
Ch.10 Watch and Learn

A/N: Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out but I kept changing what I wanted to do with it, but now I'm happy finally with it.

I hope to get the next one out far sooner hope you enjoy.

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POV Shawn Valon

Location: Valon mansion

I sat outside enjoying the cool outdoor wind waiting for X-23 having already bought a second basic duel disk which from what I can tell is no different than my beginner duel disk.

I looked over the two new cards that had created using the blank cards leaving one still blank and the blank deck that I was going to give to X-23 so she could have her own premade deck.

Then I heard the backdoor open and X-23 silent and neutral-faced as always walked to the opposite side of the table and sat down looking at me.

"Alright to begin with you need to know what I'm about to teach you stays between us meaning no going off and teaching others how to do what I taught you ok?" I told her and I got the slightest nod of her head.

"Ok first what I'm going to teach you today is the basics of what you need to know on how to play Duel Monsters a game where you summon monsters and cast spells to defeat your opponent," I said taking my deck out of its holster and spreading them on the table.

I watched as she looked over some of the cards from what I can tell from her still neutral expression was wonder or curiosity.

"the first thing and most vital thing a duelist needs to play duel monster is a deck and to build a deck you are going to find out who your duel spirit is," I said and X-23 looked at me with a tilt of her head in confusion.

"I teach you more about duel spirits later but for now we just need to know what it is so you can build a deck around it," I said handing her the blank card "This card should be able to figure out who or what your duel spirit is," I said as she took the card and held it in her hand.

And for a few moments, nothing happened and I wondered if I needed to do something with the system only for the card to glow softly in her hands and the blank card slowly filled out and as it did so I recognized the monster.

<Monster- Amazoness Princess>

<Atribute- Earth>

<Level- 3>

<Warrior / Effect>


Attack- 1200

Defense- 900

*Whistle* "Your duel spirit is the princess of the Amazons not bad," I said but at the same time wondering why X-23's duel spirit was the Amazoness Princess of all monsters.

'To be honest, I was expecting it not to work or she was going to get Darkoverlord or something like Myutant's,' I thought but relieved.

During my time under Preist Seto, I read all I could about Duel spirits and many other interesting things like the different histories of archetypes and their monsters and spells.

Amazons we're elite warriors women proud of their civilization of mostly females while males are the minority on their island chain and they are extremely isolationist far more so than in any universe I had heard of.

To say that if Steve Trevor landed amongst the Amazons of Yugioh he wouldn't have made it out of the water or worse be castrated and become a servant best case scenario he would have basically gotten death by snu snu.

"So now that we know what your duel spirit is we would usually build a deck around it but thankfully I have this," I said sliding the Blank Deck over to her.

Once X-23 picked up the deck the pack immediately glowed a soft white for a few moments before dimming back down she slowly opened it and inside was a 50-card Amazoness Deck.

It took 40 minutes to explain how to play the game and how her deck used fusion and pendulum summoning and as I did I thought about making a guide or rule book.

'I'll look at the system later it's probably in there somewhere,' I thought as X-23 stood in the backyard Duel disk and deck on her arm.

In her hand was Amazoness Princess and after a moment she placed the card down on the duel disk.

Then the branches of a tree behind her moved and jumping out of it and landing on the ground was the Princess herself short spear in hand with a wild smile and look in her eye.

I watched as the two looked at each other and the next moment X-23's natural expression became one of shock.

'I guess she just spoke in her head,' I thought watching the two have a mental conversation.


'You can show yourself off later let's let her get used to everything first,' I thought back as I watched.

It was a weird watch as the princess was far more expensive than her counterpart smiling frowning and moving around X-23 who stood like a statue but her expression changed ever so slightly every once in a while.

Deciding to let the two have their talk without me staring I started building a new deck having Blue-eyes and Red-eyes deck I decided my next deck would either be dinosaur or utopia.

To be honest I had more than enough gems to build both decks but I wanted to build one so that I could buy some skill and extra items to help with getting the Millennium items.

Flipping a coin (Heads utopia tail dinosaur) it landed on tails so I got started making the deck now I needed to decide which dinosaur archetype.

As I was mulling over the options in my head I noticed X-23 standing next to me her duel disk activated I raised an eyebrow at her.

"You want to duel?" I asked and I got a slight nod "Ok but give me a second ok," I said she nodded and went back to looking over her cards.

'Let's see if any legendary duelists would make a good opponent for her,' I thought as I opened the system I went to the legendary duelist's tab and noticed I had some new opponents.

[Legendary Duelists]

•Weevil Underwood




•Rex Raptor


•Joey Wheeler


•Tea Gardner


•Tristan Taylors


"I almost have all the original crew just need both Yugi's and Mai," I said, and after looking at the list I decided to pick Tea as X-23's first opponent.

Selecting her a familiar flash of light appeared.

POV Scott Summer

Location: Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters

I stood in the elevator with Professor X as we made our way down to the hanger bay I couldn't help but worry about this new mission.

Charles: "If you worried about Wolverine going on this mission don't be," he said suddenly and I raised an eyebrow at the professor.

"I thought said you didn't read our minds?" I asked and Charles shrugged and tapped his head.

Charles: "I don't need to know what your thinking when your feels are written on you for all to see," he said and I just shrugged.

"It's just that maybe Logan should sit this one out you saw his reaction back in the war room," I said and Xavier nodded his head.

Charles: "Yes but what would you expect his reaction to be," he asked and I just shook my head, "Try putting yourself in his position having a possible relative not even a few miles away in the same state im surprised he hasn't taken off on his motorcycle," he said and I nodded in agreement.

"I know what you mean but still-" I began only to stop as the elevator stopped and the door opened to reveal the hanger bay and the blackbird engines warm and the team standing outside the ramp leading inside.

As we made our way towards it I noted everyone's serious atmosphere and I couldn't help but feel a little surprised by it but noted that everyone coming had some relationships with Logan.

Kitty and Rogue stood side by side with an impatient Logan, Jean stood with Storm and Nightcrawler suddenly appeared in his usual puff of smoke.

Kurt: "Blackbird is prepared and coordinates our in the computer," he said and I nodded.

"Alright X-Men you've all been briefed and had more than enough time to talk amongst yourselves so let's not waste any more time," I said getting many nodes of approval as we loaded onto the jet.

it only took an hour to arrive at the location and hover over the house in stealth and scan the area but unlike Cerebro, the blackbird's sensors detected 2 life signs and other unidentified energy signatures.

But nothing would prepare us for what we say from the cameras in the admiralty large backyard of the house was a battle that defied logic worrier women with a large beast fighting what could only be magical girls.

Rogue: "Ok can someone please explain to me what I am looking at," she said her southern accent barely hidden as she watched the battle going on.

Kurt: "I'll tell you what's going on Wolverines cousin is living it up with wizards or something," he said excitedly and his words seemed to snap said man out of his stopper as he stood.

"Wolverine wait we don't know the situation!" I shouted back but the man just growled at me and popped his claws.

Storm: "He's right Logan please we don't want to miss understand the situation," she said standing and putting a hand on his shoulder.

Logan: "What's there to understand possible answers of who I am our about to be caught in a crossfire," he said but didn't shrug off her hand.

Charles: "She is right old friend everything is not what it appears," he said his hands rubbing his temples and eyes shut closed turning I saw Jean in a similar state I put a hand on her shoulder.

"What do you see," I asked and she opened her eyes and shook her head.

Jean: "I didn't get much it was like the area is preventing me from getting my close to any minds down there," she said a tinge of concern in her voice.

Charles: "It is similar to me but I can tell that only two of the many figures down there are human," he said getting a puzzled look from everyone.

Then the magical girls fired a blast of energy at the large beast destroying it and sending a figure skidding backward.

Wolverine growled and before anyone could intervene the side door was open and Wolverine was nowhere to be seen.

POV Shawn Valon

Location: Valon mansion

[Turn 5]

Tea: 1800 -Winner

X-23: 0 -Losser

I watched as X-23 refused to fall from the final attack Tea's monsters felt her and I couldn't help but notice the slight burn marks that rapidly disappeared from her skin.

Tea: "Not bad for a beginner but to give you some advice from a friend that never fails trust the cards in your deck and they won't let you down," she said before disappearing.

X-23 said nothing and looked down at her duel disk as she walked up to me but before she even made two steps she stopped and popped her claws.

"What is something-" I began to say only to jump in surprise as something fell from the sky "What the hell was that!" I shouted completely caught off guard.

The back door suddenly flung open and I found Helperbot holding my sword out to me which I gladly took and not a moment too soon.


From the dust cloud, a figure jumped out that I recognized as Wolverine his claws out and ready to attack leaping towards me.

"Holy shit," I shouted and my shadow expanded out and from it, Red-Eyes black dragon's mouth opened roaring caught Wolvierne mid-leap in its jaws, and flew into the forest carrying the man with him.

As my sudden and completely reasonable actions started to take hold in my mind I couldn't help but ask out loud.

"Did a man in yellow spandex just fall out of the sky and attack me," I asked but before anyone had a chance to respond a large black jet appeared, and from it other people started to jump out.

People I recognized as the X-men and they didn't look pleased.

Next chapter