
A Drifting Whirlwind.

Awakened into a new world with little memories in mind, only coarse collections of misty events and his single name, Diacrao is thrusted into this new world that is foreign to that from a world that he supposedly once called home, but he is not alone in this endeavor, along with him are a few individuals who shares a similar fate. He, and the others would find out that this new world is larger then life, and are to witness a new dawn that would change their lives. エエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエ The cover picture is a modified picture that has been modified using an anime filter. Credits to the original user who had taken the original picture. This story would be a slow burner, a real slow burner, and updates would be inconsistent given my schedule. I apologize for any inconvenience. This work will be rife with grammatical errors and mediocre writing. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. !! Chapter revamps are taking place, so there will be plot altercations. !! エエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエ Hello Everyone, my schedule has been tight and my uploads has been inconsistent, i apologize for the slow delays everyone.

Karaoni_a · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 14: Crossing through the Ruins.

 It wasn't ideal to pass through the narrow ruined spaces, considering that it would've been difficult for someone as big as Kadungon to pass through the narrow gaps. Instead, they opted to take it to the streets, sticking by the ruined buildings as they ensured they stayed away from the main roads while maintaining discreet.

 Conrad, Diacrao, and Zemfina often made quick scans inside each building they passed by to ensure no enemies, or traps, laid in their way, while the rest watched over the streets to keep a lookout for oncoming gnoll parties or lookouts. So far, they encountered a simple bear trap which Conrad easily dismantled with ease. He kept the trap, just in case they needed a use for it.

 "How long is it before we reach our destination, Conrad?" Diacrao asked as he switched position to a new spot, peeking into the open window to scan for any gnolls, only to see the coast was clear.

 "Not long, it should be around the block-" Before Conrad could finish, a few gnolls were seen exiting from the building in a distance, five gnolls to be precise. The gnolls were different from the forest gnolls that the group usually fought. While the forest gnolls were no joke, they were lightly armed and wore little if any armor, only equipped with their clothing and probably leather armor.

 The party was startled at the sight but was quick to retreat into the ruins as they trudged through the interior. It was enough to conceal the party, and there was a window that provided a view of the gnoll party.

 The gnolls of Azawe however had access to the forges and leftover arms and armors of the ruined town, which the gnolls were not hesitant to use for their own purposes. They don various armor, albeit, it is rather shabby and clumsy as it is clearly suited for a human rather than a gnoll.

Nonetheless, this made them a much deadlier and sturdier opponent to face. There is no telling how their organization would be, however, only hearsay and experiences of others mentioned how they are more organized than their forest brethren.

 "Wait....look at their body language, they seem agitated and alerted." Diacrao took notice of one of the gnolls. They seemed to be conversing with each other, but among the gnolls stood one who donned the most armor, and wore a Nubian-styled helmet, etched with golden Zanziyin inscriptions, who barked the loudest, silencing the rest of the gnolls. As it got their attentions, it hurled its commands in its local language, and it wasn't long before they split up and went into their own paths.

 "I'm assuming Big Bad Gnoll is the captain," Aitana retreated from the window as she tried devising the plan, while Diacrao still kept his head up to scan the gnoll's activities. As the gnolls dispersed, there were only two of them left on the scene, and they were just patrolling around. It seems like they might've hit a jackpot with this one.

 "Just two medium armored gnolls, one armed with a sword, the other with a spear, this might be a fresh start over here." Diacrao shared his findings as he lowered his head from the window pane, slowly drawing his Somalian-styled sword from his scabbard, followed by Conrad, who had done the same with his Nubian Dagger. 

"The coast seems clear, I say we should try and take them out quickly. Zemfina and Chiasoka, both of you take the high ground and try to take on ranged attacks over the gnolls. Both of you will also have a better view of the surroundings as well. The rest of us, charge on them head-on." Aitana laid out her plans.

"Wait, that's it?"

"Is anything wrong Dia?" Aitana asked.

"It's just...quick and straightforward, and we barely even planned, we shouldn't be complacent especially in this place. I am fine with Zemfina and Chiasoka's role, but our role seems...lacking." Diacrao commented on the plan that was laid out.

"Well I mean it's pretty straightforward, what problem do you have with it precisely?" her tone reeking with a mild, yet noticeable tone of annoyance.

"I feel like Conrad should stay hidden and jump in only when we have any troubles. We don't know for certain if Zemfina or Chiasoka would be attacked since they would be joining our fights, and it would be difficult for us to aid them should we be tied to battle, nor are we sure if these guys would be absolute chumps. Conrad being on the rear would give him the leverage to help either of our groups anytime." Diacrao laid out his idea.

