
A Fallen World

In a world where bonds and relationships hold immeasurable significance, the act of both giving and receiving love is a vital component of existence. But in a constantly evolving world, where supernatural abilities reign supreme, can one continue to exude benevolence? The world is brimming with extraordinary individuals, each possessing unique powers and abilities that set them apart from the rest. In such a world, can one still be the protagonist of their own story, or will one live long enough to see themself turn into the villain? As the line between good and evil becomes increasingly blurred, it is up to each individual to determine their own fate. Will they emerge as the beacon of hope for all those around them, or will they fall from grace, becoming the very villain they once swore to destroy? The answers lie within, and the journey to discover them is fraught with peril. To fight a battle where nobody knows what is right or wrong anymore.

Killa4Red · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

A unsatisfying ending

As time passed in the carriage, Korihi took the opportunity to explain to us the nature of monsters and their origin. She told us that these monsters were the result of Igma, a concept she oversimplified for our understanding. According to her, when the catastrophe struck Earth, Igma, a charged particle, invaded our world along with it. This mysterious Igma existed in the air, water, and various environments. What was most intriguing was that Igma was responsible for granting humans powers. Scientists from the Kingdom of Kogasha hypothesized that Igma contained this mysterious power, and it breathed life into monsters while also bestowing powers upon humans. These powers, or abilities, depended on the user's affinity for various Igma attributes, such as fire, water, or wind. Each individual's power was categorized within these stages.

In the First Stage, the user could control Igma to enhance their physical strength. This immediately brought to mind my initial encounter with Haruto, who had demonstrated this ability.

The Second Stage allowed the user to manifest Igma into reality rather than simply storing it within their body. For example, Yuki had the ability to harness the electricity attribute of Igma. In this stage, the user's potential was only limited by their determination and understanding, with knowledge being the most powerful weapon, as Korihi emphasized.

Then, Korihi explained the most mysterious and eerie aspect of this system: the Third and final stage. It was believed to be the last one accessible to humans but also the most potent. This stage delved into destruction and death, posing a significant danger to humanity if a person reached it.

Although Korihi quickly reassured us that, as far as the records showed, no one had reached this stage. Most people, especially in Japan, were either at Stage 1 or didn't even possess powers at all. Those like us, the gifted or the fortunate, had been thrust into Stage 2.

I was initially a bit overwhelmed by all the information Korihi had shared, but I honed in on the most crucial aspect. "The gifted, you say? I remember the day when it all began. There were many people wielding powers."

Korihi nodded in acknowledgment. "Ah, that day. It's still a mystery, but most people who initially received a shock of power experienced one of four outcomes." She proceeded to explain these outcomes. The first was that they died shortly after gaining their powers because they couldn't contain the newly found Igma. The second was that they perished while fighting one another with their newfound abilities. The third was that their powers vanished after using them for a short period, as records from interviews with these individuals indicated. The last and most perilous outcome was that they became overwhelmed with power but the amusing thing is that they didn't die, but transformed into monsters with varying degrees of strength and abilities.

Her explanation triggered memories of the day when Takeo and I had encountered those cults that were experimenting with mixing human blood and monster traits. It had been a sickening experience.

Though it had been quite some time since I'd seen Takeo, I couldn't help but think about him. I silently hoped he was doing alright.

As we were sitting in silence, for a bit. I broke the silence by asking Korihi a simple question, "What powers can you draw out of Igma?"

She looked at me, grinning as though she were about to anoint a new prince. "Oh, so you don't know," she chuckled.

"Don't be surprised, but I can wield two different powers. I'm a dual wielder, as they call me, or the 'Young Prodigy.' Both names suit me just fine." She flexed with a confident air.

Yuki chimed in, "Fire and ice are her powers. She can mix them at will or use them separately."

Korihi looked at Yuki, annoyed. "Why did you tell him the good part?" She crossed her arms and voiced her irritation.

"We can't let you get too excited, can we?" Yuki teased.

As I watched them exchange banter, I couldn't help but notice how quickly they had formed a bond. It was a connection that began with conversation and mutual respect, the kind that could eventually turn into a bond filled with trust, respect, and honor. They had found a connection they could rely on, and I couldn't help but wonder about the nature of my own connections.

As I was thinking to myself.

Suddenly, the carriage veered off its path and started to tip over. We quickly exited the carriage, preparing for potential threats as it hit the ground. As I scanned the area, I saw no immediate danger. Then, Korihi shouted my name, urging me to look behind.

As I turned around, a claw plunged through my chest. I found myself in a nightmarish scenario. Blood began to spill from my chest, staining my clothes as In front of me loomed a monstrous creature with his claw inside my chest, easily triple my size, with human-like features but possessed of clawed hands, a towering build, and an eerie, unsettling presence.

My vision blurred as I lay on the ground, blood pooling around me. The monster had released me, and I watched the events unfold in front of me. The monster suddenly vanished and reappeared before Kohiri prepared to strike her down. She anticipated this and unleashed her powers to freeze the area around her. Yuki being fast, quickly dashed towards me trying to stop the bleeding. 

As my vision got more blurred, I heard a scream, presumably from Korihi, but then I saw her- The mysterious girl from my visions stood behind Yuki, her features now clearer. She loomed over him, smirking as she spoke.

"Things won't get easier with that attitude, Katsu," she said. "You'll eventually need to find a connection, not just watch from afar. This will be a long journey. So, you can call me Astral."

Her eyes glowed brightly as she spoke.

Then my vision turned black.

I was expecting death, as I saw a flash of light.

But then my vision came back. I found myself in the same place where I had first arrived in this world two years ago. I checked my body and realized there was no hole in my chest. I remembered the broken mirror and turned to my left, where it lay in front of me.

"Oh my God," I exclaimed. I stared at my reflection in the mirror, which revealed that I appeared to be two years younger.

Had Astral sent me back? Could my death have been the catalyst?

My life had transformed into a game, a spectacle for her, and a true test for those standing by my side.

As I walked down the familiar path from my past life, I reached the place where I had first encountered Haruto. My heart raced as I scanned the area. There was no sign of Haruto anywhere, and the pile of bodies that had once littered the ground was gone.

"No, no, no," I muttered to myself. This couldn't possibly be happening. Had I arrived too early? While lost in thought, a group of individuals suddenly rushed towards me. Initially surprised, I quickly regained my composure and stood my ground.

"We have a strong one here, don't we, boss?" one of the underlings commented.

As they chatted, it dawned on me that these were the same people Haruto had defeated in my previous life. With Haruto absent, these gangs seemed to roam freely now.

I chuckled to myself, realizing that Haruto might not have been as useless as I once thought.

They all charged me simultaneously, but I dispatched them with ease. Thanks to my knowledge and efficiency, I utilized stage one of Igma perfectly against these inexperienced dumbasses.

After a few decisive strikes, I had wiped them all out. As I cleaned my fists from their blood, I realized that stage 2 of Igma had not yet dawned on Earth. As I scanned the surrounding area, there was nothing but me and the lifeless bodies.

No Lucien or Haruto in sight. This was becoming increasingly intriguing. I decided to continue my journey towards the small town that Lucien had previously guided me to.

After hours of walking, I reached a place dominated by gangs. There was no sign of a town, markets, or inns, just gangs.

My mind raced as I tried to make sense of the situation. The absence of the town and any sign of Lucien was deeply troubling. It felt like something had gone terribly wrong.

It suddenly hit me that Lucien had mentioned that he and his sister, among others, were the first to found the town. So why was there no trace of them now?

I couldn't help but fear that this could be the worst-case scenario.