

You Xi Wang despises his life with extreme negative emotions, this caused a surge in negative energy which made a part of his soul gain sentience, which complied with his wishes took his entire soul to leave his body, and wander the multiverse. ... In the vast multiverse, there was a planet called Metropia, where lived, You Xi Wang a 16 old boy, fell into a coma when he heard about his parents passing away in a car accident, leaving him and his elder sister. As his grief grows inside his heart You Xi Wang give into despair and his soul breaks. That's when You Xi Wang's soul which was traveling in the multiverse happens to be nearby and resonates with the emotional surge and soul energy, in the end, it takes possession of both You Xi Wang's body and life. ... The story goes on as our hero faces his inner demons and lives a new life with the hope of doing things right this time and reaching the top. Watch how he ventures into a world similar yet unknown to his old one. How he garner the love he always craved for and how he siphons off the hate he holds against himself. ... The world the second You Xi Wang lived in was called Metropia, a world similar to earth with similar nationalities and cultures yet a very different history. A world that was both scientifically and spiritually advanced. A civilization based on both cultivating oneself and technical advancement to support day-to-day life. ... This will be updated frequently, hoping the readers to add this book to your libraries and seeking recommendation votes. Also, the cover does not belong to me. So, please tell me if you want me to take it down.

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The elder council and You Ziyou.

While You Xi Wang was preparing for the dual, inside a room of an old building in the estate of You family mansion, where usually the entrance was forbidden eight elders of You family were gathered and among them in the center sat an old man with his legs crossed and his eyes closed as if he wasn't aware of their presence. The old man was wearing a white traditional Chinese robe, his long white hair falling on his back, his face was wrinkled yet his skin displayed the vigor and health of a young person, his brows were thick and looked domineering while the lower part of his face was covered with a shiny white beard, his hands were joined to form lotus mudra.

"Old master, forgive us for the delay, but we have come bearing bad news, young master Liangxin and mistress Limao have passed away." after he finished saying all this the pressure in the room turned heavy, the old man opened his eyes, his gaze was like a brewing blizzard leaving everything frozen in its wake.

"When, how and who?" the old man spoke only these four words, and the elders explained everything from when You Liangxin and Chen Limao passed away till how it happened but as to whom, they didn't know. The old man's eyes were red, his breathing was deep, he was trying to control his temper.

"Any suspects?" he asked again. His voice was calm, but the chill it carried was ever more obvious. Some said it could be those people with whom You Liangxin and Chen Limao had a meeting that very day. The old man has reined his rage by then and shook his head in denial as he believed that things were not as simple as they seemed to be.

He was informed about the challenge for the throne started by You Xi Wang and how he dismissed people who carried doubt in their hearts and how he also bounded every remaining servant to a heavenly oath. The old man was surprised as he had never expected You Xi Wang to be this smart and brave, yet he felt worried about his grandson and granddaughter betting their lives.

He pondered for a while and said, "I am leaving seclusion for now. It has been a decade since I have looked after our family. Call every You family member back home by tomorrow morning, including You Naixin," the elders were excited when they heard this name.

"Old master, are you sure?" asked third elder You Xianhui.

Old master smiled bitterly and said, "Third brother if our beloved sister knew that her nephew and niece-in-law have passed away while their kids are betting their lives as if some metro credits and we did not inform her, do you believe she will burn our beards and beats us till we go bald?" everyone laughed as they recalled how fiery temperament their sister had and laughed out loud.

"True that Xiao You" laughed the first elder You Qingda.

The old master was the youngest yet the strongest among ten children of the older generation of, You family. His name was You Ziyou. After they talked about the status of the family, they all parted to perform their respected tasks and send invitations.

While You Ziyou looked outside the window basking in the red glow of the sunset and muttered to himself, "You departed too soon my son, I hope you and Limão are in a better place and rest in peace, I will see that no harm comes to your kids even if it costs me my life." he heaved a sigh and the figure in his eyes dimmed a bit. He walked out of the room and headed towards You Xi Wang's room.


You Xi Wang was meditating, trying to gain insight in the way of the spear. The room was silent, and he sat down on the ground with the spear in his lap. Although Metropia had advanced technology and the weapons were also advanced as they had guns and bombs as well but it was a mandate to train in hand to hand combat and traditional weapons the first weapon councillor of Metropia once stated that no matter how much the weaponry advances it will still be rooted to the traditional weapons used by mankind so those who can master the crudeness of traditional weapons can easily master modern weapons but without being too dependent on them.

The air in the room started moving in straight stabbing kind patterns while sometimes it will swing sharply or move sideways, it was as if the wind itself has become a spear. You Ziyou snuck in the room and witnessed this phenomenon in a stupor, he knew that You Xi Wang had narrow spiritual pathways but his comprehension was heavenly, but this was shocking.

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