"Okay...so the three of us are on the offense, while Conrad stays in the back, he comes in when we need help. Is this how its supposed to be?"


"Alright, what do you think, Conrad?"

"Hey I don't mind being on guard duty and jumping in when I can, and besides, I agree with Diacrao, we fought those forest gnolls, these guys are just armored chumps!" Conrad said as he kept his dagger in his scabbard.

"Okay, good! Zemfina, we would move to a better position so we will be visible from your position. When we are set, we will attack based on your shot, Comprehende?"


Thus without any delay, the group placed the plan into execution, with Zemfina and Chiasoka heading into the upper levels of the ruins to get a better view of the surroundings. As they ascended the top floor, they found themselves in a large open compartment, with destroyed walls and overgrown vegetation covering the ruins. They rushed and took cover beneath the walls, with Zemfina drawing her bow and Chiasoka grabbing on her staff with a tight grip.

On the ground, Aitana and the rest moved position to collapsed stelae that provided a better cover while being in proximity to the gnolls, while Conrad stayed behind, keeping a close watch over the party. The armored gnolls were conversing in their own language, exchanging laughter as each of them spoke, but surprisingly, some of their speech included a few Zanziyin loanwords that caught Kadungon's interest, nonetheless, their speech was incomprehensible, to say the least.

As both parties were in sight of each other, Aitana signaled to the entrenched huntress, signaling they were ready. Zemfina drew her bow and aimed at one of the gnoll's vitals. She held her breath and maintained a focused composure, closing an eye to get a better aim. As she was ready, she released her shot, and the swift arrow struck the gnoll's leg.

The beast howled in pain whilst its partner startled, while the trio on the ground broke cover and charged towards the gnolls. Following their usual combat organization, Diacrao and Kadungon will be on the front while Zemfina will assume the support role. The Swordsman and the warrior clashed their steel with the gnolls, thus commencing the battle.

Despite its wound, the gnoll was still able to hold its ground against Diacrao, and employed much cunningness and maneuverability against the swordsman, pushing Diacrao on the defensive as he attempted to block its swift strikes.

Kadungon on the other hand had a fairly stable ground against his opponent, an equal fight, so to speak, but the tide would change real quick. The Spear wielding gnoll snarled and attempted to bite Kadungon's face-off, prompting the male to break rank as he retreated backward, but it a rouse, the spear-wielding gnoll, anticipating this move, lunged its spear and slashed through the warrior's overexposed arm. 

It was a flesh wound, but a wound, nonetheless, and Kadungon stepped back as the gnoll smirked with much arrogance over its blow. The same could be said for Diacrao as well, he was overwhelmed by the beast's confusing moves and swift strikes. It wasn't long before he suffered from a few scratches and flesh wounds, as well, but he still held onto his ground. 

Just as he was pushed back, his leg stumbled over a rock, fumbling his posture and leaving him wide open for an attack, to which the gnoll lunged and pointed its sharp blade towards the male's chest. 

"Oh no you don't!" The beast's face was bashed by Aitana's quick sweep from her staff, launching the beast back on its back, as it snarled with much fury. "Not much of a chump aye?" Aitana remarked on Diacrao's previous comment, to which he snickered off as he regained his calm and balance, before rushing towards the gnoll, now going on the offensive as he mirrored the gnoll's attacks, swiftly maneuvering as he attempted to strike the beast. Now the roles have reversed.

Kadungon was visibly exhausted, but so was its foe, their strikes were becoming sloppy, but they were still intent on not letting either one leave. Kadungon had spent his coin on improving his stamina and durability, and though he had taken some damage, he was able to stand on his feet, but his stamina was still sorely lacking, and it showed as he struggled to swing and to carry off his blade that smashed on the ground. He was still a rookie when it came to attacking.

"Warazi Ura Nzara!" a thunderbolt strikes the gnoll from its back, causing it to scream in pain as its back is burnt from the magic that struck it. Chiasoka cast a new spell that she learned, it was called Thunderbolt, a magical ability that hurls a quick lightning bolt that electrocutes and leaves a burnt mark on the target it strikes. 

What accompanied the magical strike, was a shot onto its abdomen, and a bash on its head by Aitana's staff. To end the combo chain, Kadungon kicked the beast, pushing it to the ground as it dropped its spear. It was the end for the gnoll, and the victor was obvious. The warrior raised his blade high, ready to land the killing blow.

Simultaneously, Diacrao was supported by Zemfina's ranged attack, shooting the gnoll with two shots, one on its abdomen, and the other on its leg, crippling the gnoll's defensive capabilities as the male body slammed the beast on the stone wall, cornering it as its weapon is now dropped. Suffice it to say, that both gnolls have been subdued and the only thing left is to strike them down and loot the creatures. Diacrao, hardened by the battle and focused on landing a killing blow, was ready to end the pleading beast.

