this is your world," the girl replied, her voice relaxed. "But not as you know it. This is a dimension beyond your own, where the rules and law are different."

I continued gazing at the world below me as she was talking, mesmerized by it, and yet, even as I marveled at the sight before me, a sensation of unease began to take root within me.

What did it all mean? And what was my role in this strange and mysterious place?