

You Xi Wang despises his life with extreme negative emotions, this caused a surge in negative energy which made a part of his soul gain sentience, which complied with his wishes took his entire soul to leave his body, and wander the multiverse. ... In the vast multiverse, there was a planet called Metropia, where lived, You Xi Wang a 16 old boy, fell into a coma when he heard about his parents passing away in a car accident, leaving him and his elder sister. As his grief grows inside his heart You Xi Wang give into despair and his soul breaks. That's when You Xi Wang's soul which was traveling in the multiverse happens to be nearby and resonates with the emotional surge and soul energy, in the end, it takes possession of both You Xi Wang's body and life. ... The story goes on as our hero faces his inner demons and lives a new life with the hope of doing things right this time and reaching the top. Watch how he ventures into a world similar yet unknown to his old one. How he garner the love he always craved for and how he siphons off the hate he holds against himself. ... The world the second You Xi Wang lived in was called Metropia, a world similar to earth with similar nationalities and cultures yet a very different history. A world that was both scientifically and spiritually advanced. A civilization based on both cultivating oneself and technical advancement to support day-to-day life. ... This will be updated frequently, hoping the readers to add this book to your libraries and seeking recommendation votes. Also, the cover does not belong to me. So, please tell me if you want me to take it down.

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The desire to get strong.

After coming to his senses, he noticed You Zhichi looking at him with concern and he tried to calm her down by saying "I am fine now Chichi, let's go home, let's make mom and dad proud."

You Zhichi nodded and took his hand and looked at the gravestones with a determined resolve in her eyes. They both turned and walked away with Robert following in tow. What they missed was that a holy light flashed over both the graves and the silhouette of their parents emerged as they watched the sibling from a distance with a smile on their faces. They held each other's hands and dispersed in light particles.

'No matter if you are my Gougou or not. I felt that your emotions were true, my child. Be strong to take care of your sister and Mom and dad will always love you' an ethereal gentle voice filled with motherly love rang in You Xi Wang's mind and he abruptly turned with misty eyes, to see the two silhouettes smile at him, You Zhichi also followed his action and was stunned but as she watched, he held her tears back and gripped her brother's hand more firmly and smiled a little.

Their parents were now resting in peace. They both bowed one more time and turned to leave. You Xi Wang thanked his parents for accepting him, now was free from all the guilt, and can start a new and better life.

His predecessor was considered a genius in studies, arts, and strategy, but had mediocre talent in cultivation. The reason was his spiritual energy pathways being narrower.

He was thinking about how to become stronger as he recalled from his predecessor's memories. There were 9 realms of cultivation, and every realm had 9 levels, respectively. The realms are namely:

Body foundation.

Spirit foundation

Core formation

Primal soul formation

Nirvana rebirth

Dao Formation

Ascended mortal

Dao physique

Immortal ascension

The most powerful beings in this world were the guardians of the council, these people were experts from ascending mortals to dao physique realms.

In this world, everyone can cultivate, the talent may vary, but they could all cultivate. Cultivation starts from the age of 10 years as the body is too fragile to handle the stress of body formation practice. At 16 years, the Pathways are completely set which decides the future limit of one's martial attainments and what realm can they reach the highest. You Xi Wang was at the seventh level of body formation while some genius ones were already stepping in spirit formation. He kept gazing out of the car window in contemplation.

'System, is there any way to expand my spiritual pathways?' since he couldn't come up with anything with his predecessor's gained knowledge, he asked the system.

[Yes, there is, but nothing is free in this world to think before you agree to it will be painful.] replied system.

Without hesitation, he said 'yes'.

[The soul energy will bear off a section of your spiritual pathways and then you absorb the energy in that section. This will continue for 24 hours for each section when you stuff the energy inside the soul energy will encase that section preventing it from the explosion by overstuffing. Remember, this process will be painful and there is no turning back. You may use your spiritual energy in this period, but that will only increase the pain, varying with the intensity of inflicting damage you will have to stay in the bed from forty-eight hours to a week.]

After he heard it You Xi Wang thought for a bit and asked again, 'how much will it take to expand all of my pathways?'

[Two weeks, even if you use the spiritual energy.] directly said the system.

'We start tonight' answered You Xi Wang.

[Ahan! Someone grew a pair. Finally, the burden of shame lessened a bit]

'You... Shut up' yelled You Xi Wang in reply to the system's teasing.

[tch, loser]

These two kept at it until You Zhichi interrupted him by saying with a smile, "We have reached home Gougou"

You Xi Wang alighted the vehicle and looked at a magnificent mansion. The walls around the mansion were obsidian black, made of black marble blocks with titanium bars running through them. Titanium was also used in the spikes prodding out from the top of the wall. The mansion comprised white marble and blue ceramic tiles on the roof. They may look normal, but every inch of this structure had carbon nanotube inside it as reinforcement.

As he entered the main door, a pretty lady with dark skin and along with all the staff came to greet them. "Welcome home young master"

Others also followed with the greeting. You Xi Wang smiled at them in acknowledgment as he gazed at everyone.

After turning to the lady in the lead he said: "Thank you, sister Emily, I feel good to be back, thank you, everyone."

Some cheered up, and some had some doubt in their eyes started going back to their work.

You Xi Wang looked at You Zhichi and said, "Chichi, you get some rest it has been hard on you. The summer vacation is still only half-finished, I will help you with things starting tomorrow. You should focus on your studies and cultivation,"

You Zhichi felt warm in her heart as she knew he was worried about her so not to make her little brother any more aggrieved than he already is, she agreed but not before saying "Gougou you need to take care of yourself as well okay. Promise me"

He agreed and sent her to her room. He turned and saw Emily this time he properly checked her out.

A black and white maid dress just like in some anime he watched in his old life. It gave her a sexual appeal. Her hair tied to a hair band and let loose. Perky boobs and slim waist with fluffy looking big ass. Long stocking covered legs, her eyes deep black matching her hair, thin but dense eyebrows, a slightly longer nose and fuller lips not too thick and not too thin.

You Xi Wang was tempted to do something illicit, but suppressed his impulse and asked her to get him something to eat and bring it to his room. He turned around and left.

Emily followed the orders and left to fetch him some food.

After You Xi Wang entered his room, he stood there in a stupor and shocked to see the sight in front of him. There stood a floor to ceiling mirror. This entire time he has not seen his appearance and was shocked when he finally did. He walked closer to the mirror and looked at himself from head to toe from every angle, he had jet black hair, abyss like deep black eyes, sword-like eyebrows and chuckled 'someone is handsome, hahaha look at that I am a chick magnet'

[Master, you sound like a two dime worth hooligan. Chick magnet? Spare me, for fuck's sake. In this world, your looks only make you a gigolo if you don't have the strength, so get stronger before being a narcissist or someone might break that pretty gigolo like face, you boy toy]

Although he wanted to get stronger this remark made him even more determined, he was pissed off and said 'oh yeah? Says the one who got no face. You foggy entity keep floating in there in silence'

He felt good because he heard a snort from the system, but no retort.

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