But his hand was struck with an arrow bolt, and in a sudden surge of pain, he dropped his blade and yelled in pain as he grabbed his wounded arm. "I've been SHOT!!?!?" He yelled as loud as he could, calling out the Huntress for her clumsy shot. His yelp of pain caught the attention of the other party members. As they were distracted, the downed gnoll threw dirt onto the direction of Kadungon and with quick speed and desperation, fled from the scene.

The same action was done with Diacrao as the cornered gnoll bodyslammed the wounded swordsman and made a dashing escape.

"Quick, stop them, they're getting away!!!" Aitana yelled, with Conrad stepping out to pursue the escaping gnolls, meanwhile, Zemfina and Chiasoka tried to use spells and arrows to stop the gnolls, who fled as they let a loud howl.

But those two gnolls would be the least of their concern. Emerging from the distant ruins were gnolls, not one or two, but a few of them, probably a dozen, armed with various arsenals ranging from crude crossbows to well-sharpened blades. They watched the group from the distance, with some who were aimed with ranged weaponry, aiming at the 


"Everyone....well..you know what to do....RUN!"

The party broke rank and quickly made a dashing escape from the scene, while the gnolls set chase towards the human party, some of them shot from their crossbows, but fortunately, they missed. Zemfina and Chiasoka hurried downstairs and exited from the ruined building, keeping up with their party members.

They didn't care to look back nor attend to their wounds, they were concerned about their lives and pushed on through the ruined obstacles. Nothing mattered at the moment, as their main priority was to live. 


It took a while, but they managed to get out of Azawe. Wounded and battered, Diacrao and Kadungon were exhausted, and needed some serious tending, especially considering that the arrow bolt was still on Diacrao's hand. He tried pulling out the bolt, but winced in pain as he tried to do so.

"Man...I can't believe we absolutely sucked there."

"At least we came out alive." Zemfina uttered.

"But we caught nothing! we wasted our time and we are desperate in cash! My savings are running low!!"

Meanwhile, as Conrad went on his rant, Aitana tended to the wounded. She grabbed Diacrao's hand. 

"It's gonna hurt, but hold onto the pain, alright?" She said, as she pulled out the bolt in an instance. Diacrao yelped in pain as tears flowed down his eyes, but it was out, and with that being said, Aitana healed the wounds with her magic. While the pain was still there, the wounds were sealed, she proceeded to do the same with Kadungon, who was tended by Chiasoka as well.

"We did a great job, but...we need to train and plan better next time." Aitana stated.

"Great JOB? is my words falling on DEAF EARS?? How can we train if we are financially BROKE? Goodness Aitana you do know that we need money so badly!" Conrad repeated his words as he was choked with rage.

He was right, each of their savings have been depleted, and they do need more money to improve themselves with new trainings and gears that they badly needed, especially considering they did not perform too well in the ruined city.

"He...is right Aitana, we were barely coherent, and I think we were overconfident with our abilities." Chiasoka continued, sharing her part of her concern to the group.

Diacrao was about to pitch in his words, but he could see Aitana's face was flushed with stress, so he held back his tongue, but he was unable to stop Conrad from his wordy rampage, but Conrad's concern was valid, the costs are catching up and they would not be able to support themselves if it continues further.

"If I may...the gnolls we fought were not like the forest gnolls, they are savage and cunning, and they seem to be more coherent than their brethren altogether....I think we really have to plan things out and pick our battles." Kadungon shared out his point of assessment from the experience he had.

As the pain subsided, Diacrao suddenly realized that he was missing something, something important and weighty, as evident from his light scabbard. Wait, light scabbard? His sword was missing! He dropped his blade when he was shot by the Gnolls. 

"Uh...guys, bad news, but I lost my sword."

"What? WHAT??? HOW?????"

"How Dia?"

"My condolences to your savings."

"Oh man..."

"Don't worry, I will try to sort things out, hopefully the Swordsman guild would have something to spare..."

"Well I hope they don't give you anything rusty or useless, cause we have already been struggling with our poor gear! we really need a change!"

Aitana sighed, but she needed to hear the truth. "Well we can't do anything now, let us go back, and take some rest, tomorrow we will try to sort things out and plan our next course of action. I am tired." she said.

The party packed up whatever they got and left for Manda. The evening sun set down beyond the horizons, and they need to get back in time before nightfall. The battle was a disaster, but it did provide a useful lesson to the party, that overconfidence had led to some consequences. Nonetheless, it was time to retire for rest, and prepare for tomorrow.