
A Fairy’s Journey

What does it mean to be free? Is it the right to do as you please? To live as you want? To not mind other’s opinions? Is it to live without regrets? Watch as a soul who tirelessly worked for others use his new life to understand and find his own freedom. *** [Note: I don’t own anything other than the OC’s] [Note: Cover is not mine]

SaintlyPervert · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

System Goddess?

-Chapter 13: System Goddess?-

Boar Hat.

Inside the tavern multiple individuals could be seen lying on either the tables or floor. But the weird thing was that none of them were injured or sick, instead they had an expression of satisfaction and ecstasy.

"That was the tastiest thing I've ever had in my life! I don't think I can go back to eating scraps again". Hawk said as he laid on his back.


"I concur".

"Sir Hawks is right".

"Who would of thought that Sir Zephyr was such good cook." Hendrickson added.

The others who were too lazy either nodded or hummed in agreement.

"Zephyr what do you say about becoming a chef for the tavern. Your food is even better than Ban's." Meliodas offhandedly asked as he groped Elizabeth.

"Maybe in the future~" Zephyr, who was now styling a ponytail chuckled and answered vaguely. It was his first time in a thousand years cooking, but thanks to the knowledge and help of [Cooking Mastery] he was able to make a dish that would put most if not all chefs on Earth to shame.


Zephyr stood up and stretched his body while releasing a deep sigh. His gaze then fell on Lazuli and Seraphina who fell asleep on top of Daji's back after they finished eating. 'I guess I'll sleep now, after all the real adventure starts tomorrow'.

"I'll take the little girls upstairs so I'll see you guys tomorrow". Zephyr said to everyone.


"Good Night".


"Have a good rest".

"Are we leaving tomorrow master~?" Daji who was now in her human form asked.

"Yes. But why do you sound so impatient to leave?" Zephyr who now wore a all-white kimono thanks to his [Transformation] questioned back.

[Transformation: An ability that allows a user to alter their physical appearance and apparels.]

"That bitch. I don't like her." Daji replied with venom laced in her voice.

"Bitch? Oh~ You mean Merlin. Is it because of the way she looks at me?"

"Yes- Wait, you already knew?" Daji asked in surprise.

"Mm, I did". Zephyr casually answered. It was all thanks to his [Instinct] and [Heart Reading], even though she was only a projection and her soul was in her sacred treasure, it seemed that the latter ability worked albeit barely. But it did allow him to gauge her(Merlin's) feelings due to the intensity of it, and what he sensed was extreme curiosity and interest in him.

"Then why do tolerate it or not feel disturbed? Could it be that you're smitten by her?" Daji narrowed her eyes with a sly smile.

Zephyr raised an eyebrow at her conjecture, but instead of explaining he just said, "I'm not into kids."

"Kids?" Daji repeated confused. She couldn't understand how that slut looked like a kid.

Instead of answering, Zephyr made space for himself on the bed and looked back at her, "Are you coming or not?"

"Master you really are bold~". Daji walked towards him with a seductive smile, which froze when she heard his next words.

"Transform back into your fox form."


"What did you expect we were going to do? There isn't enough space for you to sleep, so use your fox form." Zephyr said as he laid down on the bed and closed his eyes.

A few seconds later, he felt a weight on his body which prompted him to open his eyes.

"Master~ There isn't enough space so I hope you don't mind~".

Zephyr stared at her before grabbing her tails, "Then I'll be borrowing these".


"Are you a cat or a fox?" Zephyr questioned with an odd look.

Instead of answering Daji burried her face into his chest out of embarrassment.

Seeing that she wasn't answering Zephyr decided to sleep. 'Good Night Luna'.

[Night. Have a good rest, Zephyr.] Luna replied softly.

"Hm? Is it already morning?" As Zephyr said this he opened his eyes, but quickly closed them a second later due to the intensity of the light.

After a few moments he opened them again and said the first thing that came to mind, "An unfamiliar ceiling". And just as he said those words he heard a giggle.

As he sat up he was greeted by a beautiful room filled with flowers and comfy chairs. From the looks of it seemed to be a porch since he also had good view the luscious and fresh smelling forest, birds singing sweetly on the trees, and the light of the sun radiating a warmth.


His eyes then fell on the two figures who were sitting opposite each other while drinking tea.

One of the two figures was a young girl with looks that surpassed his own. She had platinum coloured hair and big silver eyes, she wore a black dress that exposed her shoulders, along with a matching black choker and earrings.


As for the other person, Zephyr didn't even know what to say. It was a loli that literally looked exactly like him, with her emerald hair tied to the side and similar jade coloured eyes like his. She even had the elf ears to boot.


He walked to them and came to a stop next to the little girl. The green hair loli put her tea cup down on the table and stared into his eyes with a flat expression.

Zephyr smiled softly and picked her up and placed her on his lap as he sat down.

"Are you Luna?" Zephyr questioned with a knowing look.

"You realised?" Luna questioned back without any surprise with the same flat expression, though the appreciation in her voice was clear to Zephyr and the young girl.

"Of course. But I have to say, for someone who is so vocal and emotional, your face is too stiff." Zephyr said with a chuckle as he stroked her hair.

"I am a system after all". Luna just harrumphed as she leaned into his hand.

Zephyr just smiled and turned to the one who was definitely responsible for his arrival here. "Sorry to keep you waiting, my name is Zephyr and this here is Luna, but I'm guessing you already know that."

"Of course I know, after all I was the one who reincarnated you and created Luna". The platinum haired beauty calmly replied with a small smile. Though she was calm on the outside, the same couldn't be said internally,

'I did it! I was able to talk without fumbling, which was even harder than when I was talking to Luna because of his appearance. Why did my sisters make him so pretty and handsome! How can his charm affect a goddess! My heart is…pounding, is this what mortals call love. But how could I fall in love?I've only watched him for the one thousand years he slept.'

Luna snickered when she saw her acting all calm and unperturbed. When she woke up in this space, the first thing she saw was this beauty staring at Zephyr. And after they had a small chat and she realised that this goddess didn't behave as one would expect. This was also the reason why she was grinning now, since her acting was contrary to earlier.

"Why are you smiling like that Luna? I thought you could only keep a flat expression." Zephyr asked with a strange look.

"Cough! I was just thinking that big sis Silvia really is beautiful, don't you agree?" Luna replied, quickly returning to her default stoic face.

"Silvia? A beautiful name which definitely suits her captivating appearance." Zephyr nodded as he admired the silver goddess' face. He had to bite his tongue just to not get lost in her beauty.

Silvia on the other hand was a mess, well internally that is, since outwardly she was still maintaining a impassive and cool smile.

'D-did he just say I'm beautiful and captivating?! Why do I feel happy when he said that? Also will I die if my heart keeps beating this fast? Actually, can a god even die from their heart beating too fast? I need to ask mother or my sisters later.'

Coming out of her thoughts Silvia put her focus back on Luna and Zephyr, "Ahem! Luna may have already told you my name but allow me to introduce myself again. I am Silvia, a System Goddess."

"System Goddess?" Zephyr repeated in confusion.

"That's right a System Goddess! A System Gods job is more or less self explanatory, we create systems". Silvia puffed her B-Cup chest out in pride.

"So you aren't the only System God?" Zephyr deduced from her words.

Silvia took a sip of her tea and nodded, "That's right. I'm the youngest System God and Luna or should I say the [Chaotic Path System] is the first system I created".

Luna's flat expression showed momentary surprise as she heard this before returning to normal.

As for Zephyr, he could only say, "Wow".

Silvia nodded proudly upon seeing their surprise and awe. 'Hehehe~ It feels good to have people look at me like that. But what can I say other than; As expected of me~.

"Silvia?" Zephyr called out in a serious tone, causing Silvia to come out of her reverie.


"Why did you pick me?"

"Because I like you!"



Zephyr and Luna both stared at her in shock at what they just heard. Well it's was mainly Zephyr as Luna already had some suspicion from her previous conversation with her.

Silvia on the other hand was beet red. She couldn't believe she just said her inner thoughts with such confidence.

'Uwaaaaah! What do I do now! How could I say such embarrassing things with such confidence! Will he think I'm a weirdo now, after all I confessed in our first meeting! What do I do!'


"Ahhh! I can't take it anymore! Acting calm and collected like my sisters isn't for me!" Silvia who could no longer take the pressure slammed the table.

Zephyr and Luna were even more shocked at her sudden outburst, but Zephyr wasn't focused on that, he was instead watching the teacup that had somehow flown several meters upwards.

'I guess this is a good chance to test that skill out'. Just as Zephyr thought that, he mentally willed for the cup to stop, and stop it did.

"Telekinesis". Luna mumbled seeing Zephyr use the ability for the first time.

Silvia, with her divine hearing heard what Luna said, and also looked towards the floating cup.

'Oh? That was surprisingly easy. Now let's fix this'. Zephyr looked at the spilt tea that was also floating along with the cup, and slowly gathered them together, shaping it into a ball. He then slowly started moving ball of liquid into the cup, however before he could put the tea back into the cup, fatigue washed over his mind, causing him to lose control and drop the tea and cup.

Right as the cup and tea was about to fall onto the table, they came to halt, and were once again floating.

Zephyr who was still feeling lightheaded, watched in amazement as Silvia effortlessly controlled the ball of liquid, splitting it up, making it circle the cup before once again bringing it together and dumping it into the cup.

Clap-! Clap-! Clap-! Clap-! Clap-!

Zephyr clapped at the minor circus show he just witnessed, while Luna just rolled her eyes and muttered, "Show off" with the same flat expression.

Silvia blushed slightly as she saw Zephyr's amazed look, however the thought didn't last long as he just remembered what she said before. 'Ah Fuck! I need to find a way to make him forget! I'm not prepared for a relationship yet! Uhhhh, for now I'll just talk about some stuff and hopefully he forgets'.

"There's no need for applause. This not a hard feat to achieve. The only reason you lost control was because of your weak mental strength, but the more you train with the ability the more your mental strength will increase. And as it grows you would be able to carry heavier stuff and move them from long distances".

Zephyr slightly lamented at his own weakness, but otherwise nodded in understanding. His journey was just kick-starting, so there's no need to get down when he has all the time in the world to practice.

Seeing him lost in his thoughts, Silvia thought he was thinking about her confession, so she hurriedly decided to change the topic to something that would catch Zephyr's attention.

"Zephyr! About your memories…"
