

A/N: I have started writing another Fan-fic, this one is a One Piece fan-fic called Sword Saint In The One Piece (D&D) if you are interested, please take a look.

If you want to donate or read up to 30 chapters ahead, you can visit my p-a-t-r-e-on/kurowashi

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Thank you for your good words and support.


A/N: I am going to release 3 bonus chapters this week to thank my patreons for their support. so you will get a chapter every day for a week.


288 AC

When I reached Deepwood, I realized that there were over 1200 soldiers. I got information from Poe's ravens just yesterday: they could muster about 200 soldiers, counting my and Jory's men. It should have been 750. Where did those extra 500 soldiers come from? When they approached the camp and saw Hallis Mollen, it became clear where they had come from.

I left the Sith in the forest to not scare the soldiers in the camp, and I only took Lyka with me, but when we approached the camp, Lyka, which was 130 cm from shoulder to foot, suddenly started to shrink and became 90 cm. I couldn't understand what it was, how he did it.

"Lyka, what is going on? How did you do that?"

"I've shrunk, master."

"I can see that what I'm asking you is when and how did you learn to do this?"

"We all wanted to be by your side when you left us in the woods and wouldn't let us into the city because we were too big. That's why we always thought we wished we knew how to be smaller and..."

He started counting in a whisper in her mind, but I could still hear her.

"We started learning to shrink a little bit 9 months ago. Before, I could only shrink a little bit, and now I can shrink this much."

Lyka was now the size of a normal husky, but something suddenly struck me.

"What a minute, did you just say "we." what do you mean by we."

proudly poked her nose in the air and said

"We've all learned to shrink, but Poe can shrink the most. Poe can get as small as a crow."

This was pretty surprising but not unexpected either. Of course, I did not know they would develop such a talent, but I could guess they would develop different magical abilities. For old god's sake, Poe and Imu were becoming mages, and both had mana hearts. Jory saw me and said.

"Aermir, you are back. Where were you?"

"On Lord Stark's orders, I acted independently of you and defended the coastline against raids. That is why I came here one week late. Why is Mollen here, wasn't he ordered to go help in defense of Bear Island?"

"Yes, it was at first, but when he came to cross from here to Bear Island, Lord Glover sent a message to Lord Stark saying that here is the main target of the Ironborns and that 700 men cannot defend this place. So, Lord Stark sent new orders, and he ordered Mollen to help in defense of Deepwood."

He looked left and right, and when he decided that no one was listening, he continued speaking.

"I think Lord Glover twisted the truth a little bit and exaggerated the situation here to Lord Stark."

"Let's go see lord Glover, raiders are going to be here with the first light on the morrow."

Lord Glover and his commander Brodin Hoare, right after us, Hallis, came into the room. Jory introduced us all to Lord Glover. Lord Glover said:

"Yes, I know who Aermir is, champion of Winterfell melee. I always wanted someone to take those Umbers down a few pegs in fights, and they always acted like they were above us as lords."

Ohh, so perfect, a lord with an inferiority complex as commander in chief. This is a recipe for disaster. This kind of man never accepts a good idea from their subordinates, and even if that idea is better than theirs, they would rather be threatened and jealous of the subordinates. He doesn't have the guts to stand up to them but holds a grudge; in short, he is a petty man. I said:

"My lord, the Ironborns are no longer around 5,000. About 1500 of them went in the direction of Saltspear, and 500-700 of them are five days behind. The number of those who can attack right now is around 2500."

"According to your numbers, there are about 500 deficits. What happened to them?"

"Before I came here, I killed as many as 600 Ironborns trying to raid coastal villages and towns."

Everyone had a look of surprise on their faces that they didn't want to believe.

"Boy, this is not a place you can make wild claims and joke around if you can't be serious live the room."

I took out the order Lord Stark gave me the authority to act independently and showed it to everyone.

"My lord, as you can see at Lord Stark's command, I am an independently moving force. Do you think Lord Stark would have given such authority to a vulgar and incompetent person?"

It was clear from his sour face that he now saw me as a threat to his authority, and his inferiority complex had stepped in.

"Galbart Glover! My name is not "boy"; it is Sir Aermir Drasil or Sir Drasil to you. If you continue to disrespect me, I have no choice but to declare a duel to claim my honor. My good lord, even though you're this close to the west coast, it's obvious to me how adept you are to lead this battle since you don't even have 300 soldiers on hand in case of a possible Ironborn raid because it would be too expensive upkeep."

Brodin Hoare started walking towards me and drew his sword.

"How dare you talk to Lord Glover like that, you common rat!"

I activated the speed and strength buffs as soon as he started walking toward me. Activating these buffs was like a reflex for me now. I locked Brodin's sword in my parrying dagger and placed my left elbow under his chin like an uppercut. Unable to understand what had happened, Brodin began to stumble, and at that moment, I placed a good fist on his temple with my gauntleted hand, and he collapsed to the ground like a sack of potatoes.

I sheathed the dagger in my hand, and Glover was waiting, clutching his sword, with some fear and some anger.

"My good lord Glover, please don't make the grave mistake of pulling your sword. I'm like a Myrish mirror, and I reflect what you show me. If you show respect, you get respect in return."

Next chapter