

You Xi Wang despises his life with extreme negative emotions, this caused a surge in negative energy which made a part of his soul gain sentience, which complied with his wishes took his entire soul to leave his body, and wander the multiverse. ... In the vast multiverse, there was a planet called Metropia, where lived, You Xi Wang a 16 old boy, fell into a coma when he heard about his parents passing away in a car accident, leaving him and his elder sister. As his grief grows inside his heart You Xi Wang give into despair and his soul breaks. That's when You Xi Wang's soul which was traveling in the multiverse happens to be nearby and resonates with the emotional surge and soul energy, in the end, it takes possession of both You Xi Wang's body and life. ... The story goes on as our hero faces his inner demons and lives a new life with the hope of doing things right this time and reaching the top. Watch how he ventures into a world similar yet unknown to his old one. How he garner the love he always craved for and how he siphons off the hate he holds against himself. ... The world the second You Xi Wang lived in was called Metropia, a world similar to earth with similar nationalities and cultures yet a very different history. A world that was both scientifically and spiritually advanced. A civilization based on both cultivating oneself and technical advancement to support day-to-day life. ... This will be updated frequently, hoping the readers to add this book to your libraries and seeking recommendation votes. Also, the cover does not belong to me. So, please tell me if you want me to take it down.

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Unknotting the ties of heart.

You Xi Wang accepted his new life after he met his sister and realized how much she cared about him. He also felt sorry for pretending to be You Xi Wang. He changed his clothes and headed out of the hospital; he didn't forget to look around.

After reaching the hospital entrance a middle-aged man in a professional suit came to greet them "welcome back young master Xi Wang" this man was the butler and bodyguard to You Xi Wang's predecessor You Xi Wang, his name is Robert McKenzie, a robust guy with a square face, a light scar mark over his right eyebrow splitting it into two parts, a broad jaw, he looked scary yet he emitted a sense of security for You siblings, according to inherited memories You Xi Wang recalled that Robert has served in defense forces before.

Although this world called Metropia has no country borders and is united by civilization, there are still toxic elements in the society that need to be dealt with by these defense forces.

You Xi Wang looked at him with a poker face and replied: "thank you, Mr. Robert, I have troubled you all."

"It's not your fault, young master," Robert humbly said.

Robert led them to a luxury looking maglev car. You Xi Wang looked at this car and was pleasantly surprised as he recalled people in his old world also worked on this vehicle. But we're not as advanced in production as in this world. Every car was a maglev.

' What a beauty' You Xi Wang thought as he watched the car.

He turned to You Zhichi by his side and tugged at her sleeves. She turned to him, looking as he said, "Could you take me to see mom and dad? I haven't said goodbye to them and my heart feels very heavy because of it."

"Are you sure?" asked You Zhichi as she was worried that visiting the graves might affect her brother's state of mind.

"I will be fine, I need to see them and please Chichi trust me" You Xi Wang assured her with a faint smile and confident look on his face.

"OK, I trust you, let's go, " she gazed at him for a second and turned to Robert, who understood her motive and nodded.

After they boarded the car, they traveled at a speed of 200 km per hour, what surprised You Xi Wang was not the speed, but that even at such a high speed the car was stable and there were no traffic complications.

[Get used to it already for fucks sake you were 26 in your old life besides 16 years worth memorized and knowledge and experience in this life makes you elder to even Robert, master grow up please, I feel disgusted by your antics]

This remark by system turned his mood sour, and he thought about it and accepted the fact, but still retorted ' you dumbass system, even if I have the memories I have never experienced all this myself so shut that sewer of a mouth and let me experience this'

[Oh, some logic. Okay, I'll spare your puny self-esteem, but don't you go being an idiot again or I might take over your consciousness]

Like a lightning bolt hit him You Xi Wang sat up straight and alert 'what do you mean you are a part of mine you can't have the power to do that. Tell me, do you have that power your bitch ass system' yelled You Xi Wang in his mind?

[I may do or I may not, you'll know if you act like a newborn brat again.]

The system answered in a warning tone. Well, the system does not have that skill, but it made You Xi Wang to be more alert.

Well, he became a loser in his past life and developed this habit of slacking off and blaming himself so this way system ensured he changes his ways by bit.

They reached the cemetery where his parents were buried. After alighting the vehicle You Xi Wang saw the entrance to the cemetery on top of which hung a plaque writing in bold yet soft characters {SILICA CITY CEMETERY}.

The siblings entered and Robert followed them with a 5 step distance.

You Zhichi looked at her brother and tapped his shoulder while saying "You are okay, right Gougou?"

You Xi Wang didn't smile or you can say he couldn't but he looked at her with firm eyes and nodded. His sister heaved a sigh as she bought him to their parent's grave mound.

Two white gravestones made of white marble stood there with elegant engravings of plum trees and moonlit landscape.

You Xi Wang smiled while You Zhichi asked, "Why are you smiling?"

Without turning towards her he answered while his eyes locked on the gravestones, "Do you not know what these engravings depict?"

She looked at them again in silence and after a while, tears formed in her eyes. She remembered her father would always use a phrase in Mandarin to describe her 'Yuèguāng xià de yù hú' which means 'jade lake under the moonlight.'

She kneeled in front of her father's grave, which depicted a lake under the moonlight while You Xi Wang kneeled and kowtowed the graves. His mother's gravestone depicted a plum tree with its leaves scattering in the wind. It represented You Xi Wang's nickname, 'Gougou'.

You Xi Wang looked at the gravestones and he prayed for the departed souls of his parents, both in this life and the old one.

'Mom, dad your son once gave up and became a loser but by the grace of your blessings I was given this second chance, I am forever grateful to both of you for giving me so much love and care, I will always remember you and will always be your son. Rest in peace'

Unknowingly, he started shedding tears because in his past life he never offered his prayer to his deceased parents as he was not ready to let them go.

'Madam, sir, your son You Xi Wang gave me a second chance, although I may sound hypocritical his memories and feelings are now mine too, and I cannot explain, I felt the same way and right now it hurts me a lot and I don't have enough words to explain this pain, but I will carry you within me, I will become stronger and I will make you proud. Rest in peace, mom and dad'

By the end of this emotional prayer offering, he was weeping out loud, which made You Zhichi feel worried, and she took him in her embrace while patting his back.

He wept for his ignorance and cowardice in his past life and the pain he felt in this life for the tragedy his predecessor faced, these tears also unknotted the ties in his heart. After a while, he came back to his senses.

The reason that both the gravestones are only engraved and do not have any writing will be unraveled in later chapters.

So, stay tuned and i hope you enjoy this.

THE_WORDSMITHcreators' thoughts