
A Dragons Heart

boymom29 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

David's life

I tried to feed the dragon my meal, but defeat had already set in. This hatchling had no desire to continue on. I tore off my sleeves and tore it into strips of fabric, gently I started to clean up the blood over its body. As the blood started coming off it revealed the beautiful color of purple scales. I used the drinking water provided to clean up the remainder of the blood, using the leftover scraps of fabric I bandaged the fresh wounds. Soon the little creature felt comfortable enough to curl up in my lap and sleep. As it slept I looked up to the small window that provided light to my cell, it was far too small for me to squeeze through but maybe the dragon could escape. I started to stroke the dragon, it would be covered in scars once it healed. Tears pricked at my eyes as I became furious with the men who did this.

"Supper." A rough voice called out, throwing a tray of barely edible food in my cell.

"wait!" I called out as the man turned to leave,

"If I'm caring for the dragon I will need more than just rations for one person. "

"I'm sorry miss, but the king refuses to feed that thing. " He said with a look of sadness turning to leave once again. I noticed deep scars on his back and along his arms, shackles connected his feet together. Jumping up I strode to the door.

"What's your name? "

"My name miss? It's David. " He started to look nervous shuffling his feet.

"David.... Can I ask you something? "

"Yes miss."

"Please call me Ellie. Can you tell me where you got those scars? "

"Well mi...Ellie..the king doesn't take kindly to people of my...uhhh, background."


"He found me struggling to survive in my home country, Africa." He started, pulling up a stool.

"I was promised a job in the royal court, knighthood if I so wanted. In the beginning that's what I got too, it was nice. I went to feasts, I participated in contests, he was even interested in my opinions."


"Soon he started degrading me in front of the other knights. My opinions were laughed at and I was no longer taken serious. He started striking me for speaking out of turn. One night he lost control and brought me down here, using a whip he beat me all night. "

"What? Why?!"

"I tried convincing him dragons could be allies rather than our enemies. Ever since that day I have been in shackles running food to prisoners. I dare not speak to him or even look his way unless he commands it. "

"David...that's no way to live! You deserve a good life, any life other than this!"

"Ellie, how do you know what I deserve?"

"David," I said reaching through the bars.

"You're human, you have every right to a good life. To be treated fairly."

"I appreciate the sentiment." He said sadly before walking off.

I knew then I couldn't leave this castle until I have saved both this dragon and David. This kings actions will not go unpunished.