
a druid/artificer in fallout

Dawn_Whitbeck · Sci-fi
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A Nice Rob except the "r" is a "b"

I know I died when i wake up to see bob ross painting an almighty mountain desk. Hello friend come sit down. I do as he says as i think to myself "i knew he was god,definitely too good for earth" why thank you friend, you know the drill pick a world, a backround and 3 wishes. "i pick the spells abilities and everything else possible for both a artificer and druid as well as a fallout new vegas system with a shop and multiverse travel". now what world. "fallout as robert house's son 20 years before the great war". now of you go

Time skip 15 years

I look at my status


then my at my repair and science



then my perks

my best perk is (Genius:You have a near godlike ability to make stuff from robots to nuclear reactors to power armor. If you have time and resources anything is possible