
All Hope is lost

Chapter 1:This Fallen World

One very gloomy day in april 1800 on the 14th, a boy by the name of Oh Yoongi was born. He was born to a beauty by the name of Oh Hana and Oh min, he lived a Awful life for the whole Span of his life, His mother had a another child when he was seven, after the child was born, she was named Oh Yin. Before the Child was born, Yoongi was always beaten or cut by his father. His mother would always tell him that his father had a rough past and She would always help yoongi the best she would even take his punishments herself.He was mentally and physically abused, so was his mother. They would both be in the basement tied up or chained to a pole in the kitchen making food most of the time. It was uncommon to see them without cut or bruises on their skin or face. One Day after Yin was Born, His Mother was murdered by a strange man when min was gone he then saw min coming in and quick put the bloody knife in yoongi's hands, Min then threw him against a wall and screamed at the top of his lungs " Your a Psycho you killed my one true love and life, you will pay for this, you little piece of disgusting, murdering crap".

I yelled Back" I'M the Psycho you are you Crazy Maniac.". He Then, threw me on the ground grabbing a bat and hitting my legs. I tried to fight back but was too weak, My Legs then made a cracking sound. It smelled faintly of blood expect this time it was my blood. My little sister was in her room, when all of this happened. I fainted on the ground, when I woke up my legs and arms were bandaged and my lip was bleeding. I told myself this is all min's fault, that psycho. I saw a familiar Face come down stairs it was Min, I tried to escape from whatever room I was in but could not my legs and arms and back would hurt if I tried to move plus I was tied up too. He came down and pulled out a knife, I kept screaming No Please I am Sorry dad. He cut me anyway, One day he came downstairs to the basement with another man I tried to move away from Min But Couldn't I was like a bird with its wings clipped. Min threw the man On the ground and told me his name was yoon Lee.

Yoon Lee Looked Scared, even worried, Min Told Him " Let Me Introduce, My son, Oh Yoongi, The Little Brat " He lifted up Yoongi by his neck choking Him, all Yoongi thought of was Min's Favorite Song that played every time Min was near him or walking towards him it went like "Strumming my pain with his fingers,Killing me softly with his song, telling my whole life with his words."was all i could hear when he was around. Min Looked at Yoongi saying " Maybe you will Behave If your abused more or if your Bleeding, I want to break your mind and body until you understand how much I hate you. "I Looked at him with hate in my eyes and said "You deranged psycho, Why the heck are you doing this, Killing people and abusing Me, I did not kill your love, another man did, he threw the knife in my hands;"

He Said back" You think I believe you, pig not one chance, also just for that enjoy having no vocal cords, also maybe the only reason why you deserve this is because of what happened to your stupid mother, who constantly disobeyed me, from escaping this place from taking my own baby we had to another Person and then coming back, I think not so maybe shut your freaking mouth and Be Good! Min then, took the knife and sliced Yoongi's Neck , also slicing his vocal Cords, blood went everywhere on his body. He tried to speak but could not then Min took the knife and cut his eye and face. Min said " Ha ha , I love how you look right now.".

My head was ringing and my eyes filled and poured out tiny,red,salty tears.The same song playing in my head "Strumming my pain with his fingers,Killing me softly with his song, telling my whole life with his words." I hated Him, My father for the abuse, everything, I wanted a new life, I wished he would just kill me.. Why won't he kill me already, I am already dead inside, I want to die

Kill me already, was the only thing that repeated in my head over and over again. He then looked at Lee, He then went up to him saying " Just why were you at my house, inside it on my bed,in my room, you freaking stalker!" he then took the knife and sliced his neck open, He went upstairs, he came back with a medical kit and Bandages, He first bandaged my neck and part of my face, He put bandages all over my body, he gave me pain killers and did the same for Lee.

He unchained me and carried me upstairs to the kitchen, He then dropped me on the ground making me hit my head and break it, crack it goes, His Head bleeding everywhere, Min then came back seeing his shattered scalp, He freaked out and bandage his head, he went back and got a chair. He chained Yoongi to the chair, Making him make dinner, He handed him a knife, He told me to cut carrots.I chopped them up only using my wrists. I then tried to grab the bowl to put the carrots in but i by mistake knocked it over.

Min came near me and took the knife out of my hand, He then cut my face and slapped me repeatedly. He put the knife back in my hand and told me to make dinner still. I continued, scared of what would happened if i didn't. I put the carrots in the bowl and making hand movements telling min what should I do, being very scared making those words with my hands next he then told me to get a pan but I pointed to my arms and legs, he understood what I was trying to say. He then carried me back to the basement. He slapped me even more and I cried even more, I shaked and moved my wrists like crazy. I had enough of this brutal torture I was taking, i then was hit on the back, he then proceeded to bring a knife back and cut my already aching back. My back was bleeding and had cuts all over it, I cried tears of pain and hurt. I want no more of this, I just want to die already, die. I got used to the pain and cutting and bleeding in fact it never hurt any more it just didn't. I still wonder to this day why is this world so messed up and broken? Why?

Chapter 2:Maybe there's hope?

I woke up next to Lee who was still sleeping, I was now on a pole chained

When will I escape, well at least I am still Breathing from all the brutal torture, I've been through. Min came downstairs, stomping loudly. Lee woke up the second he heard the stomping, yoongi and lee both looked at min with fear in their eyes, scared of what he would do to them. Min looked at them with hate in this eyes,

He said"Good morning pigs hope you got a good sleep.".They just nodded in fear of saying or doing anything. Min just left this time leaving us without doing anything.I started to breath heavily and cry, lee then came up to me and hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. I nodded my head, hugging him too, I loved him for that. His warm soft arms felt like my mom's arms, warm,comforting, loving. I saw Lee in a new light, as my mother who would comfort me everyday.

Me and Lee, became friends, He was the only thing I loved in life, and was thankful for, him, My ray of hope .Because of him, I thought maybe the world isn't so broken.He gave me hope, that maybe my life was going to get better.

Now Min had left again this time, but this time something more or less crazy happened to my mind and body. He first sees his deceased mother holding a flower in her hand, Then he felt a flower appear in his hand, it was a tiger lily. He suddenly, he put the tiger lily near his mind, he soon saw everything, that his mother had all types of magic, that she gave to him to help him have a hopeful life.He learned that his mother dream was to join the fbi. His mother told him "Please use this magic and your smart mind to join the fbi and please you it to get you out of that house and also you should know that I was reincarnated into another body.". yoon Lee. He remained shocked on the ground seeing the flower disappear into his mind. Yoon

Lee stood their smiling, it looked like his mother, now instead of a whole new human, he saw the ghost of his mom. The power he had was so great it broke the chains from his mother and him. Min came down immediately hearing the noise, Lee picked up yoongi and ran with him. Min then grabbed a knife and threw it had yoongi it cut his stomach but nothing else.Him and his mom both ran up the stairs, min chasing after them. They both made it out the door still running on the grass, they still saw min chasing after them saying " you little pieces of crap, come back, well your choice, bye, hope you die, remember min is always watching."

They ran for their life, soon making it to a old farmhouse, they went inside, locking the door and freezing it with ice, min tried to get inside but couldn't, they had won the war for their life. "I'm still breathing, I'm alive." was all that played in his head,for once he was happy. Everyday they stayed in that house, his mom taught him more about his magic, this is when his mom told him that he already had wings and fangs and that he could turn into a animal.He was amazed at his powers, amazed at his mom too. Soon the ice froze, lee had made yoongi ice crutches.lee helped him on the crutches, soon they were walking out of the house, they both saw min standing near the door.

Min grabbed both of them by the neck, Min said " I told you I would watch you everyday, They both tried to escape, but couldn't, Min then chained them and threw them in his car. They tried to escape, once more but couldn't. Yoongi then thought of a flashback, of his mother and him inside the house, they then heard a sound they looked out the window but all they saw was nothing. He hated min for all of this, his biggest wish was to kill min, All he wanted was a good life or a better life. Why do him and his mother have to deal with this torture and this man named min. Why? Instead of the song alive by sia in his head all he heard was killing me softly with his song by roberta flack. He wanted a better life, why is it like this?MIN?.

They were song back at min's house, chained in the basement. Lee sat there hugging and cuddling yoongi, to calm